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Delta of Danube. Isle of Serpents.]

[Bessarabian Frontier.

Colonna Walewski, his Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, &c.;

His Majesty the King of Prussia, M. Maximilian Frederick Charles Francis Count of Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg-Schoenstein, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, &c.;

His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, the Count Paul Kisseleff, his Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, &c.;

His Majesty the King of Sardinia, M. Salvator Marquis de Villamarina, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, &c.;

And His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, Mehemmed Djemil Bey, his Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, &c.;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :

Frontier of Russia and Turkey in Bessarabia.

ART. I. The Line of Frontier of Russia and of Turkey in Bessarabia is, and remains determined in conformity with the Topographic Map prepared by the Boundary Commissioners at Kichenew on the 30th of March, 1857; which Map is annexed to the present Treaty, after having been initialled.*

Islands at Mouths of the Danube to be under Sovereignty of Sultan of Turkey.

ART. II. The Contracting Powers agree that the Islands inIcluded between the different branches of the Danube at its mouth, and forming the Delta of that river, as shown by the Plan annexed to the Protocol of the 6th of January, 1857 (No. 276), shall, instead of being annexed to the Principality of Moldavia, as implied in the stipulations of Article XXI of the Treaty of Paris (No. 264), be replaced under the immediate Sovereignty of the Sublime Porte, of which they formerly held.

Turkish Sovereignty over Island of Serpents.

ART. III. The Treaty of the 30th March, 1856 (No. 264), having, like the Treaties previously concluded between Russia * See Map facing page 1314, and Definitive Act of 11th April, 1857.

[Bessarabian Frontier. Delta of Danube. Isle of Serpents.]

and Turkey, been silent with regard to the Isle of Serpents, and the High Contracting Parties having agreed that it was proper to consider that Island as a dependency of the Delta of the Danube, its destination is fixed according to the arrangements of the preceding Article.

Maintenance by Turkey of Lighthouse on Island of Serpents.

ART. IV. In the general interest of maritime commerce, the Sublime Porte engages to maintain on the Isle of Serpents a Lighthouse destined to afford security to the navigation of vessels proceeding to the Danube and to the port of Odessa. The River Commission established by Article XVII of the Treaty of the 30th of March, 1856 (No. 264), for the purpose of maintaining the mouths of that river and the neighbouring parts of the sea in a navigable state, will see to the regular performance of the service of such Lighthouse.


ART. V. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged in 4 weeks, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the Seal of their Arms.

Done at Paris, the 19th day of June, in the year of Our Lord,





* Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 31st December, 1857.

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MAP shewing the Boundary between Russia and Turkey, as fixed by the Treaties of 1829, 1856 and 1857.

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[Turco-Russian Boundary in Asia.]

No. 283.-FINAL ACT of the Mixed Commission of Great Britain, Russia, and Turkey, on the Turco-Russian Boundary in Asia. Signed at Constantinople, 5th December, 1857.*

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Preamble. Reference to Treaty of 30th March, 1856.

1. Detailed Description of Asiatic Frontier.

2. Map of Frontier.

3. Date of Execution of Final Act.

4. Ratifications.


Reference to Treaty of 30th March, 1856.

ART. XXX of the Treaty signed and concluded at Paris, 30th March, 1856 (No. 264), between Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Porte, having declared that His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, shall retain in their integrity their possessions in Asia, such as they existed before the War, and that, in order to prevent all local misunderstanding, the Line of Frontier shall be verified, and if necessary rectified in such manner as that no Territorial loss shall be sustained by one or other of the two Parties, and that a Mixed Commission composed of two Russian Commissioners, two Turkish Commissioners, one French Commissioner, and one British Commissioner, shall be sent for that purpose on the spot immediately after the re-establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Courts of Russia and the Sublime Porte.

His Majesty the Emperor of the French has appointed as his Commissioner M. Edmond Pelissier, Consul-General, &c.;

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, has appointed as her Commissioner Mr. J. L. A. Simmons, Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers, &c. ;

His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias has appointed as his Commissioners, M. Tchirikoff, Major-General, &c., and M. Michel Ivanine, Colonel, &c.;

* See also Protocol of 28th April, 1858, and Supplementary Act of 11th September, 1858.

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