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vered on the Thursday afternoon, was read by me, in the "NOTTINGHAM REVIEW" of the Friday morning, I am disposed to exclaim, How can a Member of Parliament want the "BIRMINGHAM UNION as a vehicle of facts and arguments to the people!

"If they remain, they will be something, I know, that the King's Speech, deli "for they will point out to the Govern"ment precisely who are the men to be "made a terrific example of." Before three months had passed over our heads, the elect of these clubs were all safe in dungeons! And the worst of it is, that men, thus combined, meet with little or no support from the people at large; No it is in that House that the thing because, even those who inwardly ap-is to be done, if it be to be done peaceprove of their object and efforts, do not ably; because that which is there said, do it openly, such approval being a tacit is said to all the people, and said to all confession, that they themselves have at once.

If the matter be calculated to neglected their duty, in not having rouse men to action, all are roused at openly joined the combination. Besides, one and the same time. Public opinion every petition, every remonstrance, is thus formed and settled; and it never coming from a combination, is received has yet been known, that public opinion and dealt with as such; the combina- did not, in the end, prevail. Now, theretion is regarded as not speaking the fore, as I am of opinion, that I should voice of the people; it is looked upon be able to do a great deal in this way, I as a conceited and disaffected party; and wish, as I long have wished, to be is exposed to every shaft that calumny placed in the House of Commons. If is able to level against any one or more all the people read my Register, this of its members. would not be so necessary: if all the No: the great change, the regenera-people had read (I mean tax-eaters extion or renovation, is not to be effected cluded) what I have published within peaceably by such means. If, indeed, the last ten years, there would be little the object were to effect it by physical for me to do: the public opinion would force, combinations might succeed; be settled and determined. However, but this object is most emphatically dis- all this falls far short, with regard even avowed by the parties; and here, at the to my own readers, of what speeches in very outset, they discover far too much Parliament would effect; for there are of timidity to encourage bold spirits to thousands of facts which, though of the join them, while this very timidity in greatest interest, and of undoubted truth, their language will make timid men I, as a writer, dare not state. I wear a suspect their sincerity, and stand aloof gag with respect to those matters precisefrom them accordingly. According to ly that ought to be laid before the peotheir own declarations, they will con- plé in all their naked deformity: in profine themselves to petitioning; and portion as the matter ought to be pubmost men will be satisfied, that we licly known is the peril of making it have had enough of that already. The known: and thus it is that a gagged good that a combination could do by press is, beyond all measure, worse than publications from the press, is very ques-no press at all; for, while it enjoys tionable. The circulation of them must boundless liberty to gloss over the deeds be partial; their motion would be slow; and their effect but feeble, however ably written, and in a style however forcible.

No: the scene wherein to effect a peaceable regeneration is the House of Commons itself, whence every word, coming from an able man and conveying interesting knowledge, flies to the utmost bounds of the kingdom almost with the rapidity of thought; and, when

of corruption by falsehoods endless, it dares not, though it confine itself to strict truth, expose those deeds in a plain and efficient manner.

What, above all things, the people want to know is, INTO WHOSE HANDS THE TAXES REALLY GO ; who it is that has GOT THE PROPERTY, OUT OF WHICH RELIEF FOR THE POOR FORMERLY CAME; who is it that take the money raised on

the people, over and above the interest it had swallowed of the public money; of the debt? These are the things that give all the items with day and date; the people want to know: this would show the origin, the progress, the result, be enough; but, never will they know of the horrible accumulation; and show this from writers, nor from "political exactly how it is that the middle class unions," however able the authors and are stripped of their property, and that leaders may be. From me they should the labourers are starving in rags by know this in quick time, if I were in these very means. I would not amuse the House of Commons. There would myself with loose declamation about need nothing more; the whole mystery exorbitant taxes and lavish expenditure; would be explained; a public opinion would be formed and settled at once; it would be heard, not in little councils or combinations of any sort, but from the lips of every man not living out of the taxes; and, strong as those are, who papers, and stick it up over their have an interest contrary to the people, and deaf as they would be to their voice, as long as deafness would avail them anything, their own interest would finally, and in a very short time, dictate to them to give way.

but I would bring the receivers face to face with the payers; and this I would do in a regular methodical way, enabling the readers of debates to cut the statement out of the reports in the news

chimneys. One wonders that these taxes could have been raised to sixty millions a year; that the very colleeting of them should cost as much as the whole revenue of England amounted to when George the Second came to the throne; If it be said that it is presumption in and to three-fourths as much as it me to believe that I could do that which amounted to when George the Fourth no other man can do, my answer is, came to the throne: one wonders how that I do not thus presume: many a this could have taken place without man is able to do the same; but, I am one single man ever having made presumptuous enough to say, if it be a rational effort to stop its propresumption, that I could do more than gress. One wonders how the poor-rates any man has yet done or seems disposed should have risen in the same period to do. I am very far from under- from about a million to eight millions, valuing the great and meritorious labours of Mr. HUME; but, in my opinion, he does not pursue the right course. He never traces the money to the personswho actually receive it. To propose reductions of expense is nothing, unless you show who it is that pockets the money. There may be various opinions about the necessity of these enormous expenses. but that which fires a man's blood is, the sight of those who pocket the money; and I would have every man and woman and child of them down by name, and would show the people who it is that stripped the middle ranks of their fortunes, and starve and beggar the work-chief. ing classes. There are arising every With regard to my fitness for this hour facts, which, if placed in a strong task, there are my thirty years' labours and clear light, are enough to madden before the nation; and there is my histhe people; but if these be alluded to tory, convincing every man that I might casually, the matter goes off in vapour, have rolled in riches long ago if I had leaving no impression upon the mind of not been animated by a constant desire the public. I would take a particular to rescue my country from those dangers family, for instance; show how much which have, at last, overtaken it. I

including, at both periods, the law expenses and divers other rates: one wont ders how this could have been withouthere being a single man in the Parliament ever making one single serious effort to make the people see the true cause of the evil. But when one considers the motives that have been at work; when one considers what the progress of power is when it is wholly unchecked, the wonder ceases; but it leaves a conviction on the mind that the only way of obtaining a peaceable remedy, is to make the people see, at last, the real cause of such a horrible mis

repeat, that I have no desire to obtain | sion, if the means be ready; but those

private advantage of any description; and that, if to all my other toils I add this, it will be for the sake of the people in general, and not in any one respect for myself. As to fame, I can obtain none from the measure now proposed. Nothing that I can do; nothing that a human being can possibly achieve, if achieved by me, can render ine more celebrated than I am, or can cause my memory to be more reverenced by the wise and the good: that memory I must know well will be perpetuated in writings which it will require many ages to cause to be forgotten, or to become obsolete; and, therefore, I can gain nothing by having a seat in the House of Commons; absolutely nothing but additional labour, to which may be added a load of anxiety, which I have not now to bear. I have always held it to be the duty of every man to endeavour, to the utmost of his power, to leave his country as good as he found it. This has always appeared to me to be a duty; this duty I have discharged according to the utmost of my means; and, in wishing to have greater means than those which I now possess, or ever have possessed, I am animated by the same sense of duty.

means must be ready before any effectual step be taken. My desire would be that the money should be deposited in the hands of SIR THOMAS BEEVOR, whose diligence and punctuality were so conspicuous in the former case. I never touched any of the money then, and I do not wish to do it now for myself, I have enough, and those who are dependent upon me are content with what they have, or with what they can gain by their own industry. In another Register, I will state more particularly, the mode which appears to me the best calculated for raising the money; and, in the mean while, I leave the matter to the reflection of those particularly who have talked to me on this subject during my tour in the North. I shall be glad to hear from any of them, stating their opinions upon the subject generally, particularly as to the mode of raising the money. As it is best to take some little time for communicating with each other, I will defer making any other publication on the subject until Saturday, the 13th of March, before which time I shall see SIR THOMAS BEEVOR, and shall be ready, in the Register of Saturday the 15th of March, to communicate his views on the subject. In order that I may have With regard to the sum required for time to prepare the publication in questhe purpose in view, if every man who tion, I ought to receive communications has within this twelve-month told me by Tuesday, the ninth of March, or that he owed his fortune to me; that Wednesday, the tenth of March, at he owed his preservation from ruin latest. If I should not have returned solely, or in great part, to me; if every from Norfolk by the ninth or tenth of such man were to subscribe twenty March, I must then put off the publicapounds, there would be money enough tion to the Register of the twentieth of to secure not one seat, but half a dozen March. The more time in reason that seats in Parliament. It is not my busi-is taken for previous deliberation, the ness to be urgent in this case it is quicker and the better the thing will be more the business of the nation than it done. If any friend in the North, or is mine. I never will, on any account, expend a farthing of my own earnings for this purpose; and I am very sure that every friend, and particularly every husband and father, would condemn me for so doing.

any where else, has any plan to propose, he may, however, communicate it to me as soon as he pleases; so that I may possibly be able to give it circulation in the next Register. A good deal, in this case, must be left to the conWith regard to the particular mode of venience of the gentlemen themselves. effecting the object in question, that They will, therefore, be pleased to write need not be pointed out at present. The to me on the subject whenever they object is always to be accomplished, find it convenient; but not later, it even before the end of the present ses- they please, than the times above speciWм. COBBETT.



March. It is clear that something must give way; it is clear that all can

It is my wish to be present at the not go on in the present course ; it

is clear that the system must be taken to pieces, or that it will go, or be knocked to pieces; and it is clear that those who are most deeply interested in the property of the church, have a design to touch the funds; and it is clear that the interest of the nation is, that the funds should not be touched, until every species of public property, especially that which is called churchproperty has been made available for public purposes: finally, it is clear, to me, at least, that this property must and will be taken at last, in one way or another; and that therefore the sooner the pub

intended meeting of my native county, Surrey; but there is so much delay about it, that I am afraid that I shall not. For I shall set off for NORWICH On Sunday, the 7th of March. I shall be at BURY ST. EDMUNDS on that evening, and, if all things be convenient, deliver a lecture at that town on Monday, the 8th of March, and shall take the town of EYE, as I come back from Norwich. I told the manufacturers what they had to expect; and I wish now to tell the farmers their fortunes. In the mean while I shall deliver another lecture at the Mechanics' Institute in London, on Thursday Even-lic clearly understand all about it, the ing next, the 4th of March, at the better it will be, the more quietly and usual hour, eight o'clock. The subject the more equitably the settlement will will be, chiefly, the legality, the justice, take place. There are very few perand the necessity of taking a large part sons, comparatively speaking, that know of the public property, commonly called anything about the state of this church CHURCH PROPERTY, and applying and the property that passes under its it to other public uses. I have several | name. It is high time that we all untimes touched upon this subject; but I derstood the matter well; and, if we do have never gone fully into it. It is anot, the fault shall not be mine. This subject that wants to be well understood is the thing for us to resolve on: that by the people at large; for the amount of the property and the present application of it are equally prodigious. It is very clear that those who have almost the whole of this property, have fixed their hard-looking eyes on what the fundholders receive; it is equally clear that to pay, for any length of time, the interest of the Debt in full tale, and in heavy gold, is impossible; resort must be had to some source other than that of taxation; and this is the greatest source of all; this is a real mine, a perennial spring of wealth. Therefore, it will be of the greatest utility to understand clearly what is the nature of the property, the uses for which it was intended, how it was formerly applied, what purposes it is applied to now, what are the laws that have been passed respecting it, and what are the grounds of a proposition for a new application of a great part of it. To communicate to my hearers the knowledge that I possess relative to these matters, will be the chief object of the lecture on the 4th of

the funds shall not, if we can help it, be touched, till all public property has been brought to account, and applied to public purposes.


THE Eighth Number of this work will be published on Monday, 1st of March. None of my little works have had a run equal to this. In the North, people were thanking me for it everywhere: the young men, husbands, fathers, and mothers. If it were, on any account, justifiable to be proud, it would be justifiable in me on account of this work.




I NOTIFIED, last spring, that I should not have a great many forest-trees to sell this year. I have, however, some of the following sorts, and at the prices put against them.


LOCUSTS, two years old, transplanted, 7s. a hundred.

BLACK WALNUT, very fine and large,

Island in 1827, put them upon a large stock in the spring of that year, and these cuttings have begun to bear already, having yielded a dozen pears this year. This pear always bears in abundance, and for baking, and making perry, it surpasses all others, and be

4s. a hundred.

BLACK SPRUCE, two years old, transplanted, 10s. a hundred. RED CEDAR, three years old, trans-yond all comparison, as far as my obplanted, 6d. each. servation has gone. My pears are, this

N. B. I would recommend planters to year, all upon seedling pear-stocks; the raise the Locust trees from seed, agree-stocks were removed; and, therefore, the ably to the directions, contained in my roots will be in the best possible state book, entitled, "THE WOODLANDS," for the transplanting of the trees. The which explain the whole matter very fully. In general, not a tenth part of the seed come up; but this is because it is not sowed in the proper manner. See paragraphs from 383 to 387, inclusive. Follow these directions, and you will never fail. I shall have some fine seed, in a short time, from America, and some other American tree-seeds also.

[blocks in formation]

These are all the sorts that I have now, and they are all that I think necessary. The first is the finest flavoured apple in the world, and it will keep till May. The second is good from November till February; the third, from fall till Christmas; and the fourth is an incomparable pie apple, and a good keeper. They are all great bearers, and the wood is of free growth. The plants are as fine as it is possible for them to be. The stocks were twice removed; the roots are in the best possible state for removing; and if planted according to the directions contained in "ENGLISH GARDENER," they will grow off at once, and speedily bear.


scions, or cuttings, were chosen so as to
be of the exact size of the stock; the
grafting was done in the neatest man-
ner, and the plants are clean and beau-
tiful accordingly. I venture to say, that
these pears never were exceeded, either
in growth of shoot or condition of root,
by any that ever came out of a nursery.
They are growing at Kensington, as well
as the other trees. The price of the
pears is, as it was last year, three shil-
lings a piece. The list is as follows:

No. 1. American Fall Pear.
2. Jargonelle.

3. Ganzal's Bergamot.
4. Brown Beurée.
5. Crassanne.
6. Colmar.

7. Saint Germain.
8. Winter Bergamot.
9. Bishop's Thumb.
10. Chaumontel.
11. Summer Bergamot.
12. Poire d'Auch.
13. Winter Bonchrétien.
14. Summer Bonchrétien.
15. Green Chisel.

16. Williams's Bonchrétien.
17. Orange Bergamot.
18. Long-Island Perry Pear.

These pears are those which I reI have eighteen sorts of pears, omit-commend in my book on Gardening. ting, I believe, no one that is held in I have omitted one or two, because, at much estimation. The first and the last the time of grafting, I could not prosort, No. 1. and No. 18., are from Ame- cure cuttings of them from persons rica. No. 1. is an extraordinarily fine whom I could depend upon as to the eating pear, the like of which I had never sort; but the list is, nevertheless, pretty seen before. No. 13. is a baking pear full, and any gentleman with these trees of most exquisite flavour, and a great in his garden, will have a good succesand constant bearer. I had lost this sion of this table fruit from Midsummer sort, but I got some cuttings from Long to February.

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