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the liberties of his country-the more than Bacon of his day in various learning and comprehensive intellect, the more than Sidney in his fearless and powerful assertion of national independence against the encroachment of a profligate tyrant?* Compare (as one instance) the best speech of Lord Chatham on the American war with the famous vindication which the Athenian has left against lis enemies: then say if the half-educated, halfinformed understanding, and even tasteless puerilities of the Englishman are to be pat in competition with the sublime harmony of thought and diction which distinguish the Greek.

cimen of the author's abilities.
senator, may be accepted as a fair spe

measures shall be proposed and canvassed in the representative council of the people, and shall be approved or rejected on their demonstrated merits or defects. Subjects of almost incalculable interest are to be discussed peace and war, laws, morals, manufactures, commerce, all that concerns the wealth, the happiness, the glory of nations. Can the imagination conceive a finer field for oratorical emulation; more powerful incentives to awaken the mind to develope all its energies and all its graces through its noble organ, the tongue? What is the fact? About half a dozen speakers, who have acquired a certain fluent mediocrity, are allowed to settle the disputed proposition with The chief personages introduced are little knowledge and less spirit, whilst the the ministers, and their oponents. The rest remain idle and almost unconcerned hear-writer is not guilty of respect to place, ers, sometimes yawning, sometimes sleeping, and sometimes, to evince perhaps their claims or persons. Absolute independence of to sit in a speaking assembly, shouting in a mind he certainly does not possess: perstyle to be envied only by a Stentor or a haps that were too much to expect, whipper-in. It is indeed matter of humili- though not, in such a critic, to require. ating reflection that, in a country like Eng-The following portrait of an eminent land, whose philosophers, and poets, and artists, may go side by side with the proudest names or antiquity-whose wealth and power make Greece dwindle into insignificauce, and might dispute the precedence even with the gigantic despotisin of Imperial Rome; in a country too, blest with a popular congress, where the voices of the chiefs of the nation may be heard, that scarcely one man has arisen who deserves the title of erator; scarcely one, who like Cicero, by the mere power of words, has darted the public indignation against a state delinquent, or like Demosthenes has electrified a whole people with one universal impulse of patriotism. Certainly it is not easy to read unmoved the glowing invective, the terrific denunciations which the late Lord Chatham poured out against the supporters of a weak and pernicious system, and I have no doubt that, when accompanied with his mighty voice and eye of fire, they appalled and almost annihilated his unequal and puny antagonists. But to an impartial observer of the present day, do they contain any specimen of that energetic reasoning and vehement passion, that stupendous intellect chastised by the correctest taste, those inimitable graces and sublimities of manner and language -in short, that combination of the mightiest means wielded by the mightiest power, which astonish and overwhelm us in the rival of Eschines and adversary of Philip? Are they characterised by that union of profound erudition, of extensive and philosophical observation of men and manners, as well as of those most exquisite artifices of elaborute rhetoric, which mark the first name in Roman history-him wo at once improved the taste, enlarged the hinking, and saved

Mr. Whitbread.-Any person who casts a careful eye over the House of Commons will find that the different portions into which society is divided are tolerably well represented in that Assembly. The landed interest, the mercantile interest, the privileged orders and the professions, have all their adequate proportion of advocates to assert their claims: what seems to be wanting is a class of persons who, without reference to any partial interests, should speak the sentiments and uphold the rights of the nation at large. The history of Parliament will supply but few names to whom this description would be applicable: Mr. Fox, with all his liberal thinking and benevolent feeling, was too much attached to partyviews and Mr. Windham, who has been absurdly proclaimed as a complete specimen of the English character, was perhaps the most unnatural compound of heterogeneous qualities to which the name of Englishman was ever affixed.

It is to Mr. Whitbread alone that the title of Representative of the English People seems entirely due. I have frequently smiled at an observation of persons whom I have taken with me to hear Mr. Whitbread :they have allowed the energy and acuteness of his understanding, the honest boldness of his sentiments, and the tone of feeling which gives an interest to all that he says; but they think him unpolished, deficient in the graces. Alas! how much they mistake the objects and views of that distinguished Coin

* Antony.

moner. He does not take his daily seat in the House of Commons in order to make graceful obeisances and pronounce pretty periods: he leaves such small trifling to the Castlereaghs and the Cannings: he comes there to do the business of the nation, to take care that the common-weal receives no injury, to watch over and protect the Constitution against the intemperance of zeal and the insidiousness of ambition, to animate and assist the labours of the honest, to crush the efforts of the fraudulent and selfish, to vindicate the oppressed, to speak Truth. To object to a man occupied in such exalted pursuits, that his manner is not exquisitely polished, is as silly as it would be to complain that Michael Angelo has not the prettiness of Watteau,-that Milton wants the softness of Sedley,-that Newton is not so entertaining as Goldsmith. I admire, and very sincerely, the courtesy and urbanity of Lord Castlereagh they are the becoming decorations of his situation: he is backed by the powerful influence of Administration, and has leisure to be gentle without any detriment. Not so the man who has to fight frequently, almost unassisted, against the compact energies of Government. A soft answer or a candid smile may turn away wrath, but cannot conquer positive force; and to attempt to overthrow a ministerial measure, by the help of elegant sentences and comely action, would be about as wise as to storm a triple battery with a fan of painted feathers. The manner, therefore, of Mr. Whitbread seems perfectly consonant to his objects: he aims at awakening the attention of the indolent, at rousing the fears of the guilty; and for this purpose it is essential that he should appear in earnest;-a conclusion to which few persons would come, if they saw him more attentive about the form than the matter of his speeches.

It is enough to say further, that these papers first appeared in the Examiner, and that they are dedicated "to Leigh Hunt, Esq."



Circus, Minories, 21 June, 1815. To the Editor of the Literary Panorama. SIR,

I request you will contradict in your next publication the assertion of my decease, which is calculated to injure considerably my interests abroad as a merchant (vide your Review of Parke's Travels, page 377). In answer to this unfounded information, which has been propagated in your review of

last month, I have to acquaint you that I am not only in the land of the living, but in excellent health, and waiting to hear the testimony of some stranger or European traveller (since the Africans are not to be relied on) who shall establish the fact of the junction of the Nile of Soudan with that. of Egypt; or at least, the approximation of these two mighty streams. And notwithstanding the insidious reflections and censures passed on the native Africans, from whom I gathered much of the information communicated to the public in my account of Marocco, it must be allowed by all liberal-minded men that a native is more likely to give an accurate account of his country than a foreigner; and a residence of sixteen years in a country may be allowed to give a man of common observation experience enough to select judiciously such intelligence as might be relied on; and I have no hesitation in declaring it to be my unalterable opinion, that so soon as a traveller shall have returned from the interior of Africa, many of my assertions respecting those regions will be confirmed, and that information founded on the testimony of unprejudiced and disinterested Africans will be found not so contemptible as some learned persons have imagined.

I am, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant, JAMES G. JACKSON. ** We certainly have too much respect for this gentleman to kill him of malice prepense; and we take a sincere pleasure in receiving this proof, under his own hand, of his health and spirits. May he live to enjoy in person the intelligence on which he relies; and to add to the favours he has already conferred on the LITERARY PANORAMA, by communicating the earliest particulars of the discovery which he anticipates.

LITERARY REGISTER. Authors, Editors, and Publishers, are particularly requested to forward to the Literary Panorama Office, post paid, the titles, prices, and other particulars of works in hand, or published, for insertion in this department of the work.




The following Works will speedily be pub lished:

Witt's Recreations, refined and augment- | sent subscribers, with the materials for the ed, with ingenious Conceites for the Wit- improvement of the new edition, are intie, and Merrie Medicines for the Melan- serted in Nos. XIX. and XX. of the Classicholie; with their new Addition, Multi-cal Journal, and may be had gratis at all the plication, and Division; or, Wits Recrea- classical booksellers in London. It is extions, selected from the finest fancies of mo- pected that the whole will be completed in derne muses. Printed from the edition of 24 parts. No. I. will be published in the 1640, and collated with all the subsequent ensuing suminer. editions.

To which will be added-Some prefaratory remarks and memoirs of Sir John Mennes, and Dr. James Smith. And Wit Restored, in several select poems not formerly publish't. London, 1658.

Also, Musarum Delicia, or the Muses Recreation, containing several pieces of poetique wit. London, 1656.--

The three works to be printed in two volumes, with all the cuts re-engraved by Mr. Bewick.


M. Schlegel's Course of Dramatic Lectures is translating from the German, by Mr. Black, and printing in two octavo volumes.


Tracts on the Origin and Independence of the Ancient British Church; on the Supremacy of the Pope, and the Inconsistency of all Foreign Jurisdiction with the British Constitution; and on the Differences between the Churches of England and Rome. By Thomas Burgess, D.D. Lord Bishop of St. David. The second edition, with adThe Biographical Dictionary of Living ditions. To which is prefixed a map, showAuthors, is now nearly completed, and willing the limits of the Church of Rome at the certainly appear in the course of a month, in an octavo volume, printed in double co



end of the fifteenth century. To be published very shortly, 8vo. price 9s.

Dr. Campbell's Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, in two volumes, is reprinting uniform with the new edition of his Translation of the Gospels, and will soon appear.


To be published in a few days, in a large 8vo. volume, Rivington's Annual Register, for the year 1806.

In the press, and speedily will be published, in one volume octavo, the Life and Campaigns of Field Marshal Prince Blucher; interspersed with much novel and interesting matter, and enriched with authentic anecdotes and biographical incidents of all the leading characters of both the confederate and French armies. Drawn from original and official sources; embellished with a fine portrait, and engraved plans of the most signal battles. Translated from the German of General Gneisenau, QuarterMaster-General to Prince Blücher's army, Smail Pox is just published, has a History Mr. James Moore, whose History of the with considerable ad4itions. By J. E. Marston, Esq. of the Hamburg-Bürger-be published as soon as it is concluded. of the Vaccine in preparation, which will



Fragments of several Orations of Cicero, with a commentary of Asconius Vedianus,` from original MSS. lately discovered in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, will speedily be published under the direction of Mr. James G. Jackson.

Mr. Sharon Turner, has made considerable progress in the second volume of his History of England.


Dr. Farre has published his second part of the Morbid Anatomy of the Liver, Order I. Tumours: the subject of Tumours and Inflammation of the Liver will occupy a series of twelve or thirteen coloured engravings, some of which will contain three or more figures. The whole will be completed ei

In the press, and speedily will be pub-ther in four or six fasciculi.

A Translation of the New Pharmacopeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, is at press,


lished (the copies to be printed not to ex- Mr. Astley Cooper is preparing for repubceed the number of subscribers) the new and lication, his work on the Anatomy and Surimproved edition of Stephens' Greek The-gical Treatment of Hernia. saurus. To be edited by A. J. Valpy, A.M, late Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Mr. E. II. Barker, of Trinity College, Cambridge. To be printed at Mr. A. J. Valpy's press, London. This work will be published in parts, at 11. 1s. each--large paper 21. 25. each. To be completed in three or four years. Present subscriptions, 832 small paper, and 73 large. The subscription will soon be closed. A correct list will be recorded in the work. A list of the pre

Dr. Miller, editor of the fourth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, intends to publish a new Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, to be called the Encyclopædia Edinensis.

A continuation of the pasquinade, entitled Buonapartephobia, will soon appear.

Mr. Mackenzie has in considerable forwardness, Speculations on Various Subjects, consisting of a series of literary, moral, and religious essays.

The Paris Spectator; or, l'Hermite de la Chaussée-d'Antin; containing Observations upon Parisian Manners and Customs at the commencement of the nineteenth century.Translated from the French, by William Jerdan, in two volumes duodecimo, will appear this month.

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ing in an octavo volume, Hampden, or the Concentric, a poem.

Mr. E. V. Utterson, is preparing for pub lication, Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry. A continuation, or rather extension, of the plan adopted by Ritson, has been considered as not unlikely to afford considerable gratification, as well to the admirers of our ancient popular poetry, as to the collectors of that branch of our literary antiquities. In this work no piece will be given which has been printed subsequent to the close of the 16th century; and as oue object in view is to illustrate the literary amusements of our ancestors, no poem can be con In the press, the Piano-Forte Pocket sidered as coming within the proposed arCompanion; the object of which is to sim-rangement, which did not, either in its subplify all those difficulties which bewilderject, matter, or style, claim popularity. Thé juvenile students, and sometimes puzzle the

A new edition of the Guide to all the Watering and Sea-bathing Places, will be ready for delivery on the 4th of July.




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work is not intended to exceed two volumes, of the same size as Ritson's "Ancient Popular Poetry,” and printed with similar types, Dr. Spurzheim is printing, for the use of on drawing paper. Each poem will be or general readers, Outlines of his Physiogno-namented with a wood-cut vignette, and to mical System; also a new edition of his each will be prefixed a short notice. A gloslarger work. sary to the whole will be added. The impression will not exceed 250 copies at the utmost,

Dr. Reade of Cork, will soon publish, Optical Outlines of a New Theory of Vision, Light, and Colour, with Experiments on Radiant Caloric.


Speedily will be published, a Novel, by the Author of Things by their Right Names, Plain Sense, &c.

Miss Weeks has in the press, the Philanthrophist, a novel, in three volumes.

The Virgin Bride, a romance, is in a state of great forwardness.

The Royal Wanderer, or the Exile of England, by Algernon, will be published in a few days, in three volumes, 12mo.


The British Review, and London Critical Journal, is about to be resumed, after having been suspended some time. For the regularity of the appearance of the Review, at the distance of every three months, the Conductors think they now can with confidence undertake; and they promise to produce No. XI. in a short time, the publication of which will be duly advertised.


The Cossack, a poem, in three cantos, with notes, will be published in a few days. A collection of Critical Tracts on English Poetry, by Gascoigne, Webbe, Harington, Campion, and others, edited by Mr. Haselwood, will soon be published.

Mr. Charles Smith, the artist, who was some time a prisoner in France, has in the press, the Mosiad, or the Deliverance of Israel from Egyptian Bondage, a sacred epic


Mr. Thomas Noble, of Liverpool, is print


Speedily will be published, an Address to the Nation, on the relative importance of Agriculture and Manufactures, and the means of advancing them both to the highest degree of improvement of which they are capable; with remarks on the doctrines lately advanced by Mr. Malthus on the Nature of Rent, and the relation it has to the amount of National Income; and a prefatory Letter to C. M. Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevento, on his late Expose of the Financial State of the French Nation. By the author of "Observations on the National Debt, Thoughts on Peace in the present state of the Country, with respect its Finances, with an Appendix, concerning the Theory of Money," &c.

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A new Edition, on superfine royal paper, of the Family Bible, edited under the sanction of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, is in the press, and will be published every alternate month, in parts, containing twenty sheets, at 8s. each. The edition on medium paper may be had in parts at 4s. each, and the weekly numbers at 6d. each. The first volume being completed, may be had in boards, price 11. 12s. Part IX. will be published on the first of July.

An Essay on the Original Sources of Error, which has led to the perversion of the pure word and plain sense of the Bible,

from the earliest periods of the Christian era to the present. By the Rev. W. L. Bowles.


Wm. Pitt, esq. late of Pendeford, is preparing for the press, a Topographical History of Staffordshire, compiled from the most authentic sources, and to form a large volume in 8vo.

Beauties of England and Wales.-This work being now nearly brought to a conclusion, the publisher is extremely anxious the subscribers should, without further delay, complete their sets, as he cannot, after the expiration of three months, from this date, promise to supply them with the numbers wanting. The Introduction promised in the original Prospectus, consisting of a Review of British, Roman, and Saxon History (and which may be bound with the first volume, or separately, at the option of the purchaser) is in great forwardness.

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The Lives of Edward and John Philips, Nephews and Pupils of Milton: including various particulars of the literary and political history of their times. By William Godwin. To which are added, Collections for the Life of Milton, by John Aubrey, F. R. S. 1681, printed from the manuscript copy in the Ashmolean Museum; and the Life of Milton, by Edward Philips, first printed in 1694. Embellished with an original likeness of President Bradshaw, and two other portraits. 4to. 21. 2s.

Memoirs of the Abbe Edgeworth; containing his narrative of the last hours of Louis XVI. By C. Sneyd Edgeworth. 8vo. 7s.

The Political Life of William Wildman, Viscount Barrington: compiled from original papers, by his brother Shute, Bishop of Durham. 8vo. 6s. Royal 8vo. portrait, 12s. A few copies royal 4to. l. 1s.


Number XXXIX. (continued weekly) of Dibdin's London Theatre; containing the Mourning Bride, with engravings on wood. 15.


The Philosophic Mouse; a work adapted to render Philosophical subjects pleasing to juvenile minds. By Jonathan Greaves. 12mo. 3s. 6d.


The Principles of Practical Perspective. By Richard Brown. Royal 4to. 21. 2s.

Twelve Plates, by Stothard, Heath, &c. to illustrate Lord Byron's Poems; in 8vo. 30s.-foolscap 8vo. 18s.-proofs, 4to. 21. 2s.


contains Scotland, British Isles, France, Thomson's Atlas, No. II. This Number Turkey in Europe with Attica. 8s.

Neele's General Atlas; comprising a complete set of maps, compiled from the best authorities, improved by valuable original documents, and embracing all the recent discoveries of circumnavigators and travellers. Imperial 4to. 41. 4s. half-bound.

A New Map of the World; exhibiting at one view the extent, religion, population, and degrees of civilization of each country; with numerous illustrative notes: by James Wyld. Printed on a large sheet of Columbier drawing paper. 7s. 6d.


The Historical Remembrancer; or Epitome of Universal History: including a chronological list of battles, sieges, revolutions, discoveries, inventions, eminent men, &c. &c. to the year 1814. By David Steuart, Esq. Illustrated by a chart of British and foreign history. 12ino. 5s.

The Parliamentary History of England, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803,

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