EXTRADITION. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, contd., viz. :—with Belgium and Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt. Con- vention. Page Extradition of Criminals. Belgium and Schwartzburg-Sondershausen. Con- FRANCE. Correspondence with Great Britain. ........................ Abyssinia. 1846-1860. 772 Decree. Promulgation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Promulgation of Consular Convention with Italy, of and Spanish Claimants. Mexico, 17th July, 1861. 294 Notification. Blockade of Ports of Tampico and Alvarado, in Gulf of Mexico......... ..Paris, 5th June, 1862. 487 Blockade of Tampico, raised in favour of Neutral Vessels, not carrying Contraband of War. Sacrificios, 8th September, 1862. 491 ..... Great Britain. Regulations. Postal. Paris, 26th July, 1862. 164 Spain. Convention. Consular. (Do.) Convention. Spanish Debt. 152 (Do.) Convention. Peru. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navi- Madrid, 7th January, 1862. 139 Paris, 15th February, 1862. Prizes. 1823, 1824. Paris, 15th February, 1862. 154 (Do.) Treaty. Boundaries. Bayonne, 14th April, 1862. 156 FRANKFORT. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with FREE LABOURERS. Frankfort, 27th May, 1852. 1079 Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 See SLAVE TRADE. Correspondence. FUNDAMENTAL LAW. Kingdom of Austria. Vienna, 26th February, 1861. 1218 29th July, 1862. 470 a Clerical Error in Act for carrying into effect the 7th August, 1862. 464 Correspondence with Abyssinia. Political and Commer- cial Relations with Abyssinia. GREAT BRITAIN. Correspondence with Mexico, &c. Affairs of Mexico. Page Non-Settlement of Claims of British with The United States. 1860, 1861. Federal Custom House at Charleston. 64 Decree (Mexican). Suspension of Payments to British, Notification. Greek Blockade of part of Gulf of Argolis. 294 London, 25th July, 1862. 488 488 489 London, 2nd September, 1862. London, 3rd November, 1862. 489 London, 12th December, 1862. Order in Council. Enforcement of Rules, Orders, &c., 490 Osborne, 6th January, 1862. 473 Osborne, 5th February, 1862. 477 GREAT BRITAIN. Order in Council. Exercise of Power and Jurisdiction over British and Ionian Subjects by Page Windsor, 21st March, 1862. 479 Windsor, 30th August 1862. 482 Protocol with Turkey, &c. Servia. Kanlidja, 4th September, 1862. 1141 Speech of Lords Commissioners. Opening of Parlia- ment TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with 1 3 |