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positions d'exécution nécessaires de la présente Convention.

XX. En cas de dissentiment au sujet de l'interprétation de la présente Convention, la question en litige doit être soumise à un tribunal arbitral en tant qu'il n'est pas possible de la régler par la voie diplomatique. Dans ce cas, chacune des Parties contractantes choisit un arbitre. Si les deux arbitres ne se mettent pas d'accord, ils désigneront euxmêmes un surarbitre.

En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires ont signé la présente Convention et l'ont revêtue de leur sceau.

Fait, en double expédition, à Berne, le 10 novembre 1920.

[blocks in formation]

TREATY OF PEACE between Lithuania and Russia.-
Moscow, July 12, 1920.

[Ratifications exchanged at Moscow, October 14, 1920.] (Translation.*)

RUSSIA on the one part and Lithuania on the other part, being guided by a firm desire to establish, on the principles of right and justice, lasting foundations for future relations, guaranteeing to both countries and their peoples all the benefits of peace and good neighbourship, have decided to enter into negotiations for such purpose and have appointed as their Representatives to this end:

The Government of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic: Adolf Abramovitch Joffe, Julian Josephovitch Marchlevski, and Leonid Leonidovitch Obolenski; and

The Government of the Lithuanian Democratic Republic: Thomas Narusevicius, Peter Klimas, Simon Rozenbaum, Josef Vailokaitis, and Witovt Rackauskas.

The said Representatives having mutually produced their powers, which were found drawn up in proper form and in due order, agreed as follows:

ART. I. Proceeding from the right, proclaimed by the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, of all nations to free self-determination, even up to the point of complete separation from the State of which they form part, Russia recognises without reservation the sovereign rights and independence of the Lithuanian State, with all the juridical consequences arising from such recognition, and voluntarily and for "League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 94. Signed in the Lithuanian and Russian languages.

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all time abandons all the sovereign rights of Russia over the Lithuanian people and their territory.

The fact of the past subjection of Lithuania to Russia does not impose on the Lithuanian nation and its territory any liabilities whatsoever towards Russia.

II. The State frontier between Russia and Lithuania proceeds:

Commencing from the point of the junction of the Gorodnianka river with the Bobr river at two versts on the east of the Tsharny's village along the Gorodnianka small stream between the villages of Khmelniki and Khmelevka and the villages of Levki and Olsha; from there along the dried-up watercourse to the southern side of the village of Veselovo; from there along the unnamed tributary of the small stream Kamennaya to the junction of this tributary with the aforesaid small stream Kamennaya at a distance of about a verst from the village of Veselovo. Farther, up the flow of the small stream Kamennaya for a distance of about one verst; from there along the dried-up watercourse roughly in the direction of the eastern side of the village of Nerasnaya right up to the source of the unnamed tributary of the small stream Siderka; farther, along this tributary to its confluence with the small stream Siderka at a distance of about one verst from the village of Siderka; from there along the flow of the Siderka (Siderianka) small stream, between the villages of Shestaki and Siderka, past the town of Sidra, between the villages of Yuashi and Ogorodniki, past the village of Beniashi, past the village of Litvinka, between the villages of Zveriany and Timani up to the village of Lovtshiki; from there along the dried-up watercourse in the direction of the southern outskirts of the village Volkusha; from there to the northern side of the village of Tshuprinovo; farther, up the elevation with the trigonometric point 1080, which is at a distance of about one verst on the south of the village of Novodeli; farther, in a direction towards the northern side of the environs of Toltshi, at a distance of roughly one verst on the north of same; from there in a direction towards the southern side of the village of Dubovaya; farther, along the small stream Indurka, past the village of Luzhki, past the town of Indura, past the village of Prokopitshi, past the village of Belevo; farther, along the small stream Lashanka, past the village of Bobrovniki, and, farther, along this small stream to its junction with the small stream Svislotsh. Farther, along the small stream Svislotsh up to its junction with the Neman river; from there along the Neman river to the mouth of the Berezina river along the Berezina, Islotsh and Volozhinka rivers along the western side of the town of Volozhin and along the northern side of the villages of Brilki, Burlaki and Polikshovstshizna; from there

to the north-east along the eastern side of the villages of Melashi and Gintovtshizna (Menzhikovtshizna) at about one verst from them; farther, towards the north-east in the direction of the western side of the town of Kholkhlo at a distance of about one verst from the same; farther, towards the western side of the village of Sukhonarovstshizna at a distance of about one verst from it. From there the frontier turns northeast towards the western side of the village of Berezovtzy at a distance of about one verst from it; farther, towards the northeast in the direction of the western side of the village of Vaskovtzy; from there in the direction of the western side of the village of Lialkovtshizna at a distance of about one verst from it; from there it turns to the north towards the western side of the village of Kulevshizna, and from there to the north between the villages of Dreni and Zherlaki; from there to the north-west along the eastern side of the village of Garavina and the western side of the village of Adamovitchi; farther, towards the eastern side of the village of Myslevitchi; farther, along the eastern side of the village of Bukhovsttshina, towards the station of Molodetshno, crossing the railway junction in such a manner that the Vilno-Molodetshno-Lida railway line remains in Lithuanian territory, and the Vileika Molodetshno-Minsk railway line in Russian territory; from there along the small stream Bukhovka to its junction with the small stream Usha; along this small stream Usha to the village of Usha; from there it turns north-east and passes along the dried-up watercourse on the western side of the villages of Slobodka, Dolgaya and Prenta; from there along the small stream Narotch, and near the village of Tsheremstshitza, at a distance of about one verst from the same, it turns northward and passes along the eastern shore of the Bliada lake; at a distance of about one verst from same it proceeds northward across the Miastra lake, and upon issuing from this lake, along the dried-up watercourse between the village of Pikoltzy on the western side, and the village of Mintshaki on the eastern side; farther, northward and on the western side of the village of Volotshek at a distance of about one verst from it; from there northward across the Madziol lake to the western side of the village of Pshegrode at a distance of about one verst from same; from there towards the source of the Miadzelka small stream, and along this small stream to its junction with the Disna river; from there the frontier proceeds along the dried-up watercourse northeastward towards the western side of the village of Borovyia, at a distance of about one verst from the same; farther, northeastward in a direction across the Mikhalishki lake; farther, along the small stream Nistshenka to the parallel of the Ozyraitzy lake, to the western edge of the Repistshe lake, to [CXIII] 4 c 2

the western outskirts of Zamoshie; to the Zolva lake; along the small stream Zolvitza, across the Dryviaty lake to the Tzno lake and Neslizha lake; farther, northward across the Nedrovo lake, and from this lake along the Druika river to its intersection with the boundary line of the province of Kovno; farther, along the boundary line of the province of Kovno, and, farther, to the Western Dvina river near the Shafranovo farm. Note 1.-The frontier line between Lithuania and Poland, and between Lithuania and Latvia, will be fixed by arrangement with these States.

Note 2.-The State frontier between the two contracting Parties shall be delimited on the spot, and the frontier marks shall be fixed by a Mixed Commission having an equal number of representatives of both sides. In tracing the frontier on the spot the Mixed Commission shall be guided by ethnographic and economic features, keeping as far as possible to the natural lines of division, and inhabited points shall as far as possible enter wholly into the composition of one State. In those cases where the frontier is carried along lakes, rivers and canals, it shall pass through the middle of these lakes, rivers and canals, unless otherwise provided for in this Treaty.

Note 3.-The frontier herein described has been delineated in red line on the map hereto annexed.*

In the event of any disagreement between the map and text, the text shall be the deciding factor.

Note 4.-The

artificial diversion of water from the frontier rivers and lakes, causing a lowering of the average level of the water of same, is not permitted.

The order and conditions of navigation and fishing in these rivers and lakes shall be determined by a special arrangement, and fishing may only be carried on by means wr ch do not exhaust the fishing


III. The questions relating to the protection of the frontier, as also customs and other matters connected therewith, will be regulated by a separate agreement between the contracting Parties after the occupied localities dividing Lithuania and Russia shall have been freed from foreign occupation.

IV. Both contracting Parties undertake:

(1.) Not to permit on their territory the formation and sojourn of Governments, organisations or groups, who have for their object armed warfare against the other contracting Party, and similarly not to permit within their territories the recruiting and mobilisation of effectives for the armies of such Governments, organisations or groups, and the sojourn of their representatives and officials.

(2.) To prohibit those countries who are de facto in a state of war with the other contracting Party, and also organisations or groups who have as their object armed warfare against the other contracting Party, from importing into and transporting across their territories of anything that may be made use of against the other contracting Party, such as: *Not reproduced.

armed forces, military equipment, technical war supplies and artillery, commissariat, engineering and flying materials.

V. In the event of international recognition of the permanent neutrality of Lithuania, Russia on its part undertakes to conform to such neutrality and to participate in the guarantees for the maintenance of same.

VI. Persons resident at the date of the ratification of this Treaty within the confines of Lithuania, who themselves or whose parents have permanently resided in Lithuania, or who were registered with the rural, municipal or corporate bodies in the territory of the Lithuanian State, and also persons, who prior to 1914 were residing in the territory of the same State for not less than the last ten years and had a permanent occupation there, excepting former civil and military officials not of Lithuanian origin and the members of their families, shall ipso facto be considered citizens of the Lithuanian State.

Persons of the same category, residing at the time of the ratification of this Treaty in the territory of a third State, but not naturalised there, are equally considered to be Lithuanian citizens.

However, all persons who have attained the age of 18 years and are resident in the territory of Lithuania, are entitled within the period of one year from the date of the ratification of this Treaty to declare their wish to opt for Russian citizenship, and their citizenship shall extend to the children under 18 years of age and to the wife, if no other arrangement has been made between the husband and wife.

Similarly, persons residing in the territory of Russia and coming under the first paragraph of this Article, may within the same period and on the same conditions opt for Lithuanian citizenship.

Persons who have made a declaration of option and also those who derive nationality from them shall retain their rights to personal and real property within the limits of the laws in force in that State in which they reside, but must within a year from the date of handing in the declaration leave its confines, being entitled to realise all their property or to take the same away with them.

Note 1.-For persons residing in the Caucasus and Russia in Asia, the periods indicated in this Article for lodging the declarations, and also for departure, are extended by one year.

Note 2.-The rights of optants indicated in this Article shall be enjoyed by those citizens also who prior to and during the world war were resident in the territory of one party, but at the moment of the ratification of this Treaty reside in the territory of the other.

Refugees, with regard to their property which they were unable to take out of the country under the Repatriation of Fugitives Treaty of the 30th June, 1920, enjoy the same rights as are provided for in this Article in regard to optants, but only in so far as they prove that

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