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many; and have every where endeavoured ter with which the general Disturber bound to sow the seeds of disunion. Dreading a Germany, after dismembering her, and renewal of the war in Russia, they seek even obscuring her ancient name, can no allies in Germany, who will assuredly be- longer be tolerated, as it is the effect of come their victims, and be abandoned, on foreign constraint and of foreign influence. the first movement of the armies which are It must be dissolved.--Their Majesties now organizing throughout the provinces of will only give protection while the German France. Recal to mind the acts of those Princes and nations are engaged in comwho now entice you to rebellion. Remem- pleting the grand work.- -Let France, ber in what manner they have abandoned who is beauteous and strong through heryou on former occasions, and ask yourselves self, occupy herself, in future, in prowhat support they are likely to afford you. moting her internal welfare! No foreign The vanguard of the Russian army has only power intends disturbing it—no hostile crossed the Elbe to plunder and destroy, power shall be sent against her rightful and has retired on the approach of our frontiers. But be it known to France, that troops. The forces of that power have ad- the other powers are solicitous of conquervanced with a temerity which will not ing lasting tranquillity for their subjects, escape chastisement. The first battle will and that they will not lay down their arms, be the signal for the garrisons of the for- until the foundation of the independence tresses they have left in their rear, to sally of every European state has been establishout and cut off their retreat. The first de-ed and secured.- -In the name of their feat will be to them annihilation; too hap- Majesties the Emperor of Russia and King py if the remains of their armies are per- of Prussia. mitted to return by capitulation. Prussia Prince KUTOUSOFF SMOLENSK, has been compelled to unite with the ene- Field Marshal and Commander in Chief of the Allied Army. Head-quarters, Kalisch, 13th (25th) March, 1813.


Her conduct merits as much pity as contempt. But she will be the first to abandon the alliance she has formed. From England do you expect succours? Alas! what nation ever confided in her friendship that escaped ruin. Banished from the Continent, the woes of the nations that inhabit it are regarded by her with exultation!—Inhabitants! Return to your homes, resume your occupations, and be assured, the armies that are now hastening from the interior will quickly drive the Russians into their own country. (Signed) CARA ST. GYR, General, &c. Otterberg, April 2, 1813.


Imperial Decree.
Palace of the Thuilleries, March 25, 1815.
Napoleon, Emperor of the French, &c.
We have decreed and do decree as follows:

Art. 1. The Concordat, signed at Fontainbleau, which regulates the affairs of the Church, and which was, on the 13th of February, 1813, published as the law of the State, is obligatory upon our Archbishops, Bishops, and Chapters, who Russian Address to the Germans. shall be bound to conform to it. -2. As While the victorious warriors of Russia, soon as we shall have nominated to a vaaccompanied by those of His Majesty the cant Bishoprick, and communicated such King of Prussia, his ally, appear in Ger- nomination to the Holy Father, in the many, His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, forms prescribed by the Concordat, our and His Majesty the King of Prussia, an- Minister of Worship shall send an account nounce to the Princes and nations of Ger- of such nomination to the Metropolitan, many, the return of liberty and inde- and if the nomination be a Metropolitan, pendence. They only come with an into the oldest Bishop of the Ecclesiastical tention of aiding them to reconquer those Province. -3. The persons whom we inalienable benefits of nations, and of af- shall have nominated, shall appear before fording powerful protection, and lasting the Metropolitan, who will make the presecurity, to the regeneration of a venerable scribed inquiries, and address the result, Empire.- -These two armies, trusting of them to the Holy Father.- -4. If the in God, and full of courage, advance, person nominated should be under any echoping that every German, without dis- clesiastical exclusion, the Metropolitan will tinction, will join them, &c.--The Con- immediately inform us of it; and in the federation of the Rhine, that deceitful fet-case where no reason for ecclesiastical ex

in killed and wounded. For the details of
this affair, which reflects the highest credit
on Colonel Proctor, for the promptitude,
gallantry, and decision which he has mani-
fested upon this occasion, I beg leave to re-
fer your Lordship to his letter to Major-
General Sheaffe, herewith transmitted.
I have also the honour of transmitting to
your Lordship returns of the killed and

clusion exists, if the appointment is not ficers, non-commissioned officers, and prímade by the Pope, within six months from vates of the American army, and with a the notification of our nomination, accord-loss on their part of nearly the like number ing to the 4th Article of the Concordat, the Metropolitan, assisted by the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical province, shall be obliged to give the said appointment.5. Our Imperial Courts shall take cognizance of all the affairs known under the name of appeals, as abuses, as well as of those which may result from the non-execution of the laws of the Concordat. 6. Our Grand Judge shall present a pro-wounded on our part, and of the prisoners jet for a law, to be discussed in our council, to determine the proceedings and penalties applicable in these matters.-7. Our Ministers of France and the Kingdom of Italy are charged with the execution of the present decree, which shall be inserted in the Bulletin of the Laws. (Signed) By the Emperor, NAPOLEON. (Signed) By the Minister Secretary of State,

Count DARU.

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Quebec, Feb. 8, 1813.

taken from the enemy, the latter of which, your Lordship will not fail to observe, more than exceeded the whole of the regular and militia force which Colonel Proctor had to oppose to them. Major-General Harrison, with the main body of his army, consisting of about two thousand men, was reported to be four or five days march distant from Brigadier-General Winchester's diviSion, advancing in the direction of Detroit.

-I think it not improbable that, upon hearing of the disaster of this division and the loss of the supplies, he may commence his retreat; but should he persevere in his endeavours to penetrate further into the Michigan territory, I feel the fullest confidence in the skill and bravery of Col. Proctor and the troops under his command, for an effectual resistance to every attempt of the enemy in that quarter.- -A small detachment from the royal artillery, at Fort George, with the light infantry company of the 41st regiment, have marched to reinforce Detroit; they are to be replaced on the Niagara frontier by troops now in motion from Montreal. -I have the honour to be, &c.

(Signed) GEORGE PREVOST. To the Right Hon. Earl Bathurst, &c. &c.

Sandwich, Jan. 25, 1813.

My Lord, I have the honour to congratulate your Lordship upon the signal success which has again attended His Majesty's arms in Upper Canada. -Brigadier-General Winchester, with a division of the forces of the United States, consisting of upwards of one thousand men, being the right wing of Major-General Harrison's army, thrown in advance, marching to the Sir,-In my last dispatch I acquainted attack of Detroit, was completely defeated you that the enemy was in the Michigan on the 22d January last, by Colonel Proc- territory, marching upon Detroit, and that tor, commanding in the Michigan territory, I therefore deemed it necessary that he with a force which he had hastily collected should be attacked without delay, with all upon the approach of the enemy, consisting and every description of force within my of a small detachment of the 10th Royal reach. Early in the morning of the 19th, Veteran Battalion, three companies of the I was informed of his being in possession of 41st regiment, a party of the Royal New- Frenchtown, on the river Raisin, 26 miles foundland Fencibles, the sailors belonging from Detroit, after experiencing every reto the Queen Charlotte, and one hundred sistance that Major Reynolds, of the Essex and fifty of the Essex militia, not exceeding militia, had it in his power to make, with five hundred regulars and militia, and about a three-pounder, well served and directed six hundred Indians; the result of the ac- by Bombardier Kitson, of the royal artiltion has been the surrender of Brigadier-lery, and the militia, three of whom he General Winchester, with five hundred of had well trained to the use of it. The re


a return of the arms and ammunition which
have been taken, as well as of the prisoners,
whom you will perceive to be equal to my
utmost force, exclusive of the Indians.
It is reported that a party, consisting of 100
men, bringing 500 hogs for General Win-
chester's force, has been completely cut off
by the Indians, and the convoy taken.
Lieut. M'Lean, my acting Brigade-Major,
whose gallantry and exertions were conspi-
cuous on the 22d instant, is the bearer of
this dispatch, and will be able to afford you
every information respecting our situation.
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) HENRY PROCTOR, Col.-Com.
To Major-Gen. Sheaffe, &c. Fort George.

Admiralty-Office, April 20, 1813. Letters, of which the following are Copies and Extracts, have been transmitted to this Office by Rear-Admiral Dixon, addressed to John Wilson Croker, Esq. by Lieut. Chads, late First Lieutenant of His Majesty's ship Java.

United States frigate Constitution, off
St. Salvador,

December 31,


treat of the gun was covered by a brave band of Indians, who made the enemy pay dear for what he obtained. This party, composed of militia and Indians, with the gun, fell back eighteen miles to Brown's Town, the settlement of the brave Wyandots, where I directed my force to assemble. On the 21st instant, I advanced twelve miles to Swan Creek, from whence we marched to the enemy, and attacked him at break of day on the 22d instant; and after suffering, for our numbers, a considerable loss, the enemy's force posted in houses and enclosures, and which, from dread of falling into the hands of the Indians, they most obstinately defended, at length surrendered at discretion; the other part of their force, in attempting to retreat by the way they came, were, I believe, all, or with very few exceptions, killed by the Indians. Brigadier-General Winchester was taken in the pursuit by the Wyandot Chief Roundhead, who afterwards surrendered him to -You will perceive that I have lost no time; indeed it was necessary to be prompt in my movements, as the enemy would have been joined by Major-General Harrison in a few days. The troops, the marines, and Sir, It is with deep regret that I write the militia, displayed great bravery, and to you, for the information of the Lords behaved uncommonly well. Where so Commissioners of the Admiralty, that His much zeal and spirit were manifested, it Majesty's ship is no more, after sustaining would be unjust to attempt to particularize an action on the 29th instant, for several any; I cannot, however, refrain from men- hours, with the American frigate Constitioning Lieut.-Colonel St. George, who re-tution, which resulted in the capture and ceived four wounds in a gallant attempt to ultimate destruction of His Majesty's ship. occupy a building which was favourably Captain Lambert being dangerously woundsituated for annoying the enemy; together ed in the height of the action, the melanwith Ensign Kerr, of the Newfoundland re-choly task of writing the detail devolves on giment, who, I fear, is very dangerously wounded. The zeal and courage of the Indian department were never more conspicuous than on this occasion, and the Indian warriors fought with their usual bravery. I am much indebted to the different departments, the troops having been well and timely supplied with every requisite the district could afford.--I have fortunately not been deprived of the services of Lieut. Troughton, of the Royal Ar-upon the wind. We soon found we had tillery, and acting in the Quarter-master General's department, although he was wounded, to whose zealous and unwearied exertions I am so greatly indebted, as well as to the whole of the Royal Artillery, for their conduct in this affair.- -I enclose a list of the killed and wounded, and cannot but lament that there are so many of both, but of the latter I am happy to say a large proportion will return to their duty, and most of them in a short time; I also enclose

me.- On the morning of the 29th instant, at eight A. A. off St. Salvador (coast of Brazil), the wind at N. E. we perceived a strange sail; made all sail in chase, and soon made her out to be a large frigate; at noon prepared for action, the chase not answering our private signals, and tacking towards us under easy sail; when about four miles distant she made a sigual, and immediately tacked and made all sail away

the advantage of her in sailing, and came up with her fast, when she hoisted American colours; she then bore about three points on our lee bow. At fifty minutes past one P. M. the enemy shortened sail, upon which we bore down upon her; at ten minutes past two, when about half a mile distant, she opened her fire, giving us her larboard broadside, which was not returned till we were close on her weather bow. Both ships now manoeuvred to ob

tain advantageous positions, our opponent and wounded, our bowsprit and three evidently avoiding close action, and firing masts gone, several guns useless, we should high to disable our masts, in which he not be justified in wasting the lives of more succeeded too well, having shot away the of those remaining, who I hope their Lordhead of our bowsprit with the jib-boom, ships and the Country will think have and our running rigging so much cut as to bravely defended His Majesty's ship; unprevent our preserving the weather-gage.der these circumstances, however relucta

antly, at fifty minutes past five, our colours were lowered from the stump of the mizen-mast, and we were taken possession

-At five minutes past three, finding the enemy's raking fire extreinely heavy, Capt. Lambert ordered the ship to be laid on board, in which we should have suc-of, a little after six, by the American friceeded, had not our fore-mast been shot gate Constitution, commanded by Commoaway at this moment, the remains of our dore Bainbridge, who, immediately after bowsprit passing over his taffrail; shortly ascertaining the state of the ship, resolved after this the maintop mast went, leaving on burning her, which we had the satisthe ship totally unmanageable, with most faction of seeing done as soon as the woundof our starboard guns rendered useless from ed were removed. Annexed I send you a the wreck lying over them.At half- return of the killed and wounded, and it is past three our gallant Captain received a with pain I perceive it so numerous; also dangerous wound in the breast, and was a statement of the comparative force of the carried below; from this time we could two ships, when I hope their Lordships not fire more than two or three guns until a will not think the British flag tarnished, alquarter-past four, when our mizen-mast though success has not attended us. It was shot away; the ship then fell off a would be presumptuous in me to speak of little, and brought many of our starboard Captain Lambert's merits, who, though guns to bear: the enemy's rigging was so still in danger from his wound, we still much cut, that he could not now avoid entertain the greatest hopes of his being shooting a-head, which brought us fairly restored to the service and his country.broadside and broadside. Our main-yard It is most gratifying to my feelings to now went in the slings, both ships conti- netice the gallantry of every officer, seanued engaged in this manner till thirty-five man, and marine on board; in justice to minutes past four, we frequently on fire, the officers, I beg leave to mention them in consequence of the wreck lying on the individually. I can never speak too highly side engaged. Our opponent now made of the able exertions of Lieutenants Hevsail a-head out of gun-shot, where he re-ringham, and Buchanan, and also Mr. mained an hour repairing his damages, Robinson, Master, who was severely leaving us an unmanageable wreck, with wounded, aud Lieutenants Mercer and Daonly the mainmast left, and that tottering. [vis, of the royal marines, the latter of Every exertion was made by us during this whom was also severely wounded. To interval to place the ship in a state to re- Captain John Marshall, R. N. who was a new the action. We succeeded in clearing passenger, I am particularly obliged for the wreck of our masts from our guns, a his exertions and advice throughout the sail was set on the stumps of the fore-mast action. To Lieutenant Aplin, who was on and bowsprit, the weather-half of the main-the main deck, and Lieutenant Saunders, yard remaining aloft, the main-tack was who commanded on the forecastle, I also got forward in the hope of getting the ship return my thanks, I cannot but notice the before the wind, our helm being still per- good conduct of the mates and midshipmen, fect; the effort unfortunately proved inef-many of whom are killed, and the greater fectual, from the main-mast falling over part wounded. To Mr. T. C. Jones, Surthe side, from the heavy rolling of the ship, geon, and his assistants, every praise is which nearly covered the whole of our due for their unwearied assiduity in the starboard guns. We still waited the at- care of the wounded. Lieut.-General Histack of the enemy, he now standing towards lop, Major Walker, and Captain Wood, us for that purpose; on his coming nearly of his staff, the latter of whom was severely within hail of us, and from his manoeuvre wounded, were solicitous to assist and reperceiving he intended a position a head,' main on the quarter-deck. I cannot conwhere he could rake us without a possibility clude this letter without expressing my of our returning a shot, I then consulted grateful acknowledgments, thus publicly, the officers, who agreed with myself that for the generous treatment Captain Lamour having a great part of our crew killed bert and his officers have experienced from

be, &c.

our gallant enemy, Commodore Bainbridge,, vourably estimated; and by a consideration and his officers. -I have the honour to on the momentous period at which the trust has been renewed.- -From the weight and magnitude now belonging to it, I should be compelled to shrink, if I had less reliance on the support of an enlightened and generous people, and feel less deep

HY. D. CHADS, First Lieutenant

of His Majesty's late ship Java.

P.S. The Constitution has also suffered severely, both in her rigging and men, having her fore and mizen-masts, maintop-ly a conviction, that the war with a powhaving her fore and mizen-masts, maintop-erful nation, which forms so prominent a mast, both maintopsail-yards, spankerfeature in our situation, is stamped with boom, gaff, and trysail-mast badly shot, that justice which invites the smiles of and the greatest part of the standing rig- Heaven on the means of conducting it to a ging very much damaged, with ten men killed, the Commodore, Fifth Lieutenant, and forty-six men wounded, four of whom

are since dead.

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successful termination.—May we not

cherish this sentiment, without presumption, when we reflect on the characters by which this war is distinguished?—It was not declared on the part of the United States until it had been long made on them in reality, though not in name-until arguments and expostulations had been exhausted-until a positive declaration had been received that the wrongs provoking it would not be discontinued-nor until this appeal could no longer be delayed without

Ship's company and supernumeraries, 377. breaking down the spirit of the nation, de

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Washington, March 4. At twelve o'clock this day, James Madison, the President of the United States elect, having attended at the Capital for the purpose of taking the Oath of Office, delivered to the vast concourse of people assembled on the occasion, the following Speech :

"About to add the solemnity of an oath to the obligations imposed by a second call to the station in which my country has here before placed me, I find in the presence of this respectable assembly, an opportunity of publicly repeating my profound sense of so distinguished a confidence, and of the responsibility united with it. The impressions on me are strengthened by such an evidence, that my faithful endeavours to discharge my arduous duties have been fa

stroying all confidence in itself and in its political institutions; and either perpetuating a state of disgraceful suffering, or regaining, by more costly sacrifices and more severe struggles, our lost rank and respect among independent powers.On the issue of the war are staked our national sovereignty on the high seas, and security of an important class of citizens, whose occupations give the proper value to those of every other class. Not to contend for such a stake, is to surrender our equality with other Powers on the element common to all, and to violate the sacred title which every member of the society has to its protection.

-I need not call into view the unlawfulness of the practice, by which our mariners are forced, at the will of every cruising officer, from their own vessels into foreign ones, nor paint the outrages inseparable from it. The proofs are in the records of each successive administration of our government-and the cruel sufferings of that portion of the American people have found their way to every bosom not dead to the sympathies of human nature. As the war was just in its origin, and necessary and noble in its objects; we can reflect with a proud satisfaction, that in car❤ (To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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