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the deep-throated cannon's roar-these may be an empty pageantry, an idle hour's diversion. How shall we make them vital and significant? Shall I tell you? By laying hold of the virtues of those who, on this day, declared their independence, by imbuing ourselves with their thoughts, by moving ourselves with their motives, by consecrating ourselves to their firm purposes and their high resolves, by declaring this day our independence of all low motive or sordid desire or narrow view or ancient prejudice or hoary error; by avowing this day that the ends we aim at shall be "our country's, our God's and truth's."

Is there needed incentive to this obligation? Let me ask you: of those millions who during the ages have lived, labored and died upon the earth, who have helped its progress or added to its freedom? I answer: those few, the immortals, whose names the world will not let die, who in some supreme juncture did, in the face of God and men, proclaim their independence. In geography, Columbus; in theology, Luther; in astronomy, Galileo; in government, Hampden and Washington; in religion, that strange divine Man of Galilee, gentlest and tenderest, most heroic and most independent of those who have walked upon earth. Is there need of this quality of independence now? Always, everywhere there is need of it. The earth's prayer well might be: "God, give us independent men." Never was there greater need of it than now. In our cities corruption enters into league with vice, takes with equal facility the name of either of the great parties, and boldly essays to rule. A race problem of appalling magnitude hangs over one section of our country, and beclouds the judgment of the other sections. Stupendous combinations of capital, vast armies of laborers, moved, marshalled and directed like troops in the field, reverse old economic laws, present new and strange problems in our polity and seem equally to threaten the rights and independence of the individual man. In our social life, still goes on the world-old struggle between the material and the spiritual elements of our existence. Still is felt the invitation and the strong temptation, still is seen the fierce endeavor, to put matter above mind, money above manhood, social position above social virtues, gain above knowledge, gold above God.

Let us, then, my friends, students of the University, on each recurring anniversary of this day, here in this University of Texas,

whose site, as has been told you, was dedicated by the founders of the republic, and whose muniments of title are such act of dedication, the declaration of independence this day read and the result at San Jacinto-let us in this University strike hands with the ancient and goodly fellowship of University men of all time, with Stephen Langton, graduate of the University of Paris and leader in the movement which wrung from John the Great Charter whose guaranties still are vital in all our institutions, and whose phrases still ring in the ears of freemen like the marching of armed men to battle, with Hampden, son of Oxford, who gave his life to save the liberties which the Great Charter granted, with John Hancock and his majority of University men who signed our American declaration of independence, with Rusk and his majority of college men who put their names to the declaration read today—let us strike hands with them and pledge ourselves, as University men and Texans, to love the truth and seek it, to learn the right and do it, and, in all emergencies, however wealth may tempt or popular applause allure, to be sole rulers of our own free speech, masters of our own untrammeled thoughts, captains of our own unfettered souls.

In this spirit, to these ends, may we worthily celebrate this day.


"The Tenth Biennial Report of the Board of Regents, October, 1902," is the bulkiest Regents' Report yet issued. It is addressed not as usual to the Governor, but to the Governor and the Honorable Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the 28th Legislature of the State of Texas.

The Regents'

The Report opens with elaborate tables of statistics of attendance of students. One of these showing the comparative registration of men and women in the University since its opening, is of especial interest in view of the discussion now going on relative to co-education. It appears that so far, despite the absence of dormitories for women, the proportion of women has been large, over one-third in the Academic and Engineering Departments, and fairly constant. With the impetus given by the erection of the Women's Building the percentage of women will probably increase. One is inclined to wonder if the Academic Department, apart from the Engineers, may not presently see a preponderance of women. Already this is the case in a number of classes. Here is food for thought. The table follows:

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Nearly four pages are next taken up with a list of positions of distinction held by University of Texas men in our own and other universities and in the service of the United States. It is not a bad showing.

The next topic is The University and the Public Schools. It appears that the University is more and more furnishing teachers for the schools, though really this part of its work is hardly more than begun.

"Many of the graduates, as well as the under-graduates of the University enter the profession of teaching, and are to be found in the faculties of the schools in every portion of Texas. In order that the University may, in a systematic and discriminating way, assist students in securing positions as teachers, and school boards in obtaining desirable teachers, a Faculty Committee on the Recommendation of Teachers was appointed two years ago. This committee has since that time been actively discharging its duties. During the spring and summer of 1902, alone, this committee located about fifty students in various positions, including those of City Superintendents, High School Principals, Ward Principals, High School teachers, and teachers in the lower grades. The services of the committee are rendered without charge to students or to school boards. In no other way can the University more effectively and speedily minister to the needs of the common schools than in increasing the number of teachers possessed of sound scholarship and professional training. In this way the influence of both the common schools and the University is greatly widened and deepened."

Under the heading Affiliated Schools a statement is made of the work of the Affiliated School Committee. There is steady progress here, the best omen for the future being the existence of a cordial feeling between the University and the schools.

Appropriately put next to the Affiliated Schools is the section Summer Schools. As a means of improving the scholarship and teaching power of our high school teachers the importance of the Summer Schools is not fully understood. The number of students in attendance is, however, growing rapidly and the courses offered are yearly more attractive.

The Report next seeks to emphasize the importance of the work here in Texas history.

"The history of Texas throws peculiar light on many a pressing social and industrial problem of the present day, and the prospective, as well as the actual, citizen of the State ought to have the true record of its expe

riences available for his use. In it he will find at once inspiration and instruction. It will be the best guide for the makers and administrators of our laws; and in helping to complete such a record, the University is discharging one of its highest obligations to the State."


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The Schools of Botany and Zoology are evidently close to the heart of the authorities. Recent reports both of President to Regents and Regents to Governor have laid special stress on the work of these schools for the economic interests of the State and their vast possibilities of development. The present Report is no exception. Concerning the economic aspect of Botany the Report says: This school has met with encouraging results in its efforts to organize a corps of advanced workers for prosecuting the study of the vegetation of the vast State of Texas. It is believed that an intimate knowledge of the plant life in the various and varied parts of the State will furnish an indication of the natural zones or areas in which climatic and soil conditions favor the cultivation of some one or other of the crops or plants of commercial value. This is, in effect, an effort to discover and map out the various areas of the State with respect to their capacities as culture areas.

"The school has accomplished something in the line of investigating specific questions of large economic importance. Students are being trained to investigate the nature and cause and prevention of destructive plant diseases, especially where plants or soil conditions are the cause of such diseases. The most substantial progress has been made in the investigation of matters pertaining to forestry in Texas, and in promoting a general knowledge and appreciation of the State's forest conditions and resources. Instruction in forestry is now a part of the botany curriculum in the University. Illustrated lectures have been given under various auspices which have aided in awakening a lively concern in forestry matters. Extensive investigations have been made in the forests themselves. Excursions have been made to many quarters of the State where various types of timber occur, and an extended and fully illustrated report prepared which is now in process of publication."

The importance of Zoology in education is strongly presented and its practical application discussed.

"From the modern point of view the science of Zoology is of basic importance in all education leading up to the historical, ethical, physical, pedagogical, anthropological, and sociological sciences, sciences but imperfectly developed as yet, but already replete with magnificent promise. All of these subjects make use of the methods and facts of Zoology.

"Zoology finds immediate practical application in a multitude of other subjects of great importance to the human race, from specialties like oyster, bee, and silk culture to important subjects like medicine, veterinary science, agriculture, forestry and fish culture. To all of these subjects Zoology forms an indispensable foundation. The significance of enabling the youth of Texas to devote themselves to a thorough study and mastery of all these subjects must be apparent to anyone who con

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