Page BRUNSWICK. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with London, 13th October, 1862. 1149 Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- Turkey, &c. merce. Navigation. Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Navigation. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 C. CHARLESTON. Correspondence. Great Britain and United States. Sus- CHILE. Speech of President. Opening of National Congress. 1860, 1861. 1179 Santiago, 1st June, 1860. 430 CHINA. Order in Council (British). Enabling British Subjects to enter Military and Naval Service of Emperor of 482 CLAIMS. Correspondence. COLOMBIA. Decree. Right of Foreigners to hold Real Property. Bogotá, 10th June, 1862. 1224 COMORO ISLANDS. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade. CONCORDAT. Rome and Equator 1861. 628 Murder of .1861, 1862. 237 COPYRIGHT. Act of Parliament (British). Protection of Inventions and 29th April, 1862. 453 (Do.) Amending Law relating to Copy- right in Works of the Fine Arts; and for repressing com- 29th July, 1862. 465 Order in Council (British). Privileges of Copyright to Hesse- Darmstadt Authors, &c., of Works of Literature and the Osborne, 5th February, 1862. 477 CORRESPONDence. Great Britain and Abyssinia, &c. Political and Com- mercial Relations with Abyssinia. 1846-1860. 772 Great Britain and Lagos. British Occupation of Lagos....1860-1862. 173 CORRESPONDENCE. Page Great Britain and Mexico, &c. Affairs of Mexico. Great Britain and Prussia. Arrest and Imprison- Great Britain and United States. Suspension of Prussia and United States. 64 1860, 1861. 1179 Subjects to the United States. Liability of 1840-1860. 1232 relative to the Slave Trade, 1860, 1861. See SLAVE TRADE. CRIMINALS. See EXTRADITION. D. DANUBE. Order in Council (British). Enforcement of Rules, Orders, &c., (Do.) DECLARATIONS. See TREATIES. of Joint Commission for regulating Osborne, 6th January, 1862. 473 Windsor, 21st March, 1862. 479 DECREE (Colombian). Right of Foreigners to hold Real Property. Bogotá, 10th June, 1862. 1224 (French). Promulgation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Paris, 26th February, 1862. Promulgation of Consular Convention with Spain, of Debt due by Spain to France, 122 139 152 153 DECREE (French). Promulgation of Boundary Treaty with Spain, of 14th Page April, 1862 Fontainebleau, 18th June, 1862. 155 164 (Honduras). Extradition of Criminals, Refugees from Belize. Santa Rosa, 17th May, 1862. 951 (Mexican). Suspension of Treasury Payments for 12 months. Mexico, 29th May, 1862. 259 Suspension of Payments to British, French, and 294 294 348 Mexico, 15th November, 1861. 404 (Paraguay). Treatment of Foreigners. Assumption, 20th May, 1845. 1025 (Spanish). Re-incorporation of San Domingo with Spanish Dominions DENMARK. Act of Parliament (British). Aranjuez, 19th May, 1861. 1351 29th July, 1862. 470 (Do.) Rectifying Clerical Error in the TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with 27 Caracas, 19th December, 1862. 753 DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. Correspondence. Great Britain, France, Spain, ENLISTMENT. Correspondence. United States and Prussia. Compulsory Page Decree (Honduras). Extradition of Criminals, Refugees from Belize. Law (Belgian). Extradition of Criminals. Brussels, 1st October, 1833. 1033 Santa Rosa, 17th May, 1862. 951 (Do.) Extradition of Criminals. Windsor, 22nd March, 1856. 1035 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with |