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lic Health, of Texas State Medical Association), Trans. Texas
State Med. Ass'n, 1902.

A Case of Post-Scarlatinal Nephritis in an Infant with Symptoms
of Acute Ileo-Colitis, Univ. of Texas Medical Weekly, 1902.
A Method of Determining the Percentage of Fats in Milk for
Clinical Purposes (read before Univ. of Texas Medical Club-
not published).

A Convenient and Simple Method of Pasteurizing Milk (read
before the Univ. of Texas Medical Club-not published).
The Influence of Weak Starch Solutions on the Digestibility of
Milk (read before the Univ. of Texas Medical Club-not

The Digestibility of Milk That Has Been Pasteurized as Con-
trasted with That Which Has Been Sterilized (read before the
Univ. of Texas Med. Club-not published).

Some Observations on the Consumption and Excretion of Water by the Animal Organism in a Dry Climate at a High Altitude, as Compared with the Same in a Moist Atmosphere at Sealevel; and the Possible Relation of Atmospheric Conditions to the Occurrence of Bright's Disease (read before the Univ. of Texas Med. Club-not published).



Persistent Foramen Ovale in Human Hearts, Trans. Texas State
Med. Ass'n, 1902.


Article on "The Heart," Buck's Reference Handbook of Medical
Science, new edition.

(2) Prevention of Surgical Tuberculosis, Trans. Texas State Med.

Ass'n, 1902.

(3) Skiagraphy of the Renal Vessels, Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902.

C. E. D. LORD:

(1) Influence of Flies in Spreading Typhoid Fever, Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902.


(1) Achylia Gastrica (with S. M. Morris), Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902.

(2) Prevention of Tuberculosis in Private Practice, Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902.


(1) Duration of the Latency of Malaria after Primary Infection as Proved by Tertian or Quartan Periodicity, or Demonstration of the Parasites in the Blood, Journal of Tropical Medicine, August 15, 1902.

(2) Malaria: Cerebral and Spinal Symptoms, St. Louis Courier of Medicine, August, 1902.


Observation Showing That the Flagella of the Malarial Parasite
Are Fertilizing Elements, Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin,
October, 1902.

(4) Comparative Study of the Value of Methylene Blue and Quinine
in the Treatment of Malarial Fever (with W. L. Allison),
Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902; Medical News, December
6, 1903.



Achylia Gastrica (with J. W. McLaughlin), Trans. Texas State
Med. Ass'n, 1902.

(2) Hyperchlorhydria (read before the South Texas Med. Ass'n,—
not published).

(3) Relation of Indicanuria to the Acidity of the Gastric Juice (read before the Univ. of Texas Med. Club, December, 1902, published University Medical, January, 1903).


(1) Lessons and Laboratory Exercises in Bacteriology, 8vo. pp. 298, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1902.

(2) Significance of the Terms Acute and Chronic (Chairman's Address, Section on Pathology, Texas State Med. Ass'n.), Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902.

(3) Review of Recent Literature on the Heredity of Tuberculosis, Trans. Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902; Med. News, November 22, 1902.



Notes on Several Unusual Larval Insects Occurring as Parasites in Man, Medical News, Dec. 6, 1902.

Fetal Substitutions: Medico-Legal Note (submitted and accepted for publication in Medical News in November, 1902-published March, 1903).



Autopsy and Findings in a Case of Oil of Tansy Poisoning
University of Texas Med. Weekly, November 12, 1902.


(1) Interscapulothoracic Amputation (read before Texas State Med. Ass'n, 1902, published in University Medical, January, 1903).


Dr. Henry C. Haden, ex-M. '94, Lecturer on Diseases of Nose, Throat and Ear, to Miss Blanche Davenport Randall, of Galveston, Devember 31, 1902.

Dr. M. R. Sharp, M. '02, to Miss Edith Baugh, of Rogers, November 19, 1902.

Dr. Kenneth H. Aynesworth, M. '99, of Waco, to Miss Maud Brian, of Louisiana, on December 31, 1902.

Dr. Hill Rowe, M. '01, of Los Esperanzas, Mexico, to Miss Marie Jordan, of Galveston, December 27, 1902.

Dr. W. A. Shields, of Ad Hall, to Miss Harris, of Galveston, 1902.


Dr. Joe Gilbert, M. '97, was reappointed by Gov. Lanham as Surgeon to the Confederate Home, Austin, Texas.

Dr. O. H. Radkey, M. '00, previously located at Manor, Texas, has changed his residence and place of practice of medicine to Edna, Jackson County.

Dr. R. F. Currie, M. '01, after the completion of his term of service as interne in St. Mary's Hospital in Galveston in November, 1902, located in Conroes.

Dr. W. L. Allison, M. '02, has withdrawn from the position of Demonstrator of Surgery to accept the position of Assistant Physician in the Southwestern Insane Asylum at San Antonio.



The three Munson brothers, J. W., M. S., and W. B., each of whom received the degree of LL. B., have formed a law partnership at Angleton, Texas.

W. H. Wilson, LL. B., has formed a partnership with A. L. Jackson, B. A., '87, LL. B., '88, for the purpose of practicing law at Houston under the firm name of Wilson & Jackson.


M. C. Granberry, LL. B., died at Phoenix, Ariz., on December 16, '02, where he had gone in search of health. His wife lives in Austin.

Goodwin Sterne, LL. B., formerly in the banking business at Gonzales, has removed to El Paso, where he will be connected with one of the bank. ing houses.


J. H. Arnold, LL. B., of Gatesville, has recently been appointed by Gov. Lanham to be District Attorney of the Fifty-second District. For a number of years he was County Attorney of Coryell County.


J. H. Kirkpatrick, LL. B., is now a member of the real estate firm of Adams & Kirkpatrick at San Antonio. He has won considerable reputa tion as a lecturer on subjects of travel.


H. A. Cunningham, LL. B., has recently formed a partnership with exSenator Wheeler, of Bonham.

Dr. Leonard E. Dickson, B. S., M. A., '94, was married to Miss Sudie Davis, at Waco, Dec. 30, 1902.


Donald Cameron, B. A., M. A., '96, after taking both the Master's and the Doctor's Degree from Harvard University, is now studying classical philology in Germany and Italy. He holds the Parker Traveling Fellowship from Harvard, which is worth $700 annually.


A. D. Ellis, B. Lit., is Superintendent of Schools at Elgin.

A. P. Raggio, A. B., A. M., Harvard, 1902, is now engaged in second year graduate studies in Romance Languages at Harvard.

W. F. Schenck, LL. B., is now County Attorney of Bosque County, having been elected by a handsome majority in November.

J. C. Wilson, LL. B., of Weatherford, was elected to the office of County Attorney of Parker County in November.


W. D. C. Jones, LL. B., of Gonzales, was married in that city on February 12, 1903, to Miss India Bailey.


Miss Zoe L. Baldwin, B. Lit., M. A., 1900, was married October 1, 1902, to W. J. Sublette, of Kirksville, Mo., where she now makes her home.

D. R. Couch, B. A., now a banker and ranchman at Aspermont, Texas, recently visited the University for the first time since his graduation. Yancey W. Holmes, B. Lit., LL. B., is now a member of the firm of Abernathy, Jones & Holmes, Gonzales. Mr. Jones is also a University graduate.

Harry Tom King, LL. B., is practicing law at Abilene. Recently he was elected by the bar there to hold a special term of the District Court. J. W. Lewis, LL. B., of Conroe, has retired from the office of County Attorney and formed a partnership with Ball, Dean & Humphrey, of Huntsville, Texas. Mr. Lewis is in charge of the branch at Conroe.


Ira Polk Hildebrand, LL. B., LL. M., B. A., 1900, after taking the Law course in Harvard, is now practicing in San Antonio under the firm name of Cobbs & Hildebrand. Judge Cobbs is a member of the present Legislature and one of the leading lawyers of Texas.

B. H. McFarland, B. Lit., LL. B., 1901, has been appointed Referee in Bankruptcy in the El Paso District by United States Judge Maxey.

C. P. Norby, B. S., M. S., 1900, is in the Medical School of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.

J. E. Starley, LL. B., is practicing law and editing a paper at Barstow.


Will L. Barbee, LL. B., LL. M., 1901, was married to Miss Laura Williamson, B. A., 1902, at St. Louis, Mo., on Feb. 9, 1903. They live in Houston.

C. C. Cole, B. A., of foot-ball fame, is in the wholesale coal business at Oklahoma City, O. T.

T. Spence Knox, B. A., is taking a theological course at Clarksville, Tennessee, preparatory to entering the Presbyterian ministry.

F. G. Lanham, B. A., is stenographer to his father, Governor S. W. T. Lanham. He will enter the Methodist ministry.

E. T. Miller, B. A., M. A., 1901, is doing graduate work in History and Political Science at Harvard.

A. H. McKnight, LL. B., is a partner in the firm of Byarly & McKnight, and practices at Center. He was married to Miss Ada Chambers, in Houston on October 29, 1902.

O. H. Palm, B. S., is spending a year in the Chemical Laboratory of West. ern Reserve University, Cleveland, O.

R. E. Thomason, LL. B., now County Attorney of Cooke County, is also a member of the firm of Cofer & Thomason.


Henry Lamar Crosby, B. A., M. A., 1902, is doing graduate work in Classical Philology at Harvard.

E. P. R. Duval, B. S., M. A., 1902, is pursuing graduate courses in Mathematics in Harvard University.

R. W. Haynie, B. A., M. A., is teaching in the McGregor schools, after a year of successful work in the schools of San Saba.

Charles E. Johnson, LL. B., has removed from Houston to Oklahoma City, O. T., where he is practicing his profession.

J. W. Rainbolt, LL. B., was married on October 22, 1902, to Miss Mae Hendrix, of Lockhart. He lives at Gonzales.

John F. Thomas, LL. B., of Lawton, Okla., was married to Miss Rose Toomes at Wellington, Kansas, December 26, 1902.


Henry S. Bishop, LL. B., was elected District Attorney of the Fortyseventh District at the November elections, receiving 965 votes more than all three of his opponents. He carried fourteen of the sixteen counties of his district. His home is at Amarillo.

W. N. Foster, LL. B., is engaged in the practice of his profession at Conroe, having formed a partnership with C. W. Nugent.

J. F. Gibson, B. S., is a matriculate of the Medical Department.

S. F. Leslie, LL. B., is practicing law at Okmulgee, I. T., and is associated with J. C. Stone, Esq.

W. H. Matthews, A. B., of Gonzales, will return to the University next session to take a post-graduate course, after which he expects to study for the Presbyterian ministry.

Dr. E. M. Steger, M. D., is doing a good practice at Bonham.

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