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de la queja, y á que se imponga al Apresador, en el caso de que se pruebe haberlo merecido, un castigo proporcionado á la infraccion cometida.

XIII. Las 2 Altas Partes Contratantes estipulan, que en el caso de morir uno ó mas de los Jueces Comisionados, ó los Comisionados de Arbitracion, que componen las susodichas Comisiones Mixtas, serán suplidas sus Plazas interinamente del siguiente modo:

enquiry to be made into the subject of the complaint, and to inflict upon the Captor, if he be found to have deserved it, a punishment proportioned to the transgression which may have been committed.

XIII. The 2 High Contracting Parties have agreed, that in the event of the death of one or more of the Commissary Judges or the Commissioners of Arbitration,composing the above-mentioned Mixed Commissions, their Posts shall be supplied, ad interim, in the following manner:

On the part of the British Government, the vacancies shall be filled successively, in the Commission which shall sit within the Possessions of His Britannic Majesty, by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor resident in that Colony, by the principal Magistrate of the same, and by the Secretary; and in that which shall sit within the Possessions of His Catholic Majesty, it is agreed that, in case of the death of the British Judge or Arbitrator there, the remaining Individuals of the said Commission shall proceed equally to the judgment of such Slave Ships as may be brought before them, and to the execution of their Sentence. In this case alone, however, the Parties interested shall have the right of appealing from the Sentence, if they think fit, to the Commission resident upon the Coast of Africa; and the Government to which the

Por parte del Gobierno Británico se llenarán sucesivamente las vacantes de la Comision que se establezca en las Posesiones de Su Magestad Británica por el Gobernador ó Teniente Gobernador residente de aquella Colonia, por el principal Magistrado de la misma, y por el Secretario; y en la que se establezca en las Posesiones de Su Magestad Católica se estipula, que si muere alli el Juez ó Arbitro Británico, los restantes Individuos de dicha Comision procederán igualmente á sentenciar los Barcos Negreros cuyas causas se presenten ante ellos, y á egecutar la Sentencia. Sin embargo, solo en este caso tendrán las Partes interesadas derecho para apelar de la Sentencia, si lo tuvieren por conveniente, á la Comision residente en la Costa de Africa; y el Gobierno á que pertenezca el Apresador estará obligado á abonar del modo mas completo la compensacion Captor shall belong, shall be que les fuere debida en caso de bound fully to make good the que se decida la Apelacion en compensation which shall be due favor de los Reclamantes; pero to them, in case the Appeal be

el Barco y el Cargamento permanecerán durante la Apelacion, en el lugar de la residencia de la primera Comision ante la cual hayan sido llevados.

Por parte de la España, las vacantes que hubiere en la Posesion de Su Magestad Católica se llenarán por las Personas de confianza que eligiere la Autoridad superior del Pais; y en la Costa de Africa, ocurriendo la muerte de algun Juez ó Arbitro Español, la Comision procederá á sentenciar del mismo modo que se especifica arriba en cuanto á la Comision residente en la Posesion de Su Magestad Católica, en el caso de muerte del Juez ó Arbitro Británico; concediéndose igualmente en este caso Apelacion á la Comision residente en la Posesion de Su Magestad Católica; y en general todas las disposiciones del primer caso son aplicables al presente.

Las Altas Partes Contratantes se convienen en llenar cuanto antes sea posible las vacantes que ocurran en dichas Comisiones, por muerte ó por otra causa. Y en el caso de que la vacante de cualquiera de los Comisionados Españoles en las Posesiones Británicas, ó de los Comisionados Británicos en la Posesion Española, no esten llenas despues del término de 7 meses para América, y 12 para Africa, los Buques que sean llevados á dichas Posesiones respectivamente dejarán de tener el derecho susodicho de Apelacion.

decided in favour of the Claimants; but the Vessel and Cargo shall remain, during such Appeal, in the place of residence of the first Commission before which they shall have been carried.

On the part of Spain, the vacancies shall be supplied, in the Possession of His Catholic Majesty, by such Persons of trust as the principal Authority of the Country shall appoint; and upon the Coast of Africa, in case of the death of any Spanish Judge or Arbitrator, the Commission shall proceed to judgment, in the same manner as above specified, for the Commission resident in the Possession of His Catholic Majesty, in the event of the death of the British Judge or Arbitrator; an Appeal being in this case likewise allowed to the Commission resident in the possession of His Catholic Majesty; and in general, all the provisions of the former case being to be applied to the present.

The High Contracting Parties have agreed to supply as soon as possible, the vacancies that may arise in the above-mentioned Commissions, from death or any other cause. And in case that the vacancy of any of the Spanish Commissioners in the British Possessions, or of the British Commissioners in the Spanish Possession, be not supplied at the end of the term of 7 months for America, and of 12 for Africa, the Vessels which shall be brought to the said Possessions respectively, shall cease to have the right of Appeal above stipulated.

Hecho en Madrid, á 23 de Setiembre del año de nuestro Señor 1817.

Done at Madrid, the 23d day of September in the year of our Lord 1817.


Plenipotencia del Rey nuestro



DON Fernando VII. por gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de las 2 Sicilias, de Jerusalen, de Navarra, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Galicia, de Mallorca, de Menorca, de Sevilla, de Cerdeña, de Cordoba, de Córcega, de Murcia, de Jaen, de los Algarbes, de Algeciras, de Gibraltar, de las Islas de Canaria, de las Indias Orientales y Occidentales, Islas y Tierra-firme del Mar Océano; Archiduque de Austria; Duque de Borgoña, de Brabante y de Milan; Conde de Abspurg, de Flandes, Tirol y Barcelona; Señor de Vizcaya y de Molina &c. por cuanto en conformidad del Artículo II. del Tratado firmado en esta Villa y Corte de Madrid, el dia 5 de Julio del año de 1814, quedé convenido con Su Magestad el Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, que siendo uniformes enteramente nuestros sentimientos respecto á la injusticia é inhumanidad del Tráfico de Esclavos, tormaria en consideracion, con la madurez que se requiere, los medios de conciliar estos sentimientos con las necesidades de mis Posesiones de América; por tanto, habiendo llegado el caso de llevar á efecto estas ideas, que deberá ser por medio de un Tratado formal, que las sancione con Su Magestad el Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran


Full Power of the King our Lord.

DON Ferdinand VII. by the grace of God, King of Castile, Leon, Aragon, the 2 Sicilies, Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Gallicia, Majorca, Minorca, Seville, Sardinia, Cordova, Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, the Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, the East and West Indies, the Isles and Main-land of the Atlantic Ocean; Archduke of Austria; Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, and Milan; Count of Habsburg, Flanders, Tyrol and Barcelona; Lord of Biscay and Molina, &c.; Whereas, by Article II. of the Treaty sigued in this City and Court of Madrid, the 5th of July, 1814, it was agreed with His Majesty, the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, that, our sentiments being entirely the same respecting the injustice and inhumanity of the Slave Trade, I should take into consideration, with due circumspectness, the means of reconciling these sentiments with the wants of my American Possessions; therefore, the time having arrived for carrying into execution these ideas, which is to be effected by means of a formal Treaty, for sanctioning them, with His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and it being necessary that, in order to realize it, I should authorize, on my part,

Bretaña é Irlanda; y siendo preciso que para realizarlo autorise por mi parte á una persona que se halle dotada de la fidelidad, zelo é inteligencia que se necesita ; reconociendo que estas especiales y distinguidas prendas concurren en vos Don José García de Leon y Pizarro, Caballero Gran Cruz de la Real y distinguida Orden Española de Cárlos III. de la de San Fernando y del Mérito de Nápoles, de las de San Alejandro Newsky y de Santa Ana de Rusia, y de la del Aguila, Roja de Prusia, Consejero de Estado, y Primer Secretario de Estado y del Despacho Universal, Superintendente General de Caminos, de Correos y Postas en España é Indias &c. &c. Os elijo y nombro para que revestido del caracter de mi Plenipotenciario, trateis y confirais con el Plenipotenciario nombrado al mismo fin por Su Magestad el Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, para que del mismo modo concluyais y firmeis con él el Tratado en que os conviniereis: y todo lo que asi trateis, concluyais y firmeis, lo doy desde ahora por grato y rato; y prometo, bajo mi Real palabra, que lo observaré y cumpliré, y lo haré observar y cumplir como si por mi mismo lo hubiese Tratado y conferido, concluido y firmado: para lo cual os doy toda mi facultad y pleno poder en la mas amplia forma que de derecho se necesita. Y en fe de ello, hice expedir el presente, firmado de mi mano, sellado con mi sello secreto, y refrendado por el infrascrito mi Consejero de Estado, y Secretario de Estado y

a Person endowed with the required fidelity, zeal, and intelligence; and, finding that these particular and distinguished qualifications are united in you, Don José Garcia de Leon y Pizarro, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and distinguished Spanish Orderof Charles III, of that of St. Ferdinand and of Merit of Naples, of those of St. Alexander Newsky and of St. Ann of Russia, and of that of the Red Eagle of Prussia, Councillor of State, and First Secretary of State and of Universal Despatch, Superintendant General of the Highways, Public Conveyances and Posts of Spain and the Indies, &c. &c. I select and nominate you, to the end that, invested with the character of my Plenipotentiary, you may treat, and confer with the Plenipotentiary named for the purpose by His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with the view to conclude and sign with him, in the same manner, the Treaty on which you may agree: and whatever you thus shall treat for, conclude and sign, I declare from this moment to be agreeable to me and valid; and I promise, on my Royal word, to observe and fulfil it, and to cause it to be observed and fulfilled, as if I myself had treated for, conferred upon, concluded and signed it; for which I give you all my faculty and Full Power, in the most ample form required by Law. And in faith of which I have caused to be made out the present, signed with my Hand, sealed with my private Seal, and countersigned by the

del Despacho Universal de Gracia undersigned Councillor of State, y Justicia.

En mi Palacio de Madrid, á 19 de Setiembre, de 1817.


and Secretary of State and of the Universal Despatch of Grace and Justice.

In my Palace at Madrid, the 19th of September, 1817. (L.S.)



Full Power of the King of Great Britain and Ireland.


GEORGE III. by the Grace of God, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, King of Hanover, &c. &c. &c. To all and singular to whom these Presents shall come, greeting. Whereas We have judged it expedient, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to invest a fit Person with full power to conclude a Treaty with our good Brother and Cousin the Catholic King, for the more effectual Abolition of the Slave Trade, and for other purposes connected with the trade and prosperity of the Dominions of the 2 Crowns. Know ye therefore, that We, reposing entire confidence in the judgment, skill and abilities of our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Councillor Henry Wellesley, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to our said Good Brother and Cousin, have named, made, constituted, and appointed, as We do by these presents name, make, constitute and appoint him His Majesty's undoubted Commissioner, Procurator, and Plenipotentiary; Giving unto him all and all manner of power and authority to treat, adjust and conclude with such Minister or Ministers as may be vested with similar power and authority on the part of our said Good Brother and Cousin the Catholic King, any Treaty or Agreement that may tend to the attainment of the above-mentioned ends, and to sign, for His Majesty, and in His name, every thing so agreed upon and concluded, and to do and transact all such other matters as may appertain to the finishing the aforesaid work, in as ample manner and form, and with equal force and efficacy as We Ourself could do, if personally present: engaging and promising on the part of His Majesty, that whatever things shall be so transacted and concluded by His Majesty's said Commissioner, Procurator, and Plenipotentiary, shall be agreed upon, acknowledged and accepted by us in the fullest manner, and that we will never suffer, either in the whole, or in part, any Person whatsoever to infringe or act contrary thereto. In witness whereof, We have signed these Presents, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, and have caused to be affixed thereto the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Given at the Palace of Carlton House, the 30th

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