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Is this nothing? Is it nothing to hear the Chief Magistrate of a country say: "let "my calumniators alone; let the traitors "to freedom and America proceed; I rely "on the good sense and the virtue of the "people; the cause is the people's, and they will be my defenders?" Is this, too, nothing gained?

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every other climes, and a PRESS for the promulgation of those truths, which these unfortunate beings have so long been compelled to suppress.

I am, with the greatest regard and respect, your faithful and most obedient servant, WM. COBBETT.


Yes, it is a gain, not only to America but to mankind; for who will now be im- MR. COBBETT.-According to my estipudent enough to assert, that political free-mate of the value of public writings it is, dem, that religious freedom, that a press and has been long, my firm persuasion, that wholly uncontrouled, are incompatible with your WEEKLY REGISTER has already efnational safety in times of war? Who, fected, and will ultimately accomplish, upon the ground of a probability of inva-more towards enlightening mankind on sion, will call for a suspension of the laws made for the security of men's liberty and lives, when the world has now seen the Republic of America declared in a state of rigorous blockade, mighty fleets and armies at the mouths of her harbours and rivers, her soil invaded at several points, her towns and villages bombarded or plundered, and her capital itself in flames, without producing the suspension, even for an hour, of any law, and without arresting or diverting the ordinary and gentle course of justice for a single moment?

I need say no more. Here is the object on which the friend of freedom will rivet his eyes. Here is a dagger to the heart of tyranny; and, as such, it is worthy of being presented to you. The total overthrow of the Aristocratical Faction in America; an immense emigration to that country; her consequently rapid increase of population and power; the creation of a great maritime force in the Republic; the independence of South America. These are amongst the consequences to be expected; but that consequence which I consider of more importance than all the rest, is, the benefit which the cause of freedom will receive from the example of America, now become so conspicuous a nation. Away now, with all their trumpery about Poland, and Saxony, and Belgium, and the Congress of Vienna! Let them do what they like with the Germans and the Cossacks, and the Dutch; let them divide them and subdivide them in any manner that they please; let them whisker them or knight them according to their fancy. We can now look to growing millions of free and enlightened citizens, descended from the same ancestors, and speaking the same language, with ourselves, inhabiting an extensive and fertile country, tendering food and freedom to the miscrab and oppressed of

their true political and moral rights, than
all the other productions of the press put
together. The originality of your views;
the extent and importance of your facts;
the luminous correctness of your specula-
tions; and the peculiarly energetic force
of your style, unite to render you an author
most eminently and usefully instructive.~,
May your valuable life and health be long
preserved, for the furtherance of all that is
most dear and estimable in human exis-
tence. The observations with which you
are at present elucidating the political state,
of America, and the British contest with
that nation, must be read by all who are
not determined to be deceived, or who are
not destitute of the commonest characte
ristics of human reason, with the utmost
gratification. It is impossible to view
facts placed in the clear light in which
you are weekly exhibiting them, without
rejoicing that such a writer as yourself
exists, and that so fair an opportunity is
afforded to all who can read, to know cor-
rectly the real condition and circumstances
of the American contest.
That a large
majority of the British nation is, as
it were, identified with the Govern-
ment, and would be identified with any
Government that had equal patronage
in its disposal, there can be no doubt.--
Persons so situated, are not to be reasoned
with; they will listen to no argument,
but will bluster, blunder, and calumniate,
until they conceive they have effectually
borne down all opposition to their precon-
ceived and predetermined vices. American
bravery is their horror, and American
triumph the real torment of these infa-
tuated and all but enfuriated people. Al-
though they grumble at the Property Tax,
they begin to speak in the language of
Alderman Curtis, that the grievances of
that impost must be endured until the


grand dignitaries, the civil administrative, and military officers of the kingdom, were convoked in a Council Extraordinary, at the palace of San-souci, to take into consideration the documents which it pleased the King, our Sovereign, to submit to their consideration.-The said officers, in full dress, were introduced and placed according to their respective ranks, by the Baron Sicard, Master of the Ceremonies. His Majesty, our Hall, having on his left his Royal Highness august Sovereign, soon after entered the the Prince Royal, and preceded by the Great Officers of the Crown; he was saluted on all

Yankees shall have been "confoundedly | Hayti, and 4th of his Majesty's reign, the
"flogged." They fondly imagine that
another year's Property Tax, or the ex-
penditure of about fifteen millions, will se-
cure British Tories the enviable triumph of
this flagellation. Could I remove, Sir,
with all those who coincide with me in
opinion on this subject, from this land of
flogging and flogged people, it would be to
The most ample revenge to have the abettors
of this flogging scheme compelled to pay
the Property Tax, the price of the flogging,
until that Aldermanic castigation shall
have been actually inflicted. Happy Ame-sides by acclamations of Vive le Roy! His
rica! and thrice happy Americans, who
are too enlightened, too free, and too
brave, ever to be liable to the pedagogal
vengeance of a degenerated and fallen

Dec. 26, 1814.

ST. DOMINGO. While our unprincipled
press was busily employed in proclaiming a
crusade against freedom, and its partisans
in America, it now appears, if the annexed
documents are authentic, that a scheme,
equally diabolical, to destroy every vestige
of liberty in the world, was entertained by
the fell fiends of corruption. At least,
such a scheme, it must be believed, existed
some where, if these documents are not
proved to be forgeries. The Courier and
the Times have published them as genuine,
though the latter pretends that the project
was "totally dissonant from the senti-
ments impressed on the mind of Louis
"XVIII. by education." Who ever heard
of the sentiments inculcated on the mind
of any Prince, affording a complete se-
curity that he would never outrage hu-
manity or who will say that a virtuous
education ought to screen him from cen-
sure, should the conduct of his Ministers,
or agents acting by his authority, be in
consistent with the principles of justice?
As to what the Times calls "the base
"lie which imputed the suggestion of
such infernal wickedness to British coun-
cils," I have only at present to say, that
I trust this will be made manifest to all
the world, and that some more respectable
channel will be employed for that purpose,
than the prostituted and polluted columns
of that newspaper. The following are the
documents :-
Minutes of the Sittings of the Council General
of the Nation.


This day, the 21st of October, 1814, the 11th year of the independence of

Majesty, having taken his seat on the throne, delivered the following discourse :-"HayCouncil of the nation, in order to commutians,-We have assembled you in a General nicate to you certain letters and papers, which we have received from the French General Dauxion Lavaysse, the envoy of his Majesty Louis XVIII. Haytians, deliberate on these writings with that calmness and wisdom which befit freemen, who have conquered their independence at the expence of their blood. Meditate upon them, in fine, in a manner befitting functionaries who represent the nation, and who, in that capacity, have to pronounce on its fate, and on the The Count Limonade, Secretary of State,

dearest interests of their fellow-citizens."

following documents:-
Minister for Foreign Affairs, then read the

Letter of General Dauxion Lavaysse, dated
Kingston, Oct 1. 1814, and addressed to
General Henry Christophe, Supreme Head
of the Government of the North of Hayti.

General,-You have been informed of

the important mission with which I have been entrusted to your Excellency; and on arriving here it was my intention to address you and General Petion simultaneously: for I am not come, as you well know, as a messenger of discord, but as the precursor of peace and reconciliation. A few days after my arrival here, 1, as well as my companion on the voyage, Mr. Draveman, paid the usual tribute to the climate; and I have here confidence to aid me with his pen as Secrefound only one man in whom I could place tary. However, I have communicated with some estimable persons, who, I am assured, possess your confidence, and who have confirmed what fame had already taught me of you. But before communicating directly obtain the most accurate information with your Excellency, it becomes my duty to regard to you, and as to every thing which it is of importance for my mission to learn; and I confess, with pleasure, to your Excellency, that all that I now know, has added greatly to my hopes, and encouraged me to address you with the frankness of a soldier, and with that interest which cannot be refused to those who have followed the military career. The virtuous King, who is at last re


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stored to France,---that King, equally admi-you doubt this truth, General, your Exble for the firmness and the mildness of cellency has only to consult, by means s character, for the extent of his intel- of your agents, the dispositions of Enggence, and his contempt of every illiberal land, late the enemy of France, now her prejudice,---Louis XVIII, lamented more most faithful Ally, and they will attest Loan any one the atrocious measures the truth of what I have now said.adopted against General Toussaint at the General, if Bonaparte, with a great part of the eace of 1802. That Chief, loyal and en- forces of France, sunk under the mass of the ightened, had, with almost the whole of the forces of the Allies, who now can resist inhabitants of Hayti, taken up arms in, fa-France united to all Europe,-France beyour of the royal cause. He supported it come the ally of England? And who doubts several years with energy, and had re-es- that Bonaparte must have rapidly consumtablished order and cultivation in Hayti, mated the infernal work of destruction to the most astonishing extent. But when which he began in 1802, if in 1803 England al Europe was bent under the yoke of had not declared war against France, and Bonaparte, he felt that submission to that thus broken, by its immense fleets, the comrecognized tyrant became a matter of neces- munication between France and St. Dominsity. None of the acts of Gen. Toussaint go? Every thing has been foreseen in the were declaratory of independence; but Bona- treaty of peace between the Sovereigns of parte, either to sacrifice a portion of the im- Europe. Not aware of the prudence and the mense * armies which embarrassed him on principles of your Excellency, it was supthe peace, or to lay hold of imaginary trea- posed that you might hesitate as to the sures, sent an army to St. Domingo, when he course which you ought to pursue; and it ought only to have sent rewards. The effect was agreed, that, in order to replace the poof this barbarous expedition was a second pulation of Hayti, which, in such event, destruction of the colony, and the loss of would be totally annihilated by the masses of General Toussaint. The king would have force brought against it, it was necessary considered this loss as irreparable, had not that France should continue for several your Excellency succeeded to the power of years the African Slave Trade, with the that celebrated man; and convinced that you double view of replacing the hands employed are perfectly well-informed as to your true in cultivation, and forming soldiers, in imiinterests, and as to every thing that has taken tation of the English. It would, doubtless, place in Europe; certain that the welfare of be useless to enter into details with a man your country, your own, and that of your of so superior an understanding as your Exfamily and friends, will serve as the rule of cellency; but it is proper, perhaps, that your conduct, he has not doubted that you those great considerations should be prewill act towards him as Toussaint would have sented to the persons whom your Excellency acted if now alive. I bring you, therefore, honours with your confidence. If the alGeneral, by the orders of that august Sove-liance of the Powers of Europe has had for reign, words of satisfaction and peace; and its object the restoration of order, and the though, from the height of his throne, the fall of the Usurper who incessantly disturbed most brilliant in Europe, he commands an it, the august Monarchs, who are parties to army of 500,000 men, he has sent me singly that alliance, did not on that ground display to treat with you about your interests. We less esteem for the meritorious supporters of are no longer in the time of Bonaparte; all the glory and independence of France; for the Sovereigns of Europe had leagued to those illustrious warriors who, during 25 pull down that usurper, all remain united years of calamities, never deserted the post in order to secure the tranquillity of all parts of danger, and who saved their country both of the world. At this moment you may be- from the horrors of civil war, and the dis hold England punishing, at 1,500 leagues disgrace of dismemberment. The most wise tance, the United States of America, who had dared to lend their support to the enemy of order and of the repose of the world; already the capital of that new empire has been committed to the flames; already its chief is flying; for not until these United States shall profess the principles of the Sovereigns of Europe, will England cease to overwhelm them with the weight of her terrible vengeance: thus, as long as there shall remain a point on the globe where order is not re-established, the Allied Sovereigns will not lay down their arms; they will remain united, in order to finish their great work.--If

* Almost all these troops had served under Moreau, to whom they were very much attached; but the Generals were mostly partisans of Bona


and generous of Kings, the virtuous Louis. XVIII. has felt more sensibly than any of his great Allies the claims which these brave. men had to the royal munificence, as well as the public gratitude: they are now loaded with honours; they enjoy immense fortunes, and they bless the events which have given to their superb establishments that stability which an usurper could never have conferred. Follow their example, General; proclaim Louis XVIII. in Hayti, as they have proclaimed him in France, and not only honour and rewards await you, but those whom you designate shall receive marks of the satisfaction of our Sovereign, and of the gratitude of our country; and the empire of prejudices, which is destroyed with the late prove no obstacle to these re-, regime, shall

wards being made equal to the greatness | ened and noble an understanding, not to be of the services performed to the King. satisfied with becoming a great lord, or a Doubtless, if Bonaparte, from the height general officer, under that ancient dynasty of of the French throne, addressed to you the the Bourbons, which Providence, in despite words of which I am now the bearer, I should of all human calculations, seems to take a lament your confiding in them. His success pleasure in perpetuating on the throne of our in policy was due to his deceitful arts, his dear France; you will prefer becoming an perfidy equalled the power of his arms, and illustrious servant of the great sovereign of General Toussaint was not the only one who the French, to the fate, more than precafound out this by cruel and fatal experience:rious, of a chief of revolted slaves. And if but the legitimale King of France, the august examples are necessary to lead you to imita successor of so many illustrious Sovereigns, tion, behold the Generals Murat and Bernathe descendant of St. Louis and Henry IV., dotte, who had been for several years chiefs, has doubtless no need of the vile resorts of or kings, of nations whom their arms have an usurper; his royal word is as sacred as illustrated, nobly descending from the thrones his race is ancient and venerable; and Louis to which the effects of the French Revolution XVIII. has said, like one of his magnanimous had raised them. Behold them, I say, nobly ancestors, "that if good faith was banished and voluntarilydescending from these thrones, the earth, it should still be found in the in order to become great and illustrious heart of Kings."-Thus, then, what he pro- Lords, and preferring legitimate and durable mises you, General, will be firm and stable: titles for themselves and their posterity, to you cannot doubt it. But perhaps there are the odious and precarious title of usurpers. among your Generals persons who fear lest For, do not deceive yourself, General,-the the chiefs sent by the King, forgetting the Sovereigns of Europe, although they have instructions which they shall have received, made peace, have not returned the sword into and permitting themselves to be influenced the scabbard; doubtless you are not ignoby Creoles and Emigrants, may re-establish rant of what every body in Europe knows, algradually the regime of prejudices. But be though a thing not yet diplomatically publieve me, General, the reign of prejudices is lished,—that the principal articles of the comterminated for ever. It will as little revive pact. which all the European Sovereigns have in the French colonies as in France; and just signed, on their royal honour, is to unite who can suppose that they still exist in the their armies, if need be, and to lend each latter country, when, by the side of the Mon- other all necessary ald, in order to destroy all morencys, the Rohans, the Perigords, &c the Governments which have been the offspring are seated the Soults, the Suchets, the Des- of the French Revolution, whether in Europe, solles, &c. when men of such different or in the New World. KNOW, ALSO, THAT origin, though, equally illustrious, the one IT AS GREAT BRITAIN, WHO IS THE class for their own high exploits, and the CENTRE OF AND PRINCIPAL PARTY other for those of their ancestors, sit as TO THIS CONVENTION: to which, a few equals in the Chamber of Peers, and equally months, sooner or later, every Government participate in the high dignities of the will find it necessary to submit: every GoState? The King, who wishes that be-vernment and every Potentate who shall renefits be every where equally dispensed, will fuse so to submit, must expect to be treated as doubtles act in this instance like the Mo-traitors and brigands: whilst those who vơnarchs of Spain and Portugal, who, by let-luntarily and cheerfully shall prove themters' of white, give an individual, whatever be selves lionest and reasonable enough to adhis colour, the privileges of a white. His here to these principles, in contributing to royal power, which has equalised the Neys, the induce the people whom they govern to reSoults, the Suchets, with the Montmorency's turn under the sway of legitimate sovereigns, and the Rohaus, by an act of munificence will obtain from these sovereigns a provision and equity which all France applauded, can and an establishment not less honourable in like manner make a negro, or a mulatto, than permanent.-The last consideration equal before the throne and the law, and in which I shall submit to your Excellency is the intercourse of social life, to the fairest that of the morality and loyalty which chaman in Picardy.You will not force us, Ge-racterise the present Minister of the Marine. neral, to couvert into soldiers the negroes, It is universally known, that, during the rule whom we are at this moment purchasing on of the Constituent Assembly, where he conthe coast of Africa; you will not force us to stantly appeared as one of the most zealous emplov all possible means of destruction; defenders of the royal cause, he ever insisted you will not expose yourselves to witness the upon the necessity as well as justice of amedesertion of your battalions, who will soon liorating the condition both of the blacks Be informed that the French discipline, the and the men of colour. To pronounce the most perfect in the world, does not euforce name of Malouet, is at once to recal the methat excessive severity which you have so mory of the most exalted virtue, and of inoften exercised; we know all your means of tegrity the most inflexible. Whatever may defence. When I say you, I mean the per- be promised by such a man will be as certain sons who are under your orders; for I be- and as sacred as if (and I ask pardon for the lieve you have too sound a head, too enlight-expression) the Deity had pledged himself to


the engagement.-Be pleased to accept, General, the sentiments of high consideration with which I have the honour to be, &c. DAUXION LAVAYSSE, General." "P. S. Colonel Medina, who is associated to my commission, will convey this dispatch to your Excellency, and will be found deserving of all your confidence. As a proof of the sincere loyalty by which I am animated, I have subjoined a copy of the letter which I have addressed to General Petion. It was scarcely written when I was seized with an indisposition, which deprived me of the honour of addressing your Excellency

at the same moment."


Sitting of the General Council of the Nation, 21st October, 1814, the Eleventh Year of the Independence of Hayti, and the Fourth Year of his Majesty's Reign.--The following Address having been read, it was unanimously agreed, that the same should be presented to his Majesty:


your great soul of such an enormous perfidy! To whom do they dare to speak of masters and of slaves? To us-to a free and independent people-to warriors covered with noble wounds received in the field of honour, who have rooted up the ancient tree of prejudices and slaveryto those warriors who, in a thousand combats, have made these barbarous colonists bite the dust. And now the remaining colonists who escaped our just vengeance, dare still to speak of the re-establishment of that detested reign which we have for ever cast off! No, there shall never exist a master nor a slave in Hayti! Could your Majesty have expected such excessive insult from a Sovereign whom fame has represented as a wise, good, and virtuous King, instructed in the school of adversity, and an enemy of illiberal prejudices? How little truth, Sire, is there in fame, when we compare events with her anticipations. The first overture for peace, the first words of conciliation which are addressed to us in the name of this SIRE,- In the annals of the world no example Prince, of whom we had formed so pleasing au can be found of an overture for peace, accom- idea, are outrageous insults. It is proposed to panied by such frightful and disgraceful circum- men who have been free for 25 years, who still stances, as that made by the French General have arms in their hands, to lay them down in Dauxion Lavaysse, in the name and as the agent order to take up again the fetters of ignominious of his Majesty Louis XVIII.-Nations, Sove- and barbarous slavery! In intimating to us these reigns, and even individuals, have certain rights, horrors, they veil them with the specious prewhich are respected even by the most barbarous text of peace and reconciliation! They envepeople, and no one is permitted to violate them. løpe the poniard of treason and perfidy in the But if men in general have agreed to respect honourable and seductive mantle of the liberal these rights, sanctioned by custom and public sentiments of justice and humanity of the French decorum, how much more odious it is that the Monarch towards us! But on a sudden this vile Envoy of an enlightened Monarch and nation agent, this anthropophagous monster, changing bas dared so openly to violate them!-What! | his language, taking a tone and atrocious chathe most abominable tyrants, when they wishedracter adapted to his odious mission, threatens to oppress and impose on people the yoke of ty- to destroy our race and substitute another.-ranny, employed perfidious means, and con- What justice! what liberality! what humanity! cealed their criminal enterprises by specious pre--From this last proceeding of the French, does texts, because they did not dare openly to violate public rights; but the Envoy of the King of the French impudently violates every right, and offers the greatest of insults to a free people, by proposing to them the alternative of slavery or death! And to whom does this vile agent dare to address this declaration of the atrocious intentions of his Government? to your Majesty, the conqueror of the French, the defender of liberty and independence, to you, Sire, who have devoted your whole life to the maintenance and defence of the indestructible and eternal rights of man-to your Majesty, who have always taken, as the rule of your conduct and actions, the honour and glory of the Haytian people! He dares to propose to you to descend from a throne where you were placed by the love and gratitude of your fellow citizens !-Ob, extravagance of insolence and infamy! He dares to suspect

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not every thing shew that the cause of the Haytians is distinct from that of the people? In fact, to what people, to what Sovereign, would any one have dared to propose conditions so base and degrading? They despise us; they think us so stupid as to suppose, that we want the instinct which animals posssess for their preservation.-What madness! what excess of audacity, to dare to propose that we shall give ourselves up to the French, and submit to their odious dominion! Is it for the benefits we have received that we should again take up the chains of servitude? Is it for a Sovereign who is altogether a stranger to us, who never did any thing for us, that we should change our Master? Is it, in short, for the purpose of being again delivered over to tortures, and of being devoured by dogs, that we should renounce the fruits of twenty-five years battles? What, then, have we now in common

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