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ausencia fijaron desde luego mi soberana atencion; y meditando con incesante desvelo las Providencias mas adecuadas para restablecer el buen órden en aquellos remotos Paises, y darles todo el fomento de que son capaces, no tardé en advertir que habian variado enteramente las circunstancias que movieron â mis Augustos Predecesores para permitir el Tráfico de Negros Bozales en las Costas de Africa, y su introduccion en ambas Américas. En ellas ha crecido prodigiosamente el número de Negros indígenas, y aun el de los libres, á beneficio de la Regulacion suave del Gobierno, y de la cristiandad y temple humano de los Propietarios Españoles: el de Blancos se ha aumentado mucho, y el clima no es tan perjudicial para estos como lo era antes de que las tierras se desmontasen y pusiesen en cultivo. Aun el bien que resultaba á los Habitantes de Africa de ser trasportados á Paises cultos no es ya tan urgente y exclusivo desde que una Nacion ilustrada ha tomado sobre sí la gloriosa empresa de civilizarlos en su propio suelo al mismo tiempo la general cultura de Europa, y el espíritu de humanidad que ha dirigido sus últimas transaciones, al restaurar el edificio que la depravacion del régimen del Usurpador habia destruido hasta sus bases, han excitado un conato general entre los Soberanos de Europa de ver abolido este Tráfico; y en el Congreso de Viena, conviniendo en la necesidad de la Abolicion, se ocuparon en facilitarlo por medio de las Negocia

during my absence, engaged immediately my sovereign attention; and meditating incessantly on the Measures which might be most proper for restoring good order to those

remote Countries, and affording them all the protection of which they were capable, I quickly discovered that an entire change had taken place in the circumstances which induced my August Predecessors to permit the Traffic in Bozal Slaves on the African Coasts, and their importation into both the Americas. In those Regions, a prodigious increase is perceivable in the number of indigenous Negroes, and even in that of the Blacks of free condition, owing to the mildness of the Government, no less than to the christian and humane conduct pursued by the Spanish Proprietors; the Whites, also, are greatly augmented, from the Climate being no longer so dangerous to them as it was prior to the lands being cleared of Wood, and put under cultivation. Nor is the benefit which the Inhabitants of Africa derived from being carried to cultivated Countries any more so urgent and exclusive, since an enlightened Nation has undertaken the glorious task of civilizing them in their own Native land, while the general intelligence of Europe, and the spirit of humanity which has influenced its late transactions, in restoring the edifice which the corrupt policy of the Usurper had destroyed to its very foundation, have roused the Sovereigns of Europe to a general effort for having this Traffic abolished; and

con las

ciones mas amistosas Potencias que tenian Colonias, encontrando en mi aquella disposicion que era consiguiente á tan laudable empeño. Estas consideraciones movieron mi Real ánimo á informarme de Personas instruidas y zelosas de la prosperidad de mis Estados sobre los efectos que en ellos produciria la Abolicion del Tráfico de Negros. Vistos sus informes, deseoso de asegurar el acierto en materia de tanta trascendencia y gravedad, los remití á mi Consejo de las Indias con Real Orden de 14 de Junio, de 1815, para que me consultara lo que se le ofreciese y pareciese.

Agregados todos estos copiosos materiales y los antece dentes del asunto, y visto lo que el propio Supremo Tribunal me ha expuesto en su Consulta de 15 de Febrero, de 1816, correspondiendo á la confianza que en él tengo depositada, y conformándome con su parecer sobre la Abolicion del Tráfico de Negros, y convenido con el Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, por un Tratado solemne sobre todos los puntos de interes recíproco que versan en esta notable Transacion, y hecho cargo de ser llegado el tiempo de la Abolicion, conciliados debidamente los intereses de mis Estados de América con los sentimientos de mi Real ánimo, y los deseos de

at the Congress of Vienna, concurring in the necessity of the abolition, they sought to bring it about by the most amicable Negotiations with such Powers as possessed Colonies, and they met in me a disposition suited to a design so laudable. These considerations impelled my Royal mind to procure information from Persons at once acquainted with the subject, and anxious for the prosperity of my Dominions, as to what effects were likely to be produced in the latter by the abolition of the Slave Trade. Being desirous to ensure success in a matter so momentous and so grave, I transmitted their information to my Council of the Indies, with the Royal Order of the 14th of June, 1815, to give me such an opinion as the merits of the case should justify.

After collecting all these copious materials, after taking a survey of the former steps adopted on this subject, and after considering what the Supreme Tribunal just mentioned has stated to me, in its Exposition of the 15th of February, 1816; acting, moreover, on the confidence which I have reposed in that Body, and conforming myself with its advice relative to the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves; having also agreed with the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by means of a solemn Treaty, on all the points of reci procal interest involved in this memorable adjustment; and being aware that the moment for the abolition is arrived, in consequenco

todos los Soberanos, mis Amigos y Aliados, he venido en resolver lo siguiente:

ART. I. Desde hoy en adelante prohibo para siempre à todos mis Vasallos, asi á los de la Península como á los de América, que vayan á comprar Negros en las Costas de Africa, que estan al Norte del Ecuador. Los Negros que fueren comprados en dichas Costas serán declarados libres en el primer Puerto de mis Dominios á que llegare la Embarcacion en que sean trasportados: esta, con lo restante de su Cargo, será confiscada para mi Real Hacienda, y el Comprador, el Capitan, el Maestre y Piloto irremisiblemente condenados á 10 años de presidio en las Islas Filipinas.

II. La pena señalada en el Artículo precedente no comprende al Comprador, Capitan, Maestre y Piloto de las Embarcaciones que salgan de cualquiera Puerto de mis Dominios para las Costas de Africa, que estan al Norte del Ecuador antes del dia 22 de Noviembre del presente año, á los cuales les concedo ademasel plazo de 6 meses, contados desde dicha fecha, para que concluyan sus Expediciones.

III. Desde el dia 30 de Mayo, de 1820, prohibo igualmente à todos mis Vasallos, asi á los de la Península, como á los de América, que vayan á comprar Negros en as Costas de Africa que estan al Sur del Ecuador, bajo las mismas penas impuestas en el Articulo I. de esta mi Real Cedula; concedi

of the interests of my American States being in accordance with the sentiments of my Royal mind, as well as with the desires of all the Sovereigns, my Friends and Allies; I have resolved as follows:

ART. I. From this day forward, I prohibit, for ever, to all my Subjects, both in the Peninsula and in America, to resort to the Coasts of Africa, North of the Equator, for the purchase of Negroes. All the Blacks bought on those Coasts shall be declared free, in the first Sea-Port of my Dominions at which the Vessel containing them shall arrive; that Vessel, together with her remaining Cargo, shall be confiscated for my Royal Treasury, and the Purchaser, the Captain, the Master, and the Pilot, shall, without fail, be sentenced to 10 years' confinement in some Fortress of the Philippine Islands.

II. The penalty assigned in the preceding Article does not apply to the Purchaser, Captain, Master and Pilot, of such Vessels as shall sail from any Port of my Dominions for the Coasts of Africa, North of the Equator, previous to the 22nd of November of the present year-to which Persons I grant the further term of 6 months, to be computed from the above date, for the conclusion of their Expeditions.

III. From the 30th of May, 1820, I forbid likewise all my Subjects in the Peninsula, as well as in America, to proceed to the Coasts of Africa, South of the Equator, for the purchase of Negroes, under the same penalties as are pronounced in the 1st Article of this my Royal Cedula; granting

endo asimismo el plazo de 5 meses desde dicha fecha para que puedan completar sus viages, los Buques que hubiesen sido habilitados antes de la citada fecha de 30 de Mayo de 1820, en que ha de cesar totalmente el Tráfico de Negros en todos mis Dominios, tanto en España como en América.

IV. Los que usando del Permiso que concedo hasta 30 de Mayo de 1820, fueren á comprar Negros en las Costas de Africa que estan al Sur del Ecuador, no podrán trasportar mas Esclavos que 5 por cada 2 toneladas del porte de su Buque; y si alguno contraviniere á esta disposicion, será castigado con la pena de perder todos los que trasportare, los cuales serán declarados libres en el primer Puerto de mis Dominios á que arribe la Embarcacion.

V. Por el cómputo de 5 Negros por cada 2 toneladas, no se hará cuenta con los que nacieren durante la Navegacion, ni con los que fueren sirviendo en el Buque en clase de Marineros ó de Criados.

VI. Los Buques Extrangeros que introduzcan Negros en cualquiera Puerto de mis Dominios deberán hacerlo con sujecion á las Reglas que se prescriben en esta mi Real Cédula; y en caso de contravencion serán castigados con las mismas Penas que se señalan en ella.

Y siendo mi Real voluntad, que todo lo referido se circule á mis Dominios de América y Asia, para su mas puntual observancia, lo comuniqué á mi Supremo Consejo de las Indias por Decreto señalado

also the term of 5 months from the date before mentioned, for the completion of their voyages, to those Vessels that shall have duly obtained permission, prior to the said date of the 30th of May, 1820, at which time the Slave Trade shall cease entirely in all my Dominions in Spain, as well as in America.

IV. Those who, under the Licence issued by me, till the 30th of May, 1820, shall buy Negroes on the Coasts of Africa, South of the Equator, shall not be allowed to take on board more Slaves than 5 for every 2 tons of the burden of their Vessel; and if any one transgress this regulation, he shall forfeit all the Negroes he may have on board, who shall be declared free in the first Port of my Dominions at which the Vessel arrives.

V. In the proportion of 5 Negroes to every 2 tons, shall not be comprehended those born during the Voyage, nor such as shall serve on board in the capacity of Sailors or Servants.

VI. Foreign Vessels importing Slaves into any Port of my Dominions, shall conform to the Rules laid down in this my Royal Cedula, and, in case of contravention, they shall incur the Penalties specified in the same.

And it being my Royal determination that all the above should be circulated in my Dominions of America and Asia, for the purpose of its punctual observance, I communicated it to my Supreme

de mi Real Mano, con fecha de 22 de Setiembre próximo pasado; y publicado en el propio Tribunal en primero del corriente, se acordó su cumplimiento, y que al mismo efecto se expidiese esta ini Real Cédula por la cual mando á mis Vireyes, Presidentes, Audiencias, Comandantes Generales, Gobernadores é Intendentes de las Indias, sus Islas adyacentes y de Filipinas, guarden, cumplan y egecuten, y hagan guardar, cumplir y egecutar cuanto queda ordenado en esta mi soberana determinacion, sin ir ni contravenir, ni permitir se vaya ni contravenga á su tenor en manera alguna, haciéndolo publicar por Bando para el mismo fin no solo en las Capitales, sino tambien en los demas pueblos cabezas de partido de sus respectivos Distritos, y comunicándolo igualmente cada uno en su Territorio á los Tribunales, Justicias, Autoridades y Personas á quienes de cualquier modo incumba su cumplimiento.

Y de esta mi Real Cédula se tomará razon en las Contadurías Generales del expresado mi Consejo.

Fecha en Madrid, á 19 de Diciembre de 1817.


Por Mandado del Rey nuestro



Council of the Indies, by means of a Decree, signed with my Royal Hand, under date of 22nd of last September; and it having been published by that Tribunal on the 1st Instant, the fulfilment of it was decreed; as likewise, that with a view to the same end, this my Royal Cedula should issue, by which I enjoin my Viceroys, Presidents, Tribunals, CommandantsGeneral, Governors and Intendants of the Indies, of the Islands contiguous to them, and of the Philippines, to watch over, comply with, and execute, and to cause to be watched over, complied with, and executed, all that has been ordered in this my Sovereign determination, without contravening, or permitting to be contravened, its tenor in anywise; and to have it published as a Cedula to the same effect, not only in the Capitals, but also in other chief Tow us of their respective Districts; and, furthermore, to communicate it, each in his Territory, to the Tribunals, Justices, Authorities, and Persons on whom its fulfilment shall in any way be incumbent.

And this my Royal Cedula shall be attended to in the Accomptant's Offices General of my said Council.

Done at Madrid, the 19th of December, 1817.


By Command of Our Lord The King,


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