LIST OF CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN'S PUBLICATIONS. Now ready, price 9d. each, a Series of FIRST BOOKS OR CATECHISMS. By the Rev. Dr. BREWER, author of "Guide to Science," &c. My First Book of Reading and Spelling. My First Book of Bible History. My First Book of History of England. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. My First Book of Common Things that I see With an Introduction and Annotations, and a Life of Swift. NUMBER I. now ready, price ld. There will be GIVEN AWAY with No. 1, and also with Part I., a In Weekly Numbers, price 14d.; Monthly Parts, price 7d. CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION OF around me. DON QUIXOTE; BEAUTIES OF POETRY With about 400 Illustrations, by GUSTAVE DORÉ. Number I. ready Nov. 16th. Part I. ready Nov. 29th. There will be ISSUED GRATIS with No. 1, and also with Part I., a BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, printed separately on thick toned paper, to form a Frontispiece to the Volume. AND GEMS OF ART: Illustrated in the highest style of Art by F. R. PICKERSGILL, LONDON: CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. In Weekly Numbers, price 1d., and in Monthly Parts, priced. PRINTED ON FINE TONED PAPER, CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION OF DON QUIXOTE, WITH ABOUT 400 ILLUSTRATIONS BY GUSTAVE There will be ISSUED GRATIS with No. 1, and also with Part I., a BEAUTIFUL N EDITION in English, such as is announced engraved Wrapper, at Sevenpence. regarded simply as subjects for illustration, that if the Publishers But the text of DON QUIXOTE is so universally recognised as a [A SPECIMEN OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS WILL BE FOUND ON THE OTHER SIDE.] LONDON: CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, E.C. SPECIMEN ENGRAVING From Gustave Dore's Illustrations to " CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED DON QUIXOTE," publishing in Weekly Numbers at 1d., and in Monthly Parts at 7d. DON QUIXOTE AND THE DEAD MULE. UNIFORM WITH CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED BUNYAN, SHAKESPEARE, ROBINSON CRUSOE, In Weekly Numbers, price One Penny, and in Monthly Parts, Price 5d. and 6d., CASSELL'S ILLUSTRA TED GULLIVER'S TRAVELS With an INTRODUCTION and ANNOTATIONS and a BY DORE. 66 E.C. In Weekly Numbers, price 1d., and in Monthly Parts, price 7d. PRINTED ON FINE TONED PAPER, GUSTAVE There will be ISSUED GRATIS with No. 1, and also with Part I., a BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, printed "Whether M. Doré has been employed to illustrate Cervantes, or Cervantes to illustrate M. Doré, will be a nice pro- "With a pencil as facile and as graceful as that of Mr. Gilbert, Gustave Doré combines the gloom of Rembrandt or "To travel once again with Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, in company with Gustave Doré, is to enjoy an intimacy with L. D., M.R.I.A. ›er 29, price 6d. irt I., a SEPARATE per. fierce and trenchant wit, 'political sins. Of a man a work as 'Gulliver's ord Macaulay is surely no rves, that SWIFT possessed ke great kingdoms, to stir of millions, and to leave to can perish only with the Travels" has long since as a great standard book, ce it now within the reach m as it has never yet been d the artisan, content to obvious bvious sense, will find it e or romance; while the ; which will adorn every vividness to the wonderful re history of of Gulliver. In for those who care to dive Annotations will be proto persons and exhibiting en allusions to tically, n r meaning; of "Gulliver's Travels" People's Edition, in virtue rations and the cheapness ndered a work of value to reason of the insight which Memoir of its witty and or will give them into the acceptable to every rishable masterpiece. permitted, able words and phr ss refined not to Messrs. CASSELL, PETTER, enture to hope that, howich an English Classic has great mass of the people, Illustrated Gulliver" will even as its name has been which the Artist will ich the Lilliputian hosts VAGE YARD, E.C. |