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ENGLAND. Both Houses of Parliament meet, after adjournment for the

Christmas Recess, on the 10th of February - In the House of Lords the

Earl of Derby endeavours to elicit from the Prime Minister a statement

of his intended measures-The Earl of Aberdeen declines to afford any

further explanation of the intentions of Government-On the 14th the

Lord Chancellor makes a full statement respecting the Law Reforms about

to be introduced by him-Remarks of Lord St. Leonards and Lord Camp-

bell upon the intended measures-In the House of Commons, on the 10th

of February, Lord John Russell states the principal measures designed

by the Government in the present Session. PERSECUTION OF PROTESTANTS

IN TUSCANY-Mr. Kinnaird, on the 17th of February, moves an Address

to the Crown on the Treatment of the Madiais - The Motion is seconded

by Lord Dudley Stuart-Speeches of Mr. Lucas, Lord John Russell, Mr.

Bowyer, Mr. Drummond, Sir R. H. Inglis, Lord Palmerston, and other

Members - The Motion is ultimately withdrawn. RELATIONS WITH

FRANCE-Mr. Disraeli calls the attention of the House of Commons to

this subject in a speech in which he comments with some severity on

recent speeches of Cabinet Ministers-He is answered by Lord John

Russell Speeches of Mr. Cobden, Sir J. Graham, Mr. M. Gibson, Mr.

Baillie, and Lord Dudley Stuart-On the 4th of April, Lord Campbell

alludes, in the House of Lords, to the presentation of an Address from

the City of London to the French Emperor-A debate takes place, in

which the Lord Chancellor and other Peers take part. EDUCATION AT

MAYNOOTH COLLEGE-Mr. Spooner moves for an Inquiry into the System

-Mr. Scholefield opposes the Motion and moves an Amendment, which

is seconded by Sir W. Clay-A long debate takes place, and is resumed

upon adjournment, in which numerous Members take part-The original

Motion being defeated by a division of 192 against 162, the debate is

continued upon the Amendment, which is finally negatived by 262 to 68

-In the House of Lords the same subject is brought under discussion

by the Earl of Winchilsea, who moves for a Committee of Inquiry-Lord

Aberdeen opposes the Motion, proposing, by way of Amendment, the

appointment of a Commission of Inquiry-A debate ensues, in which the

Earls of Roden, Desart, Shaftesbury, and Derby, the Dukes of Leinster

and Argyll, the Marquesses of Clanricarde and Lansdowne, and other

Peers take part-Upon a division the Motion is negatived. CANADIAN

CLERGY RESERVES-On the 15th of February Mr. F. Peel moves for leave
to bring in a Bill to enable the Legislature of Canada to make provision

concerning the Clergy Reserves-He prefaces his statement by a history

of the past and present state of the question-On the Motion for the

Second Reading in the House of Commons, on the 4th of March, Sir J.

Pakington moves that the Bill be read a second time that day six months

-His speech-He is supported by Lord J. Manners, Mr. Napier, Sir R.

Inglis and others-The Second Reading is advocated by Sir W. Moles-

worth, Mr. Adderly, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr. Vernon,

and is carried by 275 to 192-Another debate arises on the Third Read-

ing, which Mr. Walpole moves to postpone for six months-His Speech-

He is supported by Mr. Drummond, Mr. Napier, Sir J. Pakington, and

others-Mr. Peel, the Solicitor-General, Lord John Russell, and other

Members vindicate the measure, and the Third Reading is carried by

228 to 208-In the House of Lords the Second Reading is moved on the

22nd of April by the Duke of Newcastle-The Bishop of Exeter moves

that the Bill be read a second time that day six months-A debate

ensues in which Lords Lyttelton and St. Leonards, the Bishop of Norwich,

and the Earls of Derby and Grey take part-On the suggestion of the

Earl of Derby the Amendment is withdrawn, and the opposition reserved

for the Committee-Upon the House going into Committee, on the 25th

of April, a long debate arises on an Amendment proposed by the Earl of

Derby to the first clause-His Speech-He is followed by the Duke of

Newcastle, Lords Wicklow, Wharncliffe, Desart, and St. Leonards, the

Duke of Argyll and Earl Grey, and the Bishops of St. David's, London,

Oxford, and Exeter-The Amendment is rejected by 117 against 77, and

the Bill is passed

Lord J. Russell moves for a Committee of the whole House to consider the

Jewish Disabilities-It is opposed by Sir R. Inglis, Sir R. Peel, Mr.

Napier, and Mr. Wigram, and supported by Lord Monck, Mr. W. D. Sey-

mour, Mr. O'Connell, and Lord Drumlanrig-Upon a division the Motion

is carried, and a Bill ordered to be brought in--The Bill is debated on

the Second and Third Reading, but no new arguments are adduced-

The principal speakers against it are Sir F. Thesiger, Lord Graham,

Mr. H. Drummond, Lord Adolphus Vane, Mr. Henley, Mr. Newdegate,

Mr. Cumming Bruce, Mr. Whiteside, Mr. Goulburn, and Mr. Walpole-

In its favour are Mr. B. Osborne, Mr. J. Herbert, Lord J. Russell, Serjeant

Murphy, the Solicitor-General, Mr. Bright, and Mr. Fitzroy-The Bill

passes the Commons-In the House of Lords the Second Reading is pro-

posed by the Earl of Aberdeen-The Earl of Shaftesbury moves that the

Bill be read a second time that day six months-A debate ensues, in

which the Bill is supported by the Earl of Albemarle, the Archbishop of

Dublin, the Bishop of St. David's, and Lord Brougham, and opposed by

the Earl of Darnley, the Bishop of Salisbury, the Earls of Winchilsea

and Harrowby, and is lost upon a division by 164 to 115-On the 7th of

April the Earl of Aberdeen announces to the House of Lords the Birth

of a Prince, and their Lordships vote a congratulatory Address to Her

Majesty The same vote is passed in the House of Commons on the

Motion of Lord John Russell, seconded by Mr. Disraeli. NATIONAL

EDUCATION-Lord John Russell states at great length the views and

intentions of the Government upon this subject-Remarks of Mr. Ewart,

Mr. Hume, Mr. W. J. Fox, Sir R. Inglis, Mr. Phinn, Mr. Wigram, Mr.

Blackett, Lord J. Manners, and Mr. Gladstone. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS-

The Chancellor of the Exchequer introduces his resolutions on the subject
of the National Debt-After a number of observations and criticisms by

The discussion on the Ministerial propositions begins on the 25th of April

-Sir E. B. Lytton moves an Amendment to the first Resolution-His

Speech-The debate is continued for four nights-Speeches of Mr. E.

Denison, Mr. Booker, Mr. Hume, Colonel Sibthorp, Mr. Fagan, Mr. Buck,

Mr. Blackett, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Maguire, Mr. Warner, Mr. Newdegate,

Mr. Monckton Milnes, Mr. Drummond, Mr. Muntz, Mr. Stanhope, Mr. J.

Ball, Mr. Grogan, Mr. Cobden, Mr. Serjeant Shee, Mr. J. L. Ricardo, Mr.

French, Mr. Bellew, Mr. Sanders, Sir F. Baring, Lord Lovaine, Mr. C.

Fortescue, the Marquess of Granby, Sir C. Wood, Mr. G. H. Moore, Mr.

J. M. M'Gregor, Colonel Harcourt, and others; Lord Jocelyn, Mr. Card-

well, Mr. Cairns, Sir W. Clay, Sir F. Kelly, Mr. Lowe, Mr. J. Butt, Mr.

Serjeant Murphy, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Disraeli, and Lord John Russell-

The Amendment is negatived by 323 to 252-Other Amendments are

moved, and some hot altercations arise amongst the Irish Members-

Mr. Lawless moves to exempt Ireland-In the course of the debate which

follows, great confusion and interruption is caused by a charge of cor-

rupting Irish Members made against the Ministry by Mr. Duffy-Mr.

Lawless's Amendment is rejected-Captain Maguire's charge against the

Government of breach of contract with the Irish Members occasions some

further angry discussion-Mr. R. Palmer moves an Amendment-In the

debate which follows he is supported by Mr. Miles, Mr. Buck, Mr.

Aglionby, Mr. Spooner, Sir W. Jolliffe, Mr. Disraeli, Lord John Manners;

and opposed by Captain Scobell, Mr. Phillips, Colonel Harcourt, Mr.

Bright, Sir T. Acland, Mr. Gladstone, and Lord John Russell Upon

a division the Amendment is negatived-Mr. Vansittart proposes an

Amendment-Sir F. Kelly, Mr. Banks, and others speak in support of,

and Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Bright, and Sir J. Shelley against it-Upon

division the House supports the original Resolution-A Resolution is

then moved by Colonel Dunne-Mr. Gladstone, Sir J. Pakington, Lord

C. Hamilton, Mr. Scully, Mr. Maguire, Mr. Ball, and Mr. O'Connell take

part in the discussion which ensues-Ít is rejected by 194 to 61; as also

are other Amendments moved in Committee by Lord C. Hamilton, Mr.

Frewen, Dr. Michell, Mr. Walpole, Mr. J. Butt, Mr. Spooner, Mr. G. A.

Hamilton, Mr. Blackett, and others-The Third Reading is carried, after

a short discussion, by 129 to 55-Clauses moved by Sir F. Kelly and Sir

A. Campbell are rejected, and upon the Motion of Mr. Gladstone, five

new Clauses are added-In the House of Lords the Earl of Aberdeen

moves the Second Reading-His Speech-The Earl of Derby states his

objections to the Bill-After some discussion, in which Lords Portman,

Berners, and Brougham, the Marquesses of Clanricarde and Lansdowne,

and the Earl of Wicklow take part, the Bill is read a second time-Lord

Brougham offers some opposition to the Third Reading-Amendments

are proposed by the Earls of Wicklow and Lucan, and a debate ensues,

but the Amendments having been rejected, the Bill is passed

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