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Elba. But, if there is any difference at | sanction an allowance to the lawful wife, all in the matter, it would have been in- which bore no manner of proportion. to finitely more to the honour of this country that granted to her more fortunate rival? to have kept from Napoleon the means of Was it morality, was it honour, that made doing evil, than to refuse to acknowledge us concur in that stipulation of the treaty, his imperial and kingly rank; for, in the which conferred the entire sovereignty of one case, if he is the dangerous and un- the Isle of Elba upon the worthless Napoprincipled character described, he has it in Icon, while we refused to accede to that bis power, with money in his hands, to sow part of the same treaty, by which the discord when and where he pleases; whereas French Emperor provided for the security. in the other, possessed of little more than of the persons and property of all Frenchthe vain and empty titles of his former men who had attached themselves to the greatness, he would be more the object of fortune's of his family? Was it, in becontempt and ridicule than that of fear.coming a party to this generous act, that the It was highly indecent, therefore, in this Allies strengthened revolutionary movebase writer, to accuse the Allies of ments; or were they less moral and less "strengthening revolutionary movements," honourable than us when they consented, and of acting "inconsistently" in their while we refused, to that other article, by conduct towards Napoleon, after the par- which Napoleon secured a safe conveyance ticipation which, it is plain, we have had home, with their arms and baggage, their in the business. Before any one attempted decorations, and pensions, to the Polish to censure the Allies for what they have troops in the service of France, as a tesdone, they should have been prepared to "timony of their honourable services ?”— shew, that they themselves had no concern Really one knows not what these honourwhatever in the transaction. It is not able men of the Times and Courier; these enough to say, that they discovered what modern sticklers for what they call evanappeared to them to be bad, and concurred gelical morality, would be at. What they only in the good; for, if there is any truth denounce crime and vice to-day, they extol in the axiom of law, that the partial vitia- to the skies to-morrow, as the first of virtion of a contract proves fatal to the whole, tues; what they pronounce dishonourable then the becoming an accessary to any part and immoral in the Allies, when it docs of the treaty with Napoleon, implicates the not readily meet their views, becomes party so acceding in the morality or im- all at once magnanimous and praiseworthy, morality of the entire transaction. But when they find it adopted by the party even were it otherwise, I have yet to learn whose cause they have determined on all that it was less moral, on the part of the occasions to espouse. When it was given Allies, to sanction the payment of one mil-out that this Government had positively lion of francs to the Empress Josephine, refused to become a party to the treaty with than it was, in Great Britain, to consent Napoleon, there was no part of it which to the arrangements which secured the full these writers censured with greater maligSovereignty of the Italian States to the nity than that which secures to him the enEmpress Maria Louisa, and to her son tire possession of the Isle of Elba. It was and his heirs in succession. Have we not then the changes were rung, from day to day, always said, at least, have not the writers upon all the abusive epithets they were in in the Times and the Courier repeatedly use to lavish upon him; it was then that affirmed, that Josephine was the lawful his crimes were multiplied and magnified wife of Napoleon, and that María Louisa to a tenfold greater degree than they had was only his mistress, and the young King been at any former period; and in all of Rome a bastard? They have even this it was plainly discovered that it was gone so far as to assert, that this child wished to render the Allied Sovereigns was not the offspring of the Arch-duchess, odious for the part, it was supposed, they But a spurious child imposed upon the crc- had exclusively taken in the business. dulous people of France.-Where, then,-Now it has been discovered, that we was the morality, where the honour of also had a share in the transaction, giving our sanction to an article of a treaty which secured to the mistress and the bastard of a vile Emperor, (according to these base newspapers) the possession of extensive domains, while we refused to

and actually subscribed to that article, which these men were so loud in condemning as the basest and the most dishonourable of the whole. But, instead of this discovery leading these infamous traducers

Art. 3. The Isle of Elba, adopted by his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon as the place of his residence, shall form, during his life, a separate principality, which shall be possessed by him in full Sovereignty and property; there shall be besides granted, in full property, to the Emperor Napoleon, an annual revenue of 2,000,000 francs, in rent charge, in the great book of France, of which 1,000,000 shall be in reversion to the Empress.

Art. 4. The Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, shall be granted, in full property and Sovereignty, to her Majesty the Empress Maria Louisa; they shall pass to her son, and to the descendants in the right line. The Prince her son shall from henceforth take the title of Prince of Parma, Placentia and Gaustalia.

to do justice to the motives of the Allies, Art. 2. Their Majesties the Emperor they have become the more bold and auda-Napoleon and Maria Louisa shall retain cious, and, in defiance of all decency, totally their titles and rank, to be enjoyed during regardless of all principle, they endeavour, their lives. The mother, the brothers, by the vilest sophistry, to convert into sisters, nephews, and nieces of the Empeelime the magnaminity of others, merely ror, shall also retain, wherever they may because it gratifies their malignant and re- reside, the titles of Princes of his family. vengeful dispositions towards an individual, whose conduct, if fairly balanced in the scale, would, perhaps, be found ten times more pure than that of his base accusers. That Napoleon has been guilty of many errors, none will deny; but that he has perpetrated the crimes which have been ascribed to him, is what not one amongst a thousand pretend to believe. At least, if they do say they believe those charges, it is not because they have examined them, but because they have taken them upon the word of others, whose motives they have not been at the trouble to investigate. The enly crime, in my opinion, of which Napoleon has been guilty, is that against liberty. Here he has enough to answer for, without loading him with imaginary crimes, which can serve no other purpose than to divert the attention from the real nature of his Art. 5. All the Powers engage to emoffence. It is to his enmity to freedom ploy their good offices to cause to be resthat all his misfortunes are to be traced,pected by the Barbary Powers the flag and and had these misfortunes been much territory of the Isle of Elba, for which purgreater than they have been, he would, for pose the relations with the Barbary Powers this cause alone, have deserved them all. shail be assimilated to those with France. But while we reprobate and deplore the conduct of the man upon grounds which are tenable, let us not forget the goodjesty the Emperor Napoleon, for himself which he has done to France, in consolida- and his family, domains or rent-charges in ting those admirable laws and institutions the great book of France, producing a reveto which the Rovolution gave birth, and nue, clear of all deductions and charges, of the benefits of which, I am persuaded, not- 2,500,000 francs. These domains or rents withstanding the great faults he committed, shall belong, in full property, and to be disit was his intention to communicate to sur-posed of as they shall think fit, to the Prinrounding nations. Inasmuch as his down- ces and Princesses of his family, and shall fall may have prevented or retarded this, it he divided amongst them in such manner may be considered a matter of regret; but, that the revenue of each shall be in the folviewed as the just reward of his apostacylowing proportion, viz. from liberty, it is a circumstance which no one who values genuine freedom can seriously deplore.


Art. 1. His Majesty the Emperor Na poleon renounces for himself, his successors, and descendants, as well as for all the members of his family, all right of sovereignty and dominion, as well to the French Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy, as over every other Country.

Art. 6. There shall be reserved in the territories hereby renounced, to his Ma

To Madame Mere...

Francs. ....300,000

To King Joseph and his Queen.... 500,000
To King Louis..

To the Queen Hortense and her


To King Jerome and his Queen.
To the Princess Eliza..
To the Princess Paulina,.



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The Princes and Princesses of the House of the Emperor Napoleon shall retain besides their property, moveable and im moveable, of whatever nature it may be, which they shall possess by individual and

public right, and the rents of which they shall enjoy (also as individuals.)

Art. 7. The annual pension of the Empress Josephine shall be reduced to 1,000,000, in domains, or in inscriptions in the great book of France: she shall continue to enjoy in full property, all her private property, moveable and immoveable, with power to dispose of it conformably to the French laws.

sequence furnish Cficers and men for


Art. 15. The French Imperial Guard shall furnish a detachment of from 1,200 to 1,500 men, of all arms, to serve as an escort to the Emperor Napoleon to St. Tropes, the place of his embarkation.

Art. 16. There shall be furnished a corvette, and the necesary transport vessels, to convey to the place of his destination his Art. 3. There shall be granted to Prince Majesty the Emperor Napoleon and his Engene, Viceroy of Italy, a suitable estab-household; and the corvette shall belong, lishment out of France. in full property, to his Majesty the Emperor. Art. 9. The property which his Majesty Art. 17. The Emperor Napoleon shall the Emperor Napoleon possesses in France, be allowed to take with him and retain as either as extraordinary domain, or of pri-his guard 400 men, volunteers, as well vate domain attached to the Crown, the officers, as sub-officers and soldiers. funds placed by the Emperor, either in the Art. 18. No Frenchman, who shall have great book of France, in the Bank of followed the Emperor Napoleon or his France, in the Actions des Ferets, or in any family, shall be held to have forfeited his other manner, and which his Majesty aban-rights as such, by not returning to France, dons to the Crown, shall be reserved as a within three years; at least they shall not capital, which shall not exceed 2,000,000, be comprised in the exceptions which the to be expended in gratifications in favour of French Government reserves to itself to such persons, whose names shall be contain-grant after the expiration of that term. ed in a list to be signed by the Emperor Napoleon, and shall be transmitted to the French Government..

Art. 10. All the Crown diamonds shall remain in France.

Art. 11. His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon shall return to the Treasury, and to the other public chests, all the sums and effects that shall have been taken out by his orders, with the exception of what has been appropriated from the Civil List.

Art. 19. The Polish troops of all arms, in the service of France, shall be at liberty to return home, and shall retain their arms and baggage, as a testimony of their ho nourable services. The officers, subofficers, and soldiers, shall retain the decorations which have been granted to them, and the pensions annexed to these decorations.

Art. 20. The high Allied Powers guarantee the execution of all the Articles of the present Treaty, and engage to obtain that it shall be adopted and guaranteed by


Art. 12. The debts of the Household of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, such as they were on the day of the signature of the present Treaty, shall be immediately dis- Art. 21. The present Act shall be raticharged out of the arrears due by the pub-fied, and the ratifications exchanged at lic Treasury to the Civil List, according to Paris within two days, or sooner if possible a list, which shall be signed by a CommisDone at Paris, the 11th of April, 1814. sioner appointed for that purpose. (L. S.) The Prince de METTERNICH. Art. 13. The obligations of the Mont-L.S.) J. P. Compte de STADION. Napoleon, of Milan, towards all the creditors, whether Frenchmen or foreigners, shall be exactly fulfilled, unless there shall be any change made in this respect.

Art. 14. There shall be given all the necessary passports for the free passage of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, or of the Empress, the Princes, and Princesses, and all the persons of their suites who wish to accompany them, or to establish themselves out of France, as well as for the passage of all the equipages, horses, and effects belonging to them. The Allied Powers shall in con




Marshal NEY.


The reception which your Majesty has experienced in England must compel you to reflect. The coarse but hearty welcome you, a stranger, bave met with, compared

with the discordant tones lavished upon the Prince Regent who was born and educated among the people of this country, and to whom, therefore, he must be thoroughly known, will convince you, that in a Savereign something besides rank and power are requisite to gain the people's affection; AND ON A PEOPLE'S AFFECTION RESTS


Emperor! to flattery I am a stranger, and unto flatterers be thou a foc.-Report speaks highly of thy intellect, and of thy heart. Justify that report. Let thy travels be to the advantage of Russia, and of mankind in general. At thy return be a second PETER, in thy endeavours to humarise and liberate thy subjects. Reign by love, and not by fear and terror. Sed not thy subject's blood through ambition, or for the gratification of courtiers. Drain not the people's substance to pamper sycophants, or encourage vice or treachery; and, finally, let thy subjects see in thee a pattern of justice, of temperance, and of morality.To them appear not a criminal. The consequences thou now seest, and then will experience.


withstanding all that scoffers and infidels have said on that score. Not only have we Consuls at Rome, to congratulate the Holy Father on his restoration to the cheir of St. Peter, but we were lately informed by the Courier, that the Pope had sent Cardinal Gonsalvi, his Minister for Foreign Affairs, to England, with a letter to the Prince Regent, thanking him for the active part his Royal Highness had taken in reestablishing the Roman Catholic Church upon its former basis. I do not know whother his Holiness styled our Regent " true Son of the Church;" but I am sure if he did not, he made a most ungrateful return for the benefits conferred on him by his Royal Highness. It has been said, that the Prince Regent is secretly attached to Catholic Emancipation, and would immediately confer that boon upon the Irish nation, were it not for the naughty interference of some of his father's Ministers. My opinion is, that those who are the loudest in their cry in behalf of the Irish, go the wrong way to work to better their condition. Instead of bawling about their eligibility to fill public situations, by which only a few at the most would be benefited, I think the best boon we could confer upon the Irish, would be to render them more civilized, and to destroy that abominable system of middle-men, which intervenes between the landholder and the peasant, and renders the situation of the latter more abject and deplorable, than that of the negroes in the West India Islands, respecting whom so much clamour is now raised against France, though there was not a word to be heard on the subject while these Islands remained in our own possession, or in that of the Allies. I was, at first, inclined to think that the Prince Regent, by the re

THE POPE. While Emperors, Kings, and Princes, are celebrating their grand jubilee in the capital of the British empire, to the inexpressible gratification of John Bull and his numerous family, accounts have arrived that his Holiness the Pope has also been exhibiting himself to the pious inhabitants of the ancient capital of the world. "The Holy Father," says an article under the head Rome, in the Paris Papers, "made his grand entrance into the Vatican, on the 24th instant. Before day-break an immense crowd, of all ranks, hastened through the gate at which his Holiness was ex-ception which, it is said, he gave to the pected to enter. He was received by their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain, and the Queen of Etruria, on quitting his carriage, at the country-house, La Justiniana, where he rested an hour.Messrs. Fagan and Dodds, the English Consuls, were then presented, and most graciously received. The Ministers from the Courts of Vienna, Portugal, Naples, &c. also formed part of the cavalcade, and the whole entered Rome amid the acclamations of the people. Several Addresses were, in the course of the day, presented to his Holiness." From this, it appears, that the war in which we were lately engaged, was really a war for religion, not

Pope's Legate, intended this as a prelude to some concessions in favour of the Irish Catholics; but the late proclamation issued in Ireland, by which the Catholic Board has been declared an illegal Assembly, satisfies me that it is not the intention of his Royal Highness to shew any greater countenance to the successor of the great Apostle, than what he has already done. This has greatly quieted my alarms, for I was afraid that we were on the eve of again becoming a Catholic nation in reality. I dislike the cant and rant of most of our modern sectarians, and would even prefer the reign of the Pope, to that empire over minds which these pradmen and visionaries


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are every where attempting to establish.-|ported must diminish the growth at home, But I still give the preference to the which is, in truth, allowing that it must Episcopal Church; not because I consider affect the price. To the extent of the its clergy the most virtuous of men, but taxes, the British farmer is entitled to because they are, in general, more tolerant protection against even the chance of loss: and less bigotted, than either the Catholic it is not only justice but good policy, and clergy or the preachers among the Dis- by it the real interest of the consumers of corn will be best consulted.-Moreover, as you yourself have shewn, it is a measure POWER AND RIGHT. imperious upon the Government. It is SIR,- Hume says, the origin of the fruit of their system-and to them it "all Right is Power;" and another of ought to have been left. We should then equal celebrity asserts, that the nation that have seen none of that hypocritical oppoholds "the trident of Neptune" must al-sition on the part of those who must be ways rule the world by commanding its wealth. If those observations be just, which I believe no one will doubt, why do your friend Cobb make such a pother about taxes; for have they not been very generally caused by the system adopted for "the liberation of Europe ?" Do we not possess a naval force more than a match for all the rest of the world ? Have we not sugar, coffee, ginger, pepper, nutmegs, &c. for which nearly all Europe must depend upon us? Why, then, do we hesitate in laying a thumping export duty on them, in order to reimburse ourselves, in part, at least, for the vast expense we have been at, by obliging the Continental consumers to pay us a proper tribute on them, as the best means we can adopt for that end, or why our boasted naval superiority and maritime rights? BOB SHORT.

Clifton, June 13th, 1814.


convinced of its absolutè necessity—if the interest of the debt is to be paid. At page 720 of your last number, (in the same Letter to the good People of Southampton) you allude to the depreciation as one cause of the high prices, and as another reason for restriction-that is, as alledged by the farmers. But it must be evident, that the depreciation is always a sufficient protection against its own effects. It has no doubt a very important share in the rise of prices, but this circumstance affects the foreign grower of corn in the same way as the British. A Polish farmer, or rather merchant, who, twenty years ago, sent his wheat to this country, and sold it with advantage at forty shillings a quarter, cannot do so now. Two pounds sterling were then equal to a certain quantity of gold or silver. Now, they will not produce so much of these metals by a third at least, and in that proportion (other things supSIR,-After the nonsense which we have posed equal) must he be paid in the present of late been subjected to read, on the sub-depreciated paper. The state of the fo ject of the Corn Bill, it does one good, at reign exchange is the unerring index to last, to meet with a little common sense. every foreigner upon this subject. It is I allude to your Letter to the People of odd, that with the immenso exports from Southampton; and I sincerely hope it may the predictions and assertions in Parlia this country of late, and still more from tend to produce a more correct way of thinking through the country in general. ment, by men who ought to know these There is one point upon which I cannot matters, that a change has not taken place: altogether agree with you; and that is, nothing for it but patience!I am, Sir, But we must have patience!-There is the impropriety and inefficiency of any restriction at all. It is allowed, that the your constant Reader, taxes, direct and indirect, affecting the growers of corn in this country, amount FRENCH HOUSE OF COMMONS.-The to some pounds per acre; of course to a Chamber of Deputies at Paris, which corconsiderable sum per quarter of wheat, responds with the plan of our House of call it twenty shillings. Is not the same Commons, heid its first sitting on the 13th protecting power, which imposed this bur-inst. Though the debates were no way den upon the British agriculturist, bound interesting, being of a personal nature bein justice to tax foreign corn in the same tween two of the members respecting the proportion, when imported into this coun- right of foreigners to a seat in the Assemtry, however small the quantity may be? bly, I have given the Report of it below as You seem to allow that every quarter im-a curiosity, and that some idea may be

Mid-Lothian, 8th June, 1814.


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