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asleep, and expired without a groan.-Aged 72, Henry Barker, Esq. one of the Sworn Clerks of the Court of Chancery for fifty years past, a man of the strictest honour and integrity. He had just retired from business, hoping for some years to have enjoyed his immense fortune, but was suddenly snatched away by the all-wise Disposer of Men. He has left a very large circle of friends, who knew his worth, and much regret his loss. -In New Basinghall-street, C. Duperoy, Esq. Banker.---In Noble-street, aged 83, Mr. Augustine Towson, late of Threadneedle-street, Apothecary.--In Rodney-street, Pentonville, Edward Lewis, Esq.-In Punderson's-place, Bethnalgreen, Thomas Browne, Esq. Secretary to the Levant Company. At Hillingdon Heath, aged 69, the Hon. Peter de Salis, Count of the Holy Roman Empire. At Tottenham, aged 80, Rowland Stephenson, Esq. late of Lombardstreet, banker. Formerly one of the representatives in parliament, for the City of Carlisle. -The Rev. Samuel Henshall, M. A. rector of St. Mary, Stratford, Bow, and late Fellow of Brazenose College, Oxford.-Near Stanmore, Mr. James Richman Davis. The deceased, who was an artist, of considerable property, and resided near the turnpike at Paddington, had been to a house near Watford, in a single horse chaise, accompanied by his niece, a girl 16 years old, and on their return in the afternoon, it being dusk, and the ditches filled with snow on a level with the road, Mr. D. drove out of the horse track to the off side of the road, and the off wheel got into a ditch six feet deep. The little girl was precipitated into the hedge unhurt, but the driver was thrown into the ditch with the vehicle upon him. He remained half an hour in this situation, and was killed by the fall. Lieut. Smither, of Bryanstone-street. While on his way to the Gloucester Coffee-house, to take a journey into the west of England, to visit his family, he dropped down suddenly in Oxfordstreet, and instantly expired.-Capt. Anderson, who belonged to the army, and had recently returned from South America, while walking along Goodge-street, fell down in an apoplectic fit, and expired. Coroner's verdict.-Died by the visitation of God.

At his house, in South Audley-Street, the Right Reverend Dr. William Markham, Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England, Lord High Almoner to the king, and Visitor of Queen's College, Oxford. He was translated from Chester to the Archiepiscopal See of York in 1776, on the demise of Dr. Robert Drummond. His grace, before his translation, was chosen by his Majesty Preceptor to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, for whom he preserved the most dutiful and affectionate attachment to the close of his existence. The virtues of this venerable Prelate were of the most benevolent and amiable kind. With great learning, he was modest; though raised to the highest station, he was meek and humble. His religion was a religion of the mind; practised in all the concerns of life, without austerity, and free from ostentation; a strict integrity and a high sense of honour were conspicuous in all his dealings; and his promises were unbroken. The mildness of his temper rendered him indulgent to the faults of others and made him a condescending, engaging, and instructing companion. Those who in early life had the happiness of being his pupils universally agree, that, as an instructor, he had no equal. It is difficult to say, whether he most excelled in his manner of conveying knowledge, or in exciting youth to laudable pursuits; in storing their minds with good principles, or in eradicating bad; in extolling the happiness of virtue, or in exposing the misery of vice. His knowledge in Greek and Roman literature was universal: his taste pure, and his topographical accuracy most uncommon. With these requisites, he never failed to insure the attention of his scholars, and to enliven his lectures by pleasing and interesting anecdotes. He was so perfectly master of the proper incentives for different dispositions, that the studious were ever ambitious of his praise, whilst the idle feared his rebuke. After having successively presided over those great seminaries, Westminster and Christchurch, his character and learning recommended him as worthy to direct the education of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York; an event which, notwithstanding some illiberal opposition, led to that rank which he so honourably reached and so creditably filled. It does not appear that the Archbishop of York was ever engaged in works for the press, though no one was more consulted by others. In the great Assembly of Peers he seldom spoke; but, when once attacked, in a very pointed man


ner, for party purposes, he defended himself with great spirit and eloquence. He was neither a florid nor a frequent preacher. He particularly disdained those arts by which popularity is often acquired from the pulpit; but, in the exercise of his clerical functions, his voice was clear, distinct and melodious. His language remarkable for its simplicity and elegance; his sentences were concise and perspicuous; and his manner in public, as in private, was animated, dignified, and persuasive. In all the relations of life, this truly great man was peculiarly happy. As a husband, he was beloved; as a father, revered; as a master, served with affection; as a patron and benefactor, his bounties were felt and gratefully acknowledged. His establishment was princely without parade, and his hospitality noble. By his assisting hand the churches of York, Ripon, and Southwell, were repaired, ornamented, and beautified. Throughout an extensive diocese, his clergy looked up to him with respect and deference; and all listened to him with love and admiration. He was blessed with six sons and seven daughters. Eleven of his children survive him. Ore daughter died in the prime of youth; and a beloved and gallaut son, after hav ing obtained the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the army, fell gloriously in the service of his King and Country, His Grace had the happiness of seeing some of his children greatly, and others well allied; with the additional satisfaction in his declining years, of viewing the foundation of a large posterity, annually increasing through a lengthening chain of fifty grand children. To enumerate all the great qualities of this venerable man is not an easy task. Those who have heard his sentiments, and listened to his precepts, will feel that nothing in this hasty delineation is exaggerated; they will recognize, with pleasure, some of those traits which their own recollection cannot fail to confirm. Archbishop Markham, who was always a prudent man, has died rich. He is said to have beqeathed property to the amount of more than 100,000l. He gave 1000l. last Christmas to each of his grand-children, amounting to the number of FORTY-SEVEN! His remains were removed at eight o'clock in morning of the 11th, from his late house in South Audley street, to Westminster Abbey, for interment. The procession moved in the most solemn manner, and in the following order: Two mutes; a plume of black feathers; the hearse, drawn by six horses, decorated with black plumes: six mourning coaches and six, in the first of which was the Dean of York, his Grace's eldest son, as chief mourner; Mr. William Markham, and several of his Grace's grand-children, the Dean of Christ-Church, and Mr. Bat, were in the other carriages. The family carriage, drawn by six horses, with three servants behind, closed the procession. On its arrival at the Abbey, it was received by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. After the funeral service, the coffin was lowered into the grave, in the Cloisters, close to his Grace's late brother's. The coffin was very elegant, and covered with mazarine blue velvet, with rich gilt plates, and gilt nails. On the plate was inscribed his Grace's age: he was in his 89th year.

At Prior's Gate near Stanmore, Miss Blewett. She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant now abroad, and on the point of marriage with a young gentle. man of fortune, who had spent the preceding evening with the family. On a female servant repairing to the young lady's chamber at eight o'clock in morning, she discovered her on the floor a corpse.

Account of the Christenings and Burials in London, from Dec. 16, 1806, te

Dec. 15, 1807:

Christened-Males, 9112-Females, 9604.-In all 19,416.
Buried-Males, 9296-Females, 9038.-In all 18,334.

Under two years of age 5443 Fifty and sixty

Between two and five

Five and ten

Whereof have died,


2010 Sixty and seventy


[blocks in formation]

Increased in the Burials this Year 396.

Ten and twenty
Twenty and thirty
Thirty and forty
Forty and fifty



Died-At Aspley, after a lingering illness, Mr. William Wright, many years master of the well known school there, which he conducted with unsullied integrity, with considerable ability, with intense application, with the utmost liberality and with such distinguished success as to have raised that which he found a private, almost to the rank and consideration of a public school. Mr. Wright has left a widow and seven children, and has died sincerely lamented by his family, his friends, and by those whom he, indeed, always considered as his friends, his scholars.


J. Mackaness, Esq. Barrister at Law, has been chosen Recorder of Wallingford, in the room of T. Mills, Esq. resigned.

Died. In the Theatre of Windsor, Quarter-master Lockie of the Royal Horse Guards (Blue). He had drank tea previous to going to the theatre apparently in perfect health; near the conclusion of the farce he was supposed to be asleep, but a gentleman near him, observing an unusual motion of his feet endeavoured to rouse him, when it appeared that he was in a convulsive fit, which put an end to his existence in about an hour. He was thirty-seven years of age, much respected in the regiment, and by all with whom he was acquainted, and in a few days was to have been married to a lady of considerable property.


Married. At Aylesbury, James Watkin Lewis, Esq. to Miss Elizabeth Nicholls, eldest daughter of the late William Nicholls, Esq.

Died. At Lipscombe-house, Robert Turvills Jonathan Lovett, Esq. the only son of Sir Joseph Lovett, Bart.-At Princes Besborough, Edward Smith, Esq.


The subject of the Norrisian Prize Essay, for the present year is PublicWorship.

Mr. George Broadrick, B. A. of Jesus College, is chosen a Fellow of that Society.

Messrs. George Pearson Richards, and James Bernard Compton, William Johnson Younge and Robert Ekins, of King's College, are admitted Fellows of that Society.

Lord Lowther and the Hon. Charles Frederick Townshend, of Trinity College, are admitted Honorary Masters of Arts.

Edward Knight, Esq. of Emanuel College, and Edward Percival, Esq. of Peter House, are admitted Bachelors of Physic.

The Rev. Andrew Hamilton, of Pembroke Hall, is admitted Master of Arts.

John Gordon, Esq. of St. John's, Mr. George Lowther Thompson, of Trinity, and Mr. John Sell, of Magdalen College, are admitted Bachelors

of Arts.

Mr. Stratford Canning, a scholar on the foundation at King's College, is admitted a Fellow Conimoner of that Society.

Mr. Norgate, jun. of Caius College, is elected a Medical Student on the foundation of Christopher Tancred, Esq.

Died. At Cambridge, aged 80, Mrs. Elizabeth Wildman, she has bequeathed 1001. to Addenbrooke's Hospital. Mr. David Fordham, a person generally known, but only partially esteemed; though his merits as a horse-dealer were such as to give him the reputation of a good judge of that animal, still his failings as a man were too prominent to escape the just censure of many provoked individuals. In his person he was slovenly in the extreme, and his manners were boorish and forbidding; still princes of the blood and peers of the realm have equally courted his acquaintance, and sought his approbation. At Little Abingdon, aged 65, the Rev. Andrew Pern, during many years an acting magistrate in this county. By his death the rectories of Abington in the Clay, near Royston, and of Isham Inferior, in the county of Northampton, are both become vacant. It is but a just, though an indequate tribute to the memory of this respectable character, to say that, for activity, intelligence, and intrepidity as a magistrate; for zeal as a friend, for hospitality as a neighbour, and for independence as a man, we shall seldom Jook upon his like again. -At Cottingham, aged 64, the Rev. Thomas Baron. He had been twenty-eight years member of the Dissenting congregation at that place.



Married. At Stockport, the Rev. George Hornby, vicar of Turkdean, Gloucestershire, to Miss Cornelia Emma Astley, youngest daughter of the late John Astley, Esq. of Duckenfield Lodge. At Wybunbury, Colonel Coghlan, to Miss Broughton, daughter of the Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton, of Dodlington-Hall.

Died. At Stockport, Mr. J. Northall, printer and bookseller. His death was sudden and awful, he was well and ate a hearty dinner; in about an hour afterwards he was seized with a numbness in one of his feet which proceeded up his side and took away the use thereof, together with his senses, and terminated his life in little more than two hours. He has left a wife and a numerous family to deplore his loss. -At Wetten-hall, aged 58, the Rev. R. Kent, vicar of Minshull and Wetten-hall. A man whose indefatigable industry in the discharge of his sacred duties, ensured him the universal veneration and esteem of his parishioners, and whose urbanity of manners, and benevolence of disposition, endeared him to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.


A highly respectable meeting of the noblemen and gentlemen interested in the mining concerns of the county, assembled at the Red Lion Inn, in Truro, on Wednesday the 9th inst. to consider the measures for the relief of the mines; when it was resolved to petition Government and the East India Company to take off a portion of the copper now in the market. Four gentlemen were deputed by the meeting to wait upon the Board of Trade, &c. on the business, and they accordingly set off last Saturday for London. The weekly sales of copper ore, we understand, will be suspended, till the result of this application is known.---Wheal Tamar mine, near Saltash, is likely to prove as productive as any in the county; two persons having confessed upon oath before a Magistrate there, that they discovered a lode of ore about thirtyseven years since, when at work in the quarry for slate, about thirty feet below the surface, where it now is, having been purposely covered up. The miners, during the last week, have cut into large veins of the finest copper and lead, connected with this body, the top of them being now visible. The advantages of situation cannot be exceeded, as it is within an hundred yards of the quay belonging to the same on the river Tamar, where a vessel of 26 guns has been close alongside. The great loss therefore attending land carriage will be saved. There is a contrivance likewise which prevents the intrusion of either the land or salt-water, so that no cost need be incurred from the usual expensive remedy of steam-engines, &c.

Died. At Launceston, of a decline in her twenty-third year, Mrs. Cowlard, wife of the Rev. William Cowlard, to whom she had been united scarcely two years. The sweetness of her disposition, combined with great mental accomplishments, endeared her to a numerous acquaintance, by whom her loss is sincerely regretted.


Married. At Bromfield, R. B. Blamire, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, to Miss C. Benson, daughter of the late Thomas Benson, Esq. of Cockermouth.At Whitehaven, Tilley, Esq. of Dublin, solicitor, to Miss Elizabeth Collins, daughter of the late Mr. Michael Collins.




Died. At Penrith, aged 69, Mr. Thomas Longmore: he dropped down in the street and instantly expired.


Died. At Derby, the Hon. Mrs. Tracey. At Chaldon, aged upwards of 90, Sampson Wheildon, Esq.


Married. At Exeter, Edward Horlock Mortimer, Esq. of Bellevue Lodge, Wilts, to Miss Lardner, daughter of Richard Lardner, Esq. of Harpford.At Thorberton, William Comyns, Esq. of Temlett, to Miss Tucker, eldest daughter of the late Rev. P. Tucker, of Morchard-Bishop.-At Weddercombe-Rawleigh, William Neyle, Esq. of St. Leonards, to Miss Boswell, only daughter of George Boswell, Esq. of Piddletown, Dorsetshire.

Died. At Exeter, aged 83, Mr. Anthony Trimlett, a man who with great simplicity of manners, possessed the warmest sympathy of heart and benevolence of disposition, which were regularly exerted in a course of active beneficence. Charles Upham, Esq.At Biddeford, aged 100, Mrs. B. Parminter.- At Comboyne, William Oke, Esq. At Buckland-house, near Barnstaple, Mrs. Webber, wife of P. R. Webber, Esq ---At Huntsham, aged 74, after a long illness, which he bore with christian patience and resignation, William Troyle, Esq. many years a magistrate for the county, a gentleman of the highest integrity and worth, the sincere and hospitable friend, who will long be lamented by his family and friends as well as by the poor, to whom he was a generous, kind, and liberal benefactor,


Died. At Lyme Regis, the Rev. George Ewbank, M. A. Fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge. At Broad Windsor, the Rev. Mr. Matlow, rector of that parish. At Notton, aged 80, Dr. Stainer. At Sherborne, aged 98, Mrs. Adams, relict of William Adams, Esq. of Pointington, Somerset.-At Over Compton, near Sherborne, aged 72, Mr. John Bicknell, he had brought up a numerous family by his labour as a carpenter, and followed his business till within a few days of his decease. He was the oldest member of the protestant dissenting interest at Halfway-house, having been a member nearly forty years. A son of his is now a missionary at Otaheite,


Married. At Norton, near Stockton, Thomas Martin, Esq. of Guisbrough, to Miss Wardell, daughter of the late Mr. George Wardell, of Sedgefield. Died. At Burdon, Raine Gregson, Esq. At Cleveland Tontine Inn, Yorkshire, in consequence of an apoplectic fit, with which he was seized in the mail coach, on the road from Thirsk, William Hawk, jun. Esq. of Gateshead, much and deservedly lamented, not only by his friends and acquaintance, but by the numerous workmen of an extensive manufactory, where he eminently combined the character of an able and active conductor, with that of a kind master, and an upright man. In him society has sustained a loss, as he possessed great powers of mind, and had suggested many improvements in the various branches of mechanics. His remains were brought to his late earthly habitation, and deposited in the family vault at St. Mary's, in the presence of an afflicted concourse of people.


Married. At Blackmore, Charles Frederick Raitt, Esq. of the 13th Light Dragoons, to Miss Louisa Crickitt, daughter of the late Charles Alexander Crickitt, Esq. of Smythe's Hall, formerly M. P. for Ipswich.

Died. At Bridge House, Great Dunmow, Wentworth Braadbury, Esq. -At Colchester, aged 84, Mr. James Halls, the oldest free burgess of that borough. At Latchington, the Rev. Jacob Patterson. He was formerly of St. John's college, Cambridge, B. A. 1791, М. А. 1794.-At Mashbury, aged 88, Mrs. Battle. At the age of 21, she was married to a third husband, by whom she had only one child, which she lived to see a great grandmother.


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