of Present Faculty and Employes of the Main University and Their Salaries. Exhibit E deals with the University Lands, and is written by special Land Agent R. E. L. Saner. Of the fifty leagues of land granted the University by the Republic most has been sold. Of accounts in good standing for these sales there are 124, embracing 16,877 acres, on which $46,165.58 are still due, bearing interest of $2,411.04. The accounts in bad standing embrace 2,208 acres. Patents have been granted for 3,325 acres in the past two years. The great body of University land-a million acres given by the Constitution of 1876 and another million granted by the Legislature of 1883— lies in the western part of the State and is therefore designated as Western Lands. It "is subject only to lease as grazing land." Leases have been made for 1,688,442 acres at from two to eight cents an acre, bringing in $59,453.66. Of the Unleased Lands Mr. Saner says: "In Exhibit '3' you will notice that of the 406,453 2-10 acres unleased of the western land, practically the whole of it is located in El Paso county, all of which is barren of surface water, and to dig and equip wells is an exceedingly expensive undertaking. "The board having adopted the recommendation made in my last report o leasing the land at three cents per acre, and rebating the lessees $20.00 per section for placing wells and tanks upon the same, will say that 161,640 acres have been leased under this agreement, and I hope to report other leases on the same basis within the next few months." A paragraph is next devoted to the San Elizario Suit. This is a suit brought for the recovery of 20,837 2-10 acres of land in El Paso county on the banks of the Rio Grande river about twenty-five miles from the city of El Paso. Since the writing of the Report the case has been decided adversely to the University. 66# * * The next paragraph shows the increase in revenue from the lands. In 1895 when the Board of Regents were given control of the University lands the receipts from this source for 1895 were $8,663.40. The leases in good standing September 1, 1902, show that if all are paid, the University can expect for the coming year $59,453.66, or an increase in seven years under the board's management of about $50,000 per year. In the report of Hon. R. L. Batts to the Board of Regents in 1895, before the board had been given charge of the University lands, I find the statement made that the total receipts from January, 1884, the date of the first lease, up to and including the year 1894, amounted to $84,365.28. Comparing the receipts for the past two years with the figures presented by Mr. Batts, we find that the receipts for the past two years exceed by nearly thirty thousand dollars the total amount received for the eleven years prior to 1895, when the Legislature wisely vested the management of the University lands in the Board of Regents." The expenses have been little more than two thousand dollars annually. For the next two years Mr. Saner thinks the income from western lands not likely to be over sixty thousand dollars a year. Seasons in West Texas are so precarious as to make income from grazing lands very uncertain. In thirteen pages of exhibits Mr. Saner gives detailed lists of account sales and leases for the past two years. Following the Special Land Agent's Report come more Exhibits as appendices to the Main Report of the Regents. Exhibit F consists of an itemized Statement of Appropriations Needed for the Main University for the years 1903-4 and 1904-5. Exhibits G and H form the Annual Reports of James B. Clark, Proctor, showing receipts and disbursements for the last two fiscal years, September 1, 1900, to August 31, 1902. Here are set down with a minuteness scarcely credible the sources of University income and the direction of every cent of money expended by the University. Clearly the University has no fear of publicity in its accounts. If such openness were demanded of corporations we should perhaps find the trusts easier to deal with. Exhibits I, J, K, L are concerned with the finances of the Medical Department. In the matter of receipts Provost Johnson surpasses even Proctor Clark. In addition to giving the fees from students under a single item, he lists each fee separately. Last of all the Exhibits is M, the official opinion of Attorney-General Bell that it is unconstitutional for the Governor to issue bonds for the purpose of investing the permanent University fund. W. J. B. During the Christmas holidays, on December 29th, 30th and 31st, the Texas State Teachers' Association and the Superintendents' and Princi The State Teachers' Asso ciation. pals' Association held their annual session in Austin, with a representative attendance of about 600 teachers, the session being a notable one in many respects. The meetings of the Superintendents' and Principals' Association took place in the City High School building on December 29th, President J. L. Henderson, of Tyler, presiding; all other meetings, general as well as section, were held in the Main Building of the University. At the meeting of the Superintendents and Principals on Monday morning, December 29th, after cordial and well-chosen words of welcome from Superintendent T. G. Harris, of Austin, and a witty and entertaining response from Superintendent John W. Hopkins, of Galveston, Mrs. Annie E. Hilton, on behalf of the Womens' Clubs of San Antonio, made an earnest plea for manual training in general, and in particular for the manual training of girls in sewing and other activities, in a paper which was well received, and which contained suggestions for the economical extension of such work in the public schools. After some discussion on the subject, the teachers adjourned, visiting the quarters of the Allen Manual Training School in the High School building. At the afternoon session, on the same day, the following papers were read: A Principal's Responsibilities and Duties-W. A. Palmer, of Dallas. Discussion by Mrs. Jessie Renfro, of Tyler. The Teacher and the Text Book-M. M. Dupre, of Troupe. In the absence of J. S. Kendall, of Denton, who was to read a paper on "The Selection of the Teacher; How and by Whom?" this subject was discussed by Prof. Sutton, of the University, and Superintendent Fulton, of Cleburne. After the papers and discussions, the Association went into election of officers, electing: W. A. Palmer, of Dallas, president; A. N. McCallum, of Seguin, vice-president; O. E. Arbuckle, of Waco, secretary and treasurer. At a night session held in the Auditorium at the University, the exercises included a short address on the "Life and Works of Francis W. Parker" by W. S. Sutton, of the University; papers on "The Public Schools from the Standpoint of a Trustee," by Trustee Boynton, of Waco, and on "School Laws and Needed Legislation," by State Superintendent Arthur Lefevre; an interesting lecture given by Dr. Bray, of the University, under the auspices of the Academy of Science, on "The Evolution of the Flower in Its Relation to Insects and Other Pollinating Agencies," and the installation of the newly elected officers of the Superintendents' and Principals' Association. On Tuesday, December the 30th, the general association was called to order at 10 a. m. in the University Auditorium by President J. F. Estill, of Huntsville, and, after invocation by the Rev. Dr. Wright, of Austin, and a vocal solo by Miss Jackson, of Austin, President Prather, of the University, and Governor Sayers both delivered addresses, heartily greeting the teachers and bidding them welcome to the University and to the capital of the State. Superintendent J. W. Clark, of Rockdale, responded on behalf of the teachers, and dwelt on the spirit which should pervade the great body there assembled, after which a paper was read by Superintendent Peyton Irving, Jr., of Sulphur Springs, on "Character Training in the School." This paper contained many points calculated to arouse interest, and the original, strong and entertaining remarks of Dr. S. J. Jones, of Salado, on the same subject, were keenly enjoyed. The program for the morning closed with a paper on "The Movement Toward Free Text Books," by Superintendent Barnett, of Houston. Owing to the lateness of the hour, this paper was not discussed. The afternoon of this, the second day, was given over to the section meetings, the chief features of which are outlined below. In the Rural School Section, County Superintendent J. S. Magee, of Tyler, chairman, the following was the program: "Consolidation of Rural Schools"-W. J. Hanna, Greenville; E. P. Guenther, of Hallettsville. "Should Elementary Branches in Agriculture and Horticulture Be Taught in the Public Schools?"-M. L. Moody, Beaumont. "Institute Work"-J. S. Carlisle, Denton; J. H. Hill, McKinney. "What Changes in Our School Laws Are Needed to Improve the Rural Schools?"-J. R. Stubblefield, Eastland; H. R. Orgain, Belton. In the Primary Section, Miss I. Barclay, of El Paso, presiding, papers were read as follows: "Manual Training in Primary Work"-Miss E. Felder, San Antonio. "Importance of Little Things"-Miss E. Blanchard, Temple. The exercises of the Intermediate School Section included papers by Mrs. Henderson, of Dallas, on "Language Teaching Below the High School," and by P. H. Underwood, of Galveston, on "Fundamental Processes in Arithmetic." The chairman was Principal J. M. Fendley, of Galveston. The High School Section was presided over by Principal Joseph Morgan, of Dallas. Owing to the absence of E. D. Criddle, of Waxahachie, whose paper was the first on the program, the meeting opened with the paper by R. G. Hall, of Cleburne, on "University Bulletin No. 1, From the Standpoint of a High School Teacher." The bulletin discussed by Mr. Hall outlines the work expected by The University of Texas of its affiliated High Schools, and this circumstance, together with a deep conviction concerning the importance to the University of the ideals and practice of the High Schools, caused a considerable number of the instructors of the University to attend the meeting and become interested listeners to this and the subsequent papers. Mr. Hall discussed the main points of the Bulletin in an able and lucid paper, manifesting an intelligent appreciation and a most generous reception of the plan offered to the High Schools, as well as a most gratifying spirit of willingness to co-operate with the University. J. E. Pearce, of Austin, then read a paper on the same subject. This likewise proved interesting. Besides discussing certain points of the Bulletin, and its general influence on the High School work in the State, Mr. Pearce indicated some practical difficulties which High School teachers have to confront, and dwelt on the growing necessity to bear in mind the duty of the High School towards those who do not, as well as to those who do, proceed to the University or a college. The next papers, on "Electives and Elective Courses in the High School," by T. B. Kendrick, of Dallas, and W. A. James, of Galveston, were likewise excellent and suggestive, Mr. Kendrick showing, by a clear and careful account of what has actually been done, the possibilities of a judicious application of the elective system in the High School, while Mr. James, though rather more conservative, likewise indicated that a partial elective system might, under wise direction, help to overcome certain difficulties. The last paper on the program, "Educational Waste in the High School," by W. D. Williams, of Fort Worth, touched a timely subject in an interesting manner, and aptly closed a profitable afternoon. It being late there was no discussion. In the College Section, Chairman S. L. Hornbeak, of Trinity University, being absent, President L. C. Kirkes, of Trinity University, presided. The first subject presented was "The Bible in the College Course," treated by President L. C. Kirkes, of Trinity University, and President Fisher, of Fort Worth University; this was followed by "The Function of College Fraternities," by Dr. W. J. Battle, of The University of Texas, all three papers being full of interesting and suggestive points. The rest of the program included "Some Weaknesses in the Preparation for College," by F. Eby, of Baylor University, "Some Fundamental Causes of Defects in Preparation for College," by Dr. H. E. Bolton, of The University of Texas, and "The Encouragement and Control of College Athletics," by J. A. McLaughlin, of Austin College, and B. E. Looney, of Trinity University. All the papers were notable; the last two, which were both quite conservative, were lengthily discussed, from a different and enthusiastic standpoint, by Dr. A. C. Ellis, of The University of Texas, and the discussion developed was very interesting. The afternoon's proceedings likewise included resolutions on the study of the Bible in Colleges, and others recommending to the Regents of The University of Texas the introduction, whenever practicable, of the study of the Hebrew language into the curriculum of the University. Tuesday night, the session was a special event. On the program proper were the following: "The Duty of Texas Teachers Toward Civic Betterment," a pointed and entertaining address by Mrs. Pennybacker, of Austin; an impressive and practical address on "Demands of Our Modern Civilization upon State Education," by Dr. T. W. Page, of The University of Texas, and an address by Dr. Dabney, of the University of Tennessee, concerning the work of the Southern Educational Association. Mr. A. P. Wooldridge, of Austin, likewise spoke, introducing a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, asking the State administration to improve the facilities of the State Library, and Mr. Louis J. Wortham spoke of the Texas educational exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, to be held at St. Louis. During the evening, music was furnished by the orchestra of the State Institution for the Blind, and, after the program, the teachers were tendered a brilliant reception, under the auspices of the University. The library and corridor were resplendent with lights and were tastefully decorated, refreshments were served in the festively adorned Regents' room, and, altogether, the scene was a beautiful one, the occasion proving enjoyable for all parties concerned. Wednesday morning the convention held its last session. "School Finances; Relation of Expenditures to Needs"-Superintendent R. B. Cousins, of Mexia. "Future of Manual Training in Texas"-Dr. A. C. Ellis, of The University of Texas. "Co-operation of Home and School"-Miss Lula Elliott, of Corsicana. Miss Dillworth, of Austin, read a paper by Mrs. J. C. Terrell, of Fort Worth, concerning "Progress and Future of the Library Movement in Texes;" another paper by Miss Lawrence, of the Sam Houston Normal Institute, on "Use of the Library in the School," was likewise read; a declaration of principles was adopted, and, after various resolutions, the |