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From the Baltic Sea westwards to the entrance of the Flensburger Föhrde,

the principal channel of navigation;

thence to the intersection of longitude 9° 28' east of Greenwich with the parallel of latitude 54° 50′ north,

the principal channel of navigation of the Flensburger Föhrde;

thence at a bearing of 315° east from true north to a point 400 metres from the 3 fathom line, from the northern bank of the Föhrde,

a straight line;

thence westwards to the mouth of the Krusau River on the western shore of Flensburger Föhrde,

a line generally parallel to the north coast of this Föhrde;

thence northwards to the point where the southern boundary of the Kupfermühle factory joins the Krusau River. the course of this river upstream;

thence northwards to the most western point of the Kupfermühle reservoir about 400 metres south-east of Krusau,

the southern and eastern boundaries of the factory, then the north-eastern and north-western banks of this reservoir;

thence westwards to the point where the Krusau River meets the boundary between the communes of Norderschmedeby and Bau,

a line to be fixed on the ground, cutting the FlensburgApenrade road at a point about 400 metres south of Krusau; thence south-south-westwards to the point where the BauNiehuus road crosses the Krusau River,

the course of this river upstream;

thence south-westwards to the point where the southern boundary of the commune of Bau meets the eastern boundary of the commune of Fröslee,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing east of the farm of Waldemarstoff and south of Pattburg and its railway station;

thence in a general westerly direction to the point where the southern boundary of the commune of Eggebeck meets the Schiedebeck,

the southern boundaries of the communes of Fröslee, Kracklund and Eggebeck;

thence to a point to be chosen on the Süder Au about 500 metres east of its confluence with the Wied Au,

the courses of the Scheidebeck, Alte Au, and Südar Au, downstream;

thence westwards to a point to be chosen on the northern shore of Ruttebüll Lake near Ringswarf,

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a line to be fixed on the ground running approximately parallel to, and not more than 400 metres south, of the Wied Au and passing north of Aventoft;


thence westwards to the point where the Kjärdeich meets Lake Ruttebüll, about 500 metres south Ruttebüll,

the median line of this lake;

thence westwards to the North Sea at Sieltoft,

a line following the Kjärdeich, then the southern. boundaries of Ruttebüller Koog, Alter Friedrichen Koog and Neuer Friedrichen Koog;

thence line in a general north-westerly direction leaving the Island of Sylt to Germany, and the Island of Röm to Denmark.

The frontier line described above will be traced on the spot by the Commission provided for in Article 111 of the Treaty of Peace with Germany signed at Versailles on the 28th June, 1919.

II. The territories referred to in the first paragraph of Article I will remain henceforth inalienable except with the consent of the Council of the League of Nations.

III. The Principal Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to provide subsequently, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 114 of the Treaty of Versailles, by further stipulations to which Germany and Denmark will be parties, for the settlement of the questions, particularly those relating to nationality and financial and economic questions, arising out of the acquisition by Denmark of the sovereignty over the territories referred to in Article I.

The present Treaty, in French and English, shall be ratified.

The deposit of ratifications shall be made at Paris as soon as possible.

Powers of which the seat of the Government is outside Europe will be entitled merely to inform the Government of the French Republic through their diplomatic representative at Paris that their ratification has been given; in that case they must transmit the instrument of ratification as soon as possible.

A procès-verbal of the deposit of the ratifications shall be drawn up as soon as all the signatory Powers have ratified, and at that moment the Treaty will come into force.

The French Government will transmit to all the signatory Powers a certified copy of the procès-verbal of the deposit of ratifications.

On ratifying the Treaty of Versailles, the United States will ipso facto be entitled to adhere to the present Treaty.

In faith whereof the hereinafter-named Plenipotentiaries

whose powers have been found in good and due form have signed the present Treaty.

Done at Paris, the 5th day of July, 1920, in a single copy which will remain deposited in the archives of the French Republic, and of which authenticated copies will be transmitted to each of the signatory Powers.










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PROTOCOL signed on behalf of Great Britain and Allied and Associated Powers and Germany relative to the Transport of Polish Troops viâ Danzig.-April 4, 1919.

I. DE l'Article XVI du Traité d'Armistice du 11 novembre 1918* résulte pour l'Allemagne l'obligation d'autoriser le passage par Dantzig des forces alliées, et, par suite, d'après la conception des Alliés, celui des troupes du Général Haller.

II. Le Gouvernement allemand a proposé de nouveaux moyens de transport, savoir:

1. De Stettin par Kreuz, en direction de PosenVarsovie.

2. De Pillau-Königsberg et Memel par Korschen-LyckGrajowo.

3. Par Coblence-Giessen-Cassel-Halle-Eilenburg, et par Francfort-sur-le-Mein-Bebra-Erfurt-Leipzig-Eilenburg, puis au-delà par Cottbus-Lissa-Kalisch.

III. Le Gouvernement allemand garantit la sécurité absolue de ces moyens de transport. D'autre part, des mesures seront prises pour que les troupes de passage dans les territoires allemands évitent tout ce qui pourrait provoquer des troubles dans la population.

Ces transports commenceront vers le 15 avril et dureront deux mois environ.

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Les troupes polonaises transportées sont destinées à maintenir l'ordre conformément à l'Article XVI du Traité d'Armistice du 11 novembre 1918.

L'exécution des transports est réglée par une Annexe au présent Protocole.

IV. Dans le cas où l'emploi des nouveaux moyens de transport proposés par le Gouvernement allemand amènerait des difficultés graves que le Gouvernement allemand, après en avoir été prévenu par les Gouvernements alliés et associés, ne serait pas en état de surmonter, le Maréchal Foch, Commandant en Chef des Armées alliées, se réserve le droit de reprendre les transports prévus par l'Article XVI du Traité d'Armistice du 11 novembre 1918, dans des conditions d'exécution et avec des garanties à fixer par la Commission internationale permanente d'Armistice de Spa. Spa, le 4 avril 1919.


ERZBERGER, Reichsminister.

[Annexe. (Not printed.)]

RATIFICATIONS of the Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany.-Signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919.*

THE Ratifications have been deposited of:-

British Empire

Jan. 10, 1920

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RATIFICATIONS of the Agreement between Great Britain, &c. and Germany with regard to the Military Occupation of the Territories of the Rhine.-Signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919.*

THE Ratifications have been deposited of:

British Empire




Jan. 10, 1920

TREATY between the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan, as the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, and Greece (Rights of Minorities," &c.).-Sèvres, August 10, 1920.†

THE British Empire, France, Italy and Japan, the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, on the one hand; and Greece on the other hand;

Whereas since the 1st January, 1913, large accessions of territory have been made to the Kingdom of Greece; and

Whereas the Kingdom of Greece, which has given to he populations included in its territories, without distinction of origin, language or religion, equality of rights, is desirous of confirming these rights and of extending them to the populations of the territories which may be added to the Kingdom, so that they shall have a full and complete guarantee that they shall be governed in conformity with the principles of liberty and justice; and

Whereas it is desired to free Greece from certain obligations which she has undertaken towards certain Powers, and

Vol. CXII, page 219.

"Treaty Series, No. 13 (1920)." Signed also in the French and Italian languages. Ratifications were not deposited up to the end of 1921.

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