MEXICO. Decree. Suspension of Treasury Payments for 12 months. Page Mexico, 29th May, 1861. 259 Suspension of all Payments to British, French, and Spanish Claimants Mexico, 17th July, 1861. 294 Tax of One per Cent. imposed on all Capital exceeding 2,000 Dollars .Mexico, 21st August, 1861. 348 Mexico, 15th November, 1861. 404 Modification of Customs Tariff. Notification (British). French Blockade of Ports of Tampico and Alvarado, in Gulf of Mexico. London, 17th June, 1862. 487 (Do.) on West Coast of Mexico. (Do.) London, 25th July, 1862. 488 raised in favour of Neutral Vessels London, 12th December, 1862. 490 (French). Blockade of Ports of Tampico and Al- (Do.) varado, in Gulf of Mexico Paris, 5th June, 1862. Blockade of Tampico raised in favour of 487 Off Sacrificios, 8th September, 1862. 491 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Convention. British Claims. MOLDAVIA. Speech of Reigning Prince. Opening of Elective Assembly. MOROCCO. 3rd Jassy, December, 1861. 510 Supplementary Convention with Great Britain. Raising of a Loan in London MURDER. Correspondence. Great Britain and Mexico. Murder of MUSCAT. Correspondence with Great Britain. British Vice-Consul at Tasco N. NASSAU. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with NAVIGATION OF RIVERS. Treaty. Opening of Legislative Assembly. The Hague, 16th September. 1861. 112: | TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Belgium. Do. Do. Additional Convention. Extradi tion of Criminals. Brussels, 3rd September, 1855. 1231 The Hague, 24th September, 1862. 507 NICARAGUA. Message of President. Opening of Legislative Congress. San José, 16th January, 1861. 1182 NOTIFICATION (Hanover). Reciprocal Intercourse between Hanover and Russia See also BLOCKADE. 0. OLDENBURG. TREATIES, &c, with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Belgium. Convention. Extradition of Cri- minals. Oldenburg, 2nd July, 1851. 1066 Great Britain, &c. Convention. Postal. London, 13th October, 1862. 1148 Treaty with Prussia, &c. Friendship. Commerce. Navi- gation....Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 PERU. Decree (French). Promulgation of Treaty of Friendship, Com- merce, and Navigation, of 9th March, 1861. Message of President. Opening of Legislative Assembly. Paris, 26th February, 1862. 122 Lima, 28th July, 1860. 442 Page PERU. Treaty with France. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. PORTUGAL. Lima, 9th March, 1861. 122 Convention with Belgium. Extradition of Criminals. Lisbon, 26th June, 1854. 1110 (Spanish). Prevention of Slave Trade. (Do.) 182 San Domingo, 18th March, 1861. 1221 Havana, 28th March, 1861. 715 Re-incorporation of San Domingo with Aranjuez, 19th May, 1861. 1351 PROTOCOL. Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and 64 of a British Subject (Captain Macdonald) by Protocol with Turkey, &c. Servia. Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Turkey, &c. Constantinople, 22nd March, 1761. 1047 Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 PYRMONT. See WALDECK. REUSS-GREITZ. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Belgium. Convention. Extradition of Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 REUSS-SCHLEITZ. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Belgium. Convention. Extradition of Frankfort, 20th December, 1852. 1087 Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. RIVERS. Navigation. See PARAGUAY. Treaty. ROME. Agreement with Spain. Sale of Church Property in Spain. Concordat with Equator RUSSIA. Notification (Hanover). Rome, 25th August, 1859. 1225 Protocol with Turkey, &c. Servia. Kanlidja, 4th September, 1862, 1141 ST. DOMINGO. See DOMINICA. S. SALVADOR. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Great Britain. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Kanlidja, 4th September, 1862. 1141 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Belgium. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Turin, 26th January, 1852. 1076 Great Britain. Regulations. Postal. London. 24th December, 1857. 1165 SAXE-ALTENBURG, TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Extradition of Berlin, 18th Altenburg, 28th October, 1846. 1042 SAXE-ALTENBURG. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, contd., viz.:-with Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Page Commerce. Navigation. Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA, TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with 733 Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 SAXE-MEININGEN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Criminals. Meiningen, 4th November, 1846. 1045 Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation: Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 SAXE-WEIMAR. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Convention. Extradition of Berlin, 29th October, 1846. 1052 .... Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. SAXONY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Extradition of Criminals. Dresden, 23rd February, 1851. 1059 Belgium. Great Britain, &c. Paraguay, &c. Treaty. London, 13th October, 1862. 1148 Navigation. Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Navigation. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 Convention with Belgium. Extradition of Crimi- |