Page SCHWARTZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, SCHWARTZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with Belgium. Convention. Ex- tradition of Criminals. 733 Frankfort, 13th June, 1853. 1105 Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. Assumption, 1st August, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Com- merce. Navigation. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 SERVIA. Protocol. Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey. Kanlidja, 4th September, 1862. 1141 SHOA. Correspondence with Great Britain. Relations. 1849. 793,798, 812, 881 (Do.) London, 25th August, 1862. 488 SIERRA LEONE. Act of Parliament (British). Prevention and Punish- ment of Offences committed Page SLAVE TRADE. Proclamation (Spanish). Prevention of Slave Trade. Treaty. Great Britain and United States. African Slave Washington, 7th April, 1862. 50 1861. 630 Slave Trade Trade 1861-1862. 237 Re-incorporation of San Domingo with Spanish Domi- Decree. nions (French). (Do.) (Do.) (Do.) Promulgation of Convention of 15th February, Fontainebleau, 18th June, 1862. 152 Promulgation of Convention of 15th February, Mexico, 17th July, 1861. 294 Proclamation. Prevention of Slave Trade. Havana, 28th March, 1861. 715 (Dominican). Re-incorporation of Republic with Bayonne, 14th April, 1862. 156 Rome. Agreement. Sale of Church Property in Spain. Rome, 25th August, 1859. 1225 SPEECH of President of Chile. Opening of National Assembly. Santiago, 1st June, 1860. 430 of Lords Commissioners of Great Britain. Opening of Parliament. of King of Greece. Opening of Legislative Assembly. 1 3 Athens, 4th February, 1861. 1120 of Reigning Prince of Moldavia. Opening of Elective Assembly. Page SPEECH of King of the Netherlands. Opening of Legislative Assembly. The Hague, 16th September, 1861. 1121 of King of Prussia. Opening of the Landtag. of King of Prussia. Berlin, 14th January, 1861. 1211 Berlin, 6th June, 1861. 1214 Tahiti, 17th December, 1861. 1192 of Queen of Tahiti. Opening of Legislative Assembly. TAHITI. See GEORGIAN ISLANDS. TAMPICO. Notification (British). French Blockade. (Do.) London, 17th June, 1862. 487 (Do.) French Blockade raised in favour of Off Sacrificios, 8th September, 1862. 491 TASCO. Correspondence. Great Britain and Mexico. Murder of British Vice-Consul (Mr. Bodmer) ....1861, 1862. 237 THURINGIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.: - with Paraguay, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation Assumption, ist Angust, 1860. 1027 Turkey, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Constantinople, 20th March, 1862. 733 TOUR AND TAXIS. Convention with Great Britain. Postal Communications. London, 13th October, 1862. 1148 TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Austria and Modena. Extradition of Criminals. Vienna, 16th July, 1853. 1107 Additional Convention.. Extradition of Criminals Brussels, 18th March, 1857. 1113 Vienna, 15th October, 1857. 952 Austria, &c., and Turkey. Protocol. 1141 Servia. Baden and Belgium. Convention. TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, cont., viz. :—with Belgium and Bremen. Page vigation... Santiago, 17th August, 1860. 491 Bremen, 25th June, 1851. 1064 Belgium and Denmark. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Belgium and Frankfort. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Frankfort, 27th May, 1852. 1079 Belgium and Hamburgh. Convention. Extradition of Crimi- Belgium and Hawaiian Islands. Treaty. Friendship. Com- ................Belgium and Hesse-Cassel. merce. Navigation. Brussels, 4th October, 1862. 521 Frankfort, 12th May, Belgium and Hesse-Darmstadt. Convention, Extradition of Criminals. Darmstadt, 2nd February, 1845. 1038 Belgium and Hesse-Homburg. Convention. Extradition of Belgium and Liechtenstein. Criminals. Frankfort, 20th December, 1852. 1081 minals. Frankfort, 20th December, 1852. 1092 Belgium and Lippe. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Frankfort, 20th December, 1852. 1089 Belgium and Lubeck. Convention. Belgium and Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Belgium and Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Belgium and Nassau. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. tion of Criminals. of Criminals. Neustrélitz, 9th June, 1851. 1069 Extradition of Criminals. Wiesbaden, 20th December, 1851. 1074 Belgium and Netherlands. Additional Convention. Extradi- nals.... Brussels, 13th October, 1862. 1117 Belgium and Oldenburg. Convention. Extradition of Crimi- Belgium and Portugal. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Page TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, cont., viz. :—with Frankfort, 20th December, 1852. 1087 Belgium and Sardinia. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Dresden, 23rd February, 1851. 1059 Belgium and Saxony. Convention. Extradition of Criminals. Belgium and Schaumburg-Lippe. Convention. Extradition of |