PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS The various publications which are sent out by the University of Texas are classifled into the five series of Bulletins listed below, and are officially designated as "Bulletins of the University of Texas." All of these Bulletins, with the exception of the RECORD, which falls within the general series, are distributed free. Persons wishing to receive any of the series regularly should carefully specify in writing the particular ones desired. Any single Bulletin will be sent upon request. The subscription price of the RECORD is one dollar ($1) per volume of four numbers. YOUNG MEN who want to get a start-who must earn a Eastman "The best practical school in America." We COMPLETE Merchants and business men, the officials COLLEGE MEN who would add a practical finish to their Paying Position let him write to us, for we can fit him for CLEMENT C. GAINES, M.A., B.L., PRESIDENT, 29 Washington Street, POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK. The Texas State Historical Association. WAS ORGANIZED IN AUSTIN, MARCH 2, 1897. Officers. The officers of the Association consist of a president, four vice-presidents, a recording secretary and librarian, a corresponding secretary and treasurer, and an executive council of eight members. The officers are elected annually. At present Judge John H. Reagan is president. No officer receives any salary. Purposes. The chief objects of the Association are: The discovery, collection, preservation, and publication of historical material, especially such as relates to Texas. In these undertakings the Association is having encouraging success. The Quarterly. The Association publishes a quarterly magazine of 80 to 130 pages. It is devoted entirely to the publication of the material which the Association is collecting, and to research articles on Texas and Southwestern history. It is ably edited, and in its field is rapidly becoming the authority among the most prominent historians of America. Teachers of Texas history and all others who are interested in keeping up with the most recent investigations in the subject will find it especially valuable. Many of the journals and diaries which it publishes could be used with great advantage by teachers to stimulate the interest of their classes. Membership. The Association has nearly 1000 members. Any one who is interested in the work is eligible to membership. Dues. The membership dues are $2.00 a year in advance. There is no other expense, and in return for this, the members receive all publications of the Association. At present, the publications consist only of the Quarterly, but it is the purpose of the editor, as soon as the finances will allow, to increase the size of the Quarterly and to issue extra numbers. Back numbers of the QUARTERLY can be had for fifty cents each. Numbers 3 and 4 of Volume I, and Number 1 of Volume II are now out of print. Sample copies will be furnished on request. If you wish to join the Association address THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Eugene C. Barker, Corresponding Secretary, Austin, Texas. Contributions to the QUARTERLY and enquiries concerning historical material should be sent to the Editor, DR. GEORGE P. GARRISON. FURNISHINGS, HATS AND SHOES. Wright & Robinson, 616 Congress Ave., Austin, Tex. Correct Wear for Men. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Some Specialties: Stetson and Hawes Hats, Manhattan and Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- MUNN&Co,361 Broadway, New York Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. 0000000000 |