King of Greece of some of the coasts of the Gulf of Argolis, it is hereby notified that the Right Honourable the Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from the Greek Chargé d'Affaires at this Court an official communication, dated the 6th May instant, stating that the insurrection at Nauplia having been completely subdued, the King's Government had raised the blockade imposed on the 13th of February, 1862, upon a part of the Gulf of Argolis, and that the Greek Department of Marine had published a notification to this effect, dated the end of April. (Translation.) Marine Department, Athens, April 19, 1862. NOTIFICATION relative to raising the blockade, placed the 13th February, 1862, on part of the Gulf of Argolis. It is notified by these presents that the blockade placed in virtue of our notification of the 4th February, 1862, on the coasts of the Gulf of Argolis, between the anchoring-ground of Astros, not comprised, and the Bay of Vourlia therein comprised, has been raised from the end of this month. A. A. MIAOULIS, Minister of Marine. BRITISH NOTIFICATION, of the French Blockade of the Ports of Tampico and Alvarado in the Gulf of Mexico.*— London, June 17, 1862. Foreign Office, June 17, 1862. Ir is hereby notified that the Right Honourable the Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from Her Majesty's Ambassador at Paris a despatch, inclosing a copy of a note from M. Thouvenel, dated the 7th instant, transmitting a copy of a notification inserted in the "Moniteur" of that day, declaring the ports of Tampico and Alvarado, in the Gulf of Mexico, to be blockaded by the French forces; of which notification the following is a copy and translation: Notification relative au Blocus des Ports de Tampico et d'Alvarado, dans le Golfe du Mexique. Département de la Marine et des Colonies, Il est notifié, par les présentes, que son Excellence le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies a éte informé par le Vice-Amiral Commandant-en-chef les forces navales Françaises dans le Golfe du "London Gazette" of June 17, 1862. Mexique que le 1er Mai dernier, et à partir dudit jour, il a été établi, par les forces navales placées sous son commandement, un blocus effectif des ports de Tampico et d'Alvarado. Il est, en outre, notifié par les présentes, que toutes les mesures autorisées par le droit des gens, et les Traités respectifs existant entre Sa Majesté et les différentes Puissances neutres, seront adoptées et exécutées par rapport à tous les navires qui tenteraient de violer le dit blocus. BRITISH NOTIFICATION, of the French Blockade of the Port of Mazatlan, on the West Coast of Mexico.*-London, July 25, 1862, Foreign Office, July 25, 1862. Ir is hereby notified that the Right Honourable the Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty a communication, enclosing a letter from Captain Miller, of Her Majesty's ship Clio, dated Acapulco, the 15th of June, reporting that the port of Mazatlan, on the West Coast of Mexico, was blockaded on the 28th of May last, by the frigate Bayonnaise, belonging to the Naval Forces of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French. BRITISH NOTIFICATION, of the Italian Blockade of the Island of Sicily.†-London, August 25, 1862. Foreign Office, August 25, 1862. Ir is hereby notified that, on the 23rd instant, Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, received from the Italian Chargé d'Affaires at this court, the announcement that the Government of the King of Italy had instituted a blockade of the Island of Sicily and the neighbouring islands. The following is the official communication received by Earl Russell : 49, Grosvenor Street, Londres, le 23 Août, 1862. Le Soussigné, Chargé d'Affaires de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, a été chargé par son Gouvernement d'annoncer à celui de Sa Majesté Britannique, que le Gouvernement du Roi, par suite des recens * "London Gazette" of July 25, 1862. + "London Gazette" of August 26, 1862. évènements, a déclaré le blocus de l'Ile de Sicile ainsi que des îles voisines. Le Soussigné a, par conséquent, l'honneur de notifier ce fait à Monsieur le Comte Russell, Principal Secrétaire d'Etat pour les Affaires Etrangères de Sa Majesté Britannique, et saisit cette occasion pour lui renouveler l'assurance de sa plus haute considéra tion. L. CORTI. BRITISH NOTIFICATION, of the raising of the Italian Blockade of Sicily and the adjacent Islands.*—London, September 2, 1862. Foreign Office, September 2, 1862. Ir is hereby notified that, on the 1st day of this month, Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, received from the Italian Chargé d'Affaires, resident at this court, the annoucement that the blockade of the island of Sicily and of the neighbouring islands, notified to Earl Russell on the 23rd of August last, and published in the Gazette of Tuesday last, has been raised by the Italian Government, and is no longer in force. BRITISH NOTIFICATION, of the Venezuelan Blockade of the Ports and Coasts of Maracaybo.+-London, November 3, 1862. Foreign Office, November 3, 1862. IT is hereby notified, that on the 30th October, Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, received from Her Britannic Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Caracas, a despatch, enclosing the copy of a decree issued by the Venezuelan Government, declaring the ports and coasts of Maracaybo in that Republic to be in a state of blockade. The decree, in so far as it relates to the blockade, is as follows: (Translation.) ART. I. That the ports and coasts of Maracaybo are to be closed: that is, all the line which runs from Cape San Roman, in "London Gazette" of September 2, 1862. + "London Gazette" of November 4, 1862. the peninsula of Paraguana, to the point Espada, in the Goajira peninsula. II. The ports and coasts referred to in the preceding Article are also declared in a state of blockade. III. The blockade will be effective 60 days after date with regard to vessels arriving from Europe; 30 days for those despatched from Demerara and the other West Indian islands, excepting the vessels coming from St. Thomas, St. Croix, Curazoa and its dependencies, for which the time will be 8 days. IV. If before the expiration of such terms a vessel shall arrive, whatever be its nationality, to the ports and places blockaded, the blockading forces will notify the existence of the blockade, noting in its log-book the day and place, or the latitude in which such vessel was met, and also the notification made. In case the vessel should insist in the pretension to enter, notwithstanding the notification, it will be subject to detention and confiscation. V. All communication with the places to which the blockade is extended being prohibited, the force in charge thereof will only allow the sailing of such foreign vessels as have entered before the blockade was established. VI. The Commanders of the blockading force will proceed against the vessels which they detain in consequence of violation of the blockade, in the manner provided by the Order on Privateering of the 30th of March, 1822,* which will be applied in a manner not at variance with the anterior dispositions. BRITISH NOTIFICATION, of the raising of the French Blockade of the Port of Tampico in favour of Neutral Vessels not carrying contraband of war.t-London, December 12, 1862. Foreign Office, December 12, 1862. IT is hereby notified that Earl Russell, K.G., Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from Her Majesty's Consul at Vera Cruz, information that the Admiral in command of the naval forces of His Majesty the Emperor of the French, duly notified on the 8th September last to Captain Tatham, of Her Majesty's ship Phaeton, that the port of Tampico would forthwith be open to all neutral vessels, provided they had no contraband of war on board, or passengers endeavouring to land for hostile purposes. The aforesaid letter of Admiral Jurien is as follows: * Vol. XII. Page 647. +"London Gazette" of December 12, 1862. M. LE COMMANDANT, Rade de Sacrificios, le 8 Septembre, 1862. EN reponse à la lettre que vous m'avez fait l'honneur de m'adresser le 6 Septembre, relativement aux effets du blocus établi par la Marine Française devant le port de Tampico, j'ai l'honneur de vous informer, que je suis en effet autorisé, sous ma responsabilité, à temperer autant que possible ies rigueurs de ce blocus, dont l'objet principal est d'empêcher l'introduction des objets de contrabande de guerre. En conséquence, dès que je pourrai communiquer avec Mons. le Commandant de Berthollet, je modifierai dans ce sens les instructions qui lui ont été données. Il ne sera done apporté jusqu'à nouvel ordre aucun obstacle à l'entrée des bâtiments neutres dans le port de Tampico, lorsqu'il aura été constaté que ces bâtiments ne portent ni objets de contrabande de guerre, ni passagers cherchant à débarquer dans un but hostile sur le sol Mexicain. Le Vice-Amiral Commandant les Forces Navales de Le Capitaine Tatham, l'Expédition du Mexique, JURIEN. TRAITE d'Amitié, de Commerce, et de Navigation, entre la Belgique et la Bolivie.-Conclu à Santiago de Chili, le 17 Août, 1860. [Ratifications échangées à La Paz, le 8 Novembre, 1862.] TRAITE. SA Majesté le Roi des Belges d'une part, et son Excellence le Président de la République de Bolivie, d'autre part, voulant régler, étendre et affermir les relations de commerce et de navigation entre la Belgique et la République de Bolivie, ont jugé convenable de négocier un Traité propre à atteindre ce but et ont nommé, à cet effet, pour leurs Plénipotentiaires; Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, le Sieur Ant. Constantin Louis Joseph Derote, Consul-Général de Belgique pour la Côte Occiden tale de l'Amérique du Sud, Officier de l'Ordre de Léopold; Et son Excellence le Président de la République de Bolivie, M. le Docteur Joseph Marie Santivanez, Chargé d'Affaires de Bolivie près le Gouvernement du Chili; Lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs pleins pouvoirs et les avoir trouvés en bonne et due forme, ont arrêté les Articles suivants : ART. I. Il y aura paix perpétuelle et amitié constante entre le Royaume de Belgique et la République de Bolivie, et entre les citoyens des deux pays, sans exception de personnes ni de lieux. |