shown by the excellence of the work being done by the Freshman class this year, an excellence which has never before been realized in the University. Heretofore field practice has been held only on three days a week, but the increase in numbers this session has made it necessary to have field practice four days each week and next session this will be increased to five. A number of stone monuments have been established at different points on the Campus and, with these as a basis, an accurate contour map of the Campus and athletic field, showing the location of all buildings, water pipe lines, sewers, walks, roads and the neighboring streets will be made. The need of such a map has been already keenly felt and this work will fill a long needed want, and give the students a practical lesson at the same time. The exact elevation of each of these monuments above mean sea level has been accurately determined. It has been the practice of the Department to test free of charge cement, steel and wood for members of the profession or State and county officials throughout the State, who have no means at their command for making tests of such materials themselves. Recently several requests have been made by the city engineers of large cities in the State, for tests of street paving bricks. A machine for this purpose has been added to the apparatus in the testing laboratory and the University is now ready to make tests of this kind upon request. The Department has obtained from railroads and manufacturers in the United States photographs of a number of engineering structures and machines. These are hung in the rooms and corridors of the Department with the hope that they will give an engineering atmosphere and prove also interesting and instructive. With a view of extending the knowledge of the resources of the State, several of the seniors have chosen subjects for graduation theses that are of more or less practical importance. Among these may be mentioned: Tests of Texas Building Stones, Tests of Texas Building Bricks and An Investigation of a Proposed System of Water Supply for the State Institutions in and about Austin. MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST FROM THE MINUTES OF THE FACULTY. MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1902. Dr. Phillips gave an account of his visit to Princeton, as representative of the University, at the inauguration of Dr. Woodrow Wilson as president of Princeton University, on the 25th day of October, 1902. Prof. Sutton made a statement concerning his attendance as representative of the University at the meeting of the Southern College Association held in Oxford, Miss., November 1, 1902. An elaborate report on delayed registration was made to the Faculty by Professors Mezes and Sutton, with a petition to the Board of Regents. It was voted to refer petitions for extra final examinations to the Advisory Committee with final jurisdiction. On motion of Dean Mezes, it was voted to establish a period for the selection of courses during the week preceding Commencement in June; and to allow students to make provisional selection of courses by mail. The following catalogue provisions, presented by Dr. Mezes, were adopted: (1) Every course and every fraction of a course that is a unit of a credit, shall have a separate designation which it shall retain as long as it is given, and which shall not be transferred to any other course. (2) Courses that may be taken to satisfy entrance requirements shali be designated by the name of the subject and capital letters; other courses by the name of the subject and numbers. The value in thirds of courses shall be indicated by sub-numbers. The sub-numbers are to be omitted in the case of a full course. MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1902. A report giving the condition of Athletics in the University was made by Dr. Ellis. Dr. Battle, Chairman of Committee on Students' Organization, presented a communication from the Greek Letter Fraternities of the University in which they agree not to invite first-year students to become members of the fraternities until after January 16th of each session. This report was approved by the Faculty and referred to the Board of Regents for their approval. MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1902. The Committee on Forensics and Oratory reported the work in that line as now on a satisfactory basis. The following was adopted for the Catalogue: Every candidate for a Master's degree must communicate to the Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Courses the title of his proposed thesis on or before the second Monday in January of the year in which he intends to present himself for final examination and must hand to the Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Courses a fair copy of his thesis on or before the first Monday in May. The thesis with a certificate of approval will be deposited in the library for public inspection. MEETING OF JANUARY 7, 1903. Dr. Battle, Acting Chairman of a Special Committee on the subject made a report on the advisability of stiffening the Academic degrees. The following recommendations were adopted: (1) In the Catalogue, 1902, page 48, in the requirements for the New Degree of Bachelor of Arts, change (b) so as to read One full course in Natrual Science requiring laboratory work. (2) In the Catalogue, 1902, page 47, first paragraph, line 2 and line 6 in the third paragraph, before the word September, insert the words next March or. (3) Adopt in grading a system of numerical equivalents as a common standard of private interpretation for professors. (4) Vote all degrees as far as conditions will permit at the May meeting of the Faculty. It was voted to send examination papers in April to the affiliated schools only in case they apply for them. MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 1903. It was voted to consider no application for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts after the May meeting of the Faculty. The following recommendations presented by Dean Mezes for the Committee on Stiffening Degrees was adopted Change (d) on page 48 of the Catalogue of 1902 to read: Five full courses, elected after the completion of at least two full numbered courses in the same subject in schools which admit Freshmen, and of at least one full course in the same subject in schools which do not admit Freshmen. But note that these courses in addition to being open (a) to students who have completed courses in the same subject, as just provided, may also be offered (b) to students who have completed at least ten full degree courses; but no other students will be admitted to them. MEETING OF MARCH 3, 1902. Professor Page announced that Bishop Garrett, of Dallas, would deliver the Commencement sermon. The following recommendation of the Dean was adopted: Academic and Engineering students who pass in only four hours a week or less of the fall or of the winter terms work will thereby drop themselves from the University for the remainder of the session. But the operation of this regulation may be suspended by the President or the Dean in the case of special students admitted on individual approval, of those who enter late, of those contributing to their support by work, and of those absent from recitation for a considerable period of time because of sickness or of other good reasons. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions in honor of J. L. M. Curry, agent for the Peabody Fund. FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF BOARD OF REGENTS. MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 1902. The agreement between the Fraternities and Faculty in regard to the Fraternities soliciting first-year students, which had been referred to the Board of Regents, was ratified. The following offer from Mr. H. P. Hilliard, a former citizen of Austin, but now a resident of St. Louis, was accepted by the Board with the request that the President express to Mr. Hilliard their thanks: To the Board of Regents of the University of Texas: * GENTLEMEN.-For over twenty years I have been a citizen of Texas and for most of the time a resident of Austin; I have watched the development of the University with that interest and pride which all true Texans feel; I am now leaving the State to accept a business position in a distant city, but I shall always entertain the warmest love for the State and esteem for its people, and it is my desire to leave behind me some token of my sentiment. Being by birth, education and association a Southern man, I feel a deep interest in seeing what is best in the University, and I have therefore concluded to double the sum of $100 a year to be expended under the direction of the Faculty of the Department of English in the purchase of the best works of Southern Literature. I prefer books written before or during the war to those written thereafter, as I earnestly desire that the students of the University should know as much as possible of the ante-bellum life of our people and of the principles and sentiments of their fathers. * Sincerely yours, H. P. HILLIARD. MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 1903. Ordered that students entering the University after the opening of the session shall stand such examination as shall be prescribed by the Faculty. The report of special committee recommedning curriculum for a three years law course was adopted. MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 1903. The Board approved the withdrawal from the Legislature of a bill allowing graduates of the Medical Department to practice medicine in Texas without examination by the State Medical Board. The Board also approved the withdrawal from the Legislature of a bill providing that Permanent State Teachers' certificates be issued to all academic graduates of the University. It was ordered that the Board of Education be notified that about $12,000 belonging to the Permanent University Fund lie uninvested and unproductive in the State Treasury, and requested to invest said sum in State bonds or in United States bonds payable not later than 1907. It was ordered that the present Legislature be requested to submit a constitutional amendment authorizing the Board of Education to invest the Permanent University Fund in the same securities in which they are authorized to invest the funds of public schools. The report of a Faculty Committee on the matter of teaching Hebrew in the University, as requested by the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, was read and adopted as an expression of the views of the Board. Said report recommends first that requests to exempt regular students of the Theological Seminary from the payment of fees be not granted, on the ground that the University is a State institution and that the policy evidenced in our State Constitution is against discriminations of the character here asked. Second, said committee declined to express an opinion as to the expediency of providing at the present time for teaching the language, literature and history of the Jews in the University. Third, they advise against the suggestion that one of the Faculty of said Seminary be permitted to give instruction in the University in the work last mentioned; and say that said work should be done only by those regularly connected with the University. It was ordered that the faculty be requested to consider and report to the Board a course in Semitic languages. Milton B. Porter, assistant professor of Mathematics in Yale University, was elected full professor in charge of the School of Mathematics in the University of Texas, his term beginning September 1, 1903. On nomination of Regent T. S. Henderson, Regent George W. Brackenridge was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board of Regents. Regent T. S. Henderson was then unanimously elected Vice Chairman of the Board. Regent Henderson first met with the Board March 26, 1895; was elected Vice Chairman July 28, 1899; was elected Chairman February 26, 1900; was reëlected Chairman June 12, 1901. In a few apt and earnest words Regent Spencer complimented the manner in which Regent Henderson had performed his duties as Chairman of the Board. Regents Cowart, of Dallas; Marsh, of Tyler, and Garwood, of Houston, having declined reappointment, were not present at this meeting of the Board. Regents H. M. Chapman, of Fort Worth; J. N. Browning, of Amarillo, and Ben B. Cain, of Tyler, having been appointed on the Board by Gov. Lanham in the places of the foregoing gentlemen, met with the Board for the first time at this meeting. THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE TEACHING STAFF OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, FOR THE YEAR 1902. W. L. ALLISON: (1) Comparative Study of Value of Methylene Blue and Quinine in W. S. CARTER: (1) Viability of Bacillus Tuberculosis Outside the Animal Body (Address of Chairman of Section of State Medicine and Pub |