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" willingly acknowledge the readiness with which the Netherland Plenipotentiaries have entered into Stipulations, calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of Trade between the Subjects of the Two Crowns, and their respective Dependencies in that part... "
1761-1829 - Page 619
by Georg Friedrich Martens - 1839
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The Oriental herald and colonial review [ed. by J.S. Buckingham]., Volume 2

James Silk Buckingham - 1824 - 662 pages enter into arrangement* calculated to encourage the most complete liberty of commerce between the subjects of the two crowns, and their respective The undersigned are authorized to express the entire adherence of his Britannic Majesty to the enlightened views of his Majesty the King of Ihe Netherlands....
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Nouveaux suppléments au Recueil de traités... depuis 1761 jusqu'ŕ présent ...

Europe - 1839 - 862 pages
...(LS) Ä. R. FALCK. (LS) GWW WYNN. subjects of the two crowns, and their respective de- ' pendencies, in that part of the world. The undersigned are authorized to express the füll concurrence of His Britannic Majesty, in the enlightened vievvs of His Majesty the King of The...
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The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the Suppression of ..., Volume 2

Sir Henry Keppel, Sir James Brooke - Borneo - 1846 - 390 pages
...have entered into stipulations calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of trade between the subjects of the two crowns, and their respective dependencies in that part of the world. The undersigned are authorised to express the full concurrence of his Britannic Majesty in the enlightened views of his...
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A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sunnuds, Relating to ..., Volume 1

India. Foreign and Political Department - Great Britain - 1862 - 388 pages
...have entered into Stipulations, calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of Trade between the subjects of the Two Crowns, and their respective Dependencies,...authorized to express the full concurrence of His Britannick Majesty, in the enlightened views of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Aware of the...
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Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Oost-Indische bezittingen, Volumes 1-2

Johannes Jacobus Meinsma - Indonesia - 1872 - 720 pages
...have entered into stipulations calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of trade between the subjects of the two crowns, and their respective dependencies, in that part of the world. The undersigned are anthorised to express the full concurrence of His Britannic Majesty in the enlightened views of HM...
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A collection of treaties, engagements, and sunnuds relating to ..., Volume 1

India - 1876 - 548 pages
...have entered into Stipulations, calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of Trade between the subjects of the Two Crowns and their respective Dependencies,...authorized to express the full concurrence of His Britannick Majesty, in the enlightened views of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Aware of the...
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Handbook of Treaties, &c., Relating to Commerce and Navigation Between Great ...

Great Britain, Great Britain. Foreign Office - Great Britain - 1908 - 1222 pages
...have entered into Stipulations, calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of Trade between the Subjects of the Two Crowns, and their respective Dependencies...authorized to express the full concurrence of His Britanuick Majesty, in the .enlightened views . of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Aware of...
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Rijks geschiedkundige publicatiën: Groote serie, Issue 40

Archives - 1918 - 704 pages
...have entered into stipulations calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of trade between the subjects of the two crowns and their respective dependencies in that part of the world." The note of the Netherland plenipotentiaries *), in answer to that of the British ministers, declares,...
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Documenten betreffende de buitenlandsche handelspolitiek van Nederland in de ...

Nicolaas Wilhelmus Posthumus - Netherlands - 1921 - 522 pages
...have entered into stipulations, calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of trade between the subjects of the two crowns and their respective dependencies in that part of the world". How this „solemn disavowal" is to be reconciled with the gradual approaches at restriction, prohibition...
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Recueil des traités et conventions conclus par le royaume des Pays ..., Volume 2

Netherlands - Netherlands - 1859 - 414 pages
...have entered into stipulations calculated to promote the most perfect freedom of trade between the subjects of the two crowns , and their respective...dependencies , in that part of the world. The undersigned are authorised to express the fall concurrence of His Britannic Majesty in the enlightened views of HM...
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