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These stipulations in favour of British commerce shall remain in force during the continuance of the present Convention, and as far as the Act of Parliament of the 5th July, 1825, shall continue to grant to the navigation and commerce of Sweden, equivalent facilities of the same nature.

XI. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, mutually agree that no higher or other duties shall be levied, in any of their dominions, upon any personal property of their respective subjects, on the removal of the same from the dominions of their said Majesties, reciprocally, either upon the inheritance of such property, or otherwise than are or shall be payable in each State upon the like property, when removed by a subject of such State, respectively.

XII. The present Convention shall be in force for the term of 10 years, from the date hereof, and further, until the end of 12 months after either of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same; each of the High Contracting Parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other, at the end of the said term of 10 years; and it is hereby agreed between them, that at the expiration of 12 months, after such notice shall have been received by either party from the other, this Convention, and all the provisions thereof, shall altogether cease and determine.

XIII. The present Convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London. within 6 weeks from the date hereof, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the 18th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1826. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. (L. S.) WILLIAM HUSKISSON.

(L. S.) STIERneld.

Dessa Stadganden till förmån för Engelska han- 1826 deln skola äga kraft och verkan under fortvarandet af denna Convention, och för så widt, som Parlaments Acten af den 5. Julii år 1825 fortfar att lemna lika och motsvarande förmåner åt Svenska handeln och sjöfarten.

XI. Hans Majestät Konungen af Sverige och Norrige, samt Hans Majestät Konungen af det förenade Konungariket Stora Britannien och Irland, öfverenskomma sins emellan, att ingen högre eller olika afgift skall, uti deras respective Länder, blifva deras undersåtare affordrad för Engendom som öfverflyttas från det ena till det andra af Högstberörde Deras Majestäters Länoer, antingen genom arf, eller annorledes, an som uti hvardera af de båda Magternas Länder, skulle erläggas af samma slags Egendom öfverflyttad af en detta Landsundersåte.


XII. - Närvarande Convention skall fortfara uti Tio år, att räkna från denna dag, samt utöfver denna tid, intilldess Tolf Månader äro förflutne sedan den ena af de Höga Contraherande Magterne, för den andra tillkännagifvit sin afsigt att uphäfva den sammá, hvardera af de Höga Contraherande Magterne förbehållit, att göra den andra ett sådant tillkännagifvande vid sluttet af förberörde Tio år, och är det emellan Dem öfverenskommit att, wid utgängen af Tolf Månader sedan att sådant tillkännagifvande af endera af de Höga Contraherande Magterne blifvit af den andra emottagit, skall denna Convention, och alla stadganden, som deruti innehållas, uphöra att, å någondera sidan, vara förbindande.

XIII. Närvarande Convention skall ratificeras och ratificationerne deraf utvexlas i London innom en tid af sex veekor, eller förr, om sig så göra låter.

Till yttermera visso hafva de ömsesidiga befullmägtigade underteknat den samma, och den med deras Insegel bekräftat.

Som skedde i London den 18. Mars; år efter

Christi Börd, 1826.

(L. S.)


Nouv. Supplém. Tome II.



Additional Article.

As it may sometimes happen that a Swedish or Norwegian vessel trading to the possessions held by the British East India Company in the East Indies, under the 8th Article of the Convenof this date, may find it expedient to dispose of the whole or part of her cargo, on her homeward bound voyage, in other ports than those of Sweden and Norway, it is hereby agreed, that any such vessel may proceed, with such cargo, to any foreign place or port whatsoever, not being within the limits of the East-India Company's Charter, and excepting the United Kingdom of Great-Britain and Ireland and its dependencies.

The present additional Article shall have the same force and validity as if it were inserted word for word, in the Convention signed this day. It shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time.

In Witness whereof; the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the 18th day of March 1826. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. (L. S.) STIERNeld. (L. S) WILLIAM HUSKISSON.


Acte du Parlament d'Angleterre en execution des Traités de commerce conclus avec Buenos-Ayres, Colombie et autres Pays de l'Amérique. En date du 22. Mars 1826.

Whereas Treaties of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation have been concluded between His Majesty and the Republics of the States of the Rio de la Plata and of Colombia respectively: And whereas it is expedient to give effect to such parts of the said Treaties as require the sanction of Parliament; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by

Additionel Artikel.

Då det någongång fkulle kunna hända att ett Svenskt eller Norskt Fartyg, som drifver handel med besittningarne tillhörande Engelska Ost-Indiska Compagniet uti Ost-Indien, j följd af de uti VIIIde Artikeln af denna Convention innehållne stadganden, funne lämpeligt att föryttra eller aflasta hela sin retour - last, eller en del deraf, i andra hamnar än Sveriges och Norriges, så är, genom närvarande Artikel öfverenskommit att ett sådant Fartyg skall kunna begifva sig med sin last til hvilken hamn som helst, undantagande till dem, som befinna sig innom de af Ost-Indiska Compagniets Privilegi er föreskrefne gränsor, samt det förenade Konungariket Stora Britannien och Irland och de detsamma underlydande Länders hamnar.

Närvarande Additionella Artikel, skall äga samma kraft och verkan, som om den ord för ord wore införd uti Conventionen af denna dag. Den skall ratisiceras och ratificationerne utvexlas på samma gång.

Till yttermera visso hafva de ömsesidiga Befullmägtigade underteknat densamma och den med deras Insegel bekräftat.

Som skedde i London den 18. Mars år efter Christi Börd, 1826.

(L. S.)



and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that all ships of whatever built, and of whatever way acquired, being duly owned and navigated as the ships of the said Republics respectively, shall, for the term of 7 years, from the respective dates of such Treaties, be deemed to be the ships of those countries respectively, in all places under British dominion; any thing in the law of navigation to the contrary notwithstanding.

II. And whereas Treaties of the like nature may be concluded between His Majesty and other countries in America not yet provided with national merchant shipping, built or acquired in manner required by the law of navigation: be it therefore enacted, That all ships,

1826 of whatever built, and in whatever way acquired, being duly owned and navigated as the ships of particular countries in America, shall be deemed to be the ships of such countries respectively, in all places under British dominion, for any term not exceeding 7 years, agreed to in that behalf in any Treaty between His Majesty and any of such countries respectively; any thing in the law of navigation to the contrary notwithstanding.


Déclaration du Bey de Tunis. En date du 13. Avril 1826.

Louange à Dieu, etc.

Hassan - Bacha-Bey à son Très Fidèle Allié et véritable ami le Roi de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande.

Attendu qu'il nous a été représenté qu'une grossière insulte a été faite au pavillon anglais en ce qui concerne le vaisseau anglais le Marc-Antoine, en violation des Traités existant, entre Nous et Sa Majesté le Roi de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, nous nions, par les présentes, avoir aucune connaissance d'un tel outrage, et en signe de notre sincère regret à cette occasion, nous desirons offrir à Sadite Majesté le Roi de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande notre assurance formelle que nous prendrons des mesures pour prévenir le renouvellement de procédés semblables, en ordonnant et enjoignant à tous et chacun de nos officiers et autres personnes nous devant hommage et obéissance, de réprimer, sous leur responsabilité, toute molestation ou injure faite par parole ou par action à des sujets anglais, leurs vaisseaux ou propriétés dans l'intérieur de nos domaines, mais au contraire de leur montrer tout le respect qui leur est dû en conformité avec les Traités et nos intentions; quiconque enfreindra cet ordre, sera puni d'une manière exemplaire.

Tout salut est en Dieu. Ecrit dans la lune de Ramadan, 1241 de l'Hégire. A. D. 13. Avril 1826. Signé: THOMAS READE.

Consul - général de la Grande-Bretagne.

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