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the Allied Powers have occupied the capital of France; the Allied Sovereigns receive favourably the wish of the French nation.

the Allies; who, in their conduct at Paris, | it proper, to publish the most important of bove recognized, on the part of all Europe, them here, as they form the ground work of the principle, (which though true in theory, every thing that may be said in future reght to be perhaps but seldom acted on) specting this new revolution, and the effects that the people have a right to dethrone which it is calculated to produce upon the and dismiss their rulers, whenever they be- present aspect of civilized, as well as of uncome tired of them, or conceive they have civilized Europe.-When the allies obtained acted improperly. This principle, may possession of Paris on the 31st. ult. they possibly, ere long, be brought home to all issued the following declaration of their concerned in such a recognition; to Alex-views and sentiments:-"The armies of ander, the Emperor of Austria, the King of Prussia, and even to the Brunswick dysty itself. It will, however, do much good to mankind, if it produce the effect putting princes on their good behaviour, and making them pay proper deference and attention to public opinion, and the sentients of those they govern.-As to peace, no reasonable or thinking man can xpect to see one of long continuance or uration while the bank of England exists its present state, and goes on making such excessive issues of paper, as it has been doing. The greatest evil attending the funding system consists in this, that it a great encourager and promoter of warfare and bloodshed, by affording the means carrying them on with facility.

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-They declare, that if the conditions of peace ought to contain stronger guarantees when the question was to bind down the ambition of Bonaparte, they may be more favourable, when, by a return to a wise government, France herself offers the assurance of this repose.--The Sovereigns proclaim, in consequence, that they will no more treat with Napoleon Bonaparte, nor with any of his family.--That they respect the integrity of ancient France, as itexisted under its legitimate Kings: they may even do more, because they profess it as a principle, that, for the happiness of Europe, France must be great and strong :—— -That they will recognise and guarantee the Constitution which France shall adopt They, COUNTER REVOLUTION IN FRANCE therefore, invite the Senate to name immeThis unexpected event which has given a diately a Provisional Government, which ew turn to all political and military spe- may provide for the wants of the Adminisulations, and which promises to restore tration, and prepare the constitution which jace, for a season, to suffering Europe, has shall suit the French people→→The inten en accomplished without bloodshed, tions which I have just expressed, are comwithout a civil war; and the Bourbons, mon to all the Allied Powers. (Signed) who, twenty years ago, were driven from ALEXANDFR."---Here was an unqualified their native land by a justly incensed and avowal, made for the first time, that the indignant people, are now said to be re- allied powers would no longer respect the called by that same people as the only dynasty of Napoleon, or the integrity of family who can confer prosperity and hap- France, except under the reign of the Bourpimess upon the nation. Time, which tries bons. The Senate, which had been created i things, will probably soon determine by Bonaparte, were thus placed in a sithis great question. Meanwhile the rapi-tuation in which they had only one choice, lity of the occurrences, the multiplicity of mpics which these occurrences suggest, their vast magnitude and importance, and the novel circumstances comected thereaith, which almost every recuring day bring under notice; render it a matter of prudence to avoid, at least for the present, much discussion respecting them, until the ebution of public feeling, has somewhat subded, and mankind are in some degree, restored to their wanted rationality. As, However, I shall afterwards have frequent cccasion to refer to the memorable docuents which have appeared during this bort, but momentous period, I have thought

With the sword drawn over their heads, they assembled to consider the state of degraded France, and the following has been published as the result of their deliberations, if that name can be given with propriety to acts which were the consequence of fear, while the Senate House was surrounded by a foreign army:-"Onthe 1st of April, 1814, at half-past three, the Members of the Senate met in consequence of an extraordinary convocation. His Serene Highness the Prince of Benevente, Vice-Grand Elector, President.--His Serene Highness the Prince Vice-Elector, President, then spoke as follows:--Se

of the provisional government.The Senate adopt this last proposal.——A Member proposes to lay down as a principle, and to charge the Members of the Provisional Government to comprehend in substance in the address to the French people:-1. That the Senate and the Legislative Body are declared integral parts of the intended Constitution; subject to the modifications which shall be judged necessary to insure the liberty of the suffrages and opinions.-2. That the army, as well as the retired officers and soldiers, shall retain the ranks, honours, and pensions which they enjoy.-3. That the public debts shall be inviolable.-4. That the sale of the national domains shall be irrevocably maintained.-5. That no Frenchman shall be made answerable for the public opinions which he may have expressed.-6. That the liberty of worship and of conscience shall be maintained and proclaimed, as well as the liberty of the press, subject to the legal repression of the crimes which may arise from the abuse of that liberty.-7. These different proposals, seconded by several Members, were put to the vote by the Prince Vice Grand Elector, President, and adopted by the Senate.— -A Member demanded that to reconcile the adoption of these proposals with the confidence due to the Members of the Provisional Government just established, the address to the French People, which this Government is to draw up, shall announce that they are charged to prepare a constitution, such as it shall not in any manner violate the prin

NATORS! The letter which I have had the honour of addressing to each of you to inform you of this extraordinary convocation, acquaints you with the object of it. It is intended to lay proposals before you. This one word sufficiently paints out the liberty which each of you brings into this assembly. It gives you the means to give a generous flow (essor) to the sentiments with which the soul of each of you is filled the desire of saving your country, and the resolution of hastening to the assistance of a forsaken people.--Senators-Circumstances, however difficult they may be, cannot be above the firm and enlightened patriotism of all the Members of this Assembly. You have, doubtless, all equally felt the necessity of a deliberation which may shut the door against all delay, and which may not let a day pass without re-establishing the action of the administration, the first of all wants, for the formation of a Government, whose authority, founded on the necessities of the moment, cannot but re-assure people's minds."---The Prince Vice-Elector having ceased speaking, several proposals were made by different Members; the question being put, the Senate decrees:--1st, That there shall be established a Provisional Government, charged to provide for the wants of the Administration, and to present to the Senate the plan of a Constitution which may suit the French people.-2d, That the Government shall consist of five Members; and then proceeding to their nomination, the Senate elects for members of the Provisional Government, M. Talleyrand, Prince of Benevente; Count de Bour-ciples which are the bases of these propononville, Senator; Count de Jaucourt, Senator; Duke of Dalberg, Counsellor of State; M. de Montesquieu, ancient member of the Constituent Assembly.- -They are proclaimed in this quality by the Prince Vice Grand Elector, President.--His Serene Highness added, that as one of the first cares of the Provisional Government ought to be the drawing up of the plan of a Constitution, the Members of the Government, as soon as they shall employ them-taining the nomination of the Members of selves on this plan, will give notice of it to all the Members of the Senate who are invited to contribute by their wisdom to the perfection of so important a work. Some Senators demand that this act shall contain an account of the motives which have determined the Senate, and rendered its meeting indispensable.--Other Members, on the contrary, demand that these motives shall form part of the address, which will be published by the members

sitions. The Senate adopts this amendment. The Senate adjourns till nine o'clock this evening, to hear and adopt the defini, tive redaction of the proces verbal, and to sign it individually. Senator Count Barthelemy, Ex-President of the Senate, is appointed President in the absence of the Prince Vice Grand Elector, who cannot be present at this sitting.--It is decreedthat the extract of the proces verbal, con

the Provisional Government, shall be im mediately made out under the signature of the President and Secretaries.--The Senators who, for want of being informed in time, have not been able to attend this sitting, are to be again convoked for the sitting this evening.--These deliberations being finished, the Prince Vice Grand Elector put an end to the sitting. The same day, April the 1st, 1814. At nine in the evening the sitting is resumed; Senator.

Count Barthelemy, President. The Senate hears the proces verbal of this day read, and adopts it with some amendments. --It is demanded that this process verbal shall be printed, and six copies distributed to each of the members. This proposal is adopted.--The Members then proceeded to sign the proces verbal as follows:-M. M. Abriel, Barbe de Marbois, Barthelemy, Cardinal de Bayanne, Belderbusch, Bertholet, General Beurnonville, Buonacorsi, Carbouara, General Count Chasseloup, Laubat, Cholet, General Colaud, Cornet, Davous, de Gregory Marcorengo, General Dembarrere, de Pere, Destust de Tracy, General Dharville, Daubersaert, General d'Hedonville, Dubois Debay, Emmery, Fabre-de-l'Aude, General Ferino, Fontanes, Garat, Gregoire, Herwin, de Jaucourt, Journu Aubert, General Klein le Jeas, Lambreschts, Lanjuinais, Lannoy, Le Brun de Rochemont, General Lespinasse, Le Mercier, Maleville, Meermann, Monbadon, Pastoret, Pere, Pontecoulant, Porcher, Rigal, Roger Ducos, St. Martin de Lamothe, General Sainte Suzanne, Saur, Schimmelpenninck, Marshal Serruier, General Soules, Tascher, General Valence, Marshal de Valmy, Vandeden, Vandepoll, General Vaubois, General Villetard, Vimar, Volney --The Members absent from indisposition sent

their adherence."

The Provisional Government having been nominated in this manner, the ExPresident Barthelemy addressed to each of its members the following letter:"Paris, April 2d.-Gentlemen, Members of the Provisional Government, The Senate commissions me to request you to signify to the French people to-morrow, that the Senate, by a decree passed in its sitting this evening, has declared, that the Emperor Napoleon and his family have forfeited all right to the throne, and consequently absolved the French people and the army from their oath of allegiance. This act will be sent to you to-morrow, with the motives and reason of it. I have the honour to salute you,-The President of the Senate, BARTHELEMY."

The Senators of Paris were not more .prompt in their obedience to the mandates of the allied powers, than the Provisional Government was to comply with the wishes of the Senate. Barthelemy's letter was dated on the evening of the 2d, and next day, the 3d, was named when the request which it contained was expected to be complied with. But these docile ministers,

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resolved not to wait for copies of the act which deposed Napoleon; not wishing to be behind hand with the Senate, which had met twice in one day, and, probably, being previously prepared for the part they were to act, hastened to show their devotion to the magnanimous Alexander, by immediately issuing the following proclamation or address to the French army: terior, Paris, April 2, 1814. Soldiers; France has just broken the yoke under which she has groaned with you for so many years.You have never fought but for the country; you can no longer fight, unless against it, under the colours of the man who leads you.-——Behold all that you have suffered from his tyranny: you were lately a million of men; nearly all have perished: they were delivered up to the sword of the enemy, without food, without hospitals; they were condemned to perish of misery and hunger.Soldiers, it is full time to end the calamities of the country; peace is in your hands. Will you refuse it to desolated France? Your enemics themselves demand it of you; they regret to ravage these fine countries, and wish only to take up arms against your oppressor and ours. Shall you be deaf to the voice of the country which summons and entreats you? It addresses you by its Senate, by its capital, and, above all, by its misfortunes; you are its noblest children, and cannot belong to him who has ravaged it, who has delivered it up without arms, without defence; who wished to render your name odious to all nations, and who would have compromised your glory, could a man, who is not even a Frenchman, ever weaken the glory of our arms, or the generosity of our soldiers.You are no longer the soldiers of Napoleon: the Senate and all Erance absolve you from your oath.”


On the 3d, the following proceedings took place in the Senate: "The sitting which had been adjourned was resumed at four o'clock, when the Senator Count Lambrechts read the revised and adopted plan of the decree which passed in the sitting of yesterday. It is in the following terms: The Conservative Senate, considering that in a constitutional monarchy, the monarch exists only in virtue of the constitution or social compact:-That Napoleon Bonaparte, during a certain period of firm and prudent government, afforded to the nation reasons to calculate for the future on acts of wisdom and justice; but that afterwards he violated the compact

which united him to the French people, | Government established by the Senatus particularly in levying imposts and esta- Consultum of the 28th Floreal, year 12, has blishing taxes otherwise than in virtue of ceased to exist, and that the wish manifestthe law, against the express tenor of the ed by all Frenchmen calls for an order of oath which he had taken on his ascending things, the first result of which should be the throne, conformable to Article 53 of the restoration of general peace, and which the Act of the Constitutions of the 28th should also be the era of a solemn reconFloreal, year 12;-That he committed this ciliation of all the states of the great Euattack on the rights of the people, even in ropean Family -The Senate declares and adjourning, without necessity, the Legis- decrees as follows:-Art. 1. Napoleon lative Body, and causing to be suppressed, Bonaparte has forfeited the throne, and the as criminal, a report of that body, the title hereditary right established in his family is of which, and its share in the national re- | abolished.-2. The French people and the presentation, he disputed;-That he un army are released from their oath of fidelity dertook a series of war in violation of ar- towards Napoleon Bonaparte.-3. The ticle 50, of the act of the Constitutions of present decree shall be transmitted by a the 22d Frimaire, year 8; which purports, message to the Provisional Government of that declarations of war should be proposed, France, conveyed forthwith to all the dedebated, decreed, and promulgated in the partments and the armies, and immediately same manner as laws;-That he issued, proclaimed in all thequarters of the capital." unconstitutionally, several decrees, inflict- While the Senate was thus engaged ing the punishment of death; particularly in fulminating its decrees, the following the two decrees of the 5th of March last, correspondence took place betwixt Prince tending to cause to be considered as nation- Schwartzenberg and the Duke of Raguza al, a war which would not have taken place (Marmont) respecting the personal liberty but for the interests of his boundless ambi- and safety of Napoleon - April 3, 1814. tion;-That he violated the constitutional-Monsieur le Mareschall-I have the honlaws by his decrees respecting the prisoners of State;-That he annulled the responsibility of the Ministers, confounded all authorities, and destroyed the independence of judicial bodies.-Considering that the liberty of the press, established and consecrated as one of the rights of the nation, has been constantly subjected to the arbi-range yourself under the banners of the trary controul of his Police, and that at the same time he has always made use of the press to fill France and Europe with misrepresentations, false maxiins, doctrines fayourable to despotism, and insults on foreign governments :-That acts and reports heard by the Senate have undergone alterations in the publication;-Considering that, instead of reigning according to the terms of his oath, with a sole view to the interest, the happiness, and glory of the French People, Napoleon completed the misfortunes of his country by his refusal to treat on confroni the oath of allegiance towards the ditions which the national interests required him to accept, and which did not compromise the French honour;-By the abuse which he made of all the means entrusted to him in men and money;-By the abandonment of the wounded without 'dressings, without assistance, and without subsistence;-By various measures, the consequences of which were the ruin of the towns, the depopulation of the country, famine and contagious diseases;-Considering that, for all these causes, the Imperial

our to transmit to your Excellency, by a safe person, all the public papers and documents necessary to render your Excellency perfectly acquainted with the events which have taken place since you quitted the capital, as well as an invitation from the members of the Provisional Government to

good French cause. I supplicate you in the name of your country and humanity, to listen to the proposals which will put an end to the effusion of the precious blood of the brave men whom you command.SCHWARTZENBERG."- "Monsieur

le Mareschall-I have received the letter which your Excellency has done me the honour to address to me, as well as the papers which it inclosed. Public opinion has always been the rule of my conduct. The army and the people being exempt

Emperor Napoleon by the decree of the Senate, I am disposed to concur in an union between the army and the people, which will prevent all chance of civil war, and stop the effusion of blood; consequently I am ready to quit with my troops the army of the Emperor Napoleon, on the following conditions, of which I demand from you the guarantee in writing:-Art. 1. I, Charles, Prince of Schwartzenberg, Marshal and Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies, guarantee to all the French

and to give in his full and entire abdica-
tion. To-morrow I hope to have from
him the formal and authentic act, and
shall soon afterwards have the honour of
waiting upon your lordship. I am, &c.-
(Signed)-Prince of MOSKWA."-Fon-
tainbleau, April 5, Half-past 11 at night.

Next day Napoleon abdicated the thrones of France and Italy by the following declaration:-" The Allied Powers having proclaimed that the Emperor Napoleon was the only obstacle to the re-establish ment of the Peace of Europe, the Emperor Napoleon, faithful to his oath, declares that he renounces for himself and his heirs, the thrones of France and Italy, and that there is no personal sacrifice, even that of life, which he is not ready to make to the interest of France. Done at the Palace of Fontainbleau, the 6th April, 1814."

were under the controul of his judgment, the Senate held another meeting at which the following plan of a new Constitution, prepared by the Provisional Government, was presented and approved of:-"The Conservative Senate deliberating upon the plan of a constitution presented to it by the Provisional Government in execution of the act of the Senate of the 1st instant;—After having heard the report of the special com

troops, who, in consequence of the decree of the Senate of the 2d of April, shall quit the banners of Napoleon Bonaparte, that they may retire freely to Normandy, with their arms, baggage, and ammunition, and with the same considerations and military honours, which the allied troops reciprocally owe to each other.-2. That, if in consequence of this movement, the events of the war should cause the person of Napoleon Bonaparte to fall into the hands of the Allies, his life shall be guaranteed to him, and his liberty, in a space of ground and circumscribed territory, at the choice of the Allied Powers and the French Government. RAGUSA."-- "Monsieur le Mareschall-I cannot sufficiently express the satisfaction which I feel in learning the eagerness with which you accept the invitation of the Provisional government, to range yourselves conformably to the de- On the same day in which Napoleon gave cree of the 2d of this month, under the the above remarkable proof of magnanibanners of the French cause. The distin-mity, which shows how much his passions guished services which you have rendered to your country are generally acknowledged, but you have crowned them by restoring to their country, the few brave troops, who have escaped the ambition of a single man. I entreat you to believe that I particularly appreciate the delicacy of the article which you demand, and which I accept relative to the person of Napoleon. Nothing could better characterise that amiable generosity, which is natural to French-mission of seven members, Decrees as folmen, and which particularly distinguished low:-Art. 1. The French Government is the character of your excellency. Accept monarchical and hereditary from male to the assurance of my high consideration. male, in order of primogeniture.-2. The (Signed) SCHWARTZENBERG. At my French people call freely to the throne of head-quarters, April 4, 1814.” France Louis STANISLAUS XAVIER DE The following letter of Marshal Ney, FRANCE, brother of the last King, and Prince of Moskwa, was addressed to the after him the other members of the House Prince of Benevente, Chief of the Provi- of BOURBON, in the ancient order.-3, sional Government: "My Lord-I The ancient nobility resume their titles. proceeded to Paris yesterday with Marshal The new preserve theirs hereditarily. The the Duke of Tarentum and the Duke of legion of honour is maintained with its preVicenza, with full powers to the Emperor rogatives. The King shall fix the decoraof Russia to defend the interests of the tion.-4. The executive power belongs to dynasty of the Emperor Napoleon. An the King.-5. The King, the Senate, and unforeseen event broke off the negociations the Legislative Body, concur in the making which seemed at first to promise a favour-of laws.-Plans of laws may be equally ble termination. From that time I saw that to save our dear country from the frightful evils of civil war, it remained only for the French to embrace the cause of our ancient Kings, and I repaired to-night to the Emperor Napoleon to manifest this wish. The Emperor, convinced of the critical situation in which he had placed France, and the impossibility of saving her himself, has appeared disposed to resign,

proposed in the Senate and in the Legislative Body. Those relating to contributions can only be proposed in the Legislative Body. The King can invite equally the two Bodies to occupy themselves upon objects which he deems proper. The sanction of the King is necessary for the completion of a law.-6. There are 150 Senators at least, and 200 at most. Their dignity is immoveable, and hereditary from

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