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turbed on account of their religious belief. Neither shall they be annoyed, molested, or disturbed in the proper exercise of their religion, in private houses, or in the chapels or places of worship destined for that purpose, provided that in so doing they observe the decorum due to Divine worship, and the respect due to the laws of the country. Liberty shall also be granted to bury British subjects who may die in the territories of the Republic of Salvador, in convenient and adequate places, to be appointed and established established by British subjects for that purpose, with the knowledge of the local authorities, or in such other places of sepulture as may be chosen by the friends of the deceased; nor shall the funerals or sepulchres of the dead be disturbed in any wise or upon any


In like manner, the citizens of Salvador shall enjoy within the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty a perfect and unrestrained liberty of conscience, and of exercising their religion within private houses, or in the chapels or places of worship destined for that purpose, agreeably to the laws of those dominions.

XIX. For the better security of commerce between the subjects and citizens of the two High Contracting Parties, it is agreed that if at any time any rupture, or any interruption of friendly intercourse, should unfortunately take place between the two Con

inquietados, por razon de su creencia religiosa: ni serán incomodados, molestados, ó inquietados en el ejercicio propio de su religion en las casas privadas, ó en las capillas ó lugares de adoracion destinados para este fin, con tal que al hacerlo así observen el decoro debido al culto divino, y el respeto debido á las leyes del pais. Tambien se concederá libertad para enterrar á los súbditos Británicos que murieren en los territorios de la República del Salvador, en lugares convenientes y adecuados, que serán designados y establecidos por los súbditos Británicos para este fin con conocimiento de las autoridades locales, ó en aquellos otros lugares de sepultura que sean elegidos por los amigos del difunto; ni los funerales ó sepulcros de los muertos serán inquietados de manera alguna, ni por ningun motivo.

De la misma manera los ciudadanos del Salvador dentro de los dominios de Su Majestad Británica gozarán de una perfecta y absoluta libertad de conciencia, y de ejercer su religion dentro de casas privadas, ó en las capillas ó lugares de adoracion destinados para este fin, conforme á las leyes de aquellos dominios.

XIX. Para mayor seguridad del comercio entre ciudadanos y súbditos de las dos Altas Partes Contratantes, se ha convenido que si, en algun tiempo, desgraciadamente se verificase algun rompimiento ó alguna interrupcion de las relaciones amistosas

tracting Parties, the subjects or citizens of either of them, established in the territories of the other, who may reside upon the coasts, shall be allowed 6 months, and those who may reside in the interior a whole year, to wind up their accounts and to dispose of their property; and a safe-conduct shall be given to them to embark at the port which they themselves shall select. The subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties who may be established in the dominions or territories of the other, in the exercise of any trade or other occupation or employment, shall be allowed to remain and continue in the exercise of the said trade or occupation, notwithstanding the interruption of friendship between the two countries, in the free enjoyment of their personal liberty and property, so long as they behave peaceably and observe the laws; and their goods and effects, of whatever description they may be, whether in their own custody or entrusted to individuals or to the State, shall not be liable to seizure or sequestration, or to any other charges or demands than those which may be made upon the like effects or property belonging to native subjects or citizens. In the same case, debts between individuals, public funds, and the shares of companies, shall never be confiscated, sequestered, or detained.

XX. It shall be free for each

entre las dos Altas Partes Contratantes, los ciudadanos ó súbditos de cada una, establecidos en los territorios de la otra, que residan en las costas, tendrán la concesion de 6 meses, y aquellos que residan en el interior de un año entero, para arreglar sus cuentas, y disponer de su propiedad, y se les dará un salvoconducto para embarcarse en el puerto que ellos escojieren.

A los ciudadanos ó súbditos de las dos Altas Partes Contratantes que estén establecidos en los territorios ó dominios de la otra, con el ejercicio de algun tráfico ú otra ocupacion ó empleo, se les permitirá permanecer y continuar en el ejercicio de dicho tráfico ú ocupacion, no obstante la interrupcion de la amistad entre los dos paises, en el libre goce de su libertad y propiedad personal, mientras que se porten pacificamente y observen las leyes; y sus bienes y efectos, de cualquiera naturaleza que sean, ya en su propia custodia ó confiados á individuos ó al Estado, no estarán sujetos á aprehension ó secuestro, ó á cualesquiera otros gravámenes ó demandas, que aquellos que puedan imponerse á iguales efectos ó á la propiedad de la pertenencia de ciudadanos naturales.

En el mismo caso, las deudas entre individuos, los fondos ó documentos publicos, y las acciones de compañias, no serán confiscadas, secuestradas, ó detenidas.

XX. Cada una de las dos

of the two Contracting Parties to appoint Consuls for the protection of trade, to reside in the dominions and territories of the other party; but before any Consul shall act as such, he shall, in the usual form, be approved and admitted by the Government to which he is sent.

The Diplomatic Agents and Consuls of each of the two High Contracting Parties in the

dominions or territories of the other, shall enjoy whatever privileges, exemptions, and immunities are or shall be granted there to Agents of the same rank, belonging to the most favoured


XXI. The present Treaty shall remain in force for the term of 20 years from the day of the exchange of ratifications; and if neither party shall notify to the other its intention of terminating the same, 12 months before the expiration of the 20 years stipulated above, the said Treaty shall continue binding on both parties beyond the said 20 years, until 12 months from the time that one of the parties may notify to the other its intention of terminating it.

XXII. The present Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as possible within 6 months from this date.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have [1861-62. LII.]

Partes Contratantes tendrá libertad de nombrar Consules para la proteccion del comercio, que residan en los dominios y territorios de la otra Parte; pero antes que algun Consul funja como tal, será, en la forma acostumbrada, aprobado y admitido por el Gobierno á que fuere enviado.


Los Ajentes Diplomáticos y los Consules de cada una de las dos Altas Partes Contratantes en los dominios y territorios de la otra, gozarán de todos los privilejios, exênciones, é inmunidades que se conceden ó concedieren allí á los Ajentes del mismo rango pertenecientes á la nacion mas favorecida.

XXI. El presente Tratado permanecerá en fuerza por el término de 20 años desde el dia del canje de las ratificaciones ; y si ni una ni otra Parte notificare á la otra su intencion de terminarle, 12 meses antes de la expiracion de los 20 años estipulados arriba, dicho Tratado continuará obligatorio à ambas Partes mas allá de los dichos 20 años, hasta los 12 meses del tiempo en que una de las Partes notifique á la otra su intencion de finalizarle.

XXII. El presente Tratado de Amistad, Comercio, y Navegacion será ratificado, y las ratificaciones serán canjeadas en Londres tan pronto como sea posible dentro de 6 meses, contados desde esta fecha.

En testimonio de lo cual, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han

signed the same, and have affixed thereto their respective seals.

Done at Guatemala, the 24th day of October, in the year of Our Lord 1862. (L.S.) GEORGE B.



firmado el mismo, y han fijado en él sus respectivos sellos.

Hecho en Guatemala, el veinticuatro de Octubre, del año de nuestro Señor 1862.



TREATY between Great Britain and The United States, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade.-Signed at Washington, April 7, 1862.

[Ratifications exchanged at London, May 20, 1862.]

HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America, being desirous to render more effectual the means hitherto adopted for the suppression of the Slave Trade carried on upon the coast of Africa, have deemed it expedient to conclude a Treaty for that purpose, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Richard Bickerton Pemell Lord Lyons, a Peer of Her United Kingdom, a Knight Grand Cross of Her Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and Her Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States of America;

And the President of the United States of America, William H. Seward, Secretary of State;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

ART. I. The two High Contracting Parties mutually consent that those ships of their respective navies which shall be provided with special instructions for that purpose, as hereinafter mentioned, may visit such merchant-vessels of the two nations as may, upon reasonable grounds, be suspected of being engaged in the African Slave Trade, or of having been fitted out for that purpose, or of having, during the voyage on which they are met by the said cruizers, been engaged in the African Slave Trade, contrary to the provisions of this Treaty; and that such cruizers may detain, and send or carry away, such vessels, in order that they may be brought to trial in the manner hereinafter agreed upon.

In order to fix the reciprocal right of search in such a manner as shall be adapted to the attainment of the object of this Treaty, and at the same time avoid doubts, disputes, and complaints, the said right of search shall be understood in the manner and according to the rules following:

1st. It shall never be exercised except by vessels of war, authorized expressly for that object, according to the stipulations of this Treaty.

2ndly. The right of search shall in no case be exercised with respect to a vessel of the navy of either of the two Powers, but shall be exercised only as regards merchant-vessels; and it shall not be exercised by a vessel of war of either Contracting Party within the limits of a settlement or port, nor within the territorial waters, of the other Party.

3rdly. Whenever a merchant-vessel is searched by a ship of war, the Commander of the said ship shall, in the act of so doing, exhibit to the commander of the merchant-vessel the special instructions by which he is duly authorized to search; and shall deliver to such commander a certificate, signed by himself, stating his rank in the naval service of his country, and the name of the vessel he commands, and also declaring that the only object of the search is to ascertain whether the vessel is employed in the African Slave Trade, or is fitted up for the said trade. When the search is made by an officer of the cruizer who is not the commander, such officer shall exhibit to the captain of the merchant-vessel a copy of the beforementioned special instructions, signed by the commander of the cruizer; and he shall in like manner deliver a certificate signed by himself, stating his rank in the navy, the name of the commander by whose orders he proceeds to make the search, that of the cruizer in which he sails, and the object of the search, as above described. If it appears from the search that the papers of the vessel are in regular order, and that it is employed on lawful objects, the officer shall enter in the log-book of the vessel that the search has been made in pursuance of the aforesaid special instructions; and the vessel shall be left at liberty to pursue its voyage. The rank of the officer who makes the search must not be less than that of lieutenant in the navy, unless the command, either by reason of death or other cause, is at the time held by an officer of inferior rank.

4thly. The reciprocal right of search and detention shall be exercised only within the distance of 200 miles from the coast of Africa, and to the southward of the 32 parallel of north latitude; and within 30 leagues from the coast of the island of Cuba.

II. In order to regulate the mode of carrying the provisions of

the preceding Article into execution, it is agreed:

1st. That all the ships of the navies of the two nations which

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