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sary assistance in discovering and apprehending the objects of their pursuit.

VII. The Rajah of Rewah agrees to consider those Jageerdars and other Residents of his Country, who have been well disposed towards the British Government on the present occasion, as his Friends; and will not molest or retaliate upon them for the favourable disposition they may have shown. The Friends of the British Government shall be his Friends, and its Enemies his Enemies.

VIII. On the 2nd of May, 1813, corresponding with the 17th Bysakh, 1870, Sumbut, an Agreement for the mutual suspension of Hostilities was concluded between Lalla Pertab Sing, on the part of the Rajah of Rewah, and Colonel Martindell, commanding the British Troops. A party of Sepoys, escorting a cart of military stores appertaining to a detachment proceeding from the Singrownah Pass, were, on the 7th May, 1813, corresponding with the 22nd Bysakh, 1870 Sumbut, treacherously, and in direct violation of the above Agreement, attacked by a large body of Horse and Foot near to the Village of Sutanee, and several Sepoys were killed and wounded and the property plundered. The Rajah of Rewah having solemnly disavowed all knowledge or participation in the above atrocious act, hereby acknowledges the right of the British Government to punish the Perpetrators of it, in whatever manner and at whatever time it may please; and the Rajah further agrees to afford every assistance and co-operation, in the accomplishment of the above object, that the British Government may require of him.

IX. It is both just and equitable that the Rajah of Rewah should indemnify the British Government for the expense of the Armament which has been equipped and marched into Rewah, in consequence of his failure to perform the conditions of his former Engagements. At the lowest estimation, the extra expense of that Armament cost the British Government the sum of 33,880 rupees per mensem; and the preparations having commenced some days before the 1st of April, 1813, corresponding with the 15th of Chyte, 1870 Sumbut, it is agreed by the British Government, that the expense shall be calculated from that date. The Rajah of Rewah accordingly hereby acknowledges himself justly responsible for the payment of the above expense, monthly, to the British Government, calculating from the 1st of April, 1813, or the 15th of Chyte, 1870 Sumbut, until such time as the objects of the present detachment shall have been entirely completed. In consideration, however, of the Rajah having obeyed the summons to repair in person to Colonel Martindell's camp, on terms of unconditional submission; and in order to remove from the Rajah every excuse for the punctual liquidation of the amount, the British Government consents to limit the period of the charge to the 10th of May, 1813, corresponding with the 25th Bysakh, 1870 Sumbut, the day on

which the Rajah came into camp. Upon this principle, the sum to be paid by the Rajah is 45,173 rupees. The Rajah hereby engages to pay the above sum by the following iustalments; any deviation from which will subject him to the penalties of a breach of the Treaty.

Rupees. On the 8th June, 1813, or 25th Jyte, 1870, Sumbut... 5,000 On the 10th Aug. 1813, or 15th Sawun, 1870, On the 6th Dec. 1813, or 15th Aughun, 1870 On the 23d June, 1814, or 30th Jyte,






Rupees 45,173

X. This Treaty, consisting of 10 Articles, having been concluded between the British Government, and Rajah Jey Sing Deo, Rajah of Rewah, through the Agency of Mr. John Wauchope, in virtue of Powers delegated to him by the Right Honourable Lord Minto, Governor-General in Council, on the one part; and the Rajah in person on the other; Mr. Wauchope has delivered to the Rajah one Copy of the Treaty in English, Persian, and Hindoo, signed and sealed by himself; and the said Rajah has delivered to Mr. Wauchope another Copy, duly executed by himself; and Mr. Wauchope has engaged to procure and deliver to the accredited Vakeel of the Rajah, within the space of 30 days, a Copy ratified by the Seal and Signature of the Governor-General in Council; on the delivery of which, the Copy executed by Mr. Wauchope shall be returned, and the Treaty shall be considered from that time to have full force and effect.

Signed, sealed and exchanged at Badderah, on the Bank of the Tonse, on the 2nd day of June, 1813; corresponding with the 19th of Jyte, 1870 Sumbut.

[Seal of the Rajah of Rewah.]

SUPPLEMENTAL ARTICLE to the Treaty concluded between the Honourable East India Company and Rajah Jye Sing Deo, the Rajah of Rewah, on the 2nd June, 1813, corresponding with the 19th Jyte, 1870 Sumbut.


WHEREAS, by the IIIrd Article of the Treaty concluded between the Honourable Company and the Rajah of Rewah, on the 2nd of June, 1813, corresponding with the 19th Jyte, 1870 Sumbut, the Rajah of Rewah has engaged to receive, and permit to remain at his place of residence, a News-writer, or any other Agent on the part of the British Government or the Agent in Bundlecund: And whereas the Rajah has, by the IVth Article of the aforesaid Treaty, engaged to allow a Dawk to be established through his Territory by the Officers of the British Government, in any direction which may be deemed necessary, the Rajah, in the true spirit and intent of those Stipulations, engages to treat the

News-writer or Agent of the British Government, or of the Agent in Bundlecund, with every mark of attention and consideration due to their relative rank and character; and also to allow free passage through his Territories to all Hircarrahs, Cossids, or other Messengers whom the Officers of the British Government may at any time have occasion to employ, and to compel his Feudatory Chiefs to do the same, under the penalties and conditions prescribed with respect to the Dawk. The Rajah further promises and engages to perform, at all times, those offices of friendship which are usual between Allied States, and which may be necessary to accomplish the objects of the Treaty.

[Company's Seal.]

[Governor-General's Seal.]


Done at Fort William in Bengal, this 25th day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1813.

Persian Secretary to Government.

No. 33.-TREATY with the Rajah of Rewah,-Kurwahee, 11th March, 1814.

WHEREAS, by the Vth and VIIIth Articles of the 2nd Treaty between the British Government and the Government of Rewah, on the 2nd June 1813, corresponding with the 19th Jeyth, 1870 Sumbut, the British Government acquired the right to punish Loll Zubburdust Sing, Jageerdar of Chourhut, and certain Landholders in the Singranah District, for certain offences committed by them against the British Government; and as a necessary consequence of that right, the British Government acquired also the right to expel those Persons from their Possessions, and to dispose of their proprietary right to their lands (the rights of sovereignty over their lands remaining, as heretofore, inviolate with the Rewah Government); that is to say, the British Government has acquired the power to transfer all the rights formerly enjoyed by those Persons, who have forfeited their Possessions under the provisions of the Vth and VIIIth Articles of the Treaties aforesaid, to such new Proprietors as it may please to select; the new Proprietors agreeing to fulfil those duties of allegiance to the Rewah Government, to which their Predecessors who have been expelled were subject: And whereas, it being an object with the Rewah Government to obtain the proprietary right of the lands forfeited by the Persons above alluded to, and it being also the disinterested wish of the British Government to promote the interests of those who have shewn their attachment to its cause, in the course of the operations of the British Troops in Rewah, the following Arrangement has

accordingly been agreed to, for the mutual accommodation of both States.

ART. I. All the Stipulations in the Treaties and Engagements heretofore concluded between the British Government and the Government of Rewah, are hereby declared to be in full force and effect, in as far as they are not altered or affected by the following Conditions contained in this Treaty.

II. The British Government hereby transfers to the Government of Rewah, from this date, all the proprietary right in the lands in the Singranah District, which it has lately acquired by the operation of the VIIIth Article of the 2nd Treaty, dated 2nd June, 1813, corresponding with the 19th Jeyth, 1870 Sumbut, with this reservation, that the Rewah Government shall not reinstate Ruchpaul Sing in the lands of Suttemee, formerly held by him; and that the Rewah Government shall be responsible for the good conduct of the Persons whom it may place in the possession of the forfeited lands.

III. The Rewah Government hereby disclaims all right to levy from Loll Jug Mohun Sing, Jageerdar of Semereeah, any portion of the penalty imposed upon the Rewah Government, by the IXth Article of the Treaty of the 2nd June, 1813, corresponding with the 19th Jeyth, 1870 Sumbut.

IV. The British Government being desirous that Loll Jug Mohun Sing, of Semereeah, be guaranteed in the possession of the lands now held by him in Jageer, the Rewah Government hereby engages, that the said Loll Jug Mohun Sing shall remain in unmolested possession of the lands which he now occupies, but without any change in his relation to the Rewah State.

V. By Article VII of the 2nd Treaty, the Rewah Government engages not to molest those Jageerdars and others, Residents of Rewah, who have been well disposed towards the British Government : certain Persons who humanely succoured the British Sepoys that were wounded at Suttanee, in Bysakh, 1870, and others who have given information respecting those who were concerned in the above outrage, as well as in the murder of a Sepoy employed to protect the Town of Rampore, on the following day, having thereby exposed themselves to the resentment of all who were in any way implicated in those outrages, the Rewah Government hereby solemnly pledges itself to protect all those Persons from suffering any injury or molestation whatever, in consequence of such assistance rendered by them to the British


VI. Loll Zubburdust Sing, Jageerdar of Chourhut, having voluntarily surrendered himself to the British Government on terms of unconditional submission, the British Government has been pleased to pardon his offence, and to restore him to the enjoyment of his Possessions, which he had forfeited by his former misconduct, on his exe

cuting an Engagement, never again to offend against the British Government. An attested Copy of this Engagement is furnished to the Rewah Government; and as that Instrument contains nothing inconsisten with the rights derived by the British Government from its Engagements with the Rewah, the Rewah Government declares itself responsible to the British Government for the due execution of the conditions of that Engagement, in the same manner as it is of course responsible for the due execution of the terms of subsisting Treaties on the part of all its Subjects and Feudatories.

VII. This Treaty, consisting of 7 Articles, having this day been concluded between the British Government and the Rewah State, through the Agency of Mr. John Wauchope, in virtue of Powers delegated to him by the Right Honourable the Earl of Moira, Governor General in Council, on the one part; and Rajah Jye Sing Deo, Rajah of Rewah and Mukund pore, and Babao Bishennauth Sing, the Rajah's eldest Son, and associated with him in the administration of the Rewah Government, in person, on the other part;-Mr. Wauchope has delivered to the said Rajah and Babao, one Copy of the Treaty in English and Persian and Hindoo, signed and sealed by himself; and the said Rajah and Babao have delivered to Mr. Wauchope another Copy, duly executed by them; and Mr. Wauchope has engaged to procure and deliver to the accredited Vakeel of the Rewah Government, within the space of 30 days, a Copy ratified by the Seal of the Company, and the Signature of the Governor General in Council; on the delivery of which, the Copy executed by Mr. Wauchope shall be returned, and the Treaty shall be considered from that time to have full force and effect.

Signed, sealed and exchanged at Kurwahee, on this 11th day of March, 1814, corresponding with the 5th of Chyte, 1871.

No. 34.-ENGAGEMENT with the Vizier of Oude.-Lucknow, 12th July, 1814.

THE Friendship and Alliance which so firmly and happily subsisted between his late Excellency the Nawaub Vizier Ool Mamalik, Yemen Ood Dowlah Nazim Ool Moolk Saadut Alee Khan Behauder Mabariz Jung, (whose soul is in Paradise,) and the Honourable Company's Government, are to be considered as perfectly unimpaired, and shall meet with no interruption whatever. All existing Treaties and Engagements likewise that were contracted with the late Nawaub, are in full force to all intents and purposes; and we hereby declare, that we are effectually bound by the Engagements and Treaties aforesaid, and, by the blessing of God, the said Treaties and Engagements shall be duly observed until the end of time.

Signed and sealed on the 12th day of July, A.D. 1814, answering to the 22d of Rujub, A.H. 1229, with the Seal and Signature of His

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