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Toutes autres énonciations et conditions dont les parties peuvent légalement convenir.

Boudousquié, nos 202, 203 et 204.-Quenault, c. 7, 2, nos 163 à 191.-2 Alauzet, ? 401, p. 298.-1 Bell, Com., no 561, pp. 540 et


a loss.-Mathewson vs Western Ins. Co., 4 L. C. J., 57.

2. A bona fide equitable interest in property of which the legal title appears to be in another, may be insured, provided there be no false affirmation, representation or concealment on the part of the insured, who is not obliged to represent the particular interest he has at the time, unless inJurisp.-1. Le délai porté dans les rè-quiry be made by the insurer. Such insuglements d'une compagnie d'assurance, rable interest in property of which the inpour notifier et déclarer l'incendie et ses cir-sured is in actual possession, may be proconstances à la compagnie, n'est pas dans ved by verbal testimony.-White vs Home toutes les circonstances un terme fatal et Ins. Co., 14 L. C. J., 301. tellement de rigueur, que faute de remplir à la minute cette condition, l'assuré doive perdre pour toujours tout recours.- Dill vs La Cie d'Ass. de Québec, 1 R. de L., 113.

3. Un créancier chirographaire n'a pas d'intérêt assurable dans le fonds de magasin de son débiteur, et ne peut tenir une assurance contre le feu sur icelui.-Hunt vs Home Ins. Co., 3 R. L., 455.

2. The condition usually endorsed on policies of insurance, respecting double in4. Although A. is merely the agent of B., surance, will be held to be waived on the in obtaining from C. an advance of money part of the company, if their agent, on on certain goods, yet, if he renders himself being notified of such double insurance liable to C. for any loss which might arise after the fire, make no specific objection to after the sale of the goods, he has an insuthe claim of the assured on that ground.-rable interest in the goods, and can thereAtwell vs The Western Assurance Co., 1 L. C. J., 278.

3. The condition endorsed on a policy of insurance to the effect, that no suit or action shall be sustainable for the recovery of any claim under the policy, unless commenced within the term of 12 months next after the loss shall have occurred, is a complete bar to any such suit or action instituted after the lapse of that term.-Cornell vs Liverpool & London &c. Ins. Co., 14 L. C. J., 256.

2570. Les déclarations qui ne sont pas insérées dans la police ou qui n'en font pas partie ne sont pas reçues pour en affecter le sens ou les effets.

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Marshall, 789.- Boudousquié, n° 28 et suiv.-1 Bell, Com., 540.

Jurisp.-1. The insurance by a mortgagee creditor of the house or building subject to his mortgage is not an insurance of the building per se, but only of the creditor's security for the payment of his debt. To support an action on the policy, there must be a loss existing at the time of action brought. If, before action brought, the premises be rebuilt, whereby the creditor's security is restored, he cannot recover as for

fore legally insure them in his own name to the full extent of the loan.-O'Connor vs Imperial Ins. Co., 14 L. C. J., 219.

5. A creditor who takes out a policy of insurance for his own protection, and at his own expense, on his debtor's property, is not bound to account to the debtor for any portion of the amount paid to him under such policy.—Archambault vs Galarneau, 22 L. C. J., 105.

6. Le 4 juin 1867 Huston, nanti de deux certificats d'emmagasinage signés par Wm Middleton & Co., de la quantité de 310 quarts d'huile de charbon, transporta cette huile aux appts comme sûreté additionnelle Les appts firent assurer cette huile au bude billets promissoires au montant de $4000.

reau de l'intimée pour trois mois. Le 18 août 1867 les magasins de Middleton brûlèrent et l'huile fut consumée. Action sur short risk receipt pour $2158, valeur de avaient assuré comme propriétaires forsl'huile assurée. Défense: 1° les appts qu'ils n'avaient qu'un intérêt précaire; 2° assurance nulle parce que les warehouse receipts étaient faux, plusieurs reçus ayant été donnés pour la même huile. L'action fut déclaré quel intérêt ils avaient dans l'huile. déboutée sur ce que les appts n'avaient pas

La loi qui autorise des prêts sur warehouse receipts déclare ceux qui en sont porteurs propriétaires des objets y mentionnés. Le jugt doit être infirmé.-Wilson & The Citizens' I. & I. Co., M., 15 février 1875.

7. L'int., en se disant propriétaire de l'immeuble qu'elle faisait assurer, bien qu'elle n'en jouissait qu'à titre de grevée de substitution, n'a pas fait une fausse déclaration, et cette omission de sa part n'est pas une cause suffisante pour l'appt de demander l'annulation du contrat d'assurance qu'elle a passé avec l'intimée.-Assurance mutuelle de Montréal & Villeneuve, 4 D. C. A., 376.

térêt qu'il prouve avoir.-St-Amand & Cie d'Assurance de Québec, 14 R. L., 27.

2572. Il y a garantie implicite

8. A loss under a fire policy effected by an official assignee under the Insolvent Act of 1875, to whom an assignment had been made under the Act, is recoverable by the assignee subsequently elected by the credi- de la part de l'assuré que la descriptors, notwithstanding that in the policy the tion qu'il a donnée de l'objet assuré assured is described simply as Official Assignee, the loss being made payable to the est telle qu'elle montre vraiment estate so assigned to him.-Such loss may sous quelle classe de risque elle tombe so recovered notwithstanding that the be, d'après les propositions et les fire shall have occurred after the appoint- conditions de la police. ment of the second assignee, and his appointment has not been specially commu1 Bell, Com., p. 541.-Ellis (Shaw's), p. nicated to the Insurance Company before 48.-Quenault, nos 174, 175 et 176.-Bouthe fire, and, under the circumstances of dousquié, no 202, p. 241, nos 104, 111 et 112. this case, there was not any change either of ownership or possession.-Elliott & The National Insurance Co., 23 L. C. J., 12.

9. Where a fire policy, taken out by the owner of real property, declares that the loss, if any, is payable to certain persons named "as mortgagees to the extent of their claim," such persons become thereby the parties assured to the extent of their interest as mortgagees, and their rights and interests cannot be destroyed or impaired by any act of the owner of the property. Black & National Insurance Company, 24 L. C. J., 65.

10. L'obligation par l'assuré qui n'est pas propriétaire de déclarer son intérêt dans la chose, même lorsqu'elle est une garantie ou condition de la police, n'est qu'une nullité relative qui ne peut être invoquée que par l'assureur, et celui-ci est présumé y avoir renoncé lorsque connaissant l'existence de ce moyen d'annulation, il ne s'en prévaut pas et reconnaît comme subsistante l'obligation que lui fait la police.-St-Amand vs Cie d'Ass. de Québec, 9 Q. L. R., 162.

11. Une femme commune en biens et sous puissance de mari ne peut valablement faire assurer les meubles de son ménage sans l'autorisation de son mari; et le fait de n'avoir pas ainsi déclaré son état à la compagnie rend nulle la police d'assurance.-Rousseau vs Royal Ins. Co., M. L. R., 1 S. C., 395.

12. Le nu propriétaire n'a aucun droit dans l'assurance effectuée par l'usufruitior sur la chose qu'il a fait assurer comme sa propriété, et, en lui payant le montant assuré, l'assureur ne le subroge pas aux exceptions qu'il peut lui-même opposer à l'assuré. L'usufruitier ne peut recouvrer de l'assureur que la perte réelle qu'il a subie, et qui est déterminée par la valeur de l'usufruit, valeur qui dépend de sa durée bable au moment du sinistre: et, à défaut de preuve établissant cette perte, son action contre l'assureur doit être renvoyée.-StAmand vs Cie d'Assurance de Québec, 9 Q. L. R., 162.


2573. Une assurance sur des effets sans désignation et qui se trouvent dans un certain lieu ne se restreint pas aux effets particuliers qui s'y trouvaient au temps où l'assurance a été prise, mais elle couvre tous effets du même genre qui se trouvent sur le lieu au temps du sinistre, à moins que la police n'indique une intention contraire.

2 Pardessus, Dr. Com., no 594, p. 489.Angell, ?? 101-2.-Quenault, Ass., n° 78.Boudousquié, no 122.

Jurisp.—1. Une assurance contre le feu effectuée sur une certaine quantité de charbon, couvre le charbon qui existait alors et celui apporté depuis, et s'étend aux risques provenant de la combustion spontanée du charbon.-The British American Ins. Co. & Joseph, 9 L. C. R., 448.

2. A fire policy in favor of appt, on coal oil," his own, in trust or on consignment," covered his loss on oil destroyed by fire in Middleton's sheds, warehouse receipts for which granted by Middleton in favor of Thomas Ruston had been transferred by Ruston to appt, and on which receipts appt had made advances to Ruston, who obtained such advances really for Middleton, without appt however being aware of the fact.-Stanton & The Etna, 17 L. C. J., 281.

3. In an action for the recovery of the assurance of goods, it is sufficient to establish that goods of the character and brand and of the quantity claimed were actually in the building and its contents were wholly burnt, without proving the actual identification of the goods described in the warehouse receipt.-Wilson & Citizens Ins. Co., 19 L. C. J., 175.

2574. Tout changement dans l'usage ou l'état de la chose assurée, tels que restreints par la police, faite 13. Un usufruitier a un intérêt suffisant, sans le consentement de l'assureur, comme tel, pour faire assurer, contre les accidents par le feu, une maison dont il a l'u- par des moyens sur lesquels l'assuré sufruit, mais en cas d'accident, il ne peut a un contrôle, et qui augmente le retirer de l'assureur que la valeur de l'in- risque, est une cause de nullité de

la police. Si le changement n'aug-gués de la déclaration ne justifiaient pas la mente pas le risque, la police n'en réponse donnée par le jury. est pas affectée.

3 Kent, 374.-2 Phillips, c. 7, s. 2, % 2, pp. 96 et suiv.-2 Pardessus, no 595.- Boudousquié, no 119, p. 149.—3 Pardessus, Dr. Com., no 883.

Jurisp.--1. A policy of insurance is vitiated by changes increasing the risk made in the buildings insured without legal notice to the insurers.-British Am. L. Co. vs Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1 L. C. J., 95. 2. An endorsement on a policy issued under the provisions of 4 William IV, c. 33, consenting to the removal of the goods insured from the building described in the policy to another building, and signed by the secretary alone, is binding on the company.-Chalmers & Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 3 L. C. J., 2.

3. In the case of a fire policy of buildings described as dwellings, endorsed to the effect that any change of occupation by which the risk is increased, must be notified in writing to the insurance company and endorsed on the policy, and that in default thereof the insurance shall be null and void; the change of occupation to a tavern, without notice to or consent of the company, does not render the policy void, when the jury state in their special findings that an intermediate change of occupation into a vinegar factory had been sanctioned by the company, and that the risk of the tavern was not greater than that of the vinegar factory.-Campbell vs Liverpool and London &c. Ins. Co., 13 L. C. J., 309.

5. Les int., après avoir assuré leurs marchandises dans le magasin n° 272, ajoutèrent deux étages au magasin voisin, n° 273, et y transportèrent une partie de leur fonds. Ils en donnèrent avis écrit aux appts, qui exigèrent une augmentation de prime, laquelle fut payée en échange d'un reçu interim. Quelques jours plus tard les int. reçurent, sans faire d'observation, une nouvelle police qui référait au croquis des bâtisses annexé à la première demande d'assurance des int., lequel ne décrivait que le n° 272.-Jugé que le vrai sens de la demande d'assurance, de l'avis écrit et du reçu interim, lus ensemble, démontrait un contrat d'assurance entre les int. et les appts, couvrant les marchandises placées dans les étages ajoutés par les int. au ne 273; et que, nonobstant l'acceptation par ceux-ci d'une police qui ne mentionnait pas les effets dans les étages ajoutés, les int. avaient le droit d'être indemnisés pour la perte subie quant aux marchandises contenues dans les étages ajoutés.-Liverpool & London &c. Ins. C. & Wyld, 1 S. C. R., 604.

6. La Cie appte, en assurant la maison de l'intimée, le hangar, une cuisine d'été attenante à la maison et les meubles, linges et effets de l'intimée, n'engageait pas sa responsabilité seulement pour les meubles contenus dans la maison, mais aussi pour tous ceux qui se trouvaient dans les prémisses assurées, où l'int. pouvait les transporter sans la permission de l'appte.-Assurance mutuelle de Montréal & Villeneuve, 4 D. C. A., 376.

7. Where an insurance was effected on a building occupied as a spool factory and subsequently without notice to the assurers, a portion of the premises were used for the manufacture of "excelsior," there being a condition in the policy that any change material to the risk should void the policy, unless the company were notified, it was held that the policy was voided by the change so effected.-Sovereign Fire Ins. Co. vs Moir, 10 L. N., 79.

4. An insurance of goods described as being in n° 319 St. Paul street, will be held to cover the same goods although removed into the premises n° 315 adjoining, if the agent of the insurance company at the end of the first year of the insurance examined the premises and consented to a renewal of the policy -Such variation does not constitute a new contract, but only a slight change in the old contract approved of by the parties.-The question as to the con- 8. Premises insured as a tannery and sent of the company to such change of the leather dressing house were used for dryplacing of the goods was a matter of fact ing nine bales of cotton, a substance which properly left to the jury. The jury in it was proved was more inflammable than giving their opinion, without being ex- the stock of a tannery. The fire first appressly asked the question, that the com- peared in the cotton. By a condition of the pany had continued the risk after the policy the use of the premises for more agent's visit to the premises, and by his hazardous purposes avoided the contract. not only not making any objection at the The jury found that the drying of cotton time but actually renewing the risk without was not a material alteration in the use of any increase, did not decide what was the premises, and that the alteration did matter of law, but only gave this as their not increase the risk. Held that there reason for finding that the stock that had being evidence that the insured, by the been insured was lost or damaged, and the use of the premises for drying cotton increajury had a right to give their reason for sed the risk, the verdict was contrary to the their finding.-Rolland vs The Citizens' evidence adduced, and a new trial was orIns. Co., 21 L. C. J., 262. (En Rev.)-Ren- dered.-Mooney vs Imperial Ins. Co., M. versé en appel, sur le principe que les allé-L. R., 3 S. C., 339.

9. A policy of insurance was effected on goods of the insured in no 319, and the insurance was afterwards renewed without variation of its original conditions. Before the renewal, the insured had extended his premises into no 315, and the company's agent visited the establishment, and saw the portion of both buildings occupied by the insured, and the goods contained therein. A fire destroyed the goods in n° 315, and slightly injured those in 319. In an action on the policy, claiming for the loss both in no 319 and in no 315, the jury found as above stated, and both parties moved for judgment on the verdict.-Held that on the facts found by the jury as above, the judgment should be for the defendants as to the loss of goods in n° 315, the inspection of the premises by the company's agent, before the renewal of the policy, not being sufficient to establish an agreement to vary the terms of the policy in respect of the locality in which the goods were represented to be.-Citizens Ins. and Invest. Co. & Lajoie, M. L. R., 4 Q. B., 362.

2575. Le montant de l'assurance ne fait aucune preuve quant à la valeur de l'objet assuré; cette valeur doit être prouvée de la manière prescrite dans les conditions de la police et par les règles générales de la preuve, à moins qu'il n'y ait une évaluation spéciale dans la police. 2 Alauzet, 304.- Angell, Ins., Bell, Com., 542 et 543.


Jurisp.-Under a clause in a policy of insurance, that if there appear fraud in the claim made to a loss, or false swearing or affirmation in support thereof, the claimant shall forfeit all benefit under such policy, the court will reject the claim of the policyholder, if the company establish that the claim is unjust and fraudulent, and far in excess of the actual loss to the knowledge of the policy-holder.-Grenier vs Monarch Fire & Life Ins. Co., 3 L. C. J., 100.

2576 (Amendé par S. R. de Q., art. 6271). L'assurance devient nulle par la cession que l'assuré fait à un tiers de l'intérêt qu'il a dans la chose, à moins que le transport n'ait lieu avec le consentement ou la participation de l'assureur.

La règle ci-dessus ne s'applique pas au cas de droit acquis à titre successif ou dans le cas spécifié en l'article qui suit:

L'assuré a le droit de transporter la police avec la chose assurée sous les conditions qui y sont exprimées. (43 Vic., c. 1 (C.)

C. C. B. C., 2482 et 2483.-Marshall, 803.Angell, Intr., 11, et ? 193 et suiv.-1 Arnould, 211.-Ellis, L. & F. Ins., 76 et 77.

Jurisp.-1. L. was cessionnaire of T. of bailleur de fonds claim on certain property, on which there were buildings sold by T. to C. Before said sale T. had insured said buildings for £600, hundred pounds of which, being the amount of purchase money paid by C., T. had transferred, in the usual manner with consent of insurer, to C., retaining the balance of the policy, £500, as security for payment of the balance of purchase money still due. The buildings while covered by this policy were destroyed by fire, and T. received the £500, balance of purchase money still due. He subsequently transferred his claim for purchase policy, being a larger sum than the balance of money due to L., who brought this action.-Held that the sale of insured property extinguished the contract of insurance as between the insurer and the vendor; the profit of such insurance being vested in the vendee so soon as the insurer is notified of the sale, and acquiesces in it. -Leclaire vs Crapser, M. C. R., 18.

2. An assignee of a policy of insurance furnishing any statement of loss whatever. against loss by fire may recover, without Wilson vs State Fire Ins. Co., 7 L. C. J., 223.

3. Une police d'assurance devient caduque par le transport de la matière assurée, à moins que ce transport ne soit fait avec le consentement exprès ou tacite de l'assureur. -Forgie vs Royal Ins. Co., 1 R. C., 241.

4. Une police d'assurance ne peut être transportée que du consentement de l'asl'effet de lier l'assureur.- Corse vs British sureur; un avis de ce transport n'a pas American Ins. Co., 2 R. L., 735.

5. Action for $800, amount of a fire policy. Plea, that the property insured was, after the issue of the policy, sold for taxes under the Municipal Code, and the ownership having become vested in the purchaser, the insured had lost all insurable interest therein. Special answer, that the municipal sale never finally divested the insured of the ownership; that before the fire he had, redeemed his property, and had never cea under the provisions of the Municipal Code, sed to have an insurable interest in it. Held that the sale of the property for municipal taxes under the Municipal Code, followed as it was by the redemption of the property in accordance with the said Code, was not such an alienation as would void the policy, either under the conditions endorsed upon it, or under the provisions of art. 2576 C. C. -Paquet vs Citizens Ins. C., 4 Q. L. R., 230.

6. In an action for the balance of the price of sale of certain lots of land where the de

fendant pleaded an agreement by which he bound himself to insure the buildings or the lots against fire to the extent of the ba

lance sued for, and to transfer the policy to the vendor, of whom the plaintiff was the transferee,-Held that the interest of a vendor in a policy of insurance passes to the purchaser, where the sale is notified to the company, and the payment subsequently made to the vendor by the company under such insurance, of a sum greater than the balance of the purchase money remaining unpaid, belonging to the purchaser, is a discharge for such balance.-Leclaire & Crapser, 5 L. C. R., 487.

7. The interest in an assurance by simple receipt for the premium, without issue of a policy may be legally assigned by any simple form of transfer endorsed on the policy, and such transfer does not require the consent or acceptance of the insurance company to make it binding.-O'Connor vs The Imperial Ins. Co., 14 L. C. J., 219.

titue pas une preuve suffisante de violation de cette condition. Une seconde assurance à une compagnie de mauvaise réputation et qui n'a pas de licence du gouvernement fédéral, n'est pas une infraction à la condition de ne pas assurer ailleurs, et cela quand même l'assuré aurait cru cette comFagnie excellente.- National Ins. Co. & Rousseau, 13 Q. L. R., 295.

12. Une assurance, payable à un tiers qui a un intérêt assurable sur les bâtisses assurées, n'est pas affectée parce que le propriétaire des bâtisses les aurait vendues ou assurées à une autre compagnie, contrairement aux conditions de la police.-La Cie d'Ass. Nationale d'Irlande & Harris, 17 R. L., 230.

13. Where the loss under a fire insurance of goods is made payable to a party other than the person who effects the insurance, and such third party becomes owner of the goods by a transfer to him of the warehouse receipt of such goods, such third party becomes thereby the party assured, and can, therefore, legally make all necessary preliminary proofs of loss.-Stanton & The Home Ins. Co., 24 L C. J., 38.

8. A loss under a fire policy effected by an official assignee under the Insolvent Act of 1875, to whom an assignment had been made under this Act, is recoverable by the assignee subsequently elected by the creditors, notwithstanding that in the policy the assured is described simply as "Official Assignee," the loss being inade payable to the estate so assigned to him. Such loss 2577. La cession d'intérêt entre may be so recovered, notwithstanding that coassociés ou copropriétaires d'imthe fire shall have occurred after the ap-meubles, qui ont assuré conjointepointment of the second assignee, and that

his appointment had not been specially ment, ne rend pas la police nulle. communicated to the insurance company 2578. L'assureur est responsable before the fire. Under the circumstances des dommages causés par l'assuré

of this case, there was not any change either of ownership or possession.-Elliott & The National Ins. Co., 23 L. C. J., 12.

9. Where the policy prohibited change of title without the permission of the company a sale of the property, by way of protecting a person becoming judicial surety, the resolution of such sale depending on the termi nation of the suretyship, made the policy null. Semmelhaack vs Canada Fire Ins. Co., 4 L. N., 205.

10. W. W. Paige transferred to appt two insurance policies issued by respdts. Subsequently the property insured was destroyed by fire, but after Paige had ceased to have any interest in such property. On a claim by appt to recover the amount of said policies,-Held: 1° That the assignee of a policy issued by a Mut. Ins. Co., can only exercise such claims as the transferer

could himself have done; 2o That in this case, Paige having ceased to have any title to the property insured, when the fire occurred, could not recover the amount insured under the policies aforesaid, and that the appt is therefore debarred from such claim. Willey & Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 2 D. C. A., 29.

11. L'admission faite par un assuré dans sa déclaration assermentée de perte, que la chose assurée par la police contenant la condition de ne pas assurer, a, de fait, été assurée dans une autre compagnie, ne cons

autres que ceux résultant de sa fraude ou de sa négligence grossière.

dousquié, no 294, pp. 340 et suiv.—3 Kent, Angell, 122 et suiv.-Alauzet, 431.—Boup. 374, n. c.

2579. L'assureur est aussi responsable des dommages causés par la faute des serviteurs de l'assuré hors de la connaissance et sans le consentement de ce dernier. Suprà, art. 2578.

2580. L'assureur est responsable de tous les dommages qui sont une conséquence immédiate du feu ou de la combustion, quelle qu'en soit la cause, y compris le dommage essuyé par les effets assurés en les transportant, ou par les moyens employés pour éteindre le feu, sauf les exceptions spéciales contenues dans la police.

Angell, 115, 122 et suiv.-2 Pardessus, no 595, pp. 493, 586 et 607.-Quenault, Ass., n° 66, p. 56, et index 511.-Alauzet, Ass, 431.-Boudousquié, Ass., no 294, pp. 340 et suiv.-3 Kent, Com., p. 374, n. c.-1 Phil

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