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U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings.

Published monthly. Annual subscription to the PROCEEDINGS for nonmembers, $3.00; foreign postage 50 cents; enlisted men, U. S. Navy, $2.50. Single copies by purchase, 30 cents; all issues preceding January, 1919, 50 cents.

Members or subscribers desiring to receive their copies of the PROCEEDINGS bound in cloth may do so by the payment of $3.50 per year in addition to their dues or subscription, of which 50 cents is for postage.

Members or subscribers desiring to have their copies of the PROCEEDINGS bound in half Morocco may have the work done through the Institute at a price of $2.50 per cover, postage or carriage additional. The PROCEEDINGS of each year stripped and bound, make two conveniently sized volumes.

Publication of books marked with an asterisk (*) has been discontinued. The Institute, however, holds copies which may be obtained until the present edition becomes exhausted.

Catalogue of books published by the Institute containing detailed description and list of contents may be obtained on application to the Secretary and Treasurer, U. S. Naval Institute.

Orders for enlisted men of books published by the U. S. Naval Institute to the amount of $10.00, or for ten or more of any of said publications, will be furnished at a discount of 10 per cent, carriage prepaid. Additional discounts allowed for special orders in quantities.


Navigation and Compass Deviations (Revised 1917, with all problems and solutions brought to accord with the new form of the Nautical Almanac).

By Commander W. C. P. Muir, U. S. Navy, formerly Head of Department of Navigation, U. S. Naval Academy. A practical treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy, including the theory of compass deviation, prepared for use as a text-book at the U. S. Naval Academy. Though written primarily for use of midshipmen, the various subjects have been so presented that any zealous student possessing but a slight knowledge of trigonometry may be able to master the methods given. Much attention has been given to a description of the various navigational instruments, their uses and errors; to the principles involved in the construction of charts as well as to an account of the work usually performed on them; and the subject of pilotage has been considered at length. The chapters on compass deviation include not only the theory but the various practical methods of compensation, using the rectangular method. Enough of theoretical astronomy has been incorporated to enable any one without a previous knowledge of that science to pursue the study of the practical part of nautical astronomy. The chapter on Time goes largely into detail and is illustrated by the solution of many examples, as are all other parts of the book.

In a consideration of "lines of position" considerable space is given not only to the theories and practice of Sumner, but to the later adaptation of those theories by A. C. Johnson, R. N.

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The book includes a chapter on the New Navigation," or the method of Marcq Saint-Hilaire, with a full explanation of the solutions by computation, by nomography, and by Littlehales' graphic method; also chapters on the "Day's Work," the "Tides" and the "Identification of Heavenly Bodies "; and is in every respect an up-to-date treatise on Modern Navigation. It has been designed to furnish forms for arrangement of work, and is a handy volume in respect to dimensions. It is printed on opaque, thin paper of excellent quality and bulks but 14 inches from cover to cover inclusive, although containing 765 pages. Besides useful tables, extracts from the nautical almanac, and plates of hydrographic and topographic signs and symbols, of variation and of circles of position on a Mercator chart, there are four appendices.

Appendix A is a description of submarine signals; appendix B describes the first compensation of a compass before leaving a navy yard and the procedure in special cases when compensating on one heading; appendix C, the use of azimuth tables in finding Z, M, ț, and a great circle course; appendix D, Dr. Pesci's nomogram and its use to the navigator.

12m0, 765 + xvi pages, illustrated by diagrams and many text figures. Price $4.20. Postage paid.

Elements of Hydrographic Surveying (1911).

By Lieut. Commander George Wood Logan, U. S. N. All branches of the work connected with a marine hydrographic survey as ordinarily carried out have been completely described, and the book is, therefore, available for purposes of reference for naval officers and others who may be engaged in such work.

CONTENTS: I. Outline of a Hydrographic Survey.-II. Instruments for Hydrographic Surveying.-III. Base Line Measurement.-IV. Signals and their Constructions.-V. The Triangulation, Main and Secondary. VI. Topography.-VII. Hydrography.-VIII. Astronomical and Magnetic Observations.-IX. Tidal Data.-X. Classes of Surveys.-XI. Plotting.

APPENDIX: I. Distance in Feet Corresponding to the Angle Subtended by a Ten-foot Pole.-II. Table of Dip for Computation of Heights.-III. List of Articles Required by a Party for Construction of a Tripod Signal.-IV. List of Articles Required for Triangulation Party.-V. List of Articles Required by Boat Sounding Party.

12m0, 176 pages, full cloth. Price $1.50. Postage paid.

A Practical Manual of the Compass.

The revision consists chiefly of the addition of a chapter on service instruments and one on the gyroscopic compass. A valuable book for navigators and officers preparing for promotion.

Originally prepared by Lieut. Commander Harris Laning, U. S. N., for the use of midshipmen to give them a sufficient knowledge of compass work to enable them to efficiently care for and use compasses on board ship. The complex mathematical theory of the deviation of the compass and the derivation of formulæ have been entirely omitted, but a sufficient explanation of causes and effects is given to enable the student to understand any ordinary problem that may arise. The book contains all the most recent data on the subject of compensation of the compass as well as copies of all the forms used in compass work with an explanation of how to use them.

CONTENTS: I. Definition of error. Methods of determining the
error. How to apply the error.-II. Description of fundamental causes
of deviation: a qualitative analysis of the forces acting on the compass
needle.-III. A review of causes and effect, qualitative in character,
leading into a definite form in a quantitative sense.-IV. Description,
in a qualitative sense, of the principles of correction.-V. Detailed
and definite instructions for correction.-VI. A standard method of
compensation suggested by the Navy Department.-VII. A special
method of compensation at sea.-VIII. A special method of com-
pensation at a navy yard, suggested by the Navy Department.-
IX. Notes on service work: duties, records, reports, etc.-X. Descrip-
tion of service instruments.-XI. The gyroscopic compass.

7 x 101⁄2 in., 146 pages. Bound in flexible cloth. Price $1.75. Post-
age paid.

Copies of first edition of this book on sale at 75 cents, postage paid.


Naval Reciprocating Engines and Auxiliary Machinery
("Naval Engines and Machinery").

By Commander John K. Barton, U. S. Navy, Former Head of De-
partment of Marine Engineering and Naval Construction, U. S. Naval
Academy. Revised by Comdr. H. O. Stickney, U. S. Navy, recently
Head of Department of M. E. and N. C., U. S. Naval Academy.

A text-book for the instruction of Midshipmen and for officers pre-
paring for examination, fully illustrated with upwards of 260 text
figures, and 48 plates 8 x 10 inches bound separately.

This valuable work has been completely revised and brought up to
date. Much new matter has been added, and about one-third of the
illustrations have been replaced by new ones. Though devoted princi-
pally to the reciprocating engine, the great improvements in condensing
plants, necessitated by turbines, are described and illustrated, and the
present-day status of the reciprocating engine as compared with the
turbine for naval use is ably set forth. Besides being suitable for a
text-book for the use of midshipmen it is invaluable for all officers
who desire to be well informed on marine engineering subjects.

CONTENTS: I. Work and Efficiency.-II. The Action of the Steam.
-III. Description and Nomenclature of Naval Engines.-IV. The
Slide Valve.-V. Valve Gear and Reversing Arrangements.—VI. The
Multiple Expansion Engine.-VII. Cylinders, Details, Attachments.-
VIII. Crosshead-Connecting Rod, Crank Shaft.-IX. Condenser and
Its Fittings.-X. The Indicator and the Torsionmeter.-XI. Curves of
Crank Effort.-XII._Drainage, Pumping and Fire System.-XIII. Pro-
pulsion and Screw Propellers.-XIV. Auxiliary Machinery.-XV. En-
gine Balancing.-XVI. Operation and Management.-XVII. Port Ser-
vice, Examinations, Adjustments and Repairs.-XVIII. Engineering
Progress in the U. S. Navy.

The volume of Plates, bound separately, includes a valuable paper,
with charts of design, on the practical method of designing screw pro-
pellers, by Captain C. W. Dyson, U. S. Navy.

APPENDIX: Regulations for the Care and Preservation of Machinery
-Spare Parts Carried on Board Ship-Workshop Machinery-Tools,
etc.-Steam Tables-Navy Specifications for Stores and Material-
Inspection of Material, Steel and Iron, Copper, Brass and Bronze-
Examination Questions in Engineering for Line Officers for Promotion.
8vo, 619 pages, full cloth. Price $4.90. Postage paid.

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