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lish crowN.

"would be confirmed in his title, and "have full opportunity to arm him"self. Instead of fighting for the "French crown, you would give him "the chance of fighting for the EngYou are not to consider about what money 66 you must spend, BUT WHAT FOR66 TUNES YOU MAY BE ABLE TO KEEP. "On the very principle of economy, you are to consider that you will 66 not expend more by war than by "remaining at peace, with the de"mands of a war establishment.” By MR. PLUNKETT, that "he considered "that we had, in fact, no option be"tween peace and war. As for peace, ፡፡ we could have no more than a fever"ish, unrefreshing dream of peace "still haunted by the spectre of war. "In point of finances we should find a peace with a war establishment "would be much greater than war. "If we did now go to war in con"junction with all the great powers "of Europe, we would soon be re-peace as well as in time of war: for those, “duced to a war single-handed against "France. If we did not now in"vade France, and carry on the war 66 upon her territories, the time might 66 come when our country would become the seat of war, and we would "fall unpitied and despised. If we "were now to turn our back upon "the great powers that were our Allies, we would deserve that all "nations should turn their backs 66 upon us, when we began to feel "the consequences of our impolicy. "Mr. Plunkett's speech was received "by the House with great applause, "and he was loudly cheered for se"veral minutes after he had sat down." By LORD MILTON, that "it was better to "have war with the advantages of war, "than peace without the advantages "of peace; and considering, as he "did, that no faith could be placed "in the present Ruler of France, he thought the only real security we "could have, was to be found in a vigorous war."

no mind of their own; who never think; who take up the thoughts of others; who are, in reality, no more members of civil` society than are dogs and horses, whom they imitate in subserviency, and whom they hardly surpass in the powers of reasoning. For these persons, if persons they ought to be called; for those who are not to be convinced by the weight of taxes which they bear; by the disappearance of the real money of the country; by the sale of light guineas at 28 shillings each in Bank of England paper; by the law protecting that Bank against the demand of payment of its notes in cash; by the law making those notes a legal tender for rent; by the trippling of the poors-rates' and the paupers; by the law relative to the importation of Corn; by all the laws laying restraint upon the press; by the suspension of the habeas corpus act for seven years at one time; by the keeping up, for many years, and still now keeping up, a foreign army, an army of Germans, of Hanoverians, in England, in time of


who are not to be convinced by all these things, the question is now to be decided, whether the Pitt system be a good one or a bad one.-One would have thought, however, after having heard the above description of our perilous state at this time; after hearing the country described as having no alternative but war or an armed peace; after having it positively asserted, and hearing the assertion checred from all quarters, that we are now under the fatal necessity of renewing the war and of paying subsidies, and that this gives us the only chance of salvation: after hearing this, had we, my good Lord, to expect, that, in the same place, and upon the same occasion, that system which had brought us into this state, would be extolled to the skies?-Yet, such is the fact, which I now have to record.--In the published report of your Lordship's speech of the 25th of May, I find the following passage. After speaking in a high strain of the justice and wisdom of the Congress at Vienna, and of the treaties made there, you are reported to have proIV. Of the Pitt system. This is the ceeded as follows:-"When the proper most important point of all; for, in fact," period arrived, he was prepared to justhe question is now to be decided, whether "tify them as carrying into executhe system of this man was good or bad. tion, not only in substance, but almost Not to be decided for the intelligent part" in all the details, that plan which had of the nation; but for the herd, who have "been formed by a statesman, from whom





"to all who reverenced the politics of that great statesman, Mr. Pitt, as he did, that they had lived to see that reduced to "practice which his great mind, when given to the consideration of this impor


66 he, and those who acted with him, must 66 ever feel the highest deference and ad"miration-Mr. PITT. 66 He (Mr. Pitt) "when contemplating the possible success "of a great confederation against France, "had considered that general arrange-"tant question, had fondly imagined in the "ment which had been in a great measure "abstract as the utmost of his wishes.""carried into effect, to be that which Lived to see what reduced to practice, "would prove most conducive to the hap-my Lord? To practice! Why, there is no "piness of Europe. He (Lord Castle- part of the plan yet reduced to practice, ❝reagh) was prepared to shew when the Treaties have, indeed, been made; but, "question came before the House, that there is a battle to be fought to decide "the decisions which had been made with whether those treaties are to have effect. 66 respect to the immediate interests of this I know nothing of Pitt's schemes that has "country, were more advantageous than yet succeeded. He told the nation in "those fondly contemplated by Mr. Pitt, 1793, that it had to fight for its existence; "as the consequences of successful war.— and so you and your colleagues and sup"He had not hoped that such good con- porters tell the nation now. It is, at any "ditions could be obtained for Holland as rate, a little premature to boast of your "had been secured at the Congress. Mr. great statesman's success. He had a plan for "Pitt had considered it necessary to ex-paying off the National Debt, and the "tend the power of Prussia beyond the Debt has become more than four times as "Rhine, and the annexation of Genoa great as it was when he adopted his plan. "with Piedmont was a part of his plan, He had a plan for ruining the finances of "much as that arrangement kad of late France; and, at the end of four years "been censured by those in opposition to from that time, he passed a bill to autho"the present Government. At an early rize the Bank of England to refuse pay"period of the late war, at least when the ment of their notes in cash. He had a "successes of the Allies had first given a plan for inducing the people of England prospect of a successful termination of to arm for their country's defence, and he "the struggle against France, soon after passed a Bill to authorize the keeping up "the Russian army had crossed the Vis- of Hanoverian Regiments in England. He "tula, he (Lord Castlereagh) had trans- had a plan for reducing the French by "mitted a copy of the dispatch of Mr. the means of famine; and we have now a "Pitt to the Ambassador of the Emperor Corn Bill to prevent the French from pour"Alexander, and desired to be apprized ing in upon us the superabundance of their "if any, and what alteration had taken provisions. But, you will say, 66 allow, "place in the views of Russia with respect at any rate, that his plan for destroying "to that plan in the event of the contest French principles succeeded." No: for being brought to a successful issue. they are not destroyed; and, all the "The answer to this communication in- speakers in favour of war insist, that we "formed him, that the Emperor of Rus- shall now be devoured by these same "sia had nothing to state in departure French principles, unless we destroy them "from the principles of the arrangement by war. The passage, which I have taken laid down by Mr. Pitt in 1805.' This for my motto, expresses the sentiments of "was some proof of their solidity, and the whole of the war party. It is, indeed, on these principles England had gone in the mouths of them all, that war, and into the contest closely united in the war only, can save us from French prin"views with her Allies. Acting on these ciples.-Therefore, we are, in this respect, "feelings which had regulated his con- just where your great statesman set out "duct, however he might be sensible that with us; but, we have added to our debt "it was not possible an arrangement with and taxes fourfold, and we have found, any particular power could fix the rela-that, with the Bourbons on the throne, tions of all Europe; and feeling as he "did, that as all Europe must co-operate in the great work, it could only be ef"fected in a spirit of compromise; yet 66 was it no small satisfaction to him, and







we cannot live in peace, without greater distress even than that occasioned by war. -The "Pitt Club" may toast as long as they please; but, I'am of opinion, that, whether in peace or war, the Pitt System

will very soon have produced consequences had continued.- But the troops! the that will defy longer disguise.





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troops! Let us see the muster-roll of those who are to destroy French principles by means of powder and ball. Mr. GRATTAN said, you had 600,000 of these gentlemen preservers of religion and social order; but you carry the number much higher, in your published reported speech of the 26th of May, wherein you give this thinking nation the following



"As far as Austria was concerned, there were in full operation, ready to "act and be put in motion, an army of 1.50,000 men in Italy, sufficient of itself "to satisfy the stipulations in the treaty. "But this power would have an army of "extent in another quarter towards the "Rhine, so that instead of 150,000, we


might consider the operating and effec"tive army to amount to 300,000 men."With respect to the Russian force, he had the satisfaction to state, that the Emperor had engaged in the present



V. Of the great means of the Allies against France, including subsidies.Your Lordship said, upon this point, that you had, thus," endeavoured to open the general ground of the war, trusting much "to the MIND, the INTELLIGENCE, "the EXPERIENCE, and EXTENSIVE "KNOWLEDGE of the HOUSE! which "had, for twenty-five years, dwelt on "passing events. Although painful to his feelings to make a proposition of "this nature, instead of realising those" “BRILLIANT PROSPECTS of peace and security, which, after so many ex"ertions, the country had a right to con66 template, yet he felt much consolation in comparing our present situation with "that in which we stood in the course of "former wars. We were not now con66 tending for our own safety, without a -66 single Ally, against the power of the enemy. Let the House recollect, that" even at that moment, when engaged in "the prosecution of our own moral duty, " contest with that decision which marked our aid was required for Portugal and the whole of his conduct throughout the Spain, we had not hesitated to interpose "late eventful war, and had resolved to our strong hand: we had felt bold in" call out a great part of the forces of his "the justice of our cause, and became mighty empire. General Barclay de the protectors of other countries. This Tolly was at the head of as fine an army resolution had been pursued with a de- as ever was called out on service in any gree of perseverance, which did honor to country, having such ample means of the country. We had struggled through selection in their power. The force in “the storm--we survived the period of the ranks under him, which would arcalamity, and had the satisfaction of rive at the Rhine, amounted to 225,000 "seeing those two nations freed, and the men, and as this army was accompanied "whole of Europe confederated against by a number of volunteers, it would arFrance, instead of being combinedrive at the Rhine as complete in num66 against us. It was, therefore, evident, "bers as when it left the Russian empire. that we now started from a different "There was assembled besides on the 66 point. We were then fighting against "frontiers another army of 150,000 men, "France, and the whole power of Europe. under General Wittgenstein; and the All Europe was now contending with Emperor had signified to his Royal Highus against France: nay, a strong com- ness the Prince Regent his readiness to. "bination in France itself was probably put in motion this army, if exigencies "formed on our side, so that we were "should render such a measure necessary. fighting with the Powers of the Conti- "No money that it was in our power to "nent and a portion of France, against 66 grant could create such an army-all the usurpation of Bonaparte and of "that we could possibly do was to assist "the army." Oh! this makes you feel "them in their efforts. That force of consolation, does it? I wish you could “225,000 men was very nearly advanced hear what the press of America will say "to the Rhine, and in such a state of miupon this. And, what were the "bril- "litary efficiency as was never exceeded liant prospects" of peace and security?" by any army. The third Power which The prospects of peace were worse, were "had made such great exertions during more gloomy, more wretched, than those "the last war, to the great admiration of of war. We had lost all, even if 66 peace every man, had not confined himself to



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VI. Of the small means of the French to defend themselves.—Upon this subject it was said—

"the stipulations of the Treaty, but had,“ gency.”—Hourra, Pat! here we go at "six corps, of 236,000 men in the the Jacobins! How this must have de"whole, in an effective state. But the lighted the eyes and gladdened the hearts "House were entitled to inquire from of those worthy and zealous gentlenen, the “him, and he was anxious to anti- General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotcipate them in their wish for informa- land, who have been the first, and, as ❝tion, whether our pecuniary assistance yet, the only body of men, who have pre"was to be confided to the three great sented an address in favour of war. "Powers, and whether such other Powers as might join the common cause were "to share all the difliculties, without receiving any extent of assistance? He thought it right that the House should "know what was the extent of that de"scription of force, and what was the "value of the aid which they were likely "to receive from us. Hlaving stated the "force of the great Powers, he did not ❝ wish to enter into a statement of the "force of each subordinate Power. Con"sidering Great Britain and Holland



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By the EARL of LIVERPOOL, that “the sentiments of the bulk of the French "nation were extremely averse" to "Napoleon.





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MR. GRATTAN, that "the French power had in other respects been Bonaparte had no “cavalry; he had no money; he had 66 no title, nor any credit. The peo66 ple had never regreted his absence; on the contrary, they were overjoyed at it. Indeed, how could they regret the man who had im66 posed on them a military yoke— "who had taken their money by his 66 own decrees who had robbed them of their children by an arbitrary "conscription? The people would "not rise in favour and support of




a conqueror who had proved "himself an oppressor of France. "On the contrary, they would be "glad to see the Allies triumph over "him, for they must clearly see, that "when the conqueror was removed "the oppressor would be removed ❝ also. The first powers of Europe "had now united to remove the 66 oppressor, and it would be ridicu"lous to suppose that the French "people would break their oaths 66 pledged to a mild and merciful So"vereign, for the purpose of saddling "themselves with the eternal damna"tion of a military despotism."...


That, "his" (Napoleon's) power was at present tot"tering to the very base." By MR. PLUNKET, that "If we were to "tell the French people that we were "ready to negociate with Bonaparte 66 as their ruler, it would at once 66 destroy all the hopes that might now fairly be entertained of the co"operation of a considerable portion "of the nation. When, however, we saw the situation in which Bos



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66 naparte now stood; when we saw
"him reduced to make professions
66 contrary to his very nature; when
66 we saw the vessel in which his for-
"tunes were embarked labouring
"with the storm, and its mast bowed
"down to the water's edge, it would
"be to the height of impolicy and
"absurdity to hesitate on the cause
❝ that
we had to pursue."-These
are memorable words.


By yourself, my Lord, that "The military force of ALL THE REST OF "EUROPE was combined against


Hourra, hourra, Pat! Here we dash at the Jacobins, as we did at the Yankies.



Botley, near Southampton, 7th June, 1815. I have received by post a single National Intelligencer of the 23d of April, and NILES'S WEEKLY REGISTER, of April 1st and 8th, 1815. They were under covers, and directed to 66 Botley, near London.". It should have been "Botley, near Southampton." They were put into the post-office at Portsmouth, only 14 miles from Botley; but, having the word London upon them, they were sent on thither. I beg Mr. NILES and the person who sent me the Intelligencer, to accept of my best thanks. I am very highly flattered at perceiving, that a work VII. Of the Morality of the Subsi- precisely upon the model, and with the dies. Mr. PLUNKIT said, that "We had title of my own, should have been estanow a most powerful combination blished in America, and carried on already "of Allies, not fomented by us, but to the eighth volume.-I hope Mr. NILES acting from the moral feeling which will continue sending me his Register. He pervade all Europe. If we were shall have Cobbett's Register sent him as 66 foolish enough to throw away those regularly as possible.-I beg my Corres66 means, we could never hope to re-pondents to look at my Notices in the two "cal them. Those of his friends who last Numbers. "had talked the most about husban"ding the resources of the country, "had confessed, that when an occa"sion should arrive, when some im




portant blow could be struck 66 against the enemy, that system "should be no longer persevered in. "That important crisis had now ar"rived. It was vain to expect that more favourable opportunity "would ever arrive. All the great powers of Europe were now with us, and a considerable portion of "the population of France.





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MR. COBBETT,-The French Government invite the distinguished English at Paris to visit the archives, for the purpose of witnessing the base falsification of documents, made with a view to support the recent political arrangements of the Congress; and that such falsifications have taken place no discerning man in Europe can doubt. It is, however, unnecessary to go to Paris to witness the fraud of such falsifications; a similar manœuvre having just been played off on the whole English nation, so barefacedly, that all may detect it, in an important document, iately laid officially before the House of Commons, a copy of which you inserted in your last Register.


document, M. de Caulaincourt, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, who may be supposed to have written under the immediate eye of the Emperor, is made, in the official translation, to say, in speaking of Napoleon's recal to the throne of France, that "His Majesty prides himself above

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