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ter-manufacturer, and his men, all sign- the descriptions given of my farm and ing their own names, or making their farm-yard by the infamous Times newscrosses; and when we see this, we shall paper, there is not a farm-yard in Engsee redress come, and not before. For land that presents greater abundance my part, if no other man in England do than mine does at this moment. Plenty his duty, I will; and the Parliament of straw, of which the ruffians said I shall not have met many days before my had none. Nine working oxen, a cow, County Member for Surrey shall have and a good lot of the finest of hogs. in his hands "the petition of the under- The oxen have eaten up all the corn"signed farmer and his workmen and stalks, tops and all. I have about 18 "servants." The prayer of the petition acres of the finest of Swedish turnips, shall be, that we may have no return to as yet untouched. My opinion is, that the pillaging, base paper-money, and such a piece of turnips of this kind, with that the taxes may be reduced in nomi- land so clean, is not to be seen in Engnal amount, in proportion to the aug- land at this time, except at my little mentation in the value of money; and, farm; and yet the calumnious ruffians at the bottom, we will clap all our have spread about all over the country, names, master, men, and boys. Let that the farm is destitute of every apfifty thousand farmers do the same; pearance of stock or of substantial proand in a very little time we have re-perty. What punishment is there which dress. The county member is the pro- base liars like these do not deserve? per channel for the farmers, at any rate, and there will hardly be one so barefaced as to refuse to do his duty in this respect. I am sure that mine will not; and, therefore, if no man else do it, I will lead the way.


My landlord, Mr. Colebrook, has caused a memorandum to be conveyed to me, upon the subject of the paragraphs in the newspapers, denying that he had any hand in them. This inemorandum intimates that an explanation will be afforded me when I return to town. I shall therefore suspend operations in that respect until such return. If the explanation shall be satisfactory, there will be an end of the matter, and Mr. Colebrook will find me just the reverse of what he has heard me described; but if it be not satisfactory, Mr. Colebrook shall find, that though I despise the Old Times and the other paragraph-grinders, I am not about to permit my landlord to republish, with impunity, libellous publications on his just and punctual, and even generous, tenant; but I am not going to suffer him to assist in the work of calumniating me, while my industry and enterprise are really filling his pockets with money.

TO-DAY, 11th January, I am going to Oldham; to-morrow, to Bolton-leMoors; on the 13th, to Preston; on the 14th, to Rochdale; on the 15th, to Todmorden; on the 16th, to Halifax; the 17th will be Sunday; on the 18th, to Huddersfield; on the 19th, to Dewsbury; on the 20th, to Leeds. This is as near as I can venture to lay down the route at present; but I think I shall be at Nottingham by the 27th, at farthest. At Leeds and at Sheffield, I shall probably stop more than a day. The weather here now is clear ground and hard frost. Hitherto the winter has been severe, and I think there is every likelihood of its continuance. However, my ten men and boys, with two maid-servants, at the Farm, have I HAVE growed this year, a pretty got plenty to eat and drink and to burn, large quantity, from the finest and and to keep them warm in the night; truest plants that I ever saw. In the and if other farmers do not do the same, year 1828, I transplanted twelve acres : according to the extent of their land, and, of course, put out no plant that the fault is not mine. Notwithstanding was not of the right colour. Many


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hundreds of gentlemen came to see the CORN, which stood on the side of this piece of mangel-wurzel, which every THIS, I find, is to be held on the 16th one said was the handsomest thing of instant. I was in hopes that I should the kind that he had ever seen. There get to Nottingham a day before it was was not a single degenerate plant in the held, and then I intended to go off to whole field; and the plants were sur- Norwich, be at the Meeting, and then prisingly uniform in size. From this come back again to Nottingham; and, field I took the plants and put them into if I had been there, I trust that the peten acres of fresh ground, to raise the tition of 1822 would have been carried seed from; and, notwithstanding the over again; for that is what we want. miserableness of the summer, I had a We want it, and every part of it, withlarge crop of seed, which I had the pa- out the alteration of one single word. tience to suffer to ripen thoroughly; and After the title of the petition, I would it is now thrashed out and winnowed. have proceeded thus: "Your_humble I shall. sell this seed at my shop in "petitioners presented to your HonourFleet-street; but I will not sell any "able House a petition passed in the before the first of March, because 1" month of January, 1823, in which must be first in London to know" petition they expressed their opinion what is the proper price for me to sell" with regard to the causes of the disat. I did not wish to retail this seed at "tress, with regard to the necessary all, and had therefore offered it to " remedies, and with regard to the fatal seedsmen; but as they told me that they consequences which must finally rewere over-stocked, I determined, of "sult from a disregard of their humble course, on retailing the seed, which I" supplication; and time having only shall do at the common retail price," confirmed them in the correctness of selling from one pound to any number" their opinions, they have now only to of pounds, and always at the same price," repeat their representations and their except to country correspondents, who" prayers, and to beseech your may want to sell the seed again, and "able House not to repeat your disrethen I shall make the suitable deduc-" gard of them." After this, I would tion. Middle of May is the proper time go on with the old petition, word for to sow mangel-wurzel seed for crop; word, and letter for letter, and thus that is to say, in the south of England. the petition would be complete. From If you sow earlier, many of the plants what I learn, illness in SIR THOMAS go to seed in August and September; BEEVOR's family, of a very serious naand that makes a considerable diminu- ture, will prevent him from being pretion in the solid amount of the crop. I sent. But I trust that some other Norshall have twenty acres, or more, of folk man will have the spirit to perform mangel-wurzel this year; and I hereby this duty. I hear that the Whig arischallenge beforehand all the whole tocracy are for doing nothing to take off body of bull-frogs of The Farmer's the taxes; so that, if they have their Journal, to produce a single piece of way, there will be a curious mixture of the same extent, equal in amount of folly and greediness, and the petition crop to mine; and if the tax-gatherer, be a dishonour to the county, which and the steward, and the overseer, and has, for years, been the land-mark of the parson, have left a hundred pounds the whole kingdom. in any of their pockets, and they have the pluck to venture it upon this challenge, they know where I live, and I am their man. However, they will have plenty to do in getting gold enough together to pay their rates, taxes, tithes and rent. They will have little time for making wagers or trying experiments.


A TREATISE on COBBETT'S CORN; con. taining instruction for propagating and cultivating the plant, and for harvesting and preserving the crop ; and also an account of the several uses to which the produce is applied, with minute directions as to each mode of application. Price 5s, 6d.




On the preparing of ground for planting; on the planting; on the cultivating; on the pruning; and on the cutting down of Forest Trees and Underwoods;


The usual growth and size aud the uses of each sort of tree, the seed of each, the season and manner of collecting the seed, the manner of preserving and of sowing it, and also the manner of managing the young plants until fit to plant out;


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I knew a gentleman, who, from reading the former edition which I published of TULL, has had land to a greater extent than the whole of my farm in wheat every year, without manure for several years past, and has bad as good a crop the last year as in the first year, difference of seasons only excepted; and, if I recollect rightly, his crop has never fallen short of thirty-two bushels to the acre. The same may be done by any body on the same sort of land, if the principles of this book be attended to, and its precepts strictly obeyed.

YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN AMERICA; treating of the Face of the Country, the Climate, the Soil, the Products, the Mode of Cultivating the Land, the Prices of Land, of Labour, of Food, of Raiment; of the Expenses of House-Keeping, and of the Usual Manner of Living; of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of the Institutions of the Country, Civil, Political, and Religious. Price 5s.

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LETTERS FROM FRANCE; containing Observations made in that Country during a Journey from Calais to the South, as far as Limoges; then back to Paris; and then, after a residence there of three months, from Paris through the Eastern parts of France, and through part of the Netherlands; commencing in April, and ending in December, 1824. By Jon M. Cobbett, Student of Lincoln's Inn. Price 4s.

MR. JAMES PAUL COBBETT'S RIDE OF EIGHT HUNDRED MILES IN FRANCE, Second Edition, Price 2s. 6d. This Work contains a Sketch of the Face of the Country, of its Rural Economy, of the Towns and Villages, of Manufactures, and Trade, and of such of the Manners and Customs as materially differ from those of England; ALSO, an Account of the Prices of Land, House, Fuel, Food, Raiment, Labour, and other Things, in different parts of the Country; the design being to exhibit a true picture of the present State of the People of France. To which is added, a General View of the Finances of the Kingdom.

POOR MAN'S FRIEND; or, Essays on the Rights and Duties of the Poor. Price 1s.


JUST published, at my shop, No. 183, Fleet Street, a volume under this title, price 2s. 6d. in boards, and consisting of ten letters, addressed to English Taxpayers, of which letters, the following

are the contents :—

Letter I.-On the Question, Whether it be advisable to emigrate from England at this time?

Letter II.-On the Descriptions of Persons to whom Emigration would be most beneficial. Letter III.-Ön the Parts of the United States to go to, preceded by Reasons for going to no other Country, and especially not to an English Colony.

Letter IV.-On the Preparations some time previous to Sailing.

Letter V.-Of the sort of Ship to go in, and of the Steps to be taken relative to the Passage, and the sort of Passage; also of the Stores, and other things, to be taken out with the Emigrant.

Letter VI.—Of the Precautions to be observed while on board of Ship, whether in Cabin or Steerage.

Letter VII. Of the first Steps to be taken on Landing.

Letter VIII-Of the way to proceed to get a Farm, or a Shop, to settle in Business, or to set yourself down as an Independent


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