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Edict addressed by the Hoppo, or Receiver General of the Customs, at Canton, for the information of the merchants appointed to trade with foreign nations (1799).

Whereas I have received advices from his excellency the Fouyuen, (deputy governor) setting forth that

The ships of foreign nations have long since been permitted to import at Whampoa and Macao in the Province of Quangtong for the purpose of carrying on a trade by the free interchange of such commodities as were in demand on the one hand and superfluous on the other. From this general rule the article only of opium was excepted, a substance of whose composition we are unacquainted, but which is of a violent and powerful nature and possesses a fœtid and odious flavour; being, however, remarkable at the same time for a quality of exciting and raising the spirits, it has been sought after and purchased by persons without fixed homes or professions, who, having prepared an extract from it, opened shops for the support of this branch of traffic. The use of opium originally prevailed only among vagrants and disreputable persons, who occasionally associated together for the purpose of partaking of this substance, but has since extended itself among the members and descendants of reputable families, students, and officers of government, many of whom are so infatuated in their attachment to this drug, as to make an habitual use of it. Their inducement on this occasion appears to be the power, which this substance communicates to those who partake of it, of not closing their eyes for entire nights, and spending them in the gratification of impure and sensual desires, whereby their respective duties and occupations are neglected. When this habit becomes established by frequent repetition, it gains an entire ascendant, and the consumer of opium is not only unable to forbear from its daily use, but, on passing the accustomed hour, he is immediately seized with pains in the head and a feverish heat, cannot refrain from tears or command himself in any degree. For relief, therefore, from these painful symptoms and to regain his wonted health, he has necessarily recourse to the same pernicious substance. When, at length, the gradual and progressive effects of this poison have pervaded the lungs and the whole bodily frame, the sufferers, with the pale and sickly hue of doves or small fluttering birds, are no longer within reach of medical assistance; desirous, but in vain, of quitting so dreadful a practice, they would willingly end it with their lives by tearing out their entrails in despair. The extraordinary expense of this article is likewise to be noticed, each mace weight of which in the extract is exchanged for eight or nine mace in money; and the constant use of it raises at the same time an excessive appetite for other kinds of food, which the fortunes of the bulk of the community are unable to satisfy, and are therefore, in the course of a few years, wholly dilapidated and wasted away. Of these, the infirm and weak perish gradually from want and hunger, while the strong and vigorous become thieves and robbers, the ultimate ruin of all being thus equally certain and inevitable. Others again, among the deluded and misjudging people, from trifling causes or absurd conceits, take the premature resolution of swallowing a decoction of opium in wine, thus ending their existence by means of readier access than the generality of vegetable substances usually esteemed poisonous and destructive to the human frame. The pernicious effects arising from the use of opium were formerly confined to the Provinces of Fo

keen and Quangtong, but have spread in the course of time through the other provinces of the empire, where the eagerness after the traffic and consumption of this article has even exceeded that of its first introducers. Thus it is that foreigners by the means of a vile excrementitious substance, derive from this empire the most solid profits and advantages; but that our countrymen should blindly pursue this destructive and ensnaring vice, even till death is the consequence, without being undeceived, is indeed a fact, odious and deplorable in the highest degree.

Being now desirous of opposing the growing evil, for which it appeared necessary to revert to the sources whence it sprung, we discover by a careful investigation that the article opium is imported by foreigners, and gains admittance into the empire through the Bocca Tigris; whence, either by the pilot-vessels and armed guard boats that are stationed there, it is conveyed up the river to Shin Shin (Dane's Island) or by the means of small craft it is landed by degrees at Macao, and thence conveyed privately to the capital, while the custom house officers and guards at the different stations, though well acquainted with the transaction, suffer it to pass without examination or inquiry; being doubtlessly bribed to a large amount for that purpose. If the utmost endeavors are not now made to cut away the root and branches of the evil, to what extent may they not proceed?

We, therefore, publish these our general orders, for the information of all officers, civil or military, at the different stations and districts of the province, that they may rigorously examine into and punish the commission of this offence wherever it occurs, and at the same time we request of his excellency the Hoppo to issue positive orders and injunctions to the officers, attendants, and guards of the several custom houses in his department, that should henceforth any pilot-vessels, guard-boats, or fishermen privately take on board, those pieces of mould or earth denominated opium, a strict search and investigation shall be made, and the offenders apprehended and conveyed to the presence of the magistrate to undergo such punishment as may be thought adequate to their guilt. If, notwithstanding these our orders, bribes are again accepted, and the passage of this article connived at, it shall be traced with the utmost exactness and rigor in the districts and stations through which it has been transported, that no pains may be spared to effect a thorough reformation and amendment in these respects. Should any further mode or regulation occur, that might tend to enforce, or render more effectual, these prohibitions and restrictions, we request of his excellency the Hoppo to give us due information thereof in reply to this our communication to him.

On receiving the foregoing letter, I made a similar inquiry respecting the introduction of the substance denominated opium, and find that it is indeed imported into this country by foreign vessels, and have consequently issued orders to the Superintendent of the Custom House, at the port of Macao, to be communicated to the chief foreign residents and commanders of vessels belonging to that city, notifying our determination to prohibit the entrance of the article opium into that port; as well as our general orders to make every exertion to discover and inform us of it, if ever it should take place.

Having replied to his excellency the Fouyuen's communication, I proceed to extend the above orders to the Hong merchants, to which it behooves them to pay a strict and unreserved obedience, and communicate them to the chief supercargoes of foreign nations, that they may enforce the observance of this prohibition of the importation of opium on board the ships of their respective countries. But should, nevertheless, any ship hereafter import this article, none of the Hong merchants will be so imprudent or absurd as to become security, or undertake the disposal of her cargo; as I should in such event immediately report their conduct to the Viceroy and Fouyuen, by whom the merchants would be rigorously examined and punished for the offence without any mitigation or excuse being admitted. The Hong merchants shall, according to custom, reply hereto and make known to us their obedience to these commands.

Given at Canton on the 16th day of the 11th Moon of the 4th year of the Emperor Kia King (1799).

Regulations adopted by the Anti-Opium Commissioners, March, 1909

On April 1, 1909, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a copy of a memorial submitted to the Throne by the Anti-Opium Commissioners, Princes Kung and Pu Wai, with a copy of supplementary regulations for suppressing the consumption of opium in a uniform measure and a list of the names of those provincial authorities who have not yet made reports and statistics concerning the condition of opium consumption and poppy cultivation in their respective provinces.

In obedience to the Imperial Edict, your memorialists have formulated all the proposed regulations for suppressing the consumption of opium into a uniform measure in order to render the regulations more effective. Your memorialists humbly submit the enclosure for the approval of your Majesty.

In accordance with the Imperial Edict issued on the 20th of March, 1909, stating that "the prohibition of the consumption of opium is indispensable to the strengthening of our country and the promotion of the general welfare, and, in view of the fact that the opium question is a grave concern to the future prosperity of China and the well-being of her people, we do command all the higher officials, civil and military, both metropolitan and provincial, to exercise due care in enforcing with severity all the prescribed regulations, and also submit as soon as this

Imperial decree reaches them, a strict report on the condition of opium consumption and the measures and means used for suppressing the practice of opium smoking within their respective jurisdiction."

In consequence of the Imperial favor, we are appointed Anti-Opium Commissioners to revise the regulations for suppressing the practice of opium smoking among the metropolitan and provincial high officials and those who are in governmental service in the various yamens.

It will be the duty of the superior authorities to detect opiumsmokers among their underlings and subordinates and those who have already given up the vice. Their certificates of non-smoking will be deposited in the Anti-Opium Bureau for further inspection and examination, lest they impose upon their superiors.

A year has elapsed since the enactment of the regulations, yet the majority of the statistics or reports given contain only the record of the officials in the service of the provincial capitals.

Lately the various yamens in Peking have sent in their reports, and over 500 officials in the service of different yamens have been tested as to their habits.

Your commissioners have appointed officers as inspectors of the opiumsmoking habit among the officials of different rank, whose sole duty is to go about inspecting and detecting with diligence and care those who are still deep in the opium-smoking habit and those who are ingenious in concealing their vice.

The offenders upon being discovered will be reported to the high authorities and given serious black marks.

It is reported that those who were sent in for testing and examination as to their smoking habit were only officials of non-importance. They were old and many of them had eradicated the evil habit and fallen into it again. All these defects are due to the carelessness of the inspectors in executing given instructions.

Your memorialists, feeling great anxiety for the successful suppression of the opium smoking vice, have redrafted all the regulations, ordering all officials as well as those who, although, bearing an official title, were not holding an official post, to be tested and examined alike, thus putting the said regulations into uniform effect and also commanding those who have tried their best to eradicate the evil habit, but failed, to sever their habit gradually within a limited period.

Instructions have been despatched to the different provincial authorities by us, to enforce all the prescribed regulations with due care,

and to exercise their influence and power in the matter so as to get the most desirable result.

Your memorialists now humbly submit to Your Majesty the ten supplementary regulations enclosed herewith for approval.

Many years have already elapsed since the Imperial Edict was issued in September, 1906, for suppressing the opium habit and consumption. All the officials both civil and military should have obeyed and eradiIcated their vice.

But it has been discovered that there are many who had abandoned their practice of opium smoking, but have fallen into the vice again. In case they should be detected in this offence, they should not only be cashiered, but never be reinstalled in their official rank. Moreover, no official post should be given them by any provincial authorities. If the said authorities should show any favoritism to the offenders, they should be prosecuted for committing deception.

(1) All the officials, both metropolitan and provincial, should be cashiered and duly punished in case they should fall into the smoking habit again, after they had once eradicated the vice and had filled and signed a certificate to that effect.

In case the inspectors of opium-smoking should fail to detect such cases of offence, they should be degraded in rank.

Those who are most artful in concealing their vice in spite of the law, upon their being discovered, should be dealt with as a case of committing fraud in the first degree.

(2) Anti-opium inspectors should be elected and appointed every month, from the members of the following Boards, namely the Ministry of Civil Appointment and the Ministry of War. No candidates are eligible to the election except those who have never been addicted to opium-smoking. The elected one must give a written declaration to that effect and the certificate should be properly endorsed by a metropolitan official of his native province.

No official post henceforth will be granted to those who have been addicted to the practice of opium-smoking.

(3) Each yamen should acquaint itself with its own members and keep a proper record as to their merits and character.

There are many principal officials of the different departments of yamens or ministries who fear to deal strictly with those members under their charge because of their usefulness in their work, although they are strongly suspected of being addicted to the practice of opium-smoking.

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