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Erecta virgultosa, foliis ovato acuminatis atque crenatis, spicis unifor mibus alaribus. Browne, p. 346, t. 36, f. 2.

Female involucres heart-shaped, serrate; male spikes distinct, naked; leaves lance-ovate

This grows in great plenty in Jamaica. Its leaves resemble those of the annual net--tle and sting full as much when touched.


Female spikes terminating solitary; involucres many-parted; males erect;: leaves ovate-lanceolate; serrate scabrous, villous-tomentose underneath.


Female flowers sub-sessile terminating, involucres serrate; males in spikes;: leaves linear serrate.


Female spikes with cordate gashed involucres: leaves oblong-lanceolate serrate



Female flowers axillary sessile, involucres cordate crenate; males in spikes: leaves roundish, crenate, smooth.

The above plants are easily propagated from their seeds, but are possessed of no beauty. The last four species are from Swartz's Prodromus.

No English Name

CL. 16, OR. 6-Monodelphia polyandria.


NAT. OR.-Columniferæ.

The name is derived from a Greck word, signifying not to open,' as the corolla does not open.

GEN. CHAR.-Calyx double, outer many-leaved, inner one-leafed; the corolla subclavate, convoluted, petals five; berry sub-globular, fleshy, five-celled, fiveseeded; seeds solitary, convex on one side, angular on the other. There are three species, all natives of Jamaica.


Frutescens, foliis angulatis, cordato acuminatis, crenatis; petalis ab uno latere auritis. Browne, p. 284.

Leaves somewhat scabrous, acuminate, leaflets of the outer calyx erect. This plant is named scarlet achania, or bastard hibiscus; it is common in the woods, but seldom seen in the lowlands. The stem is arboreous, about ten feet high, and is branched. Leaves petioled, cordate, crenate, tomentose, sometimes slightly three or five lobed, the middle lobe most produced. Stipules bristle shaped, small, withering. Flowers axillary, solitary, on villous peduncles shorter than the petiole. Outer calyx

eight-leaved, the leaflets coalesceing at the base; inner marked with ten streaks, fivetoothed at the tip. Corolla and tube scarlet, the latter twisted into a spiral, upright, very long. Stigmas hisped, blackish.


Leaves tomentose, leaflets of the outer calyx spreading.

This is called the woolly achania. The branches, petioles, and leaves, are covered with a very thick nap. The leaves are sometimes cordate-ovate acuminate, and sometimes angular, slightly three-lobed,


Leaves hairy, obtuse, acute. Sw. Pr. p. 102.

The hairy achania has a very different appearance from the two former. It is shrubby, as they are, but the stem and branches are smaller, tinner, and not downy. The leaves are hairy, cordate-ovate, with broad irregular serratures about the edge; some of them blunt and even retuse, but others acute. The stipules are subulate. The leaflets of the outer calyx spread out towards the end and spatulate. The flowers are small, convolute, and closed. These plants may be propagated by cuttings or seeds.

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CL. 14, OR. 2.—Didynamia angiospermia. NAT. OR.-Personate.

THE name columnea was given by Plumier, in honour of Fabius Columna, or Colonna, of Italy.

GENT CHAR. Calyx a large one-leafed perianthum, five-parted; corolla large, one-petaled, ringent, gaping, tubular, upper lip three-parted, middle part vaulted, emarginate; the stamina in the upper lip; anthers connected; germen roundish; capsule one or two-celled; seeds numerous, small, nestling. There are six species, three of which are found in this island.


Repunculus fruticosus, foliis oblongis, integris, villosis, ex adverso si tis, flore purpureo villoso. Sloane, v. 1, p. 157, t. 100, f. 1. Major, herbacca, subhirsuta, ollique assurgens, &c. Browne, p. 270, t. 30, f. 3.

Leaves ovate, acuminate, serrate, roughly hairy on the upper surface, calycine leaflets tooth-letted lanceolate; they and the corollas hirsute, the upper lip


The larger hairy achimenes. This beautiful vegetable is a native of the cooler moun tains, and most commonly met with in the woods of New Liguanea and St. Ann's. It is a very succulent plant, and grows luxuriantly in every rich and shady soil; throwing its branches frequently to the height of four or five feet, and higher, when supported by some neighbouring shrub or stump. The stem is pretty thick, and the leaves opposite and alternately larger. The flowers are large, beautifully variegated, and hairy on the outside, like the other parts of the plant. The divisions of the cup are of a sin

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gular structure, and pinnated on the sides, somewhat like those of the garden rose. The whole plant has an uncommon, but beautiful, appearance, and deserves to be cultivated in all flower gardens in the cooler parts of the island, where it is most likely to thrive.


Leaves ovate, obtuse, tooth-letted, hispid-hirsute, leaflets of the calyx lanceo late, entire, hairy, stem hairy rugged. Sw. Pr.


Leaves ovate-lanceolate, villose, denticulate, coloured underneath; divisions of the calyx jagged, villous; corolla villose, upper lip two-parted.. Sw. Pri These plants are propagated from seeds.

No English Name.

CL. 5, OR. 1.-Pentandria monogynia


NAT. OR. Miscellaneæ.

This genus takes its name from two Greek words, signifying chaff and a flower. GEN. CHAR.-Calyx a double perianthium, outer three-leaved persistent, inner five-leaved also persistent; no corolla or scarcely perceptible; nectarium fivevalved, surrounding the germen, bearded at the top, concave, and falling off; the perianthium is a roundish one-celled capsule; the seed single and oblong. The following species are natives of Jamaica::


Amaranthus siculus spicatus radice perenni boccone. Sloane, v. 1, p. 142. Caule geniculato erecto, foliis ovatis oppositis, &c. Browne, p. 180.

Stem shrubby erect; calyx reflex, pressed to the spike.

It rises three or four feet high, by a square jointed stalk, opposite branches; the leaves are dark green, woolly on both sides, oblong, smooth, pointed. The flowers are in spikes at the end of the branches, appearing first like short reddish Hairs, after which follow rough, prickly, green, reflected, capsules, containing five seeds, oblong, reddish. It grows in ditches.


Foliis ovatis, floribus spicatis, appendicibus bisetis. Browne, 180. Bli tum album majus scandens. Sloane, v, I, p. 142.

Stem suffruticose scandent, panicles terminating axillary, branched. This has a green stalk as thick as ones thumb, supported by shrubs and trees, on which it leans, grows five or six feet high, putting out here and there branches, having leaves about an inch and a half's distance, on inch-long footstalks, three inches long and half as broad. The leaves are ovate, acute, smooth, soft, of a dark green colour, six inches long. The flowers grow in spikes, of a pale green or herbaceous colour, a great many together. The seminal vessels or husks break horizontally, and


contain small black, shining, compressed, kidney-shaped, seeds. It grows on the banks of the Rio-Cobre, and on the road to Passage-Fort, very plentifully.-Sloane. Browne calls this bastard hoop-withe. These plants are raised from the seeds, and grow commonly among low bushes.

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GEN. CHAR.-Male calyx five-leaved, leaves ovate-lanceolate, reflex; no corolla; stamina numerous, placed on a globular receptacle: Female calyx six-leaved; leaflets linear, lanceolate, spreading; no corolla; style short, germen three-cleft; capsule three-grained, hirsute, three-celled; seeds solitary, ovate. There is only one species, described as follows by Sloane:

Urtica urens arborea, foliis oblongis, angustis. Sloane, v. 1, p. 124, 11 t. 83, f. 1.

This shrub rises eight or nine feet a round straight woody trunk, of the bigness of ones finger, covered with a smooth brownish bark. The leaves come out towards the top alternately, they are narrow, lanceolate, three or four inches long, and a quarter of an inch broad, with often a tooth near the top; of a dark green colour, several ribs on the under side, and on the surface and edges many long small prickles, which are said to be very burning. The petioles are short and ribbed.




NAT. OR. Calycanthema.

CI.. 8, OR. 1.-Octandria monogynia:

The generic name is derived from a Greek word, signifying to break or burst. GEN. CITAR. Calyx one-leafed, four-cleft, permanent; corolla four petals, roundish and inserted into the calyx, spreading; stamina filiform, anthers declining; germen roundish, crowning the calyx; style short, simple, declining; capsule roundish, four-celled, within the belly of the calyx; seeds numerous, roundish. There are thirteen species, only three of which have been discovered in Jamaica, viz. --


Erecta ramosa, ramulis quadratis, foliis trinerviis ovato crenatis, oppositis; fioribus singularibus ad alas alternas. Browne, 217, t. 22, f. 1.

Flowers alternate, axillary, penduncled, five-cleft.

This plant grows in the pastures eastward of Luidas, and seldom rises above fourteen er sixteen inches in height. The stem is pretty firm and square, and emits a good many square branches towards the top; the leaves are small,. three nerved, ovate, crenate, and opposite. The flowers spring singly from the alternate axils or bosoms of the leaves. The calyx is deeply five-cleft at the mouth. Petals five, obovate, inserted


into the throat of the calyx. Filaments ten, shorter than the corolla. Anthers oblong, saggitate, and subarcuere, versatile. Germ crowned with the calyx. Style short. Stigina sharp. Capsule two-celled, filled with two little placentas.-Browne,


Leaves opposite, cartilaginous-tooth-letted, coriaceous, shining, branchlets four-cornered; flowers terminating-ten-stamened.-Sw. Pro. 61.


Leaves opposite tooth-letted, coriaceous, branchlets round, flowers axillary tenstamened.-Sw. Pro. 61.

The stamens in some plants of this genus are inconstant, from seven to twelve, and there is a plain alliance between it and osbeckia and melastoma. The different species are propagated by seeds.



No English Name.

CL. 22, OR. 11.-Diacia monodelphia.

The name is from a Greek word, signifying obscure.


NAT. OR. Tricocca.

GEN. CHAR.-Male calyx one-leafed three parted, leaflets oblong curved back; no corolla; the stamina consist of many capillary filaments, the length of the calyx, united into a cylinder at the base; the anthers roundish: The female calyx is fiveparted; no corolla; pistillum a roundish germen; styles three, very short and divaricated; the stigmata torn; the perianthium a three-grained, roundish, three-celled, capsule; seeds solitary and roundish. There are three species, all natives of Jamaica:


Fruticosa, foliis tomentosis ovatis serratis alternis. Browne, 361.

Leaves oblong tomentose, serrate.

This Browne calls the shrubby bernardia with villous leaves.


Fruticosa, foliis subrotundis, nitidis confertis floribus associatis.
Browne, 361.

Leaves oblong-ovate, quite entire.

The smooth leaved bernardia has slender flower stalks, and is common in all the lowlands about Kingston, it rises to the height of eight or ten feet.-Browne.


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Frutescens acculeatim et diffusum, ramulis gracilibus teretibus, foliolis confertis flore unico vel altero associatis. Browne, 355.

Branches flexuose, spines gemmaceous.


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