American Antiquities Excavation and preservation of archaeological remains, 20, American Battle Monuments Commission Army officers serving on commission, expense of. 36, § 122 Disposition of land in foreign countries, 36, § 137 American Falls Reservoir Sale of water, 43, § 600 American Legion Loan or gift of condemned ordnance by Secretary of War National encampments Proceedings as House documents, 44, § 275a Sale of Government real property occupied by Legion, con- American National Red Cross Permanent buildings at headquarters in Washington, 36. Use of buildings in Washington, 36, § 14 Ammonia Water Definition in Federal caustic poison act, 15, § 402 (a) (12) Amusements Tax on admission to places of amusement, 26, §§ 871, 872 Prevention of pollution, 40, § 71 Anastasia Islands Sale by Secretary of War authorized, 10, § 1594. Animals Brands appearing on livestock, fees for inspection, 7, § 231 Regulation of importation, 19 § 1306 Diseases Investigations as to extent of certain diseases, 21, § 112 Inspection of vessels employed, 45, §§ 75, 76 Grazing Alaska public lands, 48, §§ 471-4710 Grand Teton National Park of Wyoming, 16, § 406a Importation when prohibited, 19, § 1306 Live stock experiment station, establishment at Lewisburg, Poultry, investigations as to certain diseases to promote Refuges for wild animals, see WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS Importation, 19, § 1306 Swine Importation, 19, § 1306 Transportation of live stock, see TRANSPORTATION Anti-dumping Law Destruction of farm produce by commission merchants Antietam Battle Fields See NATIONAL CEMETERIES Anti-Trust Laws See MONOPOLIES AND COMBINATIONS Annuities Exemption from income tax of annuities received under life Appeal and Error Appeal substituted for writ of error, 28, § 861a Orders of Interstate Commerce Commission, final decree in Prize causes, decree of Supreme Court on review of district Writ of error Abolition, 28, § 861a Statutes governing writs of error made applicable to Appraiser See CUSTOMS DUTIES Appropriations Abraham Lincoln National Park, improvement of buildings Advertising expenses, use of appropriations under control of Architect of Capitol, 31, § 689 Agricultural experiment stations Establishment for southern Great Plains area, 7, § 388a Extension work, 7, §§ 343a, 386b Propagation of trees, shrubs, vines, and vegetables Biennial index to State legislation, preparation by Librarian Customs service employees, compensation, 19, § 6d 66 Estimates for pay of the Navy," specifications required, Hawaii agricultural experiment station, 7, §§ 386, 386a, 386b Military decorations and badges, cost of gratuitous issue, Mississippi River flood control project of 1927, 33, § 702j Diseases of forest trees and products, investigations, Economic investigations of forest lands and forest Forest experiment stations, establishment, 16, § 581a Forest rangers, experiments and investigations as to Life histories and habits of forest wild life, experi- Physical and chemical properties of forest products, Survey of requirements for forest products, 16, § 581h of Grand Teton National Park of Wyoming, 16, § 406d Navy Clothing and small stores fund credited with proceeds Diversion of appropriation for ordnance and ordnance Payment for materials or services ordered from Navy, Packers and stockyards, additional appropriation for exten- Appropriations-Continued Potash deposits, investigation, 30, § 4a Prison camps, expense of operation, 18, § 855 Telegraph and telephone messages transmitted by Signal Corps for executive departments, advance payment of Vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of District Arbitration Railroads, disputes with employees, see RAILROADS Arboretum See NATIONAL ARBORETUM Arbuckle Reservoir Use of land in Rocky Mountain National Park for mainte- Archaeology See AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES Architect of Capitol See also CAPITOL Compensation of officers and employees, 5, § 662a Areonautics Air corps of Army, see Army Air service of Navy, see NAVY National advisory committee for aeronautics, purchases by and services to, 50, § 154 Arid Lands See PUBLIC LANDS Arizona Forest reserves in Arizona restricted, 16, § 471a Arms See FOREIGN RELATIONS Army See also NATIONAL GUARD; PENSIONS Aeronautics, see Air Corps, infra Air Corps See, also, Aircraft, infra Aeronautic matériel, designs, contracts for construction, Army-Continued Air Corps-Continued Flying officers, number required to qualify, 10, § 291a Number of Army officers, exclusive of Air Corps, re- Officers, number authorized and grades, 10, § 291 Pay of officers holding temporary rank, 10, § 292a Pilots, qualifications for rating, 10, § 291d Program for development of Air Corps, 10, § 292b Aircraft See, also, Air Corps, supra Advertisement for submission of designs in competition, award of contracts and rights thereunder, 10, § 310 Airplanes, number authorized, 10, § 292b Claims against Government for use of designs, 10, Contracts for aircraft, etc., 10, § 310 (t) Patents for designs submitted, 10, § 310 (d)-(i) Purchase of designs abroad for experimental purposes, Replacement of obsolete or unserviceable craft, 10, Assistant Secretary of War for aeronautic duty, ap- Assistants to chief, eligibility for appointment, 10, § 6 Chief of Air Corps, see Chiefs of corps and depart- Command under temporary rank, 10, § 292a Detail of officers in aid of civil aviation, 10, § 292c; Detail of officers to Air Corps in time of peace for number authorized, 10, § 291 Enlisted pilots, 10, § 291f Equipment of Air Corps, 10, § 292b Establishment and composition of corps, 10, § 291 Five-year Air Corps program, 10, § 292b Flying cadets, number authorized, 10, § 291 "Flying officer in time of peace," definition, 10, § 291c See, also, Air Corps, supra Name changed to Air Corps, 10, § 291 Allowances Air Corps officers holding temporary rank, 10, § 292a Army field clerks, and field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, Chief of Staff, 10, § 22a Chiefs of corps and departments, allowances after re- Death of nurse, allowance to widow or person desig- Enlisted men, allowance for quarters and subsistence Enlisted men detailed as students at educational institu- Enlisted men discharged for misrepresentation of age, Expenses allowed in case of forfeiture of pay, 10, § 847d General of the Armies, retired, 10, § 970 Mileage allowance to officers traveling under orders Army-Continued Allowances-Continued Money allowance in lieu of transportation in kind for Money allowance in lieu of transportation in kind in Per diem allowance to officers for subsistence while Physician to White House, 10, § 515 Quarters and subsistence of enlisted men while sick or Retired chiefs of corps and departments, 10, § 6 to enlisted men while sick or absent, 10, § 71.6a Transportation of dependents, money allowance in lieu Transportation requisitions, issuance to officers travel- Travel expense in Alaska and outside United States, Warrant officers Allowances, 10, § 276 Retirement, 10, § 276 Army Nurse Corps Allowance on death of nurse to widow or person desig- Employment of retired nurses in emergency, 10, § 1032 Pay of retired nurses, 10, § 1030 Right to title of rank after retirement, 10, § 1032 Superintendent Quarters, subsistence and medical care, 10, § 165 Army War College, graduates as qualified for general staff Assistants to chiefs of corps and departments Assistants to Chief of Air Corps, 10, § 291 Aviation, see Air Corps, supra Assignment to stations, 10, § 240 Chiefs of corps and departments Assistants to Chief of Air Corps, number and rank, 10, Chief of Air Corps, appointment, eligibility, and period Army-Continued Civilian employees Army field clerks, and field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, Death in military service, burial or other disposition Civilian military training camps, see Military training Colleges, issuance of ordnance and ordnance stores for Command and general staff school Graduates as qualified for general staff corps eligible Commissioned officers, see Officers, infra Contracts, see Supplies, stores, and services, infra Detail for river and harbor improvements, 10, § 188 Courts-martial, see CouRTS-MARTIAL (ARMY) Death in military service Burial or other disposition of remains, appropriation to Death of nurse, allowance to widow or person desig- Decorations, see Military decorations and badges, infra Officers, limitation on command, 10, § 130 Assistance to governments of foreign countries, 10, Service in War Department, details regulated, 10, Students, observers, and investigators at educational Details of officers Air Corps, officers detailed to promote civil aviation, - training as flying officers, 10, § 291b Assistance to certain foreign governments, 10, § 540 Students, observers, and investigators at educational Disbursing officers Deputies, designation authorized, 31, § 103a Deputies' liabilities, 31, § 103a Deputies required to give bond, 31, § 103a Discharge of enlisted men Misrepresentation of age, honorable discharge, 10, §§ Remission of indebtedness to United States on honor- Educational institutions supplied with ordnance and ord- Education, detail of officers and men as students at educa- See also Details of enlisted men, supra; Enlisted Re- Additional enlisted men authorized for Air Corps, 10, Air Corps, number of men in corps, 10, § 291 Army-Continued Enlisted men-Contined Allotment to Air Corps, 10, § 292b Allowances of enlisted men, see Allowances, supra Indebtedness to United States, collection from clothing - deduction from pay, 10, § 875a - remission and cancellation on honorable discharge, 10, § 875a Enlisted Reserve Corps Arrears of pay, settlement, 32, § 159 Hospital treatment in cases of injury in line of duty, Medical treatment at home in cases of injury in line of Pay and allowances during hospital treatment in cases Subsistence during hospitalization in excess of six Transportation to home on termination of hospital Equipment, Air Corps, 10, § 292b Field clerks appointed warrant officers, right to retirement, Flying officers and cadets, see Air Corps, supra Pay and allowances after retirement, 10, § 970 Graduates as qualified for General Staff Corps eligible General Staff Corps, air section of War Department General General Staff Corps eligible list Additions to list, officers qualified, 10, § 26 Annual publication of list of officers eligible, 10, § 26 National Guard officers added to eligible list, 10, § 26 General Staff School Graduates as qualified for General Staff Corps eligible Horses Purchase for military service regulated, 10, § 1206a Graduates as qualified for General Staff Corps eligible Loss of rifles loaned to organizations of honorably dis- Maps for military use, preparation and printing, 50, § 81a Pay, see Pay, infra Physician to White House, 10, § 515 Medical department Bank and precedence, 10, § 82 Military decorations and badges Additional pay for holder of soldier's medal or distin- Appropriation to defray cost of gratuitous issue of China campaign medals, gratuitous issue to persons Civil War campaign medals, gratuitous issue to per- Cuban occupation medals, gratuitous issue to persons Army-Continued Military decorations and badges-Continued Cuban pacification medals, gratuitous issue to persons Distinguished flying cross authorized, 10, § 1429 Gratuitous issue in case of persons not in service or Gratuitous issue to families of deceased persons Indian campaign medals, gratuitous issue to persons Mexican border services medals, gratuitous issue to Mexican service medals, gratuitous issue to persons Philippine campaign medals, gratuitous issue to per- Philippine congressional medals, gratuitous issue to Porto Rico occupation medals, gratuitous issue to per- Replacement of medals lost, destroyed or rendered un- Service medals and similar devices hereafter author- Spanish campaign medals, gratuitous issue to persons Spanish War service medals, gratuitous issue to per- Unlawful manufacture, sale, etc., of medals, punishment, Victory medals and clasps, gratuitous issue to persons Military instruction in educational institutions Detail of Army officers as instructors restricted, 34, Military equipment for certain colleges and universi- Military post construction fund, proceeds of sale of surplus Military reservations, see Posts, camps, and training sta- Injuries to members in line of duty while in camp or Medical treatment at home of members injured in line Subsistence allowance to candidates, 10, § 442 Subsistence during hospitalization of members injured Transportation in kind for candidates, 10, § 442 Mine Planter Service See Army Mine Planter Service, supra Retirement for disability, 10, § 937 Officers Additional officers for Air Corps, 10, § 292b Air Corps, number and grades of Air Corps officers, Authorized number in several branches of the Army, Authorized number of officers in several grades, 10, Army-Continued Officers-Continued Command, Air Corps officers holding temporary rank, Details to assist Central and South American Repub- Flying officers, 10, § 291 Grades of officers, number authorized in each, 10, § 482 Pay of officers, see Pay, infra Rank, see Rank of officers, infra Retired pay, see Retired pay of officers, infra Second lieutenants, additional appointments incident to Status as government officers or employees, 10, § 372 World War rank, 10, § 1028a Officers' Reserve Corps - active duty, 10, § 451 medical attention after discharge from hospital in cases of injury at training camps, 10, § 454 - pay and allowances during treatment not exceed- - subsistence during hospitalization in cases of in- - subsistence during hospitalization in excess of six - subsistence in cases of injury at training camps, transportation to home after discharge from hos- Injuries suffered while on active duty, hospital treat- Injury by voluntary participation in flying as incident to military training but not on active duty, 10, § 452 Medical treatment after discharge from hospital, 10, Pay and allowances during hospital treatment not ex- Pay and allowances while undergoing hospital treat- Transportation to home after discharge from hospital, Ordnance, see Supplies, Stores and Services, infra Pay Absence from duty, determination of period and cause Absence from duty due to use of alcohol or drugs as Army-Continued Pay-Continued Absence from duty due to venereal disease as affecting Additional pay for holders of soldiers' medal or distin- Air Corps officers holding temporary rank, 10, § 292a Commission for Standardization of Screw Threads, Deductions, indebtedness of enlisted men to United Enlisted men discharged for misrepresentation of age, Field clerks, and field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, 10, Forfeiture of pay by absence from duty, 10, §§ 847a- General of the Armies, 10, §§ 671a, 970 Longevity pay, field clerks appointed warrant officers, Longevity pay of officers Service counted in computation, 10, § 596 Pay periods, credit for active duty by Regular Army Physician to White House, 10, § 515 Retired pay, see Retired pay of Army nurses, infra; Pension for army service, see PENSIONS Service by Regular Army officer, credit in determin- Posts, camps, and training stations Easements, water and sewer pipe lines, 10, §§ 1351, 1352 disused reservations, 10, §§ 1597, 1597a Quarters for officers, limit of cost, increase, 10, § 1337a Sanctuaries for migratory birds, lands for migratory Promotion of officers Examination for promotions, absence from place, 10, § Right of officer serving as professor at Military Acad- Supplies, purchase, 10, § 72a Rank of officers Assistants to Chief of Air Corps, 10, § 291 Chief of Air Corps, 10, § 291 Chief of Staff, 10, § 22a Medical department, 10, § 82 Physician to White House, 10, § 515 Relative rank of Chief of Staff of Army and Chief of Temporary rank for Air Corps officers, 10, § 292a Real property, see Posts, camps, and training stations, Regulations for government of Army, 10, § 16 |