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by that race of expectants who are always Saxony? Does Saxony wish for the apologizing for kingly errors, that there is union? No. Directly the reverse. Do now a period arrived, when the ambition these liberators of the world, fulfil of monarchs is not tarnished with in- their promise respecting national rights justice; when the sceptre is not supported by outraging them? Could Buonaparte by blood, but by the free and generous have done more than force upon a applause of the people; when the Liber- country a sovereignty which it hated? ators of France will give peace to the Have not these liberators, according to world, and establish the general tran- the Times and Courier, done still quillity upon a basis too firm to be more? Have they not deprived Saxony shaken. However ridiculous might ap- of a monarch which it loves? Whom pear the assimilation of absolute monar- has the King of Saxony offended? his chy and impartiality, of policy and jus- people? they forgive him. The nations tice, we were still disposed to give them of Europe? What, by entering into credit for generally meaning well; and treaties with Buonaparte? They have we augured from their intentions what all done the same. By adhering to the we might have doubted from their ca- faith of those treaties? Yes. Here pacities. The Courier, and its satellites, lies the real grievance: his adherence now say that we were deceived; that the to his word, his treaty, reproached, deliberations of Vienna have unveiled many of them with the breach of theirs? their motives, and that personal advan- he had received benefits from the hands. tage seems the general and the only point of Napoleon, and did not think it conon which they proceed to argue. Whe-sistent or honest to betray him. The ther our newspaper press be correct or example he had before his eyes, did not not in ascribing these motives to the convince. He exhibited the phenomeAllied Sovereigns, it is not my province non of a sovereign who did not think to decide. To time, which tries all convenience a sufficient reason for falsethings, it must be left to settle this. I hood. The Times, 1 observe, talks of cannot, however, refrain from remarking, conquest, as giving the negotiating mothat the infamous partitioning of Poland narchs the right of disposing of the in the first instance, gave to the revolu- fate of Saxony, and of transferring the tionary leaders of France an example Saxons, like cattle, to a master they and a fair justification for proceeding in dislike. Would it have been advisable a similar manner; and I should not be to talk of the conquest of their counsurprised if the seeds of another, and try to those Saxon soldiers who joined more tremendous revolution, were the ranks of the allies at the battle of now sowing upon the continent, by the Leipsig? Would Bernadotte, who placed legitimate monarchs of the day, again himself at their head, and called upon forming treaties of convenience, and them to follow him in the cause of the schemes of personal aggrandisement liberties of Europe; would he have and private advantage. Napoleon really thought it the best method of securing possessed an equal right to Spain, with their aid, by telling them that their Russia to Poland, or Prussia to Saxony. country would be treated as a conquered If these projected annexations shall take province? But Prussia must have inplace, let us hear no more of the ty-demnity? Indemnity for what? For the ranny, or the injustice. of the EmpeFor of France. It has been very well remarked, that Calvin was far more cruel than the Catholics whom he so abused because, alive to the condemnation of their eruelty, he equalled its vilest enormity. Why then, if what is said of these sovereigns be true, are they less guilty than the victim of their efforts? Why is the conduct which in Buonaparte was so universally execrated to be tolerated, or approved, in them? This cannot be justice; this surely is not generosity. But why must Prussia haye

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loss of Hanover, which she received from Buonaparte to wink at the ruin of Austria? For the loss of her own provinces in the war with Buonaparte which she herself provoked? Are these the claims of Prussia to the annexation of Saxony? Can her best friends assign any other? Would the worst of her enemies desire any more? Have the Times. and Courier no recollection of their own consolation at the ruin of the infidel House of Brandenburgh? Have they so soon forgot their pious remarks upon the judgment which attended the


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kingdom of the Deist Frederick. Has which it was formed have been abanthe Christianity of the present mo- doned. No notice, as far as I have narch retrieved its destiny? I shall not been able to discover, has been taken notice the pretext of arrondisement: of it in any of our newspapers, or It would be only the plea of universal other periodical publications.. monarchy in its extreme; no arrondise- ciety with such liberal and enlarged nient could be complete, but the cir-views, could not. fail, in my opinion, cumference of the globe. In my next to meet with generous support were its I shall offer with your permission, a few intentions made sufficiently public, and remarks on the pretension of Russia to why these should be kept in reserve, Poland. JUVENIS. if the association now exists, is a problem that seems very difficult to solve. It would gratify many of your readers, if any of your correspondents could SIR. The remarks which lately ap- give some information respecting this peared in your journal on the subject society, which might, with great proof the pillory, do equal credit to the priety, and without any departure from head and to the heart of Benevolus. its original views,connect the subject of It is rather extraordinary in these en-the pillory with the other important lightened times, when we hear so much reforms for which it was instituted. about converting the heathen, emanci- While, however, it may be said, that pating the slaves, and encouraging the I have been liberal in my Bible Societies, that scarcely one pub- of our public writers for neglecting lic writer should be found, who pos- this vital subject, let me not be acsessed the courage, or the inclination, cused of partiality. From this general to reprobate a practice so disgraceful reprehension I am glad to find there is to our law, and marked with so many one exception, who has done the subfeatures of a barbarous policy. The ject ample justice, though. his modesty, public press every where teems with which is always a proof of talent, has idle and contradictory speculations as led him to conceal his name. I allude to the probable result of the discus- to the observations on the pillory, s at Vienna; whether the system which appeared in the last number of of aggrandisement attributed to the the periodical periodical work, entitled the Emperor Napoleon, is to be adopted | Pamphleteer. They appear to me so as the law of nations, or whether that state of things which existed previous to the French Revolution, is to be restored. These and some contemptible matters as to a new order of knighthood, are the only topics for which the people of this highly cultivated nation seem at present to have any relish, or on which the pen of the phi fanthropist or of the philosophier is engaged. The amelioration of our laws, the state of our prisons, the remains of that rudeness which still pervades many of our customs, and presents a formidable barrier to civilization, are points interested in, nor which


that few have found my

partizans among the people. Some years ago, I heard something of the existence of a society in the metropolis for the diffusion of knowledge on the punishment of death, and, the improve ment of prison discipline, but I have yet to learn that any thing was effected by this institution, or if the objects for


excellent, and the writer has discussed the subject in so masterly a manner, that I should like to see the whole of his remarks published in your Register. But as this may not be altogether con sistent with your other arrangements, I have subjoined to this letter, a short extract, to which I hope you will the more readily give insertion that its whole tendency is to inforce and illustrate the arguments of Benevolus, who so strenously and so laudably contended against the existence of a mode of punishment, possessing so many features of savage cruelty and barbarity


Yours, &c. A. B.

"It may indeed be said, that some of the crimes thus visited are well deserv ing the utmost fury of an enraged people, and that there is no punishment denounced against them by our penal code at all equal to the darkness of their guilt. Be it so. That affords no reason why the defects of the law should

be made up by the assistance of popular | arrayed against their authority; and a tumult, or its necessities supplied by competition is excited where it is the violence and outrage. In short, the noblest policy to conciliate. In the pillary is in direct opposition to the latter, the people act the part of unprinciple upon which all laws are foun- authorized executioners, and become faded, and must serve, as far as its influ- miliar with the most brutal of pleasures, ence extends, to undermine the founda the delight in pain, the horrible laugh tion of their authority. They were erect- of demoniac exultation at the sufferings ed to control the unbridled passions of of a fellow being. They who look on man, to take from individuals the power the tortures inflicted at a bull-baiting of revenge, to render punishments the or a cock-fight with a virtuous horror, determinate effect of firm and substan- unless they measure out their disgust tial enactments, instead of fluctuating according to law, should feel a much with the rage and the sympathies of stronger indignation at the sight of a individuals, to prevent parties from fellow creature set up to be pelted al being judges of their own injuries, to most to death amidst the drunken accla humanize society by taking from the mation and infernal revelry of the low strongest the power of inflicting arbi- est and most depraved of our species trary penalties by which it was reduced And if thus pernicious in its immedi to a state of perpetual warfare, and to ate influence, it is not less dangerous in impress the mind with awe by the its example. Those whom you suffer to weight and the solemnity of their deci- riot on the side of the laws may soon learn sions. But this strange infliction ac to oppose them with similar outrages, tually reverses all these benign inten- By allowing them thus to supply the tions which the collective wisdom of ages deficiency of the lawgiver, we educate has gradually matured; it proceeds on them for revolution and carnage. We antisocial principles, and tends to bring give them arms to be awakened against us back to our state of original barbar our bosoms, whenever the breeze of disism. We have all been taught that the content shall sweep over them. The sacred throne of justice should be ex hands that have learned to throw bricks alted far above the passions and the and filth on the criminal, may exercise ever-fluctuating sympathies of man; that its voice should be as certain as it is awful, and its sentences untainted with any of the grosser particles that It is sufficiently melancholy to see move in a lowlier atmosphere. We have such a monument of savage life standing learnt that while increasing wisdom uninjured amidst the trophies of goodshould improve our laws, their actual ness and of virtue; but it is still more dictates should be received during their offensive to see it regarded as a pillar of existence with a noble and generous our legislative system. It saddens us. obedience. But here, in opposition to to see riots at all existing in a well all these maxims, we see in them a regulated state; but we are doubly principle which tends to their own provoked by the strange anomaly which destruction, a secret cancer which by makes the laws appear to excite them, insensible degrees is eating away the We regret to see a popular demagogue vital principle on which their vigor lead his followers to confusion and disA judg- order; but our vexation has no bounds. ment of the pillory is the worst of when a judge is compelled by the duties. their enemies. If the mob applaud, of his office to give up the reigns to the they are set openly at defiance; and if frenzy of the shameless and the degraon the other hand they break out intoded."

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the same discipline on the judges, if they should be so unfortunate as to incur their displeasure.

violence, the peace they should preserve
is broken, the personal feelings they
should subdue are excited, and the bar-
barous spirit of man unsoftened by ci-
vilization which they were formed to The
repress, is aroused by their powerful
sanction. In the former case, the best
emotions of the heart are injudiciously


Ancients searched for Truth; the Moderns pretend they possess it.-VOLBY.

MR. COBBETT.-When I sent you my two former letters, I endeavoured

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to call your readers, not only to consider the situation of Mr. G. Houston, bui also to request they would examine into the liberty of the press in this country; on whose altar that writer is now a victim; for until this "thinking "nation" really understand his situation, and the motives for which he is punished, he will not be the last that will suffer in its cause.

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explained to me the design and inten tion of its author; since which I have had a sight of the book. It has fully answered my expectation, and again I say displays a fund of prodigious erudition. The following short extract will shew its intention, and design, "I contend (preface page ii.) that the Ancient Jews, like other nations of antiquity, had their esoteric, and their exoteric doctrines; they concealed the former under innumerable types and symbols, the meaning of which is generally unknown among their descendants. It is the object of my book to explain the hidden sense of many passages in the Hebrew Scripture." Page 22, he says, "I recollect


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I knew I touched a sore place, when I attempted to shew to your readers the discordant opinionis entertained of that old book for which Eaton, Houston, and thousands more may be sent to prison. I knew that I might be a trinitarian, a unitarian, a Southcotearian, or any other foolarian; but that I must not bring the contradictions, and (what" that Moses was learned in all the wisthey call the arguments of one-tribe to "dom of the Egyptians, and I expect to combat the whims of the other, without "find traces of that wisdom in his works. exciting the suspicions of those who "The learned among the ancient Egyp call themselves Just! But I have done "tians were pure theists, as Cudworth to; and while I delight in the deed, "has proved. They were deeply skilled smile at their suspicions and contempt." in the sciences; but they carefully Before I reply to your correspondent" concealed their mysteries under innuJustus, permit me to introduce the origin" merable symbols and allegories. May of my acquaintance with the work in we not look then for the same thing question. You must know there is a "in the writings which are ascribed to town designated by one of the most the Jewish Lawgiver. It is what I corrupt of his time as "the toyshop have done, and I submit to the judgof Europe; whose inhabitants, (I speak" ment of a few individuals, the result of generally) in my estimation, rank lower my researches." for liberality of sentiment, general in- Of the 250 copies only, which I stated formation, and Christian charity, than to have been printed, 100 now remain any other on the surface of the globe. in the hands of the publisher. You will, The scale by which I estimate them is, therefore, judge whether I have been unthat in and about the place, there are fair in my former communication. As to the remains of half-mutilated houses, quibbling about its method of publication because their inhabitants opposed the and circulation, it would be a ridiculous origin of our war with the French Re-waste of time, I wish a copy was in the public, burnt by Church and King hands of every person in the kingdom; mobs, and that in those receptacles of for Sir Wm. Drummond would then make resort, where its people go to drink a better and more practical use of his mild ale and talk wisdom, there are abilities and learning. With regard to scrolls inscribed with legible English the cruel bint about a prosecution, for characters" No Jacobins admitted blasphemy, and the pillory, its author, “here." "I was leaving this town last like D. J. Eaton, will receive more praise, Summer in the Mail, and in passing and of a better description, than if he one of those houses whose iniserable were to be bespangled with orders and appearance appeals, in silent and pa- titles by every King in Christendom. thetic language, to the frigid faculties, O, Sir, it is cruel? You know it is, to and would hush to silence their un- talk of law in a country where it is manly prejudices, if reflection ever an possible a picked jury may be chosen imated their torpid brains; when I by those who fatten on the wages of corsoon discovered from the observations ruption, and who delight in persecuting of a gentleman in the coach, that be such as attempt to nndeceive the people. was the Father of the engraver of the As to the writers, whose books I have plates, in the Edipus Judaicus. He fainly quoted, being Sir W. D. himself,


" I no man in his senses will main- what principle of rule or right any guess "tain so wild a position."---Indeed, from dares to interfere and prescribe the the wording of your Correspondent's method by which another is to exerletter, I do not believe he is serious cise his judgment. That a deal of in his assertion. But I challenge him mischief has been the result of this into the proof; for Candidus, one of the terference, no one, acquainted with three, tells Sir Wm. Drummond that he the history of his own country, much prefers the old version best, and cen- more with the history of the world, can sures him for ridiculing the Bible. Sup- deny; and whether the same quantum pose, however, I am wrong in my opi- of mischief would have taken place nion of the author of the Edipus Ju- provided the bible had never been daicus; suppose he is the story teller, the known, is, in my opinion, difficult to fool, and the vain jackdaw, they wish prove. At any rate, the system of to represent him, what "necessity" was priestcraft has had a sufficient trial; there for this great and mighty parson, and it would be more becoming in the Christian Advocate, to notice his those who profess such anxiety for the production? Why did he make such circulation of the bible, to let it take endeavours to obtain a copy, he best its chance. Let them, at any rate, knows how? Surely, the "pious, think- shew their disinterestedness, by giving ing people of this country," could up the pounds, shillings, and pence not have their minds tainted" by an it produces; or take pay only in that octavo book of not quite 500 pages," of manner, and in those quantities, which "the most hollow and fallacious de- those who receive their assistance can scription." But these are the rules agree and afford to give, If they the hypocrites act upon. I was a boy should find that they do not thrive so when Thomas Paine's works were pub- well under this system, I hope they lished; but I recollect the writer was will recollect, there will be more man at first held too contemptible for no-liness in their adopting the following fice, and the "friends to social order, maxim, than in returning to the old "and our holy religion," were told they practice: had nothing to fear. After a while, the AttorneyGeneral interfered, who got a jury to condemn Paine's books, and then the canting junto asserted they were answered and refuted. "Read our side, (said

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Some other scheme must occupy their brain;
For those who once have eat must eat, again.

they,) "see what Bishop Watson says." ON RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION.



"Advise, but force not."

So says Justus; he calls the author of the Edipus Judaicus a vain jackdaw; tells the people to read the book; (which he knows cannot be had), exST. BERNARD's Letters. horts them to attend to the Christian SIR. Marmontel, in his Bellisarius, Advocate, and censures those who take [the fifteenth chapter of which, I would part against him. Come, come, Justus, particularly recommend to the perusal give up your prejudices. Let the "Si- of every person who has not read it] cilian Knight and British Privy Coun- says, "Truth cannot fail to triumph, but "cellor," interpret the Bible his own "it must not be by the arm of flesh. way. You may depend on it I will let By putting the sword of VENGEANCE the Archbishop's Chaplain, (who ap-" into the hand of TRUTH, you entrust pears blessed with all those amiable" ERROR with it also. The very posqualities that adorned his predecessor" session of that sword, will always be in the ever memorable time of William" deemed a sufficient authority to wield Penny put what interpretation on it he" it without mercy, and PERSECUTION pleases. Every one that reads the "will always be on the side of the bible may undoubtedly find both instruction and delight; but he will be more likely to become a rational being, if he be allowed to put his own con straction upon it, and interpret it his own way. I should like to know by

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How simple, and yet how forcible is the mode of reasoning adopted by this beautiful writer. If kings were sup posed to be God's vicegerents upon earth, and, in that capacity were allowed fo

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