! ACCOUNT OF, AND EXTRACTS FROM, OBITUARY OF DISTINGUISHED : JANUARY TO JUNE, 1808. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, AND CADELL AND DAVIES, STRAND. OF General Correspondence. Critical Misrepresentation. Antoni Venezianu. On the imitative Principle as an Instrument in Education. Account of the Gulph and Territory of Cataro (concluded). Synonymic Elucidations (continued). Remark- able Catastrophe by Lightning. Curious Particulars respecting the first Appearance and Dissemination of "Heresy" in Ger- many. The Word Mordible. Etymological Explanation of a Passage in Homer. Account of a District in North Wales.. Sketch of the University of Glasgow. Mistake corrected.- Classical Disquisitions. On the Cyclic, and other ancient Epic Writers. Observations on, and Selections from, the Greek An- thology.-Accounts of, and Extracts from, Rare and Curious Books. The Discourses of Sadi. -Memoirs of Distinguished General Correspondence. On the Antiquities of Cleves, &c. |