Army-Continued Reservations See also Posts, camps, and training stations, infra Disposal of proceeds of sale, 10, § 1597 Purchase by State or municipality of disused reserva- Report by Secretary of War as to reservations becom- Rights of way for gas, water, and sewer pipe lines, Sale of disused military reservations and disposal of Sale of disused reservations, adjustment of claims States, rights under swamp land grants, ascertainment Transfer of disused reservation to other departments of Reserve forces See also Military training camps, supra; Officers' Re- Air Corps reserve officers, call to active service, 10, Money allowance in lieu of transportation in kind for Officers as qualified for General Staff Corps eligible Reserve officers Status as government officers or employees, 10, § 372 Advanced training, interruption, 10, § 386a Pay and allowances, payment of arrears, 32, § 159 Rate of retired pay, 10, § 1030 Retired pay of officers Active duty after retirement counted in computing Equalization of pay of officers retired before and after General of the Armies, 10, § 970 Officers appointed by virtue of service in World War, Officers more than 45 years old at time of original Provision against reduction on pay of officers retired on Retired pay of warrant officers Active duty after retirement counted in computing Basis of computation, 10, § 596 Provision against reduction of warrant officers retiring Age and period of service essential to retirement, 10, § Employment of retired nurses in emergency, 10, § "Nurse Corps retired list," creation, 10, § 1029 Army-Continued Retirement of Army nurses-Continued Pay of retired nurses, 10, § 1030 Right to bear title of grade after retirement, 10, § Right to retirement, 10, § 1029 Right to wear uniform after retirement, 10, § 1032 Retirement of officers Active duty, credit for service as officer of Philippine Chiefs of corps and departments, rank on retirement, Employment of retired officers as consulting engineers Date, 5, § 47a Retirement of warrant officers, field clerks appointed war- rant officers, right to retirement, 10, § 595 Rifle practice, appropriation for promotion of, 32, § 181a School of the line Graduates as qualified for General Staff Corps eligible Signal corps Details for service, 10, § 642a Telegraph and telephone messages transmitted for ex- Staff college Graduates as qualified for General Staff Corps eligible Stores, see Supplies, Stores and Services, infra Ammunition, exchange of unserviceable ammunition, Ammunition, storage and dispersal, 50, § 83 Contracts to be in writing, when, 5, § 219 Educational institutions supplied with ordnance and ordnance stores for military education and training Issue of ration supplies, 10, § 72a Loan or gift of condemned ordnance to veterans' asso- Loss of rifles loaned to association of honorably dis- Maps for military use, preparation and printing, 50, Purchase of ration supplies, 10, § 72a Reclamation of unserviceable ammunition, 10, § 1210 Titles War time, 10, § 1028b Uniforms Army Nurse Corps, right to wear uniform after re- Protection of the uniform, 10, § 1393 Right to wear war time grade, 10, § 1028b Sale of exterior articles to former members of military Universities supplied with ordnance and ordnance stores Army-Continued Veterinary Corps Service credits, 10, § 145a Air section created, 10, § 23a Warrant officers Additional number, 10, § 597 Field clerks, appointment as warrant officers author- Length of service, determination, 10, § 596 Longevity pay, length of service, 10, § 596 Retired pay of warrant officers retired before July 1, Retirement, length of service, 10, § 596 Retirement of field clerks appointed warrant officers, War time titles, 10, § 1028b Army Nurse Corps See ARMY Army School of the Line See ARMY Army Staff College See ARMY Assessors See INTERNAL REVENUE Assistant Secretary of Commerce Additional Assistant Secretary for aeronautic duty, appoint- Assistant Secretary of Navy Additional Assistant Secretary for aeronautic duty, ap- Assistant Secretary of War Additional Assistant Secretary for aeronautic duty, appoint- Assistant Treasurers of United States See TREASURY DEPARTMENT Associations of Employees Exemption from income tax, 26, § 2103 (8) Asylums See NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS Civil-service employees, exemption of moneys due from Attorney General See also JUSTICE DEPARTMENT; PROHIBITION REORGANIZA- Assistant Attorney General, Supreme Court Reports supplied Contracts for subsistence and care of federal prisoners, Employment of special counsel in proceedings to enforce, Narcotic farms, duty as to selection of sites, 21, § 222 Representation of Government in proceedings to enforce, Special assistants, commission, 5, § 315 Supreme Court Reports supplied to Attorney General and Attorneys at Law Special counsel employed by Attorney General, compensa- Automobiles See MOTOR VEHICLES Aviation See AIR COMMERCE Air Corps of Army, see Army Civil aviation, see AIR COMMERCE Naval aviation, see NAVY Badlands National Monument See NATIONAL MONUMENTS Balloons Number authorized in Air Service of Army, 10, § 292b Acts of bankruptcy, 11, § 21 Alaska, United States Court of, as court of bankruptcy, 11, Appeals Circuit court of appeal, jurisdiction, 11 §§ 47, 48. Judgments reviewable on appeal or writ of error, 11, Supreme Court, jurisdiction, 11, § 47 (a) Territorial supreme courts, jurisdiction, 11, § 48 Attachment, suffering levy as act of bankruptcy, 11, § 21 Bankrupt Claim of exemptions, duty to file, 11, § 25 (8) Communications by receiver or creditor to other Compositions, delaying action on petition, discretion of Concealment by bankrupt, expense of recovery of con- Exemptions, duty to file claim, 11, § 25 (8) Schedule of property, duty to file, 11, § 25 (8) Books and records, destruction, etc., as ground for refusing Circuit courts of appeal, jurisdiction of controversies arising Controversies arising in bankruptcy proceedings, appellate Copyrights of bankrupt, vesting of title in trustee, 11, § 110 Corporations, definition, 11, § 1 (6) Courts having appellate jurisdiction of controversies aris. ing in bankruptcy proceedings, 10, § 47 (a) Communications to other creditors concerning conduct, List of creditors, bankrupt's duty to file, 11, § 25 (8) Discharge Application, time for filing, 11, § 32 (a) Burden of proof as to grounds for refusing discharge, Concealment, etc., of books as ground for refusing dis- Crime as ground for refusing discharge, 11, § 32 (b) Disobedience of order as ground for refusing discharge, Extension of time for filing application, 11, § 32 (a) Bankruptcy-Continued Discharge-Continued Loss or deficiency of estate, failure to explain, 11, Obtaining money or credit by false statement in writ- Offense against law as ground for refusing discharge, Prior discharge within six years as ground for re- Trustee's authority to oppose discharge, 11, § 32 (b) District of Columbia Court of Appeals, jurisdiction of con- Documents, destruction or secretion by trustee, receiver, or Documents relating to bankrupt's property, vesting of title Evidence, burden of proof as to existence of grounds for Exemptions of bankrupt, duty to file claim, 11, § 25 (8) Levy suffered as act of bankrupty, 11, § 21 (a) (4) Agent of person in contemplation of bankruptcy con- Concealing, destroying, etc., books, etc., relating to District attorney, duty to investigate, reports by False oath in bankruptcy proceeding, 11, § 52 (b) (2) Officer of corporation in contemplation of bankruptcy Receiving property for bankrupt with intent to defeat Taking or attempting to obtain money, etc., for acting Withholding books relating to affairs of bankrupt after Officers Embezzlement, misappropriation, etc., punishment, 11, Offenses, duty to report to district attorney, 11, § 52 Bankruptcy-Continued Receivers Appointment of receiver as act of bankruptcy, 11, § 21 Communication to creditors concerning conduct, etc., Embezzlement by receiver, 11, § 52 (a) Reports to district attorney in case of reasonable Referee, reports to district attorney in case of reasonable "State" as including District of Columbia, and Territories Supreme Court, jurisdiction of controversies arising in Trade-marks of bankrupt, vesting of title in trustee, 11, Transfers by bankrupt, expenses of recovery, priority of Trustee Authority to oppose discharge, 11, § 32 (b) Destruction or secretion of documents by trustee, 11, Embezzlement by trustee, 11 § 52 (a) Reports to district attorney in case of reasonable Trusteeship while insolvent as act of bankruptcy, 11, § 21 Writ of error, see Appeals, supra Banks and Banking See also FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS; NATIONAL BANKS in Federal reserve system, 12, § 586 Federal land banks, see FEDERAL FARM LOAN LAW "Federal," use of word to imply Government obligation or Mutual savings banks, applicability of prohibition against Name, unauthorized use of "Federal,” “United States," farm loans and bonds prohibited, 12, § 584 "United States," use of word to imply Government obliga- Baskets See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Battle Fields-Continued Moores Creek (N. C.) battle field, creation of national Petersburg (Va.) battle field, creation of national military Study of battle fields for commemorative purposes, 16. Traveling expenses incident to study of battle fields, 16, Tupelo, Mississippi Acquisition and marking of lands, 16, § 429 Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Consent of Utah to acquisition of lands, 16, § 690b Disturbance of or injury to birds prohibited, 16, § 690d Easements, reservations, and exceptions as barring acquisi- Enforcement of laws and regulations, 16, § 690e Expenditures for maintenance, 16, § 690f Forfeiture of birds, etc., taken or killed, 16, § 690e (b) "Person" defined, 16, § 690h Violation of laws and regulations, penalties, 16, § 690g See FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS Benevolent Life Insurance Income tax exemption, 26, § 2103 (10) Bequests Exemption from income tax, 26, § 2022 (b) (3) Birds See WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS Black Bass Interstate transportation regulated, 16, §§ 851-856 Black Hills National Forest Exchange of lands, 16, § 508a Blood Transfusions Furnishing of blood for transfusions to patients in Gov- Board of General Appraisers See CUSTOMS DUTIES Board of Mediation See RAILROADS Board of Tax Appeals See INTERNAL REVENUE Boards of Adjustment See RAILROADS Boards of Trade Dealing in agricultural products, exclusion of cooperative Exemption from income tax, 26, § 2103(7) Boca Grande Military Reservation Sale of portion by Secretary of War authorized, 10, § 1594 Establishment, etc., 19, § 1555 et seq. Bonds Official bonds, see UNDERTAKINGS See WORLD WAR VETERANS' ADJUSTED COMPENSATION Books Importation Immoral prohibited, 19 § 1305 Books and Papers See PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Botanic Garden Appropriations, bond required of disbursing officer, 2, § 142a Retirement of employees, 5, § 693a (b) Boulder Canyon Project Act Agreements for revenues to meet expenses of construction, operation and maintenance of work, 43 § 617c (b) Applicants for purchase of water and electrical energy, Apportionment of waters, 43 § 617c (a) Appropriations for purpose of act, 43 § 617b Canals and appurtenant structures, transfer of title, 43 Claims of United States, priority, 43 § 617p Colorado river compact as controlling in construction and for development of Colorado river, 43 § 617r Generation and sale of electrical energy, 43 § 617d Lands within benefits of irrigation works, entry, 43 § 617h Ratification of Colorado river compact essential to taking Reclamation law, applicability, 43 § 617m Regulations governing use of dam and reservoir, 43 § 617e States, authority to control waters within boundaries, 43 Storage and use of waters for irrigation and domestic pur- Title to dam and reservoir, 43 § 617e public and reserve lands, 43 § 617d (d) Uses to be made of dam and reservoir, 43 § 617e Bounties Claim agent withholding discharge papers or land warrant Boxer Rebellion See PENSIONS Boxing Matches Tax on admissions, 26, § 871 (a) (1) Boy Scouts of America Obsolete and surplus material of Navy, disposal to sea Branch Banks See FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS; NATIONAL BANKS Caustic or corrosive substances Application to existing law, 15, § 411 Confiscation of misbranded parcels, 15, § 404 Definitions, 15, § 402 Enforcement of law, 15, § 409 Exclusion of misbranded imports, 15, § 405 Institution for proceedings of violation of law, 15, § 408 Misbranding, prohibitory provision, 15, § 403 Income from bridge acquired by state or municipality, Bureau of Industrial Alcohol See TREASURY DEPARTMENT Bureau of Internal Revenue Assistant general counsel, number and pay, 26, § 1a (b) (1) Creation of bureau, 26, § la Detail of revenue service employees to duty in Washington, General counsel for bureau Appointment and salary, 26, § la (a) Creation of office, 26, § la (a) Duties, 26, § la (a) Personnel of bureau, 26, § la Special deputy commissioner, creation of office and salary, Unauthorized use of "Federal,” “United States," or "re- Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Budget See NATIONAL BUDGET SYSTEM Bureau of Customs Commissioner Appointment and salary, 5, § 281 Assistant and deputy commissioners, 5, §§ 281a, 281f Division of Customs in Treasury Department abolished, 5, Duties of commissioner and officers, 5, § 281b Establishment of bureau, 5, § 281 Officers and employees, duties, 5, § 281a Records, etc., of Division of Customs transferred, 5, § 281b Bureau of Efficiency See also CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Powers and duties extended to municipal government of Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Transportation expenses, 15 § 195 Establishment of Foreign Commerce Service, 15, § 197 Lists of foreign buyers, news bulletins, etc., charges for, Officers Allowances, 15 § 197b Appointment, 15, § 197b (a) Assignment for duty, 15, § 197b (d) Attaching Foreign Commerce Service officers to diplo- Clerks and other assistants, 15, § 197c Compensation, 15, § 197b (b) Demotion, 15, § 197b (c) Statistical reports, collection through local agents, 29, § 2a Bureau of Mines See MINERAL LANDS AND MINING Bureau of Narcotics Acting Commissioner, 5 § 282a Annual report, 5 § 282 Appropriations available, 5 § 282b Commissioner Appointment, 5 § 282 Duties, 5 § 282b Powers of Federal Narcotics Control Board, 5 § 282b Salary, 5 § 282 Deputy Commissioner, 5 § 282a Acting as customs officers, 5 § 282a Establishment, 5 § 282 Federal Narcotics Control Board Transfer of Powers, 5 § 282b Officers Acting as customs officers, 5 § 282a Duties, 5 §§ 282a, 282b Pending Investigations, 5 § 282b Officials Review of decisions, 5 § 282c Orders, 5 § 282b Regulations, 5, § 282b Transfer of personnel, record, and property of Prohibition Transfers to Bureau of Narcotics, 5 § 282b Bureau of Pensions Consolidation of office, 38 §§ 11-11f |