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EXTRADITION. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, contd., viz. :—with

Belgium and Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt. Con-



Extradition of Criminals.
Frankfort, 8th June, 1853. 1103

Belgium and Schwartzburg-Sondershausen. Con-
vention. Extradition of Criminals.

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FRANCE. Correspondence with Great Britain.


Abyssinia. 1846-1860. 772
with Great Britain. Slave Trade................1861. 629
with Great Britain. Affairs of Mexico. Sus-
pension of Diplomatic Relations. Combined
operations of Great Britain, France, and Spain
against Mexico
1861, 1862. 237

Decree. Promulgation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and
Navigation with Peru, of 9th March, 1861.

[blocks in formation]

Promulgation of Consular Convention with Italy, of
26th July, 1862 Biarritz, 24th September, 1862. 164
(Mexican). Suspension of Payments to British, French,

and Spanish Claimants.

Mexico, 17th July, 1861. 294

Notification. Blockade of Ports of Tampico and Alvarado, in

Gulf of Mexico......... ..Paris, 5th June, 1862. 487

Blockade of Tampico, raised in favour of Neutral

Vessels, not carrying Contraband of War.

Sacrificios, 8th September, 1862. 491

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Great Britain.

Regulations. Postal.

[blocks in formation]

Paris, 26th July, 1862.


Spain. Convention. Consular.

(Do.) Convention. Spanish Debt.


(Do.) Convention.

Peru. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navi-
gation....................Lima, 9th March, 1861. 122

Madrid, 7th January, 1862. 139

Paris, 15th February, 1862.
Sequestration and Maritime

Prizes. 1823, 1824.

Paris, 15th February, 1862. 154

(Do.) Treaty. Boundaries.

Bayonne, 14th April, 1862. 156

Belgium. Convention. Extradition of Criminals.


Frankfort, 27th May, 1852. 1079

Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce.


Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027

Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce.


Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733

See SLAVE TRADE. Correspondence.

FUNDAMENTAL LAW. Kingdom of Austria.

Vienna, 26th February, 1861. 1218

[blocks in formation]

29th July, 1862. 470

a Clerical Error in

Act for carrying into effect the
African Slave Trade Treaty with
United States, of 7th April, 1862.

7th August, 1862. 464

Correspondence with Abyssinia. Political and Commer-

cial Relations with Abyssinia.

[blocks in formation]

GREAT BRITAIN. Correspondence with Mexico, &c. Affairs of Mexico.


Non-Settlement of Claims of British
Bondholders and Others. Murder of
British Vice-Consul at Tasco (Mr.
Bodmer). Spanish Occupation of
Vera Cruz. Suspension of Diplomatie
Relations. Combined Operations of
Great Britain, France, and Spain
against Mexico .........................................1861, 1862. 237
with Prussia. Arrest and Imprisonment
of a British Subject (Captain Mac-
donald) by Prussian Authorities at
Bonn. Trial of British Residents at
Bonn for Libel....

with The United States.

1860, 1861.
Suspension of

Federal Custom House at Charleston.


[blocks in formation]

Decree (Mexican). Suspension of Payments to British,
French, and Spanish Claimants.
Mexico, 17th July, 1861.

Notification. Greek Blockade of part of Gulf of Argolis.


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London, 25th July, 1862.
Italian Blockade of Sicily and Adjacent
Islands ...London, 25th August, 1862.
Raising of Italian Blockade of Sicily and
Adjacent Islands.




London, 2nd September, 1862.
Venezuelan Blockade of Ports and Coasts of

London, 3rd November, 1862. 489
Raising of French Blockade of Port of
Tampico, in favour of Neutral Vessels
not carrying Contraband of War.

London, 12th December, 1862.

Order in Council. Enforcement of Rules, Orders, &c.,
of Joint Commission for regulating
Navigation of the Danube.


Osborne, 6th January, 1862. 473
Privilege of Copyright to Authors of
Books and the Fine Arts, first pub-
lished in Hesse-Darmstadt.

Osborne, 5th February, 1862. 477

GREAT BRITAIN. Order in Council. Exercise of Power and Jurisdiction

over British and Ionian Subjects by
British Consuls in Ottoman Domi-
nions, in carrying into effect Rules,
Orders, &c., of Mixed Commission
for regulating the Navigation of the


Windsor, 21st March, 1862. 479
Enabling British Subjects to enter
Military and Naval Service of
Emperor of China with certain
British Officers (Mr. H. N. Lay
and Captain S. Osborn, R.N.).

Windsor, 30th August 1862. 482

Protocol with Turkey, &c. Servia.

Kanlidja, 4th September, 1862. 1141

Speech of Lords Commissioners. Opening of Parlia-
Westminster, 6th February, 1862.

[ocr errors]

of Lords Commissioners. Closing of Parliament.
Westminster, 7th August, 1862.

TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with
Belgium. Additional Convention. Postal.



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