Acadia National Park See NATIONAL PARKS Accident Insurance See INSURANCE Accounts and Accounting See GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE; INCOME TAX Acetic Acid Definition in Federal caustic poison act, 15, § 402(a) (7) Acids Shipments in interstate and foreign commerce regulated, 15, Actuaries Government actuary, salary, 5, § 251 Retirement of civil service employees, board of actuaries, 5, Adjusted Compensation See WORLD WAR VETERANS' ADJUSTED COMPENSATION Adjustment Boards See RAILROADS Admissions and Dues Taxation, 26, §§ 871, 872 Adulteration Importation of adulterated seeds prohibited, 7, § 111 Military reservations, adjustment of claims, 10, § 1596 See also PUBLIC CONTRACTS False advertisements or representations as to membership Public contracts, advertisements for proposals, see PUBLIC Sites for public buildings in various cities, 40, § 345 Advisory Committee for Aeronautics See NATIONAL DEFENSE Advisory Commodity Committees See AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT See AIR COMMERCE; ARMY; NAVY Affidavits Appointed officers, no consideration paid for appointment, 5, Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges Agricultural extension work, extension of provisions of law Agricultural Colleges See ALASKA Agricultural Department S Alaska, representation in department by ex-officio commis- Bureau of agricultural economics Appropriation for standardization, grading, etc., of Division of cooperative marketing, see Cooperative mar- Standardization, grading, etc., of wool, 7, § 415b Cooperative marketing act Advisers to Secretary of Agriculture, appointment, com- Establishment of division of cooperative marketing in Officers and employees of division, appointment, re- moval and compensation, 7, § 456 Powers and duties of division, 7, § 453 Rules and regulations, Secretary of Agriculture to Employees Detail to commissioner of patents, 35, § 56a Federal Horticultural Board, functions transferred to Plant Performance of engineering service in connection with roads for any branch of Government, 23, § 54 Tobacco, collection and publication of statistics, 7, §§ 501- Agricultural Experiment Stations Alaska, laws governing experiment stations extended to Ter- Hawaii station, establishment, equipment, and operation, 7, South Carolina station, appropriation to carry on coopera- Station for southern Great Plains area, annual appropria- Station for southern Great Plains area, establishment and Trees, shrubs, vines, and vegetables for semi-arid or dry- land regions Annual appropriations, 7, § 387a Failure of appointed officer to make required affidavit, pen- Agricultural Extension Work alty, 5, § 21b See AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGES 1 XXV 11319°-30- 44 Agricultural Organizations Exemption from income tax, 26 $ 2103(1) Agricultural Marketing Act Administrative appropriation, 7, § 532 Application for recognition of stabilization corpora- Compensation, 7, § 523 (b) Confidential information, disclosures prohibited, 7, Creation, 7, § 523 (b) Expenses, 7, § 523 (b) Meetings, 7, § 523 (c) Membership, 7, § 523 (b) Naming committees, 7, § 523 (b) Officers, 7, § 523 (c) Powers, 7, § 523 Agricultural commodities, designation, 7, § 523 (a) Citation to chapter, 7, § 535 (f) Clearing house associations Agricultural Marketing Act-Continued Price insurance, 7, § 531 Researches by bureaus, 7, § 533 (d) Stabilization corporations Accounts and record, 7, § 529 (e) Confidential information, disclosures prohibited, 7, § 535 (c) Loans for working capital, 7, § 529 (c) Loans generally, 7, § 528 Loans, restrictions, 7, § 529 (f) Loans to control surplus, 7, § 529 (d) Powers generally, 7, § 529 (b) Qualifications, 7, § 529 (a) Recognition, 7, § 529 (a) Reports, 7, § 529 (e) Surplus defined, 7, § 521 (b) Confidential information, disclosures prohibited, 7, Agriculture Creation, 7, § 530 Powers, 7, § 530 Confidential information, disclosures prohibited, 7, § 535 Cooperation with states and territories, 7, § 533 (c) Confidential information, disclosures prohibited, 7, Establishing advisory commodity committees, 7, § 523 Insurance, 7, § 531 Loans, 7, § 527 Powers exercised by similar associations, 7, § 535 (a) Cotton prices, predictions prohibited, 7, § 535 (d) Declaration of policy, 7, § 521 (a) Definitions, 7, § 535 (a) Federal farm board Administration of revolving fund, 7, § 526 Advisory commodity committees, cooperation with, 7, § 523 (d) Appointment, 7, § 522 Cooperation with governmental establishment, 7, § 533 Designation of agricultural commodities, 7, § 523 (b) Execution of powers, policy, 7, § 521 (c) Expenses, 7, § 522 General powers, 7, § 524 Insurance agreements, 7, § 531 Membership, 7, § 522 Officers, 7, § 522 Powers, generally, 7, § 524 special, 7, § 525 Qualifications of members, 7, § 522 Quorum, 7, § 522 Salaries, 7, § 522 Special powers, 7, § 525 Speculation prohibited, 7, § 535 (b) Stabilization corporations, recognition, 7, § 529 (a) Terms of office, 7, § 522 Transfer of officers, services and records, 7, § 533 (e) Vouchers, conclusiveness, 7. § 534 Insurance, 7, § 528 Interest on loans, 7, § 528 Loans to cooperative associations, 7, § 527 See also AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS: CENSUS; Adulterated seeds, importation prohibited, 7, § 111 Boards of trade dealing in agricultural products, discrimi- Cooperative associations of farmers and fruit growers, Cooperative marketing act, text of act, 7, §§ 451-457 tigating new uses, 7, § 423 Cotton Ginning Appropriations, 7, § 425 Cooperation with other agencies, 7, § 424 Investigations, 7, § 424 Cotton statistics and estimates Appropriation, 7, § 474 Collection and publication of statistics and estimates, 7, § 471 Crop reports, 7, §§ 475, 476 Failure to furnish information, 7, § 473 False information, 7, § 473 Grades of cotton, 7, § 471 Information as confidential, 7, § 472 Penalty for divulging information, 7, § 472 Persons required to furnish information, 7, § 473 Report, 13, § 72a Staple length of cotton, 7, § 471 Dairying and livestock experiment station Establishment at Lewisburg, Tennessee, 7, § 422 Dry-land regions, propagation of trees, shrubs, vines and Experiment stations, see AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS Farm produce received in interstate commerce Appropriation, 7, § 495 Certificate as to quality and condition, 7, § 492 Destruction or dumping by commission merchants, etc., : Agriculture-Continued Farm produce received in interstate commerce-Contd. Investigation of quality and condition, 7, § 492 Other statutes dealing with same subject not affected, Partial invalidity of act, 7, § 497 Rules and regulations, 7, § 494 Federal Horticultural Board, functions transferred to Plant Importation of alfalfa and red clover seeds regulated, 7, Importation of milk and cream, regulations, 21, §§ 141-149 Insecticides, examination of specimens, 7, § 128a Marketing associations, exemption from income tax, 26, Milk and cream, importation regulated, 21, §§ 141-149 Confiscation and disposal, 7, § 116 (b)-(d) Proceedings to confiscate, 7, § 116 (e) Transportation prohibited, 7, § 116 (a) What constitutes misbranding, 7, § 116 (g) Plant quarantine, enforcement against nursery stock and Red clover, importation of seeds regulated, 7, § 115 Regulations for transportation, 7, § 161 Seeds and plants Alfalfa and red clover, importation regulated, 7, § 115 Sale of misbranded seeds prohibited, 7, § 116 Semi-arid regions, propagation of trees, shrubs, vines, and Shipments of agricultural products, discount or purchase of Skilled agriculturists, preference within quota under immi- Trees, shrubs, and vines adapted to southern Great Plains Wool and mohair Deposit in treasury of proceeds of sales of practical Sale of practical forms of grades, 7, § 415a Air Commerce Additional assistant secretary of commerce for aeronautic Aids to air navigation, 49, § 175 Airworthiness, rating, 49, § 173 (b) Certificate of registration, issuance, suspension, and revocation, 49, § 173 (f) Definition of aircraft, 49, § 179 (c) Definition of civil aircraft, 49 § 179 (c) Foreign aircraft, entry and clearance, 49, § 177 (c) navigation in United States regulated, 49, § 176 Air Commerce-Continued Public aircraft, definition, 49, § 179 (d) Rating and rerating as to airworthiness, 49, § 173 (b) "Aircraft of the United States," designation of registered Airmen Certificates, issuance, suspension, and revocation, 49, Definition, 49, § 179 (k) Examination and rating, 49, § 173 (c) Air navigation facilities Airports, transfer to local municipal control, 49, § 175 Civil airways, designation and establishment by Secre- Definition, 49, § 179 (i) Emergency landing fields, transfer by Postmaster Gen- Examination and rating, 49, § 173 (d) Exclusive rights prohibited, 49, § 175 (b) Fuel, shelter, supplies, etc., for aviators, 49, § 175 (d) Maps of airways, 49, § 175 (b) Terminal landing fields, transfer to local municipal Transfer by Postmaster General to Secretary of Com- Airports Cancellation of leases, 49, § 213 Definition, 49, § 179 (g) Lease of contiguous public lands for public airports, 49, Local municipal control, 49, § 175 (a) Term of lease of public lands, 49, § 212 Air-space reservations, authority of President, 49, § 174 Air traffic rules, 49, § 173 (e) Application of laws relating to foreign commerce, 49, § 177 Aviators, see Airmen, supra Beacon lights and other air navigation facilities, establish- Certification of airmen and aircraft, issuance, suspension, and revocation of certificates, 49, § 173 (b)-(f) Civil aircraft defined, 49, § 179 (e) Definition, 49, § 179 (j) Designation and establishment, 49, § 175 (b) Civilian schools of aviation, examination and rating, 49, Definition of statutory terms, 49, §§ 171, 179 Detail of air corps officers in aid of civil aviation, 10, § Emergency landing field, definition, 49, § 179 (h) gation facilities, 49 § 173 (b)-(f) Facilities, etc., examination and rating, 49, § 173 (d) Fuel for aviators, 49, § 175 (d) "Interstate and foreign air commerce," definition, 49, § 171 Air Commerce—Continued Landing fields Emergency landing fields, control by Secretary of Terminal landing fields, local municipal control, 49, Military airways designated as civil airways, 49, § 175 (f) Navigation laws not applicable to aircraft, 49, § 177 (a) Partial invalidity of law, effect, 49, § 183 Ports of entry for aircraft, 49, § 177 (b) Ports of entry for aliens arriving by aircraft, 49, § 177 (d) Public air commerce defined, 49, § 179 (d) Public airports, see Airports, supra Rating of aircraft, airmen and air navigation facilities, Registration of aircraft, 49, § 173 (a) Regulatory powers of Secretary of Commerce, 49, § 173 Administrative authority, 49, § 178 Duty to promote air commerce, 49, § 172 Exchange of information with foreign governments, 49, Investigation of causes of accidents, 49, § 172 (e) Regulatory powers, 49, § 173 Shelter for aviators, 49, § 175 (d) Shipping laws not applicable to aircraft, 49, § 177 (a) Supplies for aviators, 49, § 175 (d) Weather reports, forecasts, etc., to promote efficiency and safety of air navigation, 15, § 313 Air Commerce Act of 1926 Partial invalidity, effect, 49 § 182 Time of taking effect, 49, § 183 Air Corps Act Text of act, 10, §§ 291 et seq. Air Corps of Army See ARMY Aircraft See AIR COMMERCE; ARMY; NAVY Air Mail See POSTAL SERVICE Air Service See ARMY; NAVY Alaska Abandoned reservations, disposition, 48, §§ 472, 472a Agricultural college and school of mines Additional land grant to Territory for use of college Appraisal of school lands before sale or lease, 48, § College and school to be under exclusive control of Conveyance of school lands to purchasers, 48, § 354a Custody and care of proceeds of sales of school lands, Expenditure of proceeds of sales of school lands re- Alaska-Continued Agricultural college and school of mines-Continued Mortgage or other encumbrance of school lands pro- Sales, leases, etc., of school lands, disposal of proceeds, enforcement of law by Attorney General, 48, § - regulation, 48, § 354a (c) - restriction, 48, § 354a (b) validity, 48, § 354a (f) School lands to be held by Territory in trust, 48, § Sectarian or denominational schools excluded from par- Security for purchase money of school lands, 48, § Agricultural experiment stations Laws governing experiment stations in the States ex- Appropriations by Territorial legislature, conformity with Appropriations for education, medical relief, and reindeer, Bankruptcy court in Alaska, 11, § 1 (8) Commissioners, see Ex officio commissioners in depart- ments of Government, infra Division of judicial district as "county" within meaning Education, see Schools, infra Elections Penalty for violation of election law, 48, § 58 Violation of election law, penalties, 48, § 58 Voters, qualifications, see Qualifications of voters, infra Eskimos Adverse possession, Eskimo titles within town site sur- Conveyance to Eskimo of land occupied by him within Extension of streets or alleys across lands in town Lands occupied and claimed by Eskimos as town or Lands of Eskimos within town site surveys not liable Prescription, Eskimo titles within town site surveys not Sale and conveyance by Eskimos of lands within town Taxation, exemption of Eskimo land within town site Ex officio commissioners in departments of Government Personnel under commissioners, 5, § 121 Powers, 5, § 120 President may confer additional powers, 5, § 123 Residence, 5, § 119 Alaska-Continued Fish and fisheries Lands leased for fur farming, use of parts for taking, Taking fish and shellfish for bait, 48, § 223a Grazing districts and privileges Alteration of grazing districts, 48, § 471c Appeal from departmental action on application for Declaration of policy, 48, § 471 Definitions, 48, § 471a Disposition of grazing fees, 48, § 471h Establishment, 48, § 471b Establishment, notice of, 48, § 471d Free grazing, 48, § 4711 Grazing fees, 48, § 471g Laws applicable, 48, § 4710 Leases of grazing privileges, authority, 48, § 471b assignment, 48, § 471i improvements by lessee, 48, § 471j terms and conditions, 48, § 471f Notice of establishment, 48, § 471d Rules and regulations, 48, § 471n Stock driveways, 48, § 4711 Willfully grazing on prohibited lands, penalty, 48, Indians Adverse possession, Indian title within town site sur- Conveyance to Indian of land occupied by him within Extension of streets or alleys across Indian lands in Lands occupied and claimed by Indians as town or vil- Lands of Indians within town site surveys not liable Prescription, Indian titles within town site surveys not Sale and conveyance by Indians of lands within town Taxation, exemption of Indian lands within town site Insane persons, disposition of unclaimed funds, 48, §§ 50, Lease of public lands for fur farming, 48, §§ 360, 361 Appropriations for service, 48, § 50c Military reservations, restoration to public domain on National forests, exportation of timber cut in, 16, § 616 National Guard, “territory" in laws relating to land Prize fights in Territory regulated, 18, § 521 Eskimo claims, see Eskimos, supra Indian claims, see Indians, supra Lease for fur farming, 48, §§ 360, 361 Alaska-Continued Public lands-Continued Minerals in lands leased for fur farming, reservation, Price and limit of acreage subject to purchase, 48, Register of Juneau land district, salary, 43, § 80a Town sites, conveyance to Indians and Eskimos for Trade or manufacture sites, official survey, 48, §§ 380, Qualifications of voters Ability to read and write, how evidenced, 48, § 53 Exemption from educational qualifications for physical Inability to read and write, ground for challenge, 48, Marking ballots by election judges for voters physically Qualifications enumerated, 48, § 57 Reindeer service Appropriations for service, 48, § 50c Roads, construction and maintenance of roads, 5, § 123 Appropriations for education, 48, § 50c Education of children of nontaxpaying natives, con- tracts with local school boards, 48, § 170a Teachers' pay as exempt from income tax, 26, § 2116(b) "Territory" with meaning of laws relating to land militia Timber, exportation of timber cut in national forests or on Voters, see Qualifications of voters, supra Alcohol See DISTILLED SPIRITS AND WINES Alfalfa Importation of seeds regulated, 7, § 115 Aliens See also IMMIGRATION; NATURALIZATION Alien sentenced to imprisonment, 8, § 180b Penalty for reentry by deported alien, 8, § 180 Prison sentence to be served before deportation, 8, Head tax, 8, § 242 Porto Rico, extension of time for becoming citizens of Veterans of World War, see IMMIGRATION; NATURALIZATION Allegheny River Post lantern lights on river authorized, 33, § 740a Poland, 22, § 34a |