Page images
[blocks in formation]

China, war with, 152

Chinnock, Mr. Edward J., 311

Chisholm, Mrs., 33

Church rates, Lowe's attitude towards,
79, 80

Civil Engineers' banquet, Lowe's
speech, 336 n.

Service, India, 61-66, 78, 421, et seq.
Reform, 422

Classics and education, Lowe on, 134,

201, 272, 331, 332, 333, 336, 474
Cleon and the sausage-seller, 318
Cleveland, Duchess of, 408
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 37, 127
Coalitions, 57

Cobden, 37, 51, 306; Lord Beacons-
field's tribute to, 334 n.
Colwick Hall, sacking of, 159
Commons, House of, character and
constitution of, 169, 273

Dalhousie, Marquis of, 87
Dangstein, 394

Danvers, Sir Juland, 401
Darwin, Charles, 201, 202
Darwinism, Sir G. C. Lewis on, 203;
W. S. Macleay on, 204
Dasent, Sir George, 42, 413, 414
Deaf M.P., story of, 404

Delane, John T., 23, 26, 42, 132, 143,
229, 248; letters of, 230, 231, 267
Democracy and Darwinism, 204; bat-
tle with, 252, et seq.; and war, 285;
last words on, 460; American, 135,
136, 145, 263; Australian, 105, 106
Denison (Speaker), letter to Mrs.
Lowe, 289

Deputations, 219, 220, 371, 372, 373,
377, 389

Commons Preservation Society, 377, Derby, Countess of, 469; Lowe's letters


Comtists, English, 280
Confessional, 224

Congress, American, and House of
Commons, 169
Conscription, 403

Conservative Surrender, 318, 320, 321
Conspiracy of the Unfit, 261
Contemporary Review, 447
Cook, John Douglas, 249
Corn duty, 364

Cortachy Castle, Lines on the Garden
of Friendship, 395
Cossack to his Steed, 86
Courtney, Mr. Leonard, 442
Cowen, Joseph, 216, 379, 436; compli-
mented by Lowe, 437
Cowper, Sir Charles, 94, 95

Cox, Homersham, on Reform Bills,
323 n.

Cranborne, Viscount, 235, 244, 816,
321, 322

to, 462-465

Derby, Earl of (the late), 74, 239-241,

276, 300, 301, 305, 347; and a Coa-
lition, 303 n., 308

Derby, Earl of (son of the above: see
also Stanley, Lord), 288, 316, 433,
463, 469; and Lord Sherbrooke,
462, et seq.; letter to Viscountess
Sherbrooke, 471

Diary of Two Parliaments, 429, 436,452
Dickens, Charles, 39, 170

Dilke, Sir Charles, 442; on Sir Bartle
Frere, 447

Disraeli (see also Beaconsfield, Lord),

46, 47, 51, 55, 57, 181, 221, 264, 270,
276,293, 300, 304, 316, 317, 324, 330,
347, 362, 426, 432, 438, 439; and
Mrs. Lowe, 201; and Lowe as con-
versationalists, 391; as debaters, 404
Dissenters and the universities, 79, 80
Divorce Bill, 164

D.C.L., Lowe, at Oxford, 381


Douglas, Mr. David, 333

Dove, Lowe likened to a white, 372
Dowell, Mr. Stephen, on taxation, 364 n.
Dred, 141

Dublin, Lowe in, 200

Duff, Sir M. E. Grant, 318, 409, 427
Dufferin, Marquis of, 340, 409; letter
to Lowe on Icelandic colony, 416;
letter to Viscountess Sherbrooke, 472
Duncombe, Thomas Slingsby, 182, 258
Dunkellin, Lord, 277, 298

EARLY Hours in the Lords, 412
Eastlake, Lady, 408
Edinburgh Review, 413
Edinburgh University, 330
Education, Robert Lowe on, 215;

problem of, 330; classical, 331;
middle class, 333; primary, 338;
letter on, 462

Egypt, Lord Sherbrooke on, 459, 460
Elcho, Lord (afterwards Earl of
Wemyss), 277, 427
Election expenses, 295

Elgin, freedom of City, 381

Ellenborough, Lord, letter to Lowe, 302
Ellice, Mrs., 468

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 130, 296

Emigration to Australia, 52

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Farrar, Archdeacon, 475

Farrer, Sir Thomas, 67, 70, 114, 115

120, 121

Fathers of families and flesh-and

blood theory, 443

Fawcett, Professor, 176, 324, 357, 378,
379; Life of, 377
Fearon, Dr., 467

Federal Government, 146
Federation, Imperial, 432
Fenianism, 266, 339, 340, 345
Fifty Years of Australian History (see
Parkes, Sir Henry)

Finance Minister, first, after Reform
Bill, 463

Fitzgerald, Maurice, Knight of Kerry,

Forster, W. E., 213, 221, 222, 224, 235
Fortnightly Review, 442-446

Franchise, county, 439; Lowe's last
speech on, 440; Lowe's last words
on, 460

Franco-German War, 382
Frere, Sir Bartle, 447

Froude, Mr. J. A., 219, 304

'G,' the letter, 464

Galton, Sir Douglas, 127

Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar, 402
Giant Despair, 458

Gibson, Milner, 153

Gilbert's, Mr. W. S., Happy Land, 380
Gisli the Outlaw, 413

Gladstone, Mr., 47, 51, 83, 84, 164,
165, 253, 254, 259, 267, 268, 269,
271, 272, 276-278, 279 n., 285, 317,
324, 348, 361, 392, 409, 443, 444,
446, 450, 461, 463; letter to Robert
Lowe, 442; to Viscount Sherbrooke,
468; letter in memoriam, 476
Glasgow, freedom of City, 383
Glenlyon, lines in the hotel-book, 399 n.
Goldsmid, Sir Julian, 355

Goschen, Mr., 392, 393, 399, 405, 406;
on Lowe's magnanimity, 439; on
Lowe's break-down, 447
Gower's, Lord Ronald, Reminiscences,
339 n.


Graham, Sir James, 56, 83

Granville, Lord, 110, 111, 180, 210,
219, 229; letter of, 227
Greece, democracy in, 263; tour in, 308
Greenwood, Frederick, 291
Gregory, Sir William, 277, 340
Grenfell, Mr. H. R., 458

Greville's Journal, 16, 45, 83, 109, 182
Grey, Earl, 11, 13, 33, 40, 98

- Sir George (Home Secretary), 249,

Grillion's Club, 409, 473

Grosvenor, Earl (Duke of Westminster),
276, 277, 297, 301

Grote, George, 352; letter of, 233
Guedalla, Mr. Joseph, Lowe's letter to,

Guild of Literature, 39


Lord, see Wood, Sir Charles

Hamilton, Lord George, 424, 426, 427,



Lord Claud, 440, 442

Mr. E. W., 410 n.

Harold, England of, 436
Harrison, Frederic, 280, 285
Hartington, Marquis of, 387, 461
Hartog, Numa, 380

Harvey, Mrs., of Ickwell-Bury, 396
Hastings, Warren, 64

Hatfield House, Lowe at, 339, 392
Hayter, Captain, 277, 295

Head, Sir Edmund, 131, 134, 414; Sir
G. C. Lewis's letters to, 147
Hebrew, Lowe's study of, 401
Helgi and Sigrun, 417

Herald, Melbourne, on Sir William
Molesworth and Lowe, 101
Herbert, Sidney (afterwards Lord Her-
bert of Lea), 75, 83, 210
Herodes Atticus, 376

History of the Elementary School

Contest in England, 214, 221, 222
Hole, Reynolds, Dean of Rochester,

Holland House, 178, 408
Holland, Sir Henry, 414

[blocks in formation]

ICELANDIC Sagas, 413

Imperial Institute, 469

Parliament, docility of, 448
Imperialism, 433; Lowe on, 434, 435
India Bill, 60

Indian Civil Service, 61-66, 78;
Robert Lowe and, 421, et seq.
Inns of Court, 29, 30, 42 n.

Ionian Islands, 164

Ireland, problem of, 338; and the
Colonies, 341; Lord Derby on, 464
Irish Church, 348, 362

Home Rule, 431, 461
in America, 340
land policy, 362
Parliament, 342
predial injustice, 456
separation, 342

tour, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe's, 199
vote, origin of, 261 n.

Irving, Joseph, 292, 293, 370

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Lowe, Elizabeth Agnes Pyndar, death
of, 209

- Mr., at the Board of Health, by Sir
John Simon, 185

Lowell, James Russell, 127, 128
Lowndes Square, 91

Lubbock, Sir John, 319, 349, 351, 352,

Lucy, Henry, on Lowe, 428, 436, 440, 452
Lunn, Edward, letter to Lowe, 314
Lyte's Sailor's Grave, 383

Lytton, Bulwer, 39

MACAULAY, Lord, 46, 64, 178, 452
McCarthy, Mr. Justin, 197
Macdonell, James, 479

Macfie, Mr. R. A., 330

Macleay, Sir George, 407, 408


- William Sharpe, 92; letters of, 93,
204, 234; death of, 237

Macmillan's Magazine, 463

Macpherson, Mr. Allan, of Blair-
gowrie, 14

Maine, Sir Henry, 42 n., 175
Maintenon, Madame de, 392
Malmesbury, Lord (Memoirs of an

ex-Minister), 81 n., 83, 163, 240
Manchester: overture to Lowe, 171
Manning, Cardinal, on Lord Sher-
brooke, 405, 409, 459
Maritime insurance, 149

Married Women's Property Bill, 349n.
Martin Chuzzlewit, 170

Match tax, 362, 363, 368, 369; Lowe's
repartee, 368 n.; Mr. Stanley
Jevons' pamphlet on Match Tax:
a Problem in Finance, 368

Maudslay, Dr. Henry, 355

Mayo, Earl, 13, 339

Melville, Canon, 43; Lowe's letters to,
172, 175, 239, 302, 324
Metaphysical Society, 409

Metcalfe, Lord (Sir Charles), 64, 88
Mill, John Stuart, 60, 65, 239, 250,
253, 254, 255, 279 n., 281, 282, 283,
Miller, Dr. William Allen, 351
Molesworth, Sir William, 4


Molesworth, Lady, 307
Monsell, Mr., 387

Morley, John, his Life of Cobden, 38,

51; as a journalist, 355, 356

Mortlock, Miss, portrait of Lord Sher-

brooke, 471

Mozley, Rev. Thomas, 41
Murray, Mr., 345

Musters, Mrs. (Byron's Mary), 159
Musters, Mrs. Chaworth, 159, 395,
414; Lowe's letters to, 449, 452, 456;
Reminiscences of Lord Sherbrooke,


Musty parchments, 122

NAPOLEON III. and the coup d'état, 35
National Debt, 258
Nettleship, Mr., 469, 470
Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 394
New Guinea, 464

New Review on Lord Sherbrooke at

Mr. Goschen's, 405
Newcastle, Duke of, 72, 73, 164; his
Education Commission, 213
Niagara, 130

Niagara Shooting (battle with de-
mocracy), 304; and After, 329
Nineteenth Century, 443, 445, 446,
453, 456

North and South, 135

Northbrook, Lord, 382, 424, 428
Northcote, Sir Stafford (afterwards
Lord Iddesleigh), 299, n. 300, 301,
322, 442

Northern Circuit, Robert Lowe on, 2
Northumberland, Duke of, 339

Norton, Hon. Mrs., on Robert Lowe,

Norway, Lowe's trip to, 414, et seq.

OATHS, Parliamentary, 459

Obstruction or clôture, 453

Old Mortality, 467

O'Loghlen, Sir Colman, 355

Opportunism, Lord Derby's, 321 n.,

348 n.

Origin of Species, 202



Osborne, Bernal, 42; Lowe's letters to,
164, 238, 268; Delane's letter to,

- Mrs. Bernal, Lowe's lines in auto-
graph-book, 207; Lowe's letter to,


Outram, Sir James, 67, 68, 69, 162;
Lowe's letters to, 68, 88; and Arab
chiefs, 89

Mrs., Lowe's letter to, 70
Sir F. B., 89

Overstone, Lord, 115, 355

Oxford University, Royal Commission
on, 18; Lowe's letter to the Com-
mission, 19; University Bill, 438;
Lowe at, 381

PAGENSTECKER, the oculist, 469

Pall Mall Gazette, 400; on Lowe's
oratory, 291

Palmerston, Lord, 53, 75, 110, 238,
239, 240, 241, 286; letter of, 229;
death of, 242; Lowe's estimate of,
242, 243

Parkes, Sir Henry, 7, 9, 242 n., 353,
354, 407; letter to Viscount Sher-
brooke, 471; Lowe's letter to, 102
Parliament, Lowe as member of, 429
Parnell, C. S., 341

Commission Court, 473
Parties, parliamentary, 318
Patronage, 82

Pattison, Mark, on Newmanites and
Liberals, 17

Peacock, Thomas Love, 59

Peel, General, 294 n., 299, 316, 322
Peel's, Sir Robert, pictures, 377
Peerage, colonial, 95

Lowe reluctant to accept, 448, 450
Peers, House of (see Lords, House of)
Pellegrini's statuette, 363

Pencarrow, 307

Pendell Court, 407

Pender, Sir John, 400

Pension, Lowe's refusal of, 450

Pessimism, Lowe's, 273

Philadelphia, 142

Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, 27


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