THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. At the regular meeting held in the Chemical Lecture Room of the University on Friday evening, November 28, 1902, the following papers were presented by title: "Contribution to a Knowledge of the Coleopterous Fauna of the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas and Tamaulipas, with Biological Notes and Special Reference to Geographical Distribution," by C. H. T. Townsend, of El Paso. "The Poisonous Snakes of Texas," by J. D. Mitchell, of Victoria. Mr. E. C. H. Bantel, Instructor in Civil Engineering, gave an illustrated lecture on "Iron Smelting." At the Formal Meeting, held in the Auditorium of the University, Monday evening, December 29, 1902, Dr. William L. Bray, Professor of Botany, delivered an illustrated lecture on "The Evolution of the Flower and its Relation to Insects and other Pollenizing Agents." The following papers appeared by title on the program of this meeting: "The Effect of Weeds and Moss upon Coefficients of Discharge in Small Irrigating Canals," by Jas. C. Nagle, Professor of Civil Engineering in the A. and M. College of Texas. "The Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate at Fixed Temperatures," by Dr. E. P. Schoch and J. S. Brown, B. S. "The Kinetics of Oxidation Reactions. Example I. The Equilibrium between Potassium Ferrocyanide, Potassium Ferricyanide, Iodine, and Potassium Iodide," by Dr. Eugene P. Schoch, Instructor in Chemistry in the University. "Contribution to the Chemistry of Fatigue," by Dr. Henry Winston Harper, Professor of Chemistry in the University, and Margaret Holliday, M. S. At a regular meeting of the Academy held in the Zoological Lecture Room, Saturday evening, March 14, 1903, the following papers, illustrated with the stereopticon, were presented: "Some Wholesome Educational Statistics," by W. S. Sutton, M. A., Professor of the Science and Art of Education in the University. "Steel Making," by E. C. H. Bantel, C. E., Instructor in Civil Engineering in the University. F. W. S. THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association for January, 1903 (Vol. VI, No. 3), contains the following articles: The Tampico Expedition, by Eugene C. Barker; Tienda De Cuerva's Ynspeccion of Laredo, by Herbert Eugene Bolton; Reminiscences of C. C. Cox; and Reminiscences of Early Texans, by J. H. Kuykendall. The first article, The Tampico Expedition, gives an account of an episode in the Texas Revolution. The aim of the expedition was to help the Texans to thwart Santa Anna's attempt to reform the Constitution of 1824. Its leader, José Antonio Mexía, an exile liberal who had taken refuge in New Orleans, hoped by stirring up trouble in the eastern States to keep Santa Anna too busy to send troops into Texas. The expedition, however, was a failure, and thus a chance for averting the revolution was lost. Had it succeeded Santa Anna might not have been successful in reforming the Constitution and the Texas Declaration of Independence might never have been made. The article views the episode from its effect on Texas History and shows that Mexía's aim was to help the Texans and not to secure his own aggrandizement, as has been charged. Tienda De Cuerva's Ynspeccion of Laredo is a translation, with editorial notes of a document by this title. The document shows that the establishment of Laredo was the outcome of the work of José Escandón, who effected the conquest of the coast country from the Panuco River to Texas, 1784-1755. It is composed of original memoranda of the Inspeccion in the form of orders, affidavits, statistical reviews, and Cuerva's report to the Viceroy. The document shows the circumstances under which Laredo was founded, its material conditions, its growth during the first twelve years of its existence, and the character of the people who settled there. They were rancheros who had occupied this country in advance of the government. The third article, Reminiscences of C. C. Cox, gives the story of his life in Texas from 1856 to 1886, including an account of his settlement on the Nueces River, his life as a ranchman, his experience during the Civil War and his taking up again, under very different circumstances, his ranch life after this struggle. Reminiscences of Early Texans, by J. H. Kuykendall includes Recollections of Capt. Horatio Chriesman, Recollections of Joel W. Robinson, and Recollections of Judge Thomas M. Duke. An editorial note prefixed to this article says: "In 1857, J. H. Kuykendall wrote for Judge Bell, of Columbia, a series of papers consisting of his recollections of various persons and episodes in Texas History. He himself had played an active part in the life of Austin's Colony, both before and after the Revolution and was therefore well qualified for his task." The Quarterly likewise contains the usual Book Reviews and Notes. To Historians of the Southwest the review of Dos Antiguas Relaciones de la Florida, by Genaro Garcia, is of especial interest, as this work throws valuable light on the early Spanish explorations and occupation. M. A. AST OF LENCY AND TIDEN FOUNDATIONE The University Record. PROFESSOR W. J. BATTLE, Editor-in-Chief. [On account of the absence of the Editor-in-Chief this number of the RECORD is issued under the editorial supervision of Professor Simonds.] EDITORIAL BOARD: President WM. L. PRATHER, Professor W. J. BATTLE, Professor F. W. SIMONDS, Professor L. M. CASIS, Professor T. W. PAGE, Professor A. J. SMITH, THE UNIVERSITY RECORD is published quarterly; subscription, one dollar a year; single copies, thirty-five cents. Advertisements, one page, $15; half page, $7.50, with 25 per cent. discount on contracts for a year. Address business communications to BUSINESS MANAGER OF THE UNIVERSITY RECORD, [Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice at Austin, Texas.] A Review of the Annual Report of the Board of Regents...... 172 The Catalogue for 1902-1903.......... Dr. Battle's Vacation, 203; The University Summer Schools, 203; A New Memorial Tablet, 204; The Resig- nation of Dr. Wheeler, 204; The New Professor of |