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" His Majesty is authorized, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order or Orders in Council to be published, from time to time, in the London Gazette, to... "
1761-1829 - Page 639
by Georg Friedrich Martens - 1839
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 63; Volume 1225

Great Britain - Law - 1823 - 1102 pages
...77. 729 II. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty, by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order or Orders in Council as aforesaid, whenever it shall be deemed expedient, to levy and charge any additional Duty or Duties...
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British and Foreign State Papers, Volume 12

Great Britain - 1826 - 1052 pages and with the Advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order or Orders in Council, to^be published from time to time in the London Gazette,...Port or Ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of any other of His Majesty's Dominions, of any Foreign Vessels, upon payment of such...
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Great Britain - 1828 - 1278 pages
...Orders in Council, to be published from time to time in the London Gazette, to permit and authorize the entry into any Port or Ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of any other of His Majesty's* Dominions, of any Foreign Vessels, upon payment of such...
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British and Foreign State Papers, Volume 10

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Great Britain - 1828 - 1196 pages
...from and after the passing \<l this Act, it shall and may be lawful to an;l .for His Majesty, fe^ »nd with the advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order W Orders in Council, to be published from time to time in -the LM'dtm Gazette, (whenever it shall be...
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Practical Abridgement of the Laws of Customs and Excise ...

Commerce - 1819 - 1216 pages
...his royal proclamation, to be issued by the advice of his privy council, or by His Majesty s order in council to be published from time to time in the London Gazette, to direct such duty as shall be therein specified, to be paid in the ports of Great Britain on the entering...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1823 - 1230 pages
...II. And II. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty, by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order or Orders in Council as aforesaid, whenever it shall be deemed expedient, to levy and charge any additional Duty or Duties...
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A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the ..., Volume 1

Joseph Chitty - Commercial law - 1824 - 1090 pages
...the king, by his royal proclamation, to be issued by the advice of his privy council, or by his order in council to be published from time to time in the London Gazette, to direct such duty as shall be therein specified, to be paid in the ports of Great Britain on the entering...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 64; Volume 1225

Great Britain - Law - 1824 - 826 pages
...Majesty, by Onlurin Coiinand with the Advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's cil "ny direct Order or Orders in Council, to be published from time to time in I"''lltlon!l1 Tl'"the London Gazette (whenever it shall be deemed expedient), to "^jonVcs. levy and...
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The Laws of the Customs, Compiled by Direction of the Lords Commissioners of ...

Great Britain, James Deacon Hume - Customhouses - 1825 - 570 pages
...Sect. 2. AND be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty, by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order or Orders in Council as aforesaid, whenever it shall be deemed expedient, to — levy and charge any additional Duty or...
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The Laws of the Customs: Compiled by the Direction of the Lords ..., Volumes 1-3

Great Britain, James Deacon Hume - Customs administration - 1827 - 676 pages
...THAT from and after the passing of this Act, it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty, by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, or by His Majesty's Order orOrders in Council, to be published from Time to Time in the London Gazette, to authorize the —...
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