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cal Science, submits the best thesis on some economic subject that relates particularly to Texas, was again awarded to Mr. Alexander Deussen, of San Antonio, the title of his thesis being, "Land Grants to Railroads in Texas."

The Ira H. Evans Fellowship in Physics, valued at $150.00, was again awarded to Mr. Conrad L. D. Shuddemagen, of Sabinal.

New Scholarships. President Prather announced that Mr. A. C. Green, of Palestine, had made provision for endowing the Shirley R. Green Scholarship for Girls, in the sum of $5000.00, the income of which should be awarded to some young woman who gives promise of high intellectual attainments, is of the highest moral worth, and who stands in need of aid. The Texas Federation of Women's Clubs has endowed a scholarship in The University of the annual value of about $250.00, which has already been awarded for the next session. The committee of award, composed of Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker, Mrs. A. H. Wilkins, and President Prather, have awarded the scholarship for 1903-1904 to Miss Linda Paine, of Lufkin.

In the words of President Prather, "This is the beginning of expressions of appreciation on the part of the citizenship of this State of the splendid talent that gathers here from year to year, and the desire to stimulate this talent to nobler efforts."


"Let joy be unconfined," is the motto of the Commencement season. After the labors of long months and the final crisis of examinations are past, the mind can give itself over freely to the pleasures of the hour.

The social features of the twentieth Commencement were varied and frequent, but wisely tempered by the saner judgment of students and the salutary regulation of the Faculty. No one left surfeited and sick.

Of course there were many visitors to entertain and many social affairs at private houses. Then there were the usual number of farewell fraternity suppers, when good cheer reigns supreme. There was also a reception at Mrs. Carl Drake's in honor of The University Glee and Mandolin Clubs. The Phi Delta Theta chapter kept open house in honor of their friends in The University and in town on Monday afternoon.

Of course, Terpsichore was honored on the usual number of occasions. The University German Club gave its annual "Monday Morning German" at Eighth Street Hall, and its final dance on Tuesday night. It is reported that there was also a complimentary dance at Hyde Park on Monday night. On Wednesday night, the Faculty and students united in the final celebration of the year at the Driskill. The halls and corridors were beautifully decorated, and the music and refreshments were good. The souvenir programs in leather were unusually handsome. It is said that, though the occasion was not less elaborate and splendid than in former years, the successful management of the finance committee made it possible for the final ball to come out without a deficit, and that, too, without the aid

formerly given by patronesses. Mr. Barton and his committeemen are to be congratulated. The affair was one of refined enjoyment throughout, and every feature of it marked the gathering as discreet and cultured. Thus ended in fitting manner the most delightful Commencement in the history of the University.



The exercises of the thirteenth annual graduation in the Medical Department took place on May 30, 1903, in the Grand Opera House in Galveston, before a large and representative audience. President Prather presided, Rev. Father J. M. Kirwin opening and closing the exercises with prayer, and Dr. Smith, as dean, presenting the various candidates for diplomas and certificates. The address of Professor William Keiller as a valedictory to the graduating classes is published elsewhere in THE RECORD.

To the following members of the class in medicine the degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred by President Prather in his usual impressive manner and with dignified words of commendation: W. S. Bickham, R. E. Bowen, J. W. Bradfield, L. O. Dudgeon, E. S. Easton, B. Ferguson, G. H. Gilbert, S. H. Grant, L. L. Griffin, E. L. Jones, L. H. Kirk, A. T. Kneip, L. L. Lamar, J. M. Loving, E. G. Mathis, E. McCain, T. C. McCurdy, W. C. McCurdy, J. A. McIntosh, J. S. Miller, W. H. Moore, J. W. Reifel, W. L. Robinson, Z. T. Scott, F. Simpson, P. E. Suehs, J. R. Sypert, J. L. Taylor, S. J. Taylor, E. H. Vaughn, J. A. Watts, J. T. Wilhite, Martha A. Wood, W. S. Wysong, J. S. Yates. There were thirty-five graduates in Medicine. The degree of Graduate in Pharmacy was conferred in the same manner by President Prather upon the following members of the class in Pharmacy: C. C. Carruthers, J. R. Chambers, J. R. Crittenden, R. C. Davis, W. T. Garbade, Mabel Giddings, T. B. Greenwood, W. E. Holmes, B. B. Ingle, W. Johnson, W. F. Jones, S. V. Keahey, H. W. Kendrick, T. R. Longmire, Adalia O. Miller, R. S. McCracken, C. L. Nichols, L. Sherman, N. E. Stuckey, J. J. Waller, H. Willoughby. In the School in Nursing there were but two graduates, to whom certificates of proficiency in Nursing were granted: Misses Susie R. Farmer and Emily R. Harbison. These two young ladies were the only representatives of a class of nurses which at the opening of the term included eight members, the others having withdrawn from the School for reasons sufficient to themselves, but in no wise derogatory to the School. Honorable mention was attained by four members of the class in Medicine, Drs. L. H. Kirk, W. W. Wysong, J. S. Miller and Martha A. Wood, this distinction indicating that these members had attained in their general averages a percentage grade of ninety or over. There were no honors in Pharmacy or in Nursing.

At the meeting of the Board of Regents held in Galveston in connection with the graduating exercises there were present Chairman Brackenridge,

and Regents Bryan, Cain and Smith, the last recently appointed by Governor Lanham upon the board in place of Hon. F. M. Spencer, resigned. In the absence of a quorum all business which could be properly postponed was deferred for future action and all actions taken were made subject to ratification at a proper session. Instructions were given for the arrangement of plans for remodeling the Home for Nurses, which has proven uninhabitable during the severe months of the year and which has become insufficient in space for the absolute needs of the School. It was also decided to devote the entire University Hall in the future to the uses of the women students in the institution, this decision compelling the exclusion from the lower floor of The University Hall Dining Club, a club composed of the majority of the Medical and Pharmaceutical students and operated upon the co-operative plan with the utmost success for some years past. This action is much regretted by the Regents themselves, as well as by the Faculty and students, but could not be avoided in the rearrangement of the plans for operation of the Hall. A Matron is to be appointed to have direct supervision and control of the Hall and its occupants, and through private gift a sum of money is assured for five years to make the thorough excellence of operation assured. Under this arrangement the building is certain to become a suitable and very comfortable home for the women students of the institution, a small rental only being required for rooms, heat, light, service and room-laundry.

An effort is being made, since the announcement of the above item, by a number of the students to reorganize The University Hall Dining Club at an advance of two dollars each month in the dues, so as to provide on the college grounds a suitable frame mess-hall, the cost to be defrayed in installments by the additional monthly dues mentioned. As yet, however, there have not been secured a sufficient number of names to justify active building operation; but it is to be hoped that some such solution may be obtained for the preservation of the Club, the success of which has been one of the most satisfactory features of student life in the Medical Department for the past three or four years.

Two scholarships are announced as being granted by the Woman's Club of San Antonio, open to the women of the medical classes in the Medical Department. These scholarships will grant to the holders the sums of $240.00 and $200.00, respectively, each year, payments to be made monthly during the session of the School. They will be given to those two women who, after the Freshman year, are found to have attained the highest appropriate averages of proficiency in the studies of the preceding term. For the first a general average of 85 per cent., and for the second a general average of 80 per cent. will be required (with appropriate lower limit for individual studies to be hereafter determined) before the scholarships will be conferred.


Dr. H. R. Dudgeon, M., '99, after an absence of a year from the institution, has been reappointed to his former position of Demonstrator of Surgery. He will come on duty in September. Dr. Dudgeon has recently taken to himself one of Lockhart's young ladies as a life-partner, for which fortunate accomplishment he has the editor's warmest congratulations.

Dr. Wallace Rouse, M., '02, has been elected to the new demonstratorship of Clinical Medicine and will have charge of the laboratory work in Clinical Technology.

Dr. H. O. Sappington, M., '98, has resigned his position as superintendent of Sealy Hospital to enter into private practice in Galveston. He will conduct the lectureship on Dermatology after the opening of the approaching session. Until the superintendent chosen by the Board of Hospital Managers is free from an existing contract of service, Dr. J. J. Terrill,· Demonstrator of Pathology, is acting as locum tenens in the position vacated by Dr. Sappington.

Dr. David H. Lawrence, M., '02, has been chosen to lecture on Medical Jurisprudence during the coming year.

Dr. Bismarck Ferguson, M., '03, has been appointed by Prof. Paine to be Demonstrator of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for the ensuing session.

Dr. Allen J. Smith, Professor of Pathology and Dean of the Medical Department, has accepted election to the chair of Pathology in the University of Pennsylvania, and will withdraw from his duties in Texas about the first of September to proceed to Philadelphia. As yet no knowledge is had as to his successors, either in the chair of Pathology or in the Deanship.

It is a pleasure to the editors and an honor to the School to be able to announce that the Alvarenga Biennial prize ($200.00), granted under the auspices of the Philadelphia College of Physicians, has been awarded this year to Dr. W. S. Carter, Professor of Physiology, for his researches into the physiology of the parathyroid bodies.

The following hospital appointments have been attained by the members of the recently graduating class in Medicine: Sealy Hospital, Drs. Wysong, Miller, Suehs and Wood; Resident Pathologist to Sealy Hospital, Dr. McIntosh; St. Mary's Infirmary, Galveston, Drs. Dudgeon and Yates; State Insane Asylum at Austin, Dr. Kirk; I. & G. N. Railway Hospital at Palestine, Dr. Mathis; Santa Fe Railway Hospital at Temple, Dr. J. L. Taylor. From the same class last December two interneships were given to Drs. Bradfield and Grant, graduates being at the time unavailable for the positions.

Dr. J. S. Jones, M., '02, in a recent competition for the position of resident physician in the General Memorial Hospital of New York, attained the first position among more than thirty competitors, mainly from the larger schools of the North and East. The second and third positions were taken by graduates, respectively, from Medical Department of Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University.

Mr. Thomas H. Nolan, of Galveston, has been selected to succeed Mr. J. P. Johnson, who died last April, in the position of Provost of the Medical Department.

Dr. W. Harral, formerly a student of the Medical Department, class of '95, has been selected as Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the recently organized Medical Department of Southwestern University in Dallas. Two others of our former students, Drs. B. Kinsell and S. M. Freedman, class of '01, hold the positions of Demonstrator of Histology and of Anatomy, respectively. In the newly organized Medical Department of Baylor University, in Dallas, Dr. W. W. Samuels, a former member of the class of '01, in the School of Medicine, holds the post of Demonstrator of Anatomy.

Two more medical fraternities have put in appearance in the Medical Department: Phi Alpha Sigma and Phi Chi. The former is for the most part a Northern organization; the latter has most of its chapters in the South, the nearest being in the Medical Department of Tulane University. A. J. S.


The annual report of the President and Faculties for the current year has been belated. It is through the courtesy of the President that THE RECORD is enabled to give its readers a resumé of the contents in advance of their publication in regular pamphlet form. It is hoped that the alumni will read this outline with some care, for it is only in this way that they can get an adequate idea of the present status of The University. We are prone to exaggerate each year our material progress. As a matter of fact, it is gradual; and, judging from the inevitable request of each professor for additional force and funds, we need as many things now as we did a year ago. But The University is in a stage of feverish growth, and this desire to increase resources and staff, even though it be impossible in many cases, under the existing state of affairs, to accomplish this to the extent sought, is to be expected, and is, in a way, laudable. These are merely "growing pains."

In what follows, an attempt will be made to glean and cull so that only matters of wider interest will remain. To one of the laity there are a few observations inevitable. There would seem to be too much stress put on graduate work. All heads of schools grow eloquent in their phrases, when statistics show an increase in number of graduate students. The unfortunate who can remain here but four brief years is tolerated, to be sure; while the graduate who returns "for his M. A."-to work out another sentence is received with joy, notwithstanding that William James, of Harvard, claims he has found many, very many, graduate students to be of inferior mentality when compared with men who were contended with baccalaureate degrees. The desire to see students ruthlessly trample upon one another in their frantic and desperate struggles to break into Course 72

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