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alteration of, form of application for,

in case of Patents, 206

Designs, 232

Trade Marks, 277



acceptance of complete specification, 16
request to amend specification, 27
amendment of specification, 33
petition for extension, 37


of application to register, 88, 96, 239

wood blocks or electrotypes to be furnished, 88, 239

of application to register a series, 240

of application to Cutlers' Company, 247


as to Patents before whom taken, 162
if made out of United Kingdom, 162


cannot sign application for a Patent, 4, 159, 178

may do all other acts on behalf of applicant, 4, 159, 178
if authorised in writing, 4, 178

may make all communications as to Designs, 73, 209

and as to Trade Marks, 87, 235

if authorised in writing, 256
'Agent," 87, 256

should sign as

may appear for applicant before Comptroller, 129, 211, 238


person not carrying on business in England may be an, 126
may apply for rectification of a register, 126

in what manner, 126

Court may order issue to be tried, 126

copy order of Court to be left at Patent Office, 126


interest acquired in Patent, to be registered, 36, 171


may apply for Patent, 2


forms of application for, 206, 232, 277


after registration, 128, 245

not allowed as to an essential particular, 128

only by leave of the Court, 128

notice of application to be given to Comptroller, 128, 245
application, how made, 128

notice of order of Court to be given to Comptroller, 128,
form of, 277



of application for a Patent, 10

Comptroller may require, 9

subject to appeal to law officer, 10, 11
approved after hearing applicant, 10

form of notice for hearing, 193

where containing more than one invention, 163

not to prejudice application for separate Patents, 163
of specification,

1. Clerical errors, 127

form of request, 205

2. Substantial Amendments,

i. No legal proceedings pending-
must not enlarge invention, 28
before or after sealing, 27, 29
by leave of Comptroller, 21
subject to appeal to law officer, 28
form of request for leave, 194
what it must contain, 168
advertisement of request, 27
opposition, 27, 169

form of opposition, 195

evidence on hearing, 169

appeal to law officer, 28

may be allowed after adverse judgment as to validity, 30
amendment not retrospective, 30, 32

unless original claim framed in good faith and with
reasonable skill, 32

practice generally as to amendment, 30, 168, 169

leave to amend conclusive, 28

except in case of fraud, 29

new specification may have to be lodged, 170

ii. Legal proceedings pending—

not always advantageous, 32


leave of the Court or a judge to be obtained, 31
copy order to be left with application, 170
trial may be postponed, 31

giving amendment in evidence, 32
fee, 32

advertisement of amendment, 33, 170
entered on register, 36


[blocks in formation]

as to 1. amendment of application, 10, 11
2. identity of the applications, 10, 11

3. refusal to accept complete specification, 14, 15

4. opposition to grant of Patent, 14, 15

practice on, 182, 183

form of notice of appeal, 207

to be given within 14 days, 182
evidence, 182, 183

hearing, 183

rules as to, 182, 183

to Board of Trade

as to 1. registration of a Design, 71, 74

form of notice of appeal, 226

applicant's case, 74

hearing, 74

2. registration of Trade Mark by Comptroller, 86, 89

form of notice of appeal, 271

statement of case, 89

notice of hearing, 89

may be referred to Court, 89

[blocks in formation]

must be in English language, 2
contain a declaration, 3

be signed by applicant, 4, 159

requires a £1 stamp, 4

2s. 6d. additional stamp if declared before

a Commissioner, 4, 179

to be accompanied by a specification, 3, 4

must contain an address, 159

may be sent by post, 4

when Agent may make, 159

how numbered, 4, 162

must contain one invention, 163

procedure where it contains more than one invention, 163

referred to an Examiner, 9

on what he reports, 9

his report not published, 9, 14

or open to inspection, 9, 14
except by order of Court, 9, 14
Comptroller may require amendment, 9
but only after report of Examiner, 10

and after hearing applicant, 10, 159
provided he desires to be heard, 10
form of request to be heard, 193
subject to appeal to law officer, 10

practice on appeal, 10, 11
rules as to, 182

acceptance of, 10, 163

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

for grant of Patent where a Patent revoked for fraud, 45
for leave to amend specification during action, 31, 32

to register a Design,

may be made by proprietor of Design, 70

form of, 225

or an agent on his behalf, 70, 209

must state nature of Design, 71, 219

class of goods in which Design is to be regis-

tered, 71, 72, 95, 219

may be signed by an agent, 73, 209

stamp required, 73

to be accompanied by sketch of Design, 73, 210, 219

and three drawings, 73, 210, 220

but one sketch may be sent in first instance, 219

size of papers and drawings, 209, 220

may be sent by post, 71, 74, 209, 210

acknowledgment of, 210

refusal of, 71, 74

applicant to be heard, 74, 211

request of applicant for hearing, 74

appeal to Board of Trade, 71, 74, 211

within one month, 74, 211

notice of appeal, 74, 211

form of notice, 226

requires £1 stamp, 74

applicant's case, 74, 211

directions as to hearing, 74, 212

notice as to time of hearing, 212

acceptance of, 74

certificate of registration forwarded, 210

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