Public Law 107-236 107th Congress An Act To adjust the boundaries of Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Boundary Adjustment Act". SEC. 2. BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT. Section 507(c) of the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (92 Stat. 3501; 16 U.S.C. 460kk) establishing Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area is amended (1) in paragraph (1), by striking "Boundary Map, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California, and Santa Monica Mountains Zone', numbered SMM-NRA 80,000, and dated May 1978" and inserting "Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and Santa Monica Mountains Zone, California, Boundary Map', numbered 80,047-C and dated August 2001"; and (2) by adding the following sentence after the third sentence of paragraph (2)(A): "Lands within the 'Wildlife Corridor Expansion Zone' identified on the boundary map referred to in paragraph (1) may be acquired only by donation or with donated funds.". SEC. 3. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. Section 507 of the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (92 Stat. 3501; 16 U.S.C. 460kk) establishing Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area is amended— (1) in subsection (c)(1), by striking "Committee on Natural Resources" and inserting "Committee on Resources"; (2) in subsection (c)(2)(B), by striking "of certain" in the first sentence and inserting "certain"; and Oct. 9, 2002 [H.R. 640] Santa Monica (3) in subsection (n)(5), by striking "laws" in the second sentence and inserting "laws,". Approved October 9, 2002. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY-H.R. 640: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 170-90 (Comm. on Resources). SENATE REPORTS: No. 107-204 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources). Vol. 147 (2001): June 6, considered and passed House. Vol. 148 (2002): Aug. 1, considered and passed Senate, amended. Sept. 24, House concurred in Senate amendment. Public Law 107-237 107th Congress An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct feasibility studies on water optimization in the Burnt River basin, Malheur River basin, Owyhee River basin, and Powder River basin, Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Burnt, Malheur, Owyhee, and Powder River Basin Water Optimization Feasibility Study Act of 2002". SEC. 2. STUDY. The Secretary of the Interior may conduct feasibility studies on water optimization in the Burnt River basin, Malheur River basin, Owyhee River basin, and Powder River basin, Oregon. SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this Act. Approved October 11, 2002. Oct. 11, 2002 [S. 238] Burnt, Malheur, Basin Water Act of 2002. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY-S. 238 (H.R. 1883): HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 107–638 and 107-363 accompanying H.R. 1883 (both from Comm. on Resources). SENATE REPORTS: No. 107-22 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources). Vol. 147 (2001): Aug. 3, considered and passed Senate. Vol. 148 (2002): Sept. 24, considered and passed House. Oct. 11, 2002 [S. 1175] Vicksburg of 2002. 16 USC 430h note. 16 USC 430h-10. Public Law 107-238 107th Congress An Act To modify the boundary of Vicksburg National Military Park to include the property known as Pemberton's Headquarters, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Vicksburg National Military Park Boundary Modification Act of 2002". SEC. 2. BOUNDARY MODIFICATION. The boundary of Vicksburg National Military Park is modified to include the property known as Pemberton's Headquarters, as generally depicted on the map entitled "Boundary Map, Pemberton's Headquarters at Vicksburg National Military Park", numbered 306/ 80015A, and dated August, 2001. The map shall be on file and available for inspection in the appropriate offices of the National Park Service. 16 USC 430h-11. SEC. 3. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. 16 USC 430h-12. (a) PEMBERTON'S HEADQUARTERS.-The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire the properties described in section 2 and 3(b) by purchase, donation, or exchange, except that each property may only be acquired with the consent of the owner thereof. (b) PARKING.-The Secretary is also authorized to acquire not more than one acre of land, or interest therein, adjacent to or near Pemberton's Headquarters for the purpose of providing parking and other facilities related to the operation of Pemberton's Headquarters. Upon the acquisition of the property referenced in this subsection, the Secretary add it to Vicksburg National Military Park and shall modify the boundaries of the park to reflect its inclusion. SEC. 4. ADMINISTRATION. The Secretary shall administer any properties acquired under this Act as part of the Vicksburg National Military Park in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may 16 USC 430h-13. be necessary to carry out this Act. Approved October 11, 2002. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY-S. 1175 (H.R. 3307): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 107-508 accompanying H.R. 3307 (Comm. on Resources). July 24, considered and passed Senate. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 38 (2002): 99-194 O-03-23: QL 3 Part 2 |