Maximilian I. seeks an interview with his departed wife, 329 Maynooth College, account of, 571 Memoirs of distinguished persons, 48, 155, 260, 346, 446, 556 Meteorological Table, 70, 179, 272, 364, 366, 470, 579 Metrical Remarks, 414 Mirrors, Spanish, quotations respect- ing, 228
Mistake corrected, 33 Moira, Countess of, obit of, 601 Montenegrins, account of, 11, 132 Moore, John Hamilton, obituary of,
Mordible, remarks on the word, 22 Morris, Capt. Thomas, obituary of,
Motteaux, anecdote of, 335 Newman, Rev. H. account of his Cat- tle Mill for expressing the Juice of Sugar Cane, 472
Newton, the Rev. John, obituary of,
to Miss H-, 354. Futurity, 451. The Flight of Love, 452. Dirge, 453. Musings, 454. The parting and despairing Lover, 562. Anna, 563. The Seducer, 564. To Dun- kery, ib. Ballad from the Spanish,
Pollock, Mr. Allen, account of his new constructed Stove, 274 Pomeroy, Mr. T. obituary of, 279 Popery, singular defence of, 333 Public Affairs, retrospect of, 106, 211,
298, 395, 503, 602 Publications, monthly list of new, 65, 174, 268, 359, 464., 573 Pun, a curious, 143 Pythagoras, account of, 433 Price's improvement of Umbrellas, account of, 185 Raleigh, Sir Walter, remarks on a Po em attributed to him, 143
Reed, Mr. Isaac, account of the sale of his Books, 61, 167 Reeve, Clara, obit of, 99 Religious intolerance, instance of, 335
Novels, Classification of, 246 Obituary of distinguished Persons, 77, Richards, Rev. Dr. obituary of, 202 186, 376, 480
Omniana, 141, 246, 332, 428
Ophites, in Malabar, 332 Orfeo, of Politiano, enquiry respect-
Ounce, its cunning noticed, 332 Parmenides, account of, 339
Roofs, on the construction of, 585 Royston, Lord, account of the loss of, at sea, 602
Russia, account of the natives of, 126, 223, 314, 422
-, Military force of, 530 Rooke, Sir Giles, obituary of, 387
Parry, Dr. on preventing the decay of Sadi, discourses of, 45, 256
Paull, James, Esq. obit. of, 488 Pendulum, account of a tubular com- pensating, 478
Phalaris, on the Epistles which bear the name of, 251
Philosophy, a word for, 218 remarks on, 408 Phocylides, account of, 337 Pisander, the Rhodian, account of, 38 Plagiarism detected, 222 Poetical Moods and Tenses, 141
Poetry, Original, Latin Poem, by Honorius Fascitellus, 54. Lines to an Exotic, 55. On the Marriage of an amiable young Lady, 56. To Melancholy, ib. Bole-hill Trees, 161. Song, 162. Canzonet from Francesco del Zeglia, 162. promptu on Water drinking, 163. The Wish, 264. On the Rainbow, ib. Sonnet to the Redbreast, 265 Sonnet to the Memory of a departed Friend, ib. Stanzas, 266. Hope and Memory, 350. Ode to Health, 351. Bouts Rimes, 352. On ap- proaching home after long absence, 353. Song of Hope, 354. Sonnet
Sal-ammoniac, account of Mr. Astley's
improvement in the manufacture of,
Temple, L. Sophia, on a plagiarism from one of her poems, 223 Temple of Memory, an allegorical
sketch, 120 Thales, account of, 432 Theognis, account of, 336 Thistles, implements for destroying, 74 Thomond, Marquis, obituary of, 281 Tironde, Jean, singular condemnination of, 335
Tour, extracts from a, in the Counties of Gloucester, &c. 325, 416, 525 Travelling, expeditious, in the reign of Charles I. 250
Travels through the Country of the Anglo Saxons, 115, 231 Tugwell, Mr. L. on the construction of Roofs, 585
Turkish Superstition, 314
Tygers, best mode of encountering,
Valloni, Antoni, some account of him, 2
Vampires, account of, 520
Venezianu, Antoni, see Valloni, Virgin Mary, Catholic devotion to the, 429
Umbrellas, account of Mr. Price' improvements of, 185 Unities, Dramatic, thoughts on, 409 University, French Imperial, account of, 459, remarks on, 509 Wafer, consecrated, stolen from the alter by a mouse, 333 Wales, North, account of a district in, 21
Walker, Mr. E. on Vision, 370 Walker, Mr. John, obit. of, 77 Wilkinson's GalvanicTrough described,
Willis, Dr. obit. of, 94 William, the Conqueror, said to have been the writer of a book on the Last Judgment, 412 Winterdyne, the seat of Sir E. Win- nington, account of, 527 Wit, singular phrases of, 247 Wood, Rev. W. obit. of, 480 Wood, means of preventing the decay of, 581
Xenophantes, account of, 339 York, Cardinal, correction of the ac- count of his Medals, 310 Zinc, Malleable, advantage of con- sidered, 183
Esop, account of, 145 Agricultural reports, 111, 215, 302, 399, 507,607 Albani, Cardinal, memoirs of, 446 Alexandrine, MS. in the British Mu- seum, account of, 548 Allen and Pepy's on the quantity of Carbon in Carbonic acid, 184 Almanack prophets, anecdotes of, 335 Anthology, Greek, observations on, and extracts from, 41, 341, 437 Ants, in South America, 246 Aphis, on the destruction of, 278 Apollodorus, account of his Biblio- theca, 39
Arctinus, the Milesian, account of, 37 Arthur, Mr. Hole's, remarks on its want of success, 1
Arts and Manufactures, intelligence, relative to, 72, 181, 274, 368, 472,
Astley, Mr. J. account of his patent for the improvement of the manu- facture of Sal Ammoniac, 369
Barbadoes, some facts relating to, 426 Barrand, Mr. account of his mercurial compensating pendulums, 473 Barry, Mr. J. obit. of, 502 Batieia, remarks on the work, 23 Bed-frame for conveying wounded persons, account of, 277 Bees in Cuba, account of, 247 Bennett, Mrs. obituary of, 391 Bezæ, Codex, in the University li- brary at Cambridge, account of,
Bibliographical Science, remarks on,
Books, account of rare and curious, 45, 150, 256, 344, 441, 548 Borgia, Cæsar, account of the last days of the life of, 150
Bottles thrown into the sea, account of, 244-
Brandt's Ship of Fools, conjectures respecting the language in which it was written, 113, 241 Bridgnorth, description of, 326 Buildewas Abbey, account of, 417
Bullion, prices of, 111 Bunyan's Holy War dramatized, 142 Calabar, Quintus, account of his poem
entitled Paralipomena, 39 Calomel, Mr. Jewel's mode of prepar- ing, 372
Canal Shares, prices of, 111, 215, 302,
399, 507, 607 Cant, on the different kinds of, 401 Cataro, account of, 10 Chapman's Patent for a belt to raise coals out of mines, account of, -181, 368, 373
Choisy, Abbe de, memoir of, 48 Christian VII. King of Denmark, obiț. of, 602
Classical Disquisitions, 34, 145, 251, 336, 432, 541 Cleves, on the antiquities of, 113 Colebrook Dale, description of, 327,
Collins, Mr. J. obit. of, 508 Comet observed in the East Indies,
Commercial Reports, monthly, 108, 213, 300, 397, 505, 604 Complaints, of "The Public," 537 Conrad, of Marburg; the first super- intendant of the inquisition in Ger-
many, 20, assassinated, 21 Corrections, miscellaneous, 119 Crichton, Lt. Col. account of his Bed- frame for conveying wounded per- sons, 277
Critical Misrepresentation, 1 Crocodile, singular customs relating to the, 247
Cupid and Psyche, the fable of, con- verted into a religious allegory,
Current prices of merchandize, 110 Cyclic Writers, remarks on the, 34 Cypria, account of the ancient poem
Dance, Greek, account of a, 305 Dancing, of the ancients, observations on, 511
Davy, professor, account of his dis- covery of a metallic substance in Alkali, 72, this account corrected,
Dellon, M. account of, 246
Denmark, Christian VII. King of, obit. ( Hedonin, M. on fumigating with Oxy-
Dispute between De la Landes and M. Hell, 245
Domestic Occurrences, 84, 188, 279,
Elliott's Patent for the improvement of Coaches, account of, 182
Empedocles, account of, 340
muriatic acid, 476 Hell, Maximilian, memoir of, 155 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. anecdote of, 143
Heresy, curious particulars respecting
its first appearance in Germany, 18 Homer, explanation of a passage in, 22 Hope, Mr. T. on dramatic unities, 409 Houlditch, Mr. J. account of his im- provements in the construction of Four-wheel Carriages, 275
Hull, Mr. T. the Comedian, obit. of,
Hume, M. on the use of Sulphur in de- stroying insects, 477
Jewel, Mr. his mode of preparing Ca- lomel, 372
Imitation, remarks on the principle of, as an instrument in Education, 4 Innovation, remarks on, 420 Insurance, premiums of, 111
Endymion de Gombauld, account of, Inquisition first established in Ger-
Exchange, Course of, 110 Fan, Chinese, explanation of a device on, 519
Festival, National, peculiar to Eisen- back, 528 Flecknoe, Richard, account of, 248 Foot-race, account of one, 141 Foreign Occurrences, 104, 210, 296, 394, 502, 600
Frend, W. Esq. his tribute to Rev. T. Jones, 539
Galvanic Trough, improvement of, 277 Galvanic Trough, by Wilkinson, de- scribed, 184
Garden, singular, at Banstead, 141 Gas-lights, on the economy of, 372
-, Pall Mall illuminated with,
Glasgow, Sketch of the University of,
Government, on the forms of, 515 Gough, Mr. J. account of his improve- ment of ear-trumpets, 75
Grain, prices of, 112, 216, 304, 400, 508, 608
Grapes considered poisonous, 248 Greek, on the pronunciation of, 331 Greek Dance, reference concerning,
Gregory, Dr. obituary of, 376 Guyton, M. de Morvean, on the ef- fects of acid fumigations in Conta- gious Disorders of Cattle, 477
Hanno, Voyage of, 541
many, 20, done away, 21
John, of Tritenheim, said to have had dealings with the Devil, 329 Jones, Mr. John, Etymological ex planation of a passage in Homer, 23, in Eschylus, 221
Jones, Rev. T. memoir of, 260
Joseph, of Nazareth, made Grand Burg-grave of Bavaria, 306 Kauffman, Angelica, obituary of, 186, notice of the life and works of, 556 Kent, great damage done on the coast of, by a high tide, 196 Lambert, Mr. J. obit. of, 489 Latin, on the pronunciation of, 331 Lesches, supposed to be the author of the Cypria, 37 Lightning, remarkable catastrophe by, 16
Literary Blunder, a singular one, 412 Literary and Miscellaneous Informa-
tion, 58, 164, 266, 355, 455, 567 Locke, proposed monument for, 540 Lynar, Count, memoir of, 346 Macdiarmid, Mr. obituary of, 377 Malcolm, Mr. J. on the Roofs of houses, 474
Manby, Capt, account of the success of his invention for relieving Ships on a Lee shore, 495 Markham, Archbishop, obit of, 86 Marriage, form of, before a Magis- trate, and during the Common- wealth in England, 324 Mary's, Queen, funeral, 142
The Average Prices of Navigable Canal Shares, Dock Stock, Fire Office Shares, &c. in MAY 1808; at the Office of Mr. Scott, 28, New Bridge-street, London.
Leeds and Liverpool, 1721. ex. dividend.-Grand Junction Shares, 951. to 1001. -Ditto Mortgage Bonds, 90l. for 100l.-Kennet and Avon, original shares, 211. to 22L-New ditto, 41. to 51. per share premium. Croydon, 551.-Ellesmere, 54l. to 56l.-West India Dock Stock, 1481. to 153l. per cent.-London Dock Stock, 1121. to 116l. per cent. Globe Insurance, 1111. to 1121.-Imperial Assurance, 111⁄2l. per cent. premium.
The crops of every description, perhaps, never wore a more universally favourable appearance than at this time; nor was there ever a fairer promise of general abundance of the fruits of the earth: this will, however, essentially depend on a favourable blooming season for the wheats, and warm and moderately dry weather in July, namely, about the time of St. Swithin.
The latter-sown spring crops, and those upon cold lands, have wonderfully recovered, from the late rains and mild weather. Wheats have not run too much to grass, but appear a stout and branching crop, more especially those which are drilled or dibbled and well cleaned. The artificial grasses are very bushy, and sainfoin promises to be a great crop in most counties where it is cultivated. The bottoms of the natural grass very thick. Hops run up very strong and luxuriant, and the fruit trees were never more laden with blossom.
Throughout all the barley districts the opposition to the distillery bill is general, but in the strongest probability none of those inconveniences or mischiefs will ensue which are apprehended from the measure. Should it induce the custom of growing spring wheat upon some of the strongest barley lands, the change may be beneficial.
Much live stock has perished this spring from scarcity of food in Scotland and Ireland-a sure sign that there are parts of those countries into which improvement has not yet penetrated. Markets for lean stock looking upwards, and every fat article increasing in price and likely to be dearer. Wool low.
Lamb, 6s. to 8s. Irish ditto,
Smithfield.-Beef, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d. Mutton, 5s. to 6s. Veal, 4s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. Pork, 5s. to 7s. Bacon, 6s. to 6s. 4d. 4s. 6d. to 5s. 4d. Fat, 4s. 8d. Skins, 10s. to 20s.
Meadow hay, 6 guineas per load. Clover ditto, 7 guineas. Straw, 45s. Oats in Mark-lane, 45s. to 50s. per qr.
The mild warm weather we have recently had, accompanied with frequent refreshing showers, has been exceedingly favourable to vegetation. The crops of wheat on fertile light lands, and those on deep strong soils, which were well water-furrowed and kept dry in the winter, appear vigorous, strong, and luxuriant, covering the ground well; and the wheats only, upon thin poor land, VOL. III.
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