THE ELECTRIC LIGHTING ACT, 1882, THE ACTS INCORPORATED THEREWITH, THE BOARD OF TRADE RULES, TOGETHER WITH NUMEROUS NOTES AND CASES. BY CLEMENT HIGGINS, RECORDER OF BIRKENHEAD, M.A. CANTAB., FELLOW OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, ETC. PREFACE. In the present crude and incomplete state of the law relating to the industrial applications of Electricity, little more is possible than to bring together under one cover the Electric Lighting Act, 1882, the Board of Trade Rules, the Incorporated Acts and cases decided thereon, together with such explanatory notes as have occurred to the Authors after a careful study of the legal and technical aspects of the subject. It is hoped, however, that this will be of assistance to Local Authorities, Companies, and others, in applying for powers under, or in otherwise putting in force the provisions of, the Electric Lighting Act, 1882. 2, Tanfield Court, Temple, E.C. CLEMENT HIGGINS. E. W. W. EDWARDS. 4. GRANTING OF PROVISIONAL ORDERS. 5. MAKING OF RULES AS TO APPLICATIONS UNDER ACT 10. GENERAL POWERS OF UNDERTAKERS UNDER LICENSE 11. POWER OF LOCAL AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT, &C. 69 |