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and separate its component parts the one from the other.The general tendency of these demoralizing and disorganizing contrivances will be reprobated by the civilized and Christian world; and the insuiting attempt on the virtue, the honour, the patriotism, and the fidelity of our brethren of the Eastern States, will not fail to call forth all their indignation and resentment, and to attach more and more all the States to that happy union and constitution against which such insidious and malignant artifices are directed. -The better to guard, nevertheless, against the effect of individual cupidity and treachery, and to turn the corrupt projects of the enemy against herself, I recommend to the consideration of Congress the expediency of an effectual prohibition of any trade whatever, by citizens or inhabitants of the United States, under special licenses, whether relating to persons or ports, and, in aid thereof, a prohibition of all exportation from the United States in foreign bottoms, few of which are actually employed, whilst multiplied counterfeits of their flags and papers are covering and encouraging the navigation of the enemy.

February 24, 1813.


and thus dispose it to measures of justice and equity, which he almost always de-: manded in vain.When the North of Europe saw itself menaced with a new fatal war, the King, after doing every thing that depended upon him to avert the storm, took the part which the intermediate posi tion of his States that admitted not of neutrality, and a certain perspective of the destructive measures that awaited them on the part of France, if he refused what was demanded of him, imperiously prescribed. He resigned himself to the sovereign engagements, out of all proportion to the. ability of the country, to which he found himself obliged to acquiesce by the treaty of alliance of the 24th February, and the conventions which accompanied it, in the hope of having obtained for Prussia solid, support, and in case of necessity, efficacious succour, of which, after so many reverses, she daily felt the greater necessity; and that the French Government, answering the fidelity with which the King purposed to fulfil his obligations, would, on, its side, fulfil with the same exactness the obligation it had contracted with him. Unhappy experience proved to him but too soon, that such were not the intentions of that Government. Whilst the King furnished the number of troops agreed upon, to form the stipulated auxiliary corps: whilst that these troops shed their blood in the cause of France, with a bravery to which the Emperor himself has not refused to do justice; whilst that in the interior of the country they bore up, by extraordinary The undersigned Chancellor of State has efforts, against furnishing the enormous just received an order from the King to lay supplies, and loans of all kinds, which the before his Excellency Count de Marsau, wants of the troops, who did not cease to Minister Plenipotentiary from His Majesty inundate it, required. France fulfilled the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, not, in any manner, the obligations con&c. &c. the following:The King, in tracted, the exact accomplishment of which all his political conduct since the peace of could alone prevent the entire ruin of the Tilsit, had principally in view to give and country and its inhabitants.—It was stiensure to his people a state of tranquillity pulated that the garrison of Glogau should which might gradually enable them to re- be provisioned at the expense of France, cover from the numberless misfortunes and reckoning from the date of the treaty, and losses which they had just suffered.- those of Custrin and Stettin, after the enFor this purpose he fulfilled with exactness, tire payment of the contributions; the latas far as his means permitted him, the en- ter was paid, and even more, in the month gagements which he had been forced to by of May, in last year, by the deliveries that peace. He has supported with re- which had been made-nevertheless Prussignation the arbitrary exactions, the spo-sia remained charged with provisioning liation of every description of which the these three garrisons, without any repreprovinces did not cease to be the object; sentations being able to effect what justice the enormous charges with which they and the letter of the treaty demanded. were loaded. He neglected nothing in We had flattered ourselves, at least, acorder to establish between him and the cording to the recent promise of His MaFrench Government a sincere confidence, jesty the Emperor, the country round those


Note of the Prussian Government annexed to the Report of the French Minister for Foreign Affairs.

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places, as the Prussian territory, would|ject. Besides, General de Krusemarek is henceforth have been sheltered from all charged to deliver a note to the Minister, forced requisitions, but at the very mo- which will enlarge more upon so many obment when we delivered ourselves up to jects, which clearly proves, that the French this hope, the Commandants received a Government, in holding in no consideration formal order, to take for ten leagues round the principal stipulations of the treaty of the fortresses, every thing of which they alliance in favour of Prussia, which, nebelieved they stood in want, which was vertheless, formed so many essential conexecuted with all the violence which was ditions of it, and without which the latter foreseen. It was agreed, that sums ad- would have, whatever might have been the vanced by Prussia for supplies of all kinds, consequence, subscribed to the conditions should be settled every three months, and imposed on her, has itself freed her from the balance paid down at the end of the those reciprocal obligations contained in it. campaign. But she could not obtain that No person is ignorant of the situation in even these accounts should be examined, which Prussia now finds herself, in conand when the balance amounted to very sequence of these circumstances, and genelarge sums, of which she was every mo- rally of the events of the Autumn and Winment to furnish the proofs, when at the end ter, abandoned to herself, without hope of of the year it was 94,000,000 of francs, the efficacious support on the part of a power, most lively representations were not able to whom she was bound, and from whom to procure payment of a single account, al- she did not even obtain the objects of the though the King had, for the moment, con- most strict justice, which she only wished fined his demand to a sum less than half the latter to grant her; seeing two-thirds the urgent, absolute, and indispensable ne-of her provinces exhausted, and their incessity for which had been demonstrated by habitants reduced to despair, what remains the most powerful evidence. The clause for her, except taking council of herself, of the treaty of alliance which ensured the raising and supporting herself? It is in neutrality of a part of Silesia, could not, the love and courage of his people, and in under the circumstances which since oc- the generous interest of a great power, curred, take effect, unless Russia, on her which compassionates his situation, that part, acquiesced in it, and this acqui- the King has determined to seek the means escence, supposed of necessity, that they of getting out of it, and of restoring to his should treat about this object. Neverthe Monarchy the independence which can less the Emperor caused it to be declared, alone ensure its future prosperity.His that he would not consent that the King Majesty has just taken the measures which should send any one to the Emperor Alex- so grave circumstances exact to join himander for this purpose, and in thus ren-self by a strict alliance with His Majesty dering the stipulation entirely illusory, in the Emperor of all the Russias. He is point of fact, withdrew from, annulled it. persuaded that France, as well as all EuFresh attempts were made against the rope, will appreciate the powerful motives King's incontestable rights, by the arbitra-which have decided his measures. ry dispositions indulged in, with respect to the corps of Prussian troops in Pomerania, under General Bulow, by calling it to join the Duke of Belluno's division, and in placing it previously to having obtained His Majesty's consent, under the orders of that Marshal, as well as by the prohibition of all recruiting whatever in the Prussian states, occupied by the French troops, which was published by order of the Viceroy of Italy, without informing His Majesty of it. Never, undoubtedly, was the sovereignty of a friendly Prince, attacked in a more terrible manner. -It is unnecessary to recapitulate the melancholy details which have lately appeared, they are perfectly known to your Excellency and the Duke of Bassano, by the numerous remonstrances of which they have been the sub

These measures tend in their final result
but to a peace, founded upon bases equit
able and calculated to augment its solidity.
It has always been, and will constantly re-
main, the most ardent of the King's wishes,
and if Providence blesses his efforts, His
Majesty will find himself at the height of
happiness in being able to contribute in
rendering benefit to humanity. The un-
dersigned has the honour to renew to his
Excellency Count de St. Marsau, the as-
surances of his high consideration.

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Breslaw, 16th March.




Paris, March 27, 1813. MONSIEUR LE Duc,-I have just receiv


contribution: she was preparing to pay remainder, when clouds arose between Russia and France, and when the immense preparations of those two powers did not any longer permit her to doubt of the war about to be kindled in the North. The King, faithful to his principle of saving, at any price, the national existence, judging of the future by the past, felt that he had every thing to fear from France. He sacrificed his affections, and concluded with her a treaty of alliance. At the epoch of the conclusion of the treaty, before the news could have reached Berlin, the French troops entered Pomerania and the Marche Elcetroale. The King with grief saw that no attention was paid to his frank and loyal intentions. They would obtain by force what it appeared impossible to obtain by negotiations. Agents of Prussia, frightened by the menacing attitude of France, had signed at Paris separate conventions, which contained conditions extremely burdensome, relative to the provisioning and wants of the Grand Army. The French Government, instructed respecting the mediocrity of our resources, foresaw a refusal,-prepared to gain the King's consent by the appearance of force, and deceived itself. His Majesty ratified these conventions, although he felt the difficulty of fulfilling them; he reckoned upon the devotion of Prussians, and he hoped that by defining the extent of our sacrifices, he would preserve his people from arbitrary requisitions, and their fatal consequences. Experience did not justify this hope. Whilst Prussia exhausted all her means to pour into the magazines the stipulated products, the French armies lived at the expense of individuals. At the same time were exacted the fulfilment of the treaty, and the daily consumption of the troops. The sacred property of the inhabitants was taken away by main force, without rendering the least account of it, and Prussia lost by these acts of violence above 70,000 horses, and 20,000 carriages.

ed an order from my Sovereign to lay before you the following:-The propositions which I have anteriorly had the honour of submitting to you were of a nature to merit a reply equally prompt as decisive. The progress of the Russian arms in the centre of the monarchy, does not permit Prussia any longer to prolong that state of uncertainty in which she is. On one side the Emperor of Russia, united to the King by bonds of personal friendship, offers Prussia, in this decisive moment, the support of his power, and the advantages of his friendship; on the other, his Majesty the Emperor of the French persists in repulsing an Ally who has sacrificed himself in his cause, and disdains even to explain himself upon the motives of his silence. For a length of time France has violated, in every point, the treaties which connected her with Prussia. Not contented with having dictated at Tilsit a peace, equally hard and humiliating, she has not even permitted her to enjoy the trifling advantages which that treaty seemed to allow her. She has made use of odious pretexts to shake to their foundations the fortune of the State, and those of individuals. Since that epoch, Prussia has been treated as a conquered country, and oppressed by a yoke of iron. The French armies remained in it contrary to the terms of the treaty, and lived at discretion in it during eighteen months; exorbitant and arbitrary contributions were imposed upon her; her commerce was ruined by obliging her to adopt the continental system; French garrisons were placed in the three fortresses of the Qder; the country was obliged to defray the expense of their appointments; in short, by the treaty of Bayonne, the property of widows and orphans was disposed of, in manifest contradiction to the stipulations of the treaty of peace; every thing announced that no sort of regard would be kept with an unfortunate and oppressed state. In this state of things, peace became an illusory benefit. The King groaned under the enormous -Notwithstanding all these shackles, the weight which oppressed his subjects. He King, faithful to his system, fulfilled with flattered himself with vanquishing, by the religious faith all the engagements he had force of condescension and sacrifices, an made. The supplies were successfully reanimosity the effects of which he knew, butalized, the stipulated contingent advanced; of whose principle he was ignorant. He gave himself up to the hope of sparing his people greater misfortunes, in fulfilling scrupulously his engagements towards France, and in carefully avoiding every thing which could give her offence. By extraordinary and unheard-of efforts, Prussia succeeded in paying two-thirds of the

nothing was omitted to prove the loyalty of
our conduct. France only replied to this
devotion by pretensions always new, and
believed herself able to dispense,
on her
side, with fulfilling the stipulations of the
treaty which fell to her charge. She con-
stantly refused to examine the accounts for
supplies furnished, although she had en-

tered into a formal engagement to settle them every three months.- -The Military Convention ensured to the Emperor, till a new arrangement with Prussia, possession of the fortresses of Glogau, Stettin, and Custrin; but the provisioning of the first of those places was, from the date of signing that convention, to have been at the expense of France; and the others, from the day on which the King should have fulfilled his new engagements respecting the discharge of the contribution. The King, in acquiescing in this article, had already given France proofs of his condescension, in renouncing the stipulations of 1808; according to which Glogau was to be given up to Prussia, as soon as half the contribution should be paid. The new treaty was not better observed by France than that which preceded it. The provisioning of Glogau, and that of the other fortresses, caused by the Convention, and the discharge of the contributions already realized in the month of May last year, notwithstanding the most pressing representations, remain at the expense of Prussia to this day. The Convention stipulated nothing respecting the fortresses of Pillau and Spandau; they, in consequence, were to remain occupied by Prussian troops; the French troops, however, entered them by a sort of military surprise, and maintained themselves in them. Whilst the weight of Prussia's expenses was indefinitely augmentedwhilst she proved, that, after having paid her contribution, her advances were enormous all kinds of assistance were persisted in being refused her all her demands were answered by a contemptuous silence, and incessantly demanding fresh sacrifices: the inconceivable efforts of a burdened na tion appeared to be considered as nothing. At the end of the preceding year, the advances by Prussia amounted to 94,000,000 of francs. The accounts were in as good order as they could be, considering the constant refusal of the French Authorities to settle them agreeably to the treaty. His Majesty never ceased to represent, through his agents, that it became urgent to do justice to his demands, that his exhausted States could no longer support the French armies. The King, for the moment, confined himself to demanding an account respecting these advances, candidly declaring that he could not answer for events in case of a refusal. This language, equally just as clear; these demands, founded on the most sacred titles, remained without reply, and only produced vague assurances

and distant promises. Besides, as if it was not sufficient to violate the most positive treaties, new proceedings took place to enlighten Prussia respecting the Emperor's intentions, and what she had a right to expect from him. The King seeing one part of his provinces invaded, and the other menaced, without being able to rely upon the assistance of the French armies, obliged to reinforce his own, and the ordinary way being tedious and insufficient, his Majesty addressed an appeal to the young Prussians who wished to range themselves under his colours. This awakened in every heart the desire of serving the country. A great number of volunteers were preparing to leave Berlin for Breslau, when it pleased the Viceroy to interdict all recruiting, and the departure of the volunteers, in the provinces occupied by the French troops. This prohibition was issued in the most peremptory manner, and without acquainting the King with it. Any attempt so directly aimed at the rights of Sovereignty, excited in the heart of his Majesty, and those of his faithful subjects, a just indignation. At the same time, and whilst the fortresses on the Oder ought for a long time to have been provisioned at the expense of France, after the Emperor had formally declared in an audience given to Hatzfeldt, that he had interdicted the French authorities from making any kind of requisitions in the States of the King, the Governors of these fortresses received orders to take by main force, for a circle of ten leagues, every thing which was requisite for their defence and provisioning. This arbitrary and unjust order, and which they did not even take the trouble of acquainting the King, was executed in all its extent, in defiance of the sacred tiile of property, and with details of violence which it would be difficult to depict. Notwithstanding all the reasons which the King had for breaking with France, he yet wished to try the effect of negotiations. He informed the Emperor Napoleon, that he would send a confidential person to the Emperor of Russia, in order to engage him to acknowledge the neutrality of that part of Silesia which France had acknowledged. It was the only means which remained to the King, abandoned, at least, for a moment, by France, for having a sure asylum, and not being placed in the cruel situation of leaving his States. The Emperor haughtily pronounced against this step, and did not even deign to explain himself upon the propositions which accompanied that overture. In such a state of things, the King's deci

sion could not long remain doubtful. He had for years sacrificed every thing for the preservation of his political existence: now France compromised that existence, and did nothing to protect it. Russia can aggravate his misfortunes, and generously offers to protect him. The King cannot hesitate :faithful to his principles and his duties, he joins his arms to those of the Emperor Alexander, changing his system without changing his object. He hopes, in breaking with France, and attaching himself to Russia, to obtain, by an honourable peace, or by force of arms, the only object of his wishes the independence of his people the benefits which will result from it, and the inheritance of his fathers, the half of which has been ravished from him. The King will adhere, with all his power, to every proposition conformable to the common interests of the Sovereigns of Europe. He is earnestly desirous that they may lead to a state of things, in which treaties may no longer be simple truces-where power becomes the guarantee of justice, and where each returning with his natural rights, may no longer be tormented in all the points of his existence, by the abuse of power.This is, M. Le Duc, what I am charged to state for your Excellency's information. Be pleased to give an account of it to his Majesty the Emperor. Europe has seen with astonishment the long resignation of a nation distinguished in the annals of history by its brilliant courage, and its noble perseverance. Now, directed by the most sacred motives, there is no person among us, who is not determined to sacrifice every consideration to the great interests of his throne, the country, and the independence of Europe; no one who will not think himself happy in perishing for this noble end, and in defending his house.I have orders immediately to proceed to the King, my august Master, with Prince Hatzfeldt, his Privy Councillor of State Begnelin, and the persons attached to these different missions. I have the honour to beg your Excellency to forward me the necessary passports for this purpose. -I hasten to renew to you, at the same time, the assurance of my most high consideration.




Paris, April 1, 1813. M. Baron,-I have laid before His Imperial and Royal Majesty, the Note which you did me the honour of addressing to me

-What is most

on the 27th of March.deserving of serious consideration may be reduced to what follows.That Prussia solicited and concluded an alliance with France in 1812, because the French armies had approached nearer to the Prussian States than the Russian armies.. -Prussia declares in 1813, that she violates her treaties, because the Russian armies have approached nearer to her States than the French armies. Posterity will judge, whether such conduct be faithful, and worthy of a great Prince, conformable to equity and sound policy.- -It will always do justice to the perseverance of your Cabinet in its principles. In 1792, when France was inwardly agitated by a Revolution, and from without, attacked by a formidable enemy, appeared like to sink, Prussia made war on her.-Three years afterwards, and at the moment when France was triumphant over the coalesced powers, Prussia abandoned her allies, she left the side of the combination together with its fortune, and the King of Prussia was the first of the Sovereigns who had taken up arms against France, that acknowledged the Republic. Four years had scarcely elapsed (in 1799), when France felt the vicissitudes of war; some battles had been lost in Switzerland and Italy; the Duke of York had landed in. Holland, and the Republic was threatened both from the North and the South; Fortune had changed, and Prussia had changed with her. -But the English were driven from Holland; the Russians were beaten at Zurich; victory again came under our colours in Italy, and Prussia became the Friend of France. -In 1805, Austria took up arms: she carried her arms to the Danube; she took possession of Bavaria; whilst the Russian troops passed the Niemen, and advanced towards the Vistula.-The union of three great powers, and their immense preparations appeared to presage nought but defeat to France. Prussia could not hesitate an instant; she armed herself; she signed the treaty of Berlin; and the manes of Frederic the Second were called upon to witness the eternal hatred which she vowed against France. When her Minister, sent to His Majesty to dictate the law to him, had arrived in Moravia, the Russians had just lost the battle of Austerlitz, and it was owing to the generosity of the French that they were allowed to return into their own country. Prussia immediately tore the treaty of Berlin, concluded only six weeks

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