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On the ITALIAN IMPROVISATORI. tised as an improvisatore in his younger From the German.

Est Deus in nobis; agitante calescimus illo. OVID.

[Concluded from p. 500. vol. vii.]


brated of these improvisatori was he whom Moritz has delineated in -his Travels in Italy.

Thus a perpetual and numerous school in this art is preserved, not only among the higher classes, but also among the lower orders, where many force themselves into the natural to the Italians) is cultivated this talent (which seems to service uncalled for. But as in the with greater or less taste and genius, exercise of this art every thing de according to the degree of cultivation pends upon immediate success; as among them; and the idle vulgar have the work must be at once invented, their professional improvisatori as perfected, and, according to its merit, well as the more elegant votaries of prized; and as the polished Italian, the muse among the nobility. Those who knows very well the scale of ex- exercise their art in squares and cellence in this art, not easily rewards market-places. In a few moments a demerit with his approbation; so the circle is collected round the wander. madness of these uncalled poets sel- ing Homer, who delivers in about an dom lasts long, and they soon forsake hour as much poetry as will suffice to a vocation in which their incapacity secure him from hunger for the next is rendered more conspicuous by every two or three days; and such a vir new attempt, and where no pretext tuoso is the more reckless of futurity, of personal timidity or modesty, which because he is sure to find, whenever they may alledge, can conceal it from he wishes, another audience at the them. I have myself had an oppor- next square. One of the most celetunity of observing how pitiable and lamentable it is to see a blockhead fruitlessly labouring in this art. The painful feeling of his fruitless ex- Also have the lower classes, even ertions spreads itself by sympathy to down to mechanics and countrymen, the company, and the inward anguish their Dilettanti in this art. Often of the unhappy poet bathes the brows one may see in all houses, when the of the audience with perspiration. wine has inspired animation, two As, however, the Italian language is prize singers arise and endeavour to so flexible a material, and so easily silence each other. The subject of submits to the shackles of poetry, the their verse is generally satiric; and number of Dilettanti in this art, who, such scenes are a living representation with no common capacity, and fre of the most ancient satiric games and quently endowed with considerable alternate songs of the Sicilian sheppoetical power, dedicate their talents herds; so that the improvisatori of merely to the production of convivial the vulgar, rhyming in the highways pleasure, is by no means small; and and squares, transplant strangers back in the large towns of Italy, it would to the times of Orpheus and Homer. not be easy to find a polished company In general these songs have very little in which one or other of the guests is poetical merit; but they are often not capable of giving pleasure by the rich in naïve expressions and pointed exercise of this art. Often, when ridicule; and the natural talent of the four or five possessing this talent hap- Italian, his pure aerial mind, shews pen to meet accidentally or perhaps itself here in the most advantageous by appointment, trials of skill in ex- light; and, as also to the most common temporaneous and alternate poetry Italian, poetical propriety is not wholly take place, and the company crown unknown, for they all read their celeboth the conqueror and conquered brated poets and commit much of with their approbation. Even a to- their works to memory, so their most lerable genius for poetry would not inartificial extemporaneous producfind this art easy unless he had prac- tions bear commonly some marks of regularity and precision:

This interesting article was communicated to the celebrated Wieland by the Italian, Fernow.


If we place those improvisatori who carry on their art in open places before the populace, upon a level with


the charlatan who exercises his pro- attempted to estimate extemporaneous fession in the same place and before poetry by a scale to which it was not the same public, we must then esti- originally proportioned, if we did not mate very highly those of the higher at the same time take into considerorder, who exhibit their talents in a ation its superiority over written rime nobler manner, and before a more in the intenseness of its effect upon enlightened audience. But we must the hearers. hear a virtuosi in this art, or an eminent dilettanti of the superior classes, in order to form an adequate idea of it, whose cultivation is co-ordinate with the rank of the persons who exercise it and of the age in which it is exercised.

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But when we consider it nearer, this incapacity of producing what shall bear equally the test of perusal, does not arise from the limited nature of the art itself, but from the difficulty of elevating it to such a height of perfection, and from the confined powers It is usual to object to extempo of mind and deficiency of practice in raneous poetry: that it produces those who usually exercise it. There nothing which can aspire above me- are even at present in Italy examples diocrity; that it may perhaps deceive of improvisatori who, uniting great for the moment, dazzle, and over- delicacy of mind and taste to very supower; but that it will not stand the perior talents, and, from much extest of perusal; and that the greater ercise, having acquired a singular part of the printed improvisi confirm facility, are capable of producing unthis charge. This is indeed partly premeditated verse which will bear the owing to the very nature of such pro- ordeal of perusal, and is in every reductions; for even in the very best spect excellent. Such a one was pieces of this description we may per- (among others) the Abbé Lorenzi, in ceive incorrectness, repetitions, weak Verona, from whom Bettinelli borpassages, in a word, unavoidable traces rowed the features of the portrait of the rapidity with which they are given above*; such a one is Francesco produced but we shall also perceive Gianni of Rome, who is at present as many indubitable marks of true famous, and has carried this art to inspiration, which are very often such a height of perfection as it rarely, sought in vain in the most laboured if ever, attained before, as his printed and finished productions. When, improvisi sufficiently prove; such a however, we consider how difficult it one, too, is the Abbé Berardi in Rome, is, according to the confession of the one of the most eminent dilettanti in greatest poets themselves, to produce this art, whom I have frequently a perfect poem with all the advantages heard, and by whom was communiof leisure, meditation, and revision; cated to me the following improvisi, when we consider the small quantity whose authenticity I can the more of good poetry extant, compared to confidently vouch for, because I mythe immense quantity of middling self, during its delivery, had an opand absolutely bad; and when, finally, portunity of committing it to paper.

we reflect that works of this kind are in no manner intended for a reading public, but entirely for immediate and instantaneous enjoyment, so that it is a special permission of the poet if he allows his verses to be copied, (soinetimes indeed an effect of his vanity), and that every thing in its way may be called perfect when it attains that which by its nature it is capable of attaining, and according to its intention it ought to attain; when, I say, we consider all this, we must be indeed obdurate disciples of nil admirari, if we, on that account, would depreciate this art beneath its just level. We should be unjust if we

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Per cui prendesti ogni beltade a scorno, Per cui restò ogni core oppresso e vinto, Per cui vedesti in questa e in quella parte, Ferito Adone, e insieme Auchise e Marte. In so che per voler d'averso Fato, E di Fortuna per ignobil ginoco, Ti fu dal cielo per consorte dato Il ruvido Vulcano, il Dio del fuoco; Ma veggo poi, che non fu Giove ingrato; Che, se un' amante core è oppresso e fioco, Effetto è sol, che del piacere al lume Giugne l'ingegno a incenerir le piume. Or questo ignobil Dio, che ottenne in


Colei che fa, che il cielo e il suolo avvampi;
Che condusse nel mondo miglior sorte;
Che sparse di bei fiori i colli e i campi;
Volle col braccio suo robusto e forte
Del Trinacrio cammino in mezzo a' lampi
Formare un felicissimo lavoro,

Che vinse a un tempo indiche gemme ed


Ne Piracmon col braccio alpestre e rude, Nè a tale opra chiamò Sterope e Bronte: Ma, a travagliar sulla Sicania incude, Vennero al dolce invito, allegre e pronte, Tre vezzosette verginelle ignude, Di mirti e rose coronate in fronte; Che sceser dalla bella eterea via, Dico Aglaja, Eufrosine e ancor Talia.

Dovean le grazie intorno a si bell'opra Le mani affaticar leggiadre e pronte; Vulcan vi assiste e senno ed arte adopra, E mesce al fuoco di Aganippe il fonte. E avvien che tutto di sudor si capra Dal piede infermo, alla callosa fronte, Per tessere un lavor tutto novello Che in terra e in ciel non vi sarà il più bello.

Prendon d'un amator caldi sospiri; Prendon d'un altro amante il dolce pianto; Prendon d'un guerrier, che ama, i delirj, Che piange e freme, colla morte accanto; Vi mescolam dolcissimi raggiri, Che guadagnar ben cento cori han vanto; Nè ciascuna di lor sembra restia, A mescolarvi ancor qualche bugia.

Nè tu l'ultimo loco avesti o sdegno, Che sembri inesorabile e severo, E giovi poi per sostener l'impegno, E mantener di un forte amor l'impero. Sembra talor, che miri ad altro segno; Ma questo moto è in te ben menzognero; Che di sdegnarsi all'amator non spiace, Perche più dolce poi divien la pace.

Tu sola, Eternità, non vieni a parte
Di questo soavissimo lavoro;

Che tanto bene all'uom non si comparte,
Di rinnovar la bella età dell'oro.
Le lagrime, talora al avento sparte,
Non conducono al cor dolce ristoro,
Nè il bel cinto divino è di tai tempre,
Che vaglia un core a incatenar per sempre,

Di questo incomparabile bel cinto
Questa sposa novella ornossi il braccio,
Comparve il volto di un color dipinto
Che mescolava insieme il fuoco ed il ghi-

Spingeva e raffrenava il caldo istinto,
Ora stringendo, ora allentando il laccio;
E tessendo a ogni cor varia congiura,
Cangia il sembiante ognor grazia e figura.
Con questo, o bella Dea, scorrendo in

Facesti al suolo germegliar le rose;
Che un soave piacer poi ricompose;
Tra colombe destasti amica guerra,
Per lui le forme appajono pompose;
Per lui parti novelli il suol disserra;
E quelle dolci grazie inclite e rare,
Ond' è bella la terra, e il cielo, e il mare,
Sentirono in quel di più caldi sproni
In seno dell' istabile clemento,
E le belle Nereidi ed i Tritoni;
E innamorato ancor fremeva il vento;
Ogni mortale si dimostrò contento.
Moltiplicarsi di natura i doni;
Tacque in quel di la sanguinosa guerra,
E in dolce calm riposò la terra.

Questo cinto immortal, stimolo e sprone
Delle più dolci e più soavi prove,
Spesso prestollo Venere a Giunone,
Il freddo cor a riscaldar di Giove;
Spesso ottenna per lui bel guiderdone
Colui, che affanni e grazie in terra piove;
Per lui ne riportò premio e ristoro
Ora in pioggia caugiato, et ora in toro.

Ma quanto ancor fatal fu questo dono
Alla moglie crudel del sacerdote,
Che, aperta la vorago, oppresso e prono
Precipitò colle fuggenti rote.

E lasciando i cavalli in abandono,
Che il braccio uman più ritener non puote,

D'Apollo ad onta, e delle Parche a scherno

Venne immaturo ad abitar l'averno.

Elena possederlo ebbe la sorte,
Quando fu tolta a suo minore Atrida;
Mosse per questo Achille il braccio forte
Ed llio empì di lagrime e di strida.
Cadde Priamo per lui di cruda morte;
Virtude al popol suo non fu più guida:
Il sangue scorse, e scorse a rivi il pianto,
E gonfj andaro il Simoente e il Xanto.

Di possederlo ancora avesti il vanto,
O regina bellissma di Egitto!
Che la grandezza tua cangiata in pianto,
Col seno da fredd' aspide trafitto.
Per lui moristi al dolce Antonio accanto,
Che vide il regno tuo mesto e sconfitto;
Onde avviene che anch' egli estinto cada
Sopra l'inesorabile sua spada.

Ultima l'ebbe poi la bella Armida
Che ne fece tant' uso in sen più caldo;
lo dico in lui, che nel valor confida,
Nel generoso e nobile Rinaldo,

Che, forte al pari del più forte Atrida,
Ascoltò poi la voce e il dir d'Ubaldo,
Che trasse il duce vincitore e vinto,
Fuori dell' incantato labirinto.

Dove poi s'ascondesse ill bel lavoro,
Alla musca gentil non è palesa;
Forse torno de' sommi Dei fra il coro,
Forse in astro novello in ciel s'accese-
Sia come vuole; in prendo alcun ristoro,
Per ritentare altre più belle imprese.
Chiudete i rivi, o fanciulletti alati,
C'han già bevuto d'Amatunta i prati.

Christ. 2. Reflexions impartiales sur
Evangile. 3. La morale de la nature.
4. Histoire abregie du Sacerdoce an-
cien et moderne. Have any of these
been printed? An answer to the
whole, or any of the above questions,
will oblige
Yours, &c.

Edinburgh, June 27, 1807.

EXTRACTS from ELIAN'S VARIOUS HISTORY. By Dr. TOULMIN. These eighteen stanzas were the production of about so many minutes, [Continued from p. 400. vol. vII.] and I could not always, without help, No. 36.-The Generals Demetrius follow this almost uninterrupted co- and Timotheus compared. pious stream of poetry. In a former company the combat of Etcocles and WHICH was the superior General Demetrius Polioneles, or Polymices was given to the same poet Timotheus, the Athenian? I will as a theme, and he treated this heroic represent the conduct of both: from subject with such a superiority and whence it may judged, which was insuch inspired sublimity, that the com- titled to most honour. Demetrius, pany remained in a sort of luxurious drawing up his battering machines to astonishment, and a universal pity was shake and throw down the walls, took excited that no preparations had been cities by violence, harrassing them to made for rescuing such a happy effort the utmost, and inflicting on them the from oblivion. It must be observed greatest calamities: Timotheus, by also, that this was the first time for argument and persuasion, shewed six years (during which period he had them, that it would be for their adbeen invested with official duties, vantage to submit to the government partly under the former Papal govern- of the Athenians, ment, partly under the republic) that he had appeared, after the last effort, as an improvisatore, July 6, 1807.



No.37.-The Origin of Cock-fighting,

The Athenians, after the conquest of the Persians, passed a law: "That there should be a public cock-match, on the stage, every year." I will explain what gave occasion to this staSHOULD feel myself much indebted tute. When Themistocles led the to any of your correspondents, if forces of the city against the Barbathey could inform me whether the Sys- rians, he saw some cocks fighting; teme de la Nature, published under the nor did he view them with indiffername of M. Mirabaud, be really the ence: but commanding his army to production of D'Alembert; whether halt, he thus addressed his soldiers: he ever acknowledged it as such in any "These do not assail each other for of his writings; or if not, upon what the sake of country, nor for their paauthority it is generally asserted to be ternal Gods, nor for the sepulchres of his The title page of the copy, now their heroic ancestors, nor for glory, before me, bears the imprint of Lon- nor for liberty, nor for children; but dres, 1774, and prefixed to the work is a pretended account of the author, who is said to have been perpetual secretary to, and one of the forty of the French academy; it is added, that he died June 24, 1760. Was there ever such a man? and is he known as the author of any work besides this, which is imputed to him. In the account above-mentioned there are four works, principally scriptural, said to have been left behind him, 1. La vie de Jesus

for mastery." By this speech he roused the spirits of the Athenians, and he wished to perpetuate the memory of the incident by which he animated their courage, as a stimulant to the like exploits.

Note. Mr. Upton supposes that another reason, for the institution of cock-matches by Themistocles, may be assigned besides that given by Ælian namely, to preserve the me mory of his Persian conquest, as that

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bird first emigrated from Persia into other countries.—Eustathius, it may, however, be observed, attributes to the same origin as lian does, the annual cock-fightings of the Athe


No. 38. The effects of Irony and

adapted to sooth, captivate, and seduce women?

No. 41.-Crates' greatness of mind. Crates, the Theban, discovered, in many instances, a greatness of mind, and was known to despise those things to which the majority are wonderfully attached, such as money and Irony and sarcastic jeers have, in their country. That he gave up his my opinion, no torce in themselves. fortune to the Thebans was a matter If aimed at a man of firm mind, they talked of among all; but another acevaporate; but if, indeed, they are tion of his is not well known. It was levelled at low and mean spirits, they this: Leaving Thebes after its restonot only grieve, but sometimes kill. ration, he exclaimed, "I want not a For instance, Socrates, when satyrised city which Alexander, or some other and ridiculed on the stage, laughed at conqueror, will lay in ruins." it; but Poliager hung himself. No. 42. Olympias' grief over AlexNo. 39.-No Atheists among Barander lying unburied. barians.

Olympias, the Mother of AlexWho will not extol the wisdom of ander, hearing that her son had lain a the Barbarians? For not one amongst considerable time unburied, said, them hath fallen into Atheism, or with heavy groans and violent bewailhath doubted, whether there be Gods ings: "What shall thou my son, or not, and whether they take care of who aspired to heaven, and ardently us or not. None of them, neither pursued thy aim, shalt thou want what Indian, Celtic, or Egyptian, adopted the meanest men obtain, a grave and such opinions as did Euemeras the burial?" Thus she lamented her own Messenian, or Diogenes the Phrygian, calamity, and reproved his empty or Hippo, or Diagoras, or Sosias, or pride.

Epicurus. The forementioned Bar- No. 43.-Xenophon's love of elegance barians asserted, that there were in dress. Gods, who exercised a providence As Xenophon studied elegance in over us, and predicted future events other points,so hewas particularly fond by birds and tokens, and the entrails of handsome armour. For he used to of animals, and other prognostica- say, that the most splendid habit was tions all which things are arguments becoming him who had subdued his to men of the superintendence of the enemies; and that he who died in Gods. They also tell us many things battle would be gracefully extended, are foretold to them in dreams, and covered with beautiful armour, which by the stars. From a firm faith in would form at once the ornathese principles they religiously offer ments and the sepulchral dress of a sacrifices, and live in pure and holy brave man. The son of Gryllus is manners, and perform ceremonies, reported to have furnished himself and observe the law of orgies, and do many other things, which strongly express their worship and reverence of the Gods.

No. 40.-Of Alexander and the Lyre

of Paris.

with a shield from Argos, a breastplate from Athens, and helmet from Baotia, and a horse from Epidaurium. I must say, that I consider such a selection as indicating the man of taste, and a consciousness of his own dignity.

No. 44.-Demosthenes refuses Diogenes' invitation.

When Alexander visited Troy, a Trojan, as he was engaged in a close examination of every thing, came and shewed to him the Lyre of Paris. "I As Diogenes was dining one day in should much prefer," said he, "see- a tavern, he saw Demosthenes passing ing that of Achilles than that of Paris." by, and invited him in. On his deFor he was desirous of seeing the in- clining the invitation, “What," says strument on which a courageous sol- he, " are you ashamed to enter into dier sang the praises of brave men. a tavern, which is visited every day But as to the Lyre of Paris, to what by your master;" meaning the people was it suited, but to adulterous tunes, and every individual of them, to inti

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