MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. ESTABLISHED BY FREEMAN HUNT IN 1839. VOLUME FORTY-THREE. Thomas Prentiec tettin, Elitor. FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, INCLUSIVE, 1860. New York: GEO. W. & JNO. A. WOOD, 82 NASSAU-STREET. 1860. EconP 19:1 D R L X X X I DR LXXXI Econ P 13,1.150 142 CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FORTY-THIRD VOLUME OF THЕ MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. DAVID M. BALFOUR, Esq., of Massachusetts. JOHN W. FORNEY, Esq., Clerk House of Representatives, Washington. R. S. HAMILTON, Esq, of the Cincinnati Bar. REV. DR. J. LEWIS KRAPF, late Missionary in Eastern Africa. JOSEPH G. MARTIN, Esq., Stock Broker, of Boston. PROF. C. F. MCCAY, of Georgia. J. W. Sсотт, Esq., of Toledo, Ohio. INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII., FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, INCLUSIVE, 1860. 64 profits of N. York city for last quarter. 344 66 gold exports of, 3 years.... 95 705 84 of lowa, condition of... 225 of England, circulation of.... and U. States, trade between, 1859.. 99 115 Banking, currency, and finance, Journal of, of France, returns of, tor June & July. 471 Canadian and American tariffs.... 242 355 Banks of U. S., returns of, to January, 1860. 336 79, 218, 334, 463,595, 722 Canal, St. Mary's, tonnage of... 255 224 64 tolls in Canada, abolition of........ 115 760 701 122 of Missouri, condition of..........: 226 Cannon ball, motion of.... 464 Cargoes, Cuban manifests of... Beet root sugar, product of the Zollverein... 94 73, 211, 328, 458, 590, 716 366 Caustic soda, question of duty on, (law case) 200 duty on, (treasury circular).... 865 Cays Paredon Grande, Cuba, fixed light at.. 108 Ceylon, exports of, four years... 863 96 69 65 Chicago & South. cities, freight tariff betw'n. 618 81, 220, 337, 465, 599, 724 Chile new treaty with 742 4 Clearing-house Association, fourth an- Chilian mint-new mines..... 474 nual report of. 83 China, population of 514 bank dividends, 1859 and 1860. population and growth of........ exports of, quarter ending June. 353 wool trade for six years..... in 1860 772 valuation and taxation of .... 342 exports to, for three years. 350 463 Chinese silk imported to United States. 350 644 Chincha Islands, guano export of....... 741 344 66 |